Dream Dictionary Burglar

Dream Dictionary Burglar


If you dream that you are a burglar it means that you are trying to get away with something. A burglar is a dangerous individual and one that you would normally be afraid of. But to dram that you are one means that you probably committed a crime of some sort recently and you are hoping to get away with it. The other thing that burglars are known for is their stealth. Just like a burglar, you are hoping to skip by stealthily in life so that nobody notices what you did. Things will probably not be so easy for you though.

Likewise it is possible that you are dreaming that you are a burglar because you are actually not afraid of burglars anymore. To see yourself as a burglar means you have conquered your inherent fear of burglars that you might have had. Hopefully this will never come to your advantage. The only way it would ever be advantageous for you is if you had your house broken into. This is why it is hopeful that you never have to use this new found skill .However, if you have to, then you will be ready the next time you are confronted with danger.

If you dream that you see a burglar in the process of robbing your house, it means that you feel that your own defenses are down. You think that you have been too easy going and you have not come down hard enough when you noticed that things were going wrong. While it is good to be vulnerable for your friends because it lets them know who you really are, there are some times when you will need to be less liberal. Sometimes you need to have a hardened exterior and be able to roll with the punches going on around you.

To see that burglar suggests that you slipped up. You let down your defenses and someone took advantage of you. Who was it that betrayed you? Was it your wife, your best friend? Can you make out who the person that is stealing from you is? This might give you a clue because sometimes your mind will fill in that place with the memory of the actual person that you feel has wronged you.

To dream that a burglar has stolen from you and you get home to find that all of your stuff is gone is an indication of the idea that you need to be more careful with the way that you present yourself in the future. The only reason that a person will steal from you, unless it is a random attack, is if you are too over the top with your personality and flaunt your money too much. Don't let anyone know your financial assets. Keep all of that information secret, and with any luck, you will not have to worry about being stolen from in the future for real.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Burglar

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Burglar Dream 2024-01-18 02:00:39
To dream that a burglar sifts through your belongings or invades the very sanctuary of your person, is to be handed a whispered prophecy of confrontation with formidable adversaries in your waking life. These dream-born antagonists are not the mere thieves of material possessions; they are harbingers of deeper threats, clandestine enemies of your spirit lurking in the guise of new acquaintances or strangers. Such a vision demands a heightened sense of caution and vigilance. It warns that without the armor of discernment, the consequences may verge on the catastrophic, dismantling the foundations of your sense of safety and well-being bit by bit.

If the narrative of your dreamscapes leads you to witness a burglary in the realms of your domestic tranquility or within the halls of your professional world, be heedful of the symbolism at play. It speaks not just of a potential breach in security but of a broader assault upon your reputation and standing in business or society. These illicit visitors in the land of dreams represent forces or circumstances that may soon question your integrity or achievements, and challenge the respect you have cultivated.

Nevertheless, in the unfolding of such dreams, there is a quiet interlude where resilience and bravery are bestowed upon you. To confront this symbolic threat without yielding to fear is to arm yourself with a defense against the assaults that may come your way. These nocturnal episodes encourage you to face the oncoming storm with a heart of valor, thwarting the silent attacks that seek to undo you.

And yet, the dream of burglars carries with it a caution against potential mishaps that could befall one who proceeds carelessly after such a warning of the subconscious. It suggests that the disregard of such a powerful symbol might leave you open to the whims of chance and misfortune, with accidents lying in wait for the unwary.

Lurkers in the Night: A Dreamer’s Encounter with the Unseen Foe

Take, for example, the dream of Leonard, a gentleman of considerable standing in his community:

"One unsettled night, I was beset by a haunting dream wherein shadowy figures, faces obscured, were prowling through the dimly lit corridors of my home. I felt a deep helplessness as they rifled through my most personal possessions with cold efficiency. My heart raced with dread, not just at the violation of my privacy but at the unspoken implications of such a trespass.

Shifting uneasily between sleep and awareness, I then found myself standing in my place of business. Alarmingly, I was once more a silent specter to the burglary of my life’s work. Certificates and achievements, once displayed with pride, lay trampled under the intruders' boots. With a shock of realization, I knew that more than just physical items were being taken; my honor itself seemed to be under threat.

In a sudden surge of determination, I confronted these dream invaders. I called out with a voice that held the weight of my convictions, my courage a surprising counterpoint to the fear that had shackled me."

Leonard's account may resonate with the fear of unseen threats that many harbor. His encounter with the burglars rifling through his personal effects could represent deep-seated anxieties about trusting those he encounters daily. It is a subconscious interlude that sounds out warnings about potential deceit from those who present themselves as benign.

The sacking of his business may symbolize his insecurities about external perceptions, a conscious or unconscious acknowledgement of the precariousness of status and how external forces might aim to tarnish his well-crafted image.

Yet Leo nard’s dream also fortifies him with the courage to meet these threats head-on, suggesting he possesses the strength and fortitude necessary to uphold his honor against those who would silently undermine it.

In the tapestry of dream symbolism, the figure of the burglar is woven with threads of stealth and danger, but also those of revelation and inner strength. To dream of burglars is not merely a nightmare to be shaken off upon awakening, but a call to stand watchful and unyielding, guarding the treasures of the psyche and polishing the armor of one's conscience. It is a reminder that in the quiet and vulnerable hours, there may come challenges that seek to plunder, yet also provide the chance to reaffirm one's resolve and defend against the vagaries of fate.
:D Me Me 2015-06-05 02:27:49
Omwawza! Now I know what my dream means! Amazing grace, this is so awesome!

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