Dream Dictionary Buffalo

Dream Dictionary Buffalo


If you have a dream that you see a buffalo it could be because you are currently in awe of something in your life. Have you seen something which was very strange or very awe inspiring? This could be why you are dreaming of the buffalo. The buffalo is thought of as a very awe inspiring creature. It is large and unique and can't quite be compared to any other animal out there. On top of that they are also rare. If you see one outside of the zoo and in its natural habitat you should consider yourself lucky. You met a creature which was brought to extinction as a direct result of intervention by the human race. The Native Americans were able to maintain a delicate balance with them when they were in control of the North American territory. However it has been a while since they have been in power and once they were displaced and taken out of mainstream society when the new Americans came in, the buffalo become endangered.

Basically the buffalo is a very rare and respected creature. We treat it with so much reverence. So to dream that you have seen a buffalo means that you have seen something worthy of attention and reverence. Perhaps you are traveling. When you have a dream like this, it means that you have seen something outside of your normal boundaries. Even though the buildings and culture in other societies are not that different than the ones that we have all cultivated today in our different modern societies, it is still a breath of fresh air and seems like it is something very amazing when you see it.

This is why it makes so much sense to have this dream if you are traveling. When you see the landmarks that you see everywhere else on the discovery channel or in pictures and paintings, it can totally floor you. Even if you do not have the dream when you are in the process of traveling the world, if you ever come back to think of it, you can have this dream again. The only other things in life that will give you such a much more reverential experience would be a religious revival or the birth of your child. This can be an amazing experience and might explain why you see buffalo in your dreams.

Another thing that the buffalo might mean is that you need to be more patient. To see a buffalo suggests that you need to be more patient and that you will discover much more this way. You will be able to have a much better experience and you will get much more out of it if you do this. Have you been short tempered with people lately? Has it alienated you or any of those around you? It could really behoove you to attempt to try to incorporate more patience into your daily life. This will make people like you more and it will bring you more fortune and success in the future.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Buffalo

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Buffalo Dream 2024-01-18 02:26:06
Dreaming of a buffalo carries deeply rich symbolism, weaving together threads of strength, endurance, and the raw power of nature. Buffalo stand as totems of the Earth, embodying the unyielding force of life that persists in the face of challenges. As dream symbols, they reflect significant energies in your waking life related to stability, resilience, and the ability to bear heavy burdens.

When a woman dreams that she slays numerous buffaloes, such a powerful vision could indicate her ambition and inner strength reaching a pinnacle moment. Killing buffaloes in the dream world is not merely an act of violence but represents the dominion over formidable obstacles. It suggests her readiness to take on an enormous venture that many might consider beyond their capability. However, the dream isn't just about the enterprise itself; it's about the journey and the transformation that occurs within her.

The dream points to a struggle between the pursuit of ambitious goals and the seduction of comfort and material pleasures. By exercising robust willpower and eschewing distractions, the dream is indicative of not only achieving professional success but also earning admiration and respect from others, especially from peers in her domain. Obtaining “long wished for favors” reveals a sense of finally achieving recognition and receiving the reward of her perseverance.

Seeing a buffalo in your dream also sends a message about the nature of the challenges you face. Buffaloes are powerful yet can be perceived as lacking cunning and wit, signaling that you may be up against formidable opponents who are strong but perhaps not strategically savvy. These enemies may confront you with a forceful and unwavering stance.

Despite their strength and potential intimidation, your dream hints that it's not brute force that will win the day but rather tact and diplomacy. The presence of buffaloes suggests that although you might feel pressured by these 'stupid enemies,' there is a path to avoiding the worst of the conflict. It is through clever negotiation, peaceful dialogue, and appealing to common sense that you will navigate the complexities of your situation and reduce the risk of significant misfortune.

Example of a Dream with the Buffalo Symbol:
In a sweeping prairie at dusk, you are standing amid a stampede of buffaloes thundering across the land. You are not harmed but rather at the center of this powerful force, directing it. As you raise your hand, the buffaloes come to an abrupt halt, steam rising from their flanks against the cooling air. You walk through the herd unopposed, making your way with confidence and purpose.

This dream taps into themes of leadership and control over formidable forces. The stampede mirrors the chaotic energies that perhaps surround you in your waking life. It could be the hustle of a demanding job, the pressures of a significant project, or the dynamics of a complex social situation. Your ability to stop and direct the stampede signifies a remarkable strength of character and the willpower to shape outcomes even when faced with overwhelming odds.

The fact that the buffaloes come to a standstill at your command implies a kind of mastery over your obstacles, and this symbolic gesture speaks to your need to stand firm and assert yourself amid life's tumultuous events. It suggests a latent capacity to orchestrate and influence, even when the stakes are high and the environment is unpredictable.

This dream encourages a recognition of your own power and potential. It serves as a reminder that, despite the possible presence of bullheaded (or buffalo-headed) adversaries in your path, you possess the inner fortitude and strategic mind necessary to navigate through and command respect in the face of challenges. It calls on you to tap into the primal force of the buffalo's spirit, to trust in your ability to manage the wild run of events, and to move forward on your journey with resilience and confidence.
virat 2014-09-09 19:52:17
you gonna die soon....
because i also had a dream about buffalo 22 years ago!!! (Y)
sharath 2013-10-14 16:07:38
i had a dream about buffalo
virat 2014-09-09 19:53:19
all the best...
no pain in death

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