Dream Dictionary Bus Accident

Dream Dictionary Bus Accident


To dream of a bus accident suggests that you have been trying to work more communally lately. You have probably been active in your community trying to enact legislation and get people involved in causes. This is one possibility for a reason that you would be dreaming of a bus. If you haven't been getting involved in the community at large then perhaps you have just become more involved with your more localized community within your life such as your main group of friends. Are you making an active attempt to be friendlier and more accepting of those around you? It will probably show.

However, to dream of a bus accident suggests that what you have been doing has not been working. Despite your best efforts, your advances are being rejected. You have been trying to foster a sense of community with those around you or you have been trying to insert yourself in the lives and communities of others, but it has simply not been working. To see the bus crashing, this means that the whole community is being brought down with it.

It is possible that it is your fault that the bus is being brought down. Maybe the people around you that you have been trying to help were better off without you and you are just making things worse now. Perhaps your attempt at being more friendly or making friends with those around you has caused all of those people that you were friends with to lose their friendship with each other. You have created an interruption or distortion in the equilibrium and it is causing you to bring down the entire group. You might want to take this opportunity to bow out before you cause too much damage.

Another meaning that is possible for a dream in which you see a bus crashing is that you see some kind of horrible tragedy happening soon. A car crash is a big deal, but for two cars crashing into each other, even if every car was back to the brim and everyone died would kill maybe ten people at maximum. A bus packed to the brim can hold fifty people or even more on some occasions depending on how many people the bus driver is willing to let in. To see all of these people dying in the crash could mean a significant worse tragedy or interruption than anything that could come from a normal car crash. Try to avoid doing anything that you know is dangerous and try to avoid making any controversial decisions for a while until you feel like you are in the clear. This is how it will work in the end and it will make it easier on you to accept. You cannot save everyone in situations like this so you must focus on saving yourself.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Bus Accident

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Lucy 2023-08-11 14:45:15
I had a dream where I was talking to my friend about how the bends on the road were scary on a double decker bus because I was always scared it'd tip, then the bus did tip over but for some reason I was completely calm and content and everyone else seemed to be silent too
Alex 2023-08-02 09:16:04
I had a dream that me and my family were in the car and I was driving and cars were on the wrong side of the road so I had to veer away and my car avoided all of the desil trucks but then a school bus crashed into us. I was alive but I dint know about anybody else cuse I woke up. any idea what that could mean?
HeliosEos 2023-11-28 18:13:24
Dream interpretation is not an exact science and is highly subjective, but here are some common themes and potential meanings for the elements of your dream:

1. Driving with Family: This could suggest a sense of responsibility you feel for your family's well-being and the direction your collective life is taking.

2. Cars on the Wrong Side of the Road: This element might symbolize unexpected challenges or obstacles in life that are coming at you in a way that feels 'wrong' or counter to what you are used to.

3. Avoiding Semi Trucks: Successfully maneuvering around the trucks could represent your ability to avoid larger problems or navigate complex situations effectively.

4. Collision with a School Bus: School buses typically represent the idea of learning or the journey of understanding. Crashