Dream Dictionary Burning House

Dream Dictionary Burning House


To dream that you are witnessing a random house burning down suggests that you are beginning to realize your connection to the rest of humanity. This sounds like something that should be obvious, but some people can go their whole lives without feeling that sort of kinship from one human to another purely because of the fact that they are both human and feel the same feeling son occasion. You have finally seen yourself as a part of this great tapestry that we call life.

The reason that this interpretation makes sense is because of the range of emotions that you display when something like this happens. You see all kinds of different things going on and feel the pain of the family that was involved. You know what it is like to be in their situation because you are human too. And even if you don't feel exactly the same way as they do and don't know exactly what it is like to have your house burn down, it means that you know what it is like to feel the swirled mélange of emotions that they are feeling. The fact is, even though you have never been in their situation, you are human and you can sympathize. Though there might not be any houses around you that are actually burning, you can take this new-found can-do attitude and use it to help others. Make them feel good about themselves and possibly try some charity work too. It will make you feel good as well.

If you dream that it is your own house that is burning down then this suggests that you feel like your life is coming down around you. You have probably made some poor decisions in the past and they are coming back to bite you. You are going through a period of complete and utter ruin and nothing is salvageable from the rubble. You will have to either rebuild your life anew, or move somewhere else and take everything you have left with you. This is metaphorically speaking of course. But sometimes your troubles follow you. Just remember that if you try to run away from your responsibilities and what matters to you.

To dream that your childhood house is burning down does not have a meaning that is as tragic as you might think. To see your childhood home burning down in your dreams could just mean that you have finally left your past behind you. Even after we get old and grow up there are many things in our pasts that we try to cling to, In some cases this can be healthy and a good idea but in other cases it might be better to just let things go so you can move on from your childish ways. In some ways seeing your childhood home burn down in your dreams is a good thing. And you should remember this before you go out and do anything rash in regards to that dream.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Burning House

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Candace 2022-05-30 11:16:25
I had a dream about my seeing my neighbors house burnt but it didn't touch my house( I live in a deplex) the only thing that was damaged was my car. I did not witness the fire in my dream . I just came home and seen this. Does anyone have any idea what this means
Steffen 2019-04-18 15:09:45
I had a dream about a burning house, only once have I ever had it, the girl I've loved for so long was in one of the rooms, I picked her up but I couldn't get her out, I put her back down on the bed and her recent bf came in, picked her up, and took her outside with no hassle, that left me so angry..
Amber 2018-01-27 05:41:42
I had this dream of a house i reconized as a place i used to live. It was a place of happiness. In the dream the house was on fire but not burning. A little girl was running away from this house. I seen this girl when she was early twenties and then 6-7 years old, like i saw her ghost. Then i saw her in a dream and she was in a shed, bleeding in a shed with a little moon light and she was abput 12 years old. But in the dream she was running away from the non burning house and then my vison was getting closer to her. Then i hand that looked like the person was wearing a leather glove stabbed her. When she fell he picked her up then ran away. When i saw this girl those three times plus this dream she was wearing a white dress and had long dark black hair. Please, PLEASE someone tell me what this mean. Im afraid this spirit is endanger and is also trying to protect me. Does anyone have any idea what these things mean?
Rachel 2017-08-22 11:53:20
Last night I had a dream that a stranger came to my front door and took a lighter to the rod iron door. He lit it on fire and then when he got in, he hid. My family of 3 were able to escape out through the front door and then called the cops. They found him in a hallway coat closet squatting down and looking up at them with no problem. What does this mean?
Sydney 2017-01-16 09:00:38
When I was younger, my house burned down on Christmas, and it never seemed to affect me because I was so young, but lately I have been having VERY detailed dreams, that connect with everything in my life, involving just a normal neighborhood home that I have never seen before in reality, (but it is always the same house) and a house next to it that is not dilapidated but a little run down and less new, and it always burns down at the beginning of the dream, and no one seems to care, and my dream goes on with the big newer house next to it and slowly in the backround this house is being fixed, but no one gives any attention to it and I go about my life in the other house in the dream, but I am never living in either house. Very hard to explain, but very strange in my mind. Does it have a deeper meaning?
Mireia 2016-10-16 09:57:29
Yesterday night I dreamt I had three children (I am pregnant with the first, a girl), two girls and an older boy. I woke them up very early in the morning, still dark, got them up, set the house on fire and left with them. Then the boy went to school as if nothing had happened, but we could smell the fire of the whole apartment building burning down a couple blocks away.
Araceli 2016-07-11 23:46:52
I had a dream about my house that I lived in since birth being burned down. I remember crying about how I didn't have a chance to save my hard drive (family pictures with my late father). During the house exsplosion, I turned around and /everyone/ whom had an impact on me were standing in multiple rows and I watched them burn like candle wax. I woke up crying, I get the burning house part , but not the aftermath /:
adela 2016-05-18 07:26:37
I had a dream that I was with my family in a burning childhood house and that my grandmother fell in the flames and we told here to stay a away from them and my sister fell there too but I hold her and came for her and took her out and then we saved ourselves from the burning house. It was in a house of my father and we don't have good relationship with him and grandma but he was not there
Lifa 2016-05-10 07:50:21
I dream dreamt that I set fire to my dead grandmothers house with her inside sitting on her favorite chair ,with my mother standing inside by the door way and some children and my mother doesn't want to come out of the house she left by the door and went inside.
Ruby 2016-03-29 20:10:01
I had a dream that pretty much my entire town burned down. I was with other people (can't really remember who, friends and/or family most likely) and in the burning buildings with them. I felt a little scared but mostly calm while the others were scared out of their minds. Then I woke up as if nothing had happened. I have really weird dreams.
cherry 2015-11-17 15:49:57
I had a dream about burning our house with my mom in it. She came out ok after all...
dave 2015-11-17 11:29:39
I'm relived that other people are experiencing this. last night i had a dream that i set a random house on fire near my old neighborhood, ran home and listened to the sirens and firetrucks as it was around the corner. very weird to me

