Dream Dictionary Burn

Dream Dictionary Burn


If you have a dream that you have a burn, this means that you probably regret something that you did in your past. You are paying the price for the thing that you did wrong and bearing it directly on your skin for all to see. As remorseful as you might be, you have to accept the fact that you have done wrong in your past and move ahead with that knowledge rather than dwelling on it. It will lead you nowhere in life if all you can do is think about what you've done wrong.

If you have a dream in which a burn covers your face, it suggests that you have a very low self esteem. You think that you are unattractive and thus you imagine yourself being disfigured by a burn and think that this is the way others perceive you. A good exercise that might help you increase your self esteem is to simply go around a social place and ask random people on dates. Even though it may not be the most wholesome activity, it is a good way to make sure that some people do indeed find you attractive. Even if the people don't really think you look all that great, the fact that someone would agree to go on a date with you from merely looking at your facial features and your outer beauty should prove to you that you aren't entirely unappealing. This can do wonders for the self esteem even if you don't believe it.

Dreaming that you have a burn on your hand suggests that you have your hands where they don't belong. You have been participating in activities that you know are wrong or that you know will result in pain and strife for you, but you keep doing them anyway because that is what you are inclined to do. This is a dangerous activity and one that should be stopped immediately. You cannot continue to do dangerous things if you keep seeing all of the consequences that you are seeing. And if you don't see any consequences currently, then you will soon, and you will definitely not like it very much at all.

Have you ever heard of the term play with fire and you'll get burned? To dream that you are burned might suggest that you have been doing something that you know was a bad idea, but you want to do it anyway because you like the thrill of it. No matter how thrilling something is, if it is life threatening, you probably should not do it. This should be common sense, but for some people it isn't so this does need to be stressed to anyone willing to listen.

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Burns dream 2024-01-18 01:58:13
To dream of a burn, particularly of the hand swept through clear and radiant flames, sings of the soul's commitment to its chosen path. The sting of the fire draws forth the clarity of your intentions and the refinement of purpose. With each tender wince felt in the dream, there is an undertone of celebration from the ethereal witnesses; it is the cosmos applauding your direction and sincerity. Such an endorsement foretells the lasting support and esteem you will find in your circle of friends, akin to the way a smith's furnace purifies gold, yielding nothing but the gleaming truth of your character.

Now, envision your dream-self striding across coals or a bed of smoldering embers, an act that in waking life would spell disaster, but within the dream heralds a fortitude beyond measure. This is an intimation of your innate strength to navigate life's blazing trials, your capacity to not just endure but to conquer even the most daunting challenges. That you may walk across fire and remain steadfast speaks to an invincibility of spirit, suggesting that the realms of impossibility are but nurseries for your blossoming will. This fantastic ordeal also promises the boon of unshakable health, as if the fire tempers you, making you robust against life's ills.

However, should the dream take a darker turn, where you find yourself overwhelmed by the inferno, the symbolism shifts. It becomes a portent of caution, igniting the awareness of betrayal by those you held dear. The fire here is not a crucible for purification but a warning flare, urging you to sift through your alliances for deception that may sear deeper than any flame could.

A Dream Alight: The Tale of Burning Ambitions

Consider the dream of Adrian, a young entrepreneur, who recounted the following nocturnal vision:

"I stood in a vast field as twilight caressed the horizon, painting the sky in violets and oranges. Before me loomed a bonfire, towering and magnificent. Drawn to its vitality, I approached and, possessed by a sense of destiny, plunged my hands into the flames. Rather than pain, I felt an awakening—a purity coursing through my veins. My hands were aglow, yet unscarred, and the people encircling the fire cheered in what I interpreted as a validation of my boldness.

Emboldened, I began walking barefoot across a bed of coals that lay in my path. Not a scorch nor singe did I feel, and I realized this was not just a dream of trials, but of triumph. I marched on with the vigor of ten men, my confidence at its zenith, knowing well that success was a mere stone's throw ahead.

But all was not well in this phantasmal challenge. My journey was interrupted when I found myself suddenly amidst a fierce blaze that surged skyward, beyond control. The flames, once allies, now raged with fury, and in the crowd's watchful eyes, I discerned a malice, a betrayal I had not anticipated. Choking on the smoke of duplicity, I awoke."

Through Adrian’s dream, we can gather insights into his subconscious workings. The flames encompassing his hands could illustrate his steadfastness and clearness of intent in his business ventures, as if ensuring the purity of his entrepreneurial spirit. The embers he trekked across may symbolize the herculean efforts he's willing to make for his aspirations, knowing his inner resilience will carry him through hardship.

However, the final conflagration symbolizes a fear lurking within his subconscious - one of trust misplaced and partnerships that might burn hotter and more destructively than any physical fire. The sobering jolt from sleep hints at the need for vigilance in his professional and personal relations.

Thus, in the realm of dreams, burns sing not of woe but of destinies forged in the flames of inner strength, the fire not just a trial but an opportunity to see how brightly one's courage can burn. It is in the delicate dance with fire where one's mettle is tested and where the soul acknowledges its potency to withstand the might of the inferno or heed its fiery cautions.
Shelly Robicheaux 2023-02-23 00:23:28
I had a dream the other night that I was being held down by my paw paw and he was pushing a lot cigarette to my skin on my back and burning me. This dream felt so real that I woke up clutching my back. It’s weird because why would my paw paw be the one burning me. He’s never done me anything wrong or bad. What could this mean??
Alien 2022-01-08 16:03:21
I had a dream that I was in a room changing, and then my butt was revealed. I saw my butt was sunburned.
Niyati Goswami 2021-10-09 11:57:46
I saw a dream where i was with my friend and I met some old friends too and was very happy. Then i saw about 4 big and large black and red coloured snakes on a tree with their mouth open looking at me. I thought they were about to fall on me, however, to my surprise I was not at all terrified and then the snakes crawled back slowly on the tree. Then i went to a restaurant with my friend where I embarrassed myself by seeing a dish as it was then only when I freaked out cuz of the snakes i saw earlier.
Pallavi 2021-05-26 02:19:36
Someone throw hot oil on my arm and i got burn boils on my arms
Hope b 2020-04-19 12:50:36
Last night I dreamt that I was trapped in my house and someone took a cast iron pan right off the oven and it still had food in it and dragged the pan slowly over my arms and legs and head and people were just standing and watching it happen
Erika Winters 2019-10-05 21:48:21
I had a dream where my friend's dad burned the palm of her hand with a lit cigarette
Aooobdbshs 2018-11-30 10:05:03
Last night I dreamt that people used flame throwers to burn my skin and burnt my arms and legs and body and I then had to peel all of the burnt skin off
Burning finger 2018-08-27 16:06:17
Last night I had a dream that I've never experienced before. I woke up startled out of my sleep, all I can remember was a fire, the size of a medium bonfire at night. Then when I woke up this morning my pinky finger on my right hand hurt so much and I tried squeezing it to see where it hurt the most and it's next to my finger nail that it aches. Maybe in my dream something being someone burned me a little for me to feel even the slightest bit of pain so when I woke up I would feel it and think back to the only part of the dream I could remember which was the fire. Your dreams are perfectly set up each time, even when you can't remember everything. You weren't meant to. Pray to the Lord for revelation of what you see in the dreams and he will give it to you in different ways, through which you will find understanding. Just ask for signs that will help you understand it and to wipe away all the demons that are trying to torment your mind while you sleep. He will protect you if you ask him to. Because you asking and believing shows you are able to trust his powerful love.
Casseyc95 2018-08-09 10:55:21
I just woke up cause i had a dream something or someone was burning my arm and it stung me in my dreams and yanking the heck out of my arms and i just recently woke up and i have a bruse mark on that same spot i was getting burn at and my arms are so hurting right now. What does that mean?
Angel 2018-07-06 13:46:29
Last night I had a dream that depicted me getting a really big burn on the top of my head. I'm curious to know what it means.
lillian 2018-06-10 21:09:34
i had a dream that someone was burning my feet with a curing iron. all i remember was sitting in a chair and someone just burning my feet till they were black. i cant stop thinking about what it meant.

Marilize 2018-06-04 08:54:26
I had a dream last night about a client who sends me an order through her son. He leaves a note with 2 burning cigarettes on the burglar bars in my bedroom while im sleeping. Almost like he was stalking me
2018-05-24 06:01:13
I had a dream where I couldn't see any fire, but I could feel the intense heat. It was burning my knee and lower thigh area. I got away from the heat and I could see where I was burned and it still hurt to the touch. I remembered it pretty vividly. I wouldn't want to experience it again. It sucked.
Harsh tomar 2019-03-08 02:07:09
Same dream brother and same feeling
Blanca 2018-04-07 04:02:21
I am currently not speaking to one of my cousin's, we were very close and so last night I dreamt that I saw him and i thought he had hicky's and so I asked him and he gave me a confused and worried look and simply showed me that they were burn marks.
Melanie Romaguera 2018-04-01 10:11:13
I just dreamt last night that my daughter burned her hand while im cooking she burned her hand by touching it and then i put ointments on her hand i got scared i hope i could know whats the meaning of it i got so worried and i cant stop thinking about it. Thank you hope to hear it soon godbless.
Ankush pandit 2018-02-16 07:08:09
I dreamt of about my mother around 5 o'clock early morning and her hand got cut by something from elbow and fall in truck where my mother hand started to burn ...only ashes left and her hand gold jewellery. where truck person start to fight with me that he will take my mother jewellery and i deny her i started fight with him about my mother hand jewellery and i'm crying inside .and suddenly woke up
What should I make of this dream.
i hope everything is fine.


Emma 2018-01-16 05:03:57
I had a bad dream that still makes me sick to think about it. People were in a circle and taking turns using the weird object to burn their face. Each time it got passed around the circle their face go more badly burnt then one woman burnt her face so bad her whole face and teeth melted off and her eyes popped out and she ran around screaming like she didn’t want to burn her face that bad. It was so awful and randomly weird
mona 2018-01-11 04:44:04
i had a dream of having three burned circular bulging outward marks at the backside of my neck. kindly reply on this
Ana 2017-12-28 13:59:57
I had a dream that while I was lighting the gas with the lighter it fought fire may be cos of some leakeage. I couldn't control the fire by turning off the gas or couldn't understand what to do. Please explain what it means. I was too terrified and shouted while sleeping. Was awaken from the sleep.
Rebel 2017-10-20 12:13:39
I have had an occurring dream ever since I was child, for as long as I can remember and I dont understand it. In my reoccurring dream I am asleep in my bed, this black figure comes out of my closet and stands next to my bed staring at me for a little bit then bends down hums a song that I remember someone used to sing to me but I'm not sure who, the black figure holds my left wrist while humming the tune, and when the humming stops I wake up screaming due to a burn of a handprint on my left wrist. Does anyone know what this could possibly mean.
A foreign friend 2017-12-13 09:26:44
Maybe it's because you're stressed out? Sometimes the things you like will not always be shown to you. And what you call a song, you should be a song that left a deep impression on you when you were a kid? Maybe it's your guilt about the singer. Some of the things you do cause bad effects. The fire left its mark on your left wrist. Then leave a contrite pattern on your left wrist. God is with you.
Manpreet 2017-10-01 21:42:41
I had a dream very weird . I have this friend my classmate but not close enough that I miss him . But I dreamed of a death of his grandmom and the place where I went to meet him to pay my condolence was all bright yellow but when my friend stood up to hug me he was all burnt and in big blusters on his back . I heard him saying I love you . But I couldn't understand the dream . Can you please explain me what does it mean ?
Jannet 2017-08-31 12:04:55
I had a dream last night that made me cry. I really want to know the meaning of it. I was walking into the kitchen and I see my mom by the oven and it's really hot. The oven is open and she's standing right next to it. She's doing like squats? But she's sweating, horribly. I tell her to get away from the oven. I think I even grab her. Then all of a sudden she's inside the oven and she's burning. I could see her skin burning and I tried pulling her out, but she didn't want me too. I still did and, she was burned badly, so badly her skin crumbled and black. But I didn't care. I hugged her& cried, not caring about me burning, as I hugged her. I would really like to know the meaning of this, please and thank you.
Josee 2017-08-15 12:39:06
I had a dream I had burns going up my arms

Sierra 2017-07-11 07:31:10
I had a dream where I saw my friend setting someone's face on fire?
Janet 2017-06-13 21:57:25
Last night, I had a dream that was normal as usual, but then as it started to end, in the dream, I was walking back to my house and a long strip of fire started to extend and went straight to me. It targeted my left shoulder.. What does this mean??
Laura Lynne 2017-06-16 19:44:24
Your left side usually represent your unconscious or the past, & it could be both in this case; the dreamer determines. The fire usually represents passion or anger & the shoulder represents what you carry. It can also relate to your self-esteem. Seeing as you were outside of the house, this reflects what you put out toward the world, not what you keep inside. Perhaps someone you've been taking care of hasn't treated you bright & your unconscious is trying to relate this to you. Perhaps you feel guilty about someone you're helping whether you're embarrassed or you don't feel you've done enough. Only you can determine what it's telling you. My advice is look into all meanings of every detail of your dream, then write them down & circle those who most apply
nick 2016-12-20 06:02:30
last night I have dream with my hands burning turning to ash, I can see the flames within the flesh and the veins that turned dark. yet i feel calm while watching my burning hands.
BurningHand 2016-08-07 05:36:55
Last night I had a dream my wrist caught alight. I could feel my heart beat in my wrist but in my dream it appeared in the form of boils which disappeared and reappeared. My hand felt like it was burning!

The same night I was feeling lonely and wanting company/companionship. I walked past a brothel on the way back but came back cause I saw a woman in the window from the corner of my eye. I never wanted to go to one of these places in the past due to pride and not wanting to seem low but I gave into my curiosity.

I felt bad for spending so much money when I have just moved out of home and also didn't like it so much as it wasn't like having it with a girlfriend. I guess I feel shameful but at the same time I want it but want it to be the real thing.
supreet 2015-05-06 21:24:31
May b this article belong my life .. .hopefully this will b gud for me .. thanksssss.. . .

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