Kristina W 2015-10-24 20:43:19
I had a dream that a fire was coming for my house. It made it there and my family and I were running from it. Suddenly the fire was all around us and we knew we weren't going to escape from it. So my sister, dad, mom, and my cat and I huddled in a circle and let the fire burn. I felt like I was dying and I woke up and started crying. What does it mean because I'm afraid to dream again.
Iraqi vet 2015-08-24 12:10:16
I have had this bad dream that happens once in awhile where I am in some random house. A foreign house where I am fighting a foreign man. Someone I have never seen before. The building around me is burning down around me. I am trying to get out, but this man is preventing me from leaving. I see burning bodies in the background. The dream feels so vivid. I feel so bad after it. It seems like I punch in my sleep as well. I feel so bad for my wife because she is the receiving end of my bad dreams. I am simply heart broken. I want to make those dreams stop.
Tisha Hanifan 2015-09-30 06:25:05
My father is a Vietnam Vet. He still carries the burden he somehow earned. We learned at a very young age not to sneak up on him or wake him out of a sound sleep. First of all, thank you so much for serving! Secondly, I am not a professional but it sounds like your dream symbolizes your life. Perhaps like the burning house that you can not escape, you also have feelings and emotions tied up in Iraq that you need to deal with. Sounds like you are still stuck there and something is preventing you from moving on. Since dreaming of fire represents a change or transformation in your life, I would say that it is time to move on and life in the here and now and something is keeping you there. Explore the emotions and feelings from your tour of duty and I bet you find peace within yourself, as well as your dreams. Good Luck!
Rk 2015-06-30 17:32:03
Mine is a bit similar, I'm in some house, never seen it before in my life, but it's always the same house, and I get stuck inside while it burns down around me, until I catch on fire, die, then wake up in my bed. All I can remember feeling is calm the longer I see the flames
Alice 2015-06-19 11:58:01
I've had the same dream over and over again for the passed few month ,the house where my mother grew up was burning {I've only ever been inside twice } as it was burning I felt as if I needed to find something and as the dream of me watching it burn went on and the more times I had the dream I got closer to the door and finally the last time I had dreamed anything at all I opened the door and watched as the floor and everything else was burning ,I could smell the smoke and feel the heat as I took a step inside and just stood in the burning doorway .I still don't know if this means anything but this sites got some interesting answers ....
dede1234 2015-06-12 22:58:30
I had a dream where my family and I were going to baptize an evil spirit who was a teenager at school a female, all of a sudden we ended up at a apartment on the 2nd floor.. We were watching it and it was dark at night.. We knew it had burned down a year ago and someone died in there, he was unable to escape the fire, so he was trapped in there. We watched the apartment and I could see his spirit wandering around inside from the windows. Later, I heard my dog crying inside I went after my dog into the apartment and cried to let him go and he wouldn't. It was weird because I could talk and see him as a regular person, I got so angry and screamed at the top of my lungs to let go of my dog and he took me in the apartment and trapped me inside with him. I was scared to death, next thing I knew I had to burn down the house even if I had to die in it with my dog that I love so much. Before I died I prayed and I woke up. #trippy (o.o)
Endie 2015-04-03 04:04:29
I dreamed that i was watch a movie then in this movie the was fire i didnt see where it coming from nd the were 6 acters on it and they were fighting but dont know why they fight , the fire spreaded the whole house evryone didnot get burnt bt the was a 6year old son got burned and died thee. What does this dream mean?
Raja 2015-01-13 04:11:03
I had a dream of my father in law burning himself. I got up happy thinking it must be true. What does that mean that burning of father in law in dream.
progress 2014-11-13 20:11:50
Ma mum n I we dream the same dream bt different ones she dreamed her house burning n the smoke goes up to the roof ( white smoke) then I dream black ashers like. Volcano (black n red) comming inside the house how do u xplain that does it mean anything?
Dreamer715 2014-11-11 04:51:52
I found myself inside the house, alone. I was at the second floor of the house and looked through window to find a couple watching and staring at the house. I then set fire to the house. The house was all wood, no cement. I then realized it was a haunted house. Another couple?€”not the same ones I saw through the window?€”walked inside to find me. I didn't go in any room. All I did was running through the long and flamed hallway,passing the doors in which could've hidden in. My heart pounded as I ran. I didn't knew why I was running at the first place nor how I ended up in a haunted house. At the end of the hallway I had to make two choices:go to my left path or my right. The left path leaded to a door in another room. But my body moved itself and chose the right path:to the basement. I hid there,not caring that the house was on fire. It was confusing on how I got to the basement at second floor though.
Grapetooth 2014-10-17 01:20:44
My dream takes place at night, with myself and several others witnessing it. THere is a burning house, but it is actually the drama of a couple that died in a fire in this house. They were in a very bitter fight, the house caught fire, and they burned in the fire along with the house, which was later reconstructed. We were witnessing a replay of the events, sort of a haunting.
brianna 2014-08-19 16:30:33
i had a dream that a house burnt down my friends house. not my house but my room was in that house for some reason. the whole house burnt down except for my room??? what could that mean?
Sareena 2014-07-19 20:13:27
I dreamt that I left the stove on overnight and saw the flame in the morning and shut it off when I woke up and started to notice that different pieces of furniture on walls and cabinets had been melted and lightly burned. My ex husband helped me fix a cabinet that burned off the wall of the house and began to fall down on my child which I stopped and saved her. My parents were standing there too, helping me clean up.
What does this all mean??

James 2014-06-28 16:42:44
It would provide a good explaination to my dreams earlier in the year, when things were at my complete lowest. I dreamt of walking home to find smoke, which turns out to be my house. I try to save my family but everyone dies but me. This dream kept re-accuring so I started to question why.
Gabby 2014-06-25 18:12:41
I think this is a great site.. i love the interpretations.. i find it very real in my own assessment..
Enjel 2014-02-21 01:02:53
I think this is the best definition for my dream. Almost the same.
Hyun K Juan 2013-07-26 02:45:12
what if a friend takes u to a house and burns down a house on purpose with an innocent family in it? it is not randomly, and it is not my own house.
jd 2013-05-25 14:27:14
What if you dream of walking up to the house which is still smoldering, the fire crew has left, it's a sunny day, and you feel okay about it. There is a person that represents someone from the past is sitting by the house, looks happy and (from what you sense) is wondering what is next. You think in the dream the house can be rebuilt. The home is not your home but a home that looks like a house which you and the person lived by (same neighborhood) from the past ?

Helen 2013-01-31 15:11:14
This is a good website. It is the only one that gave me a clear and meaningful answer

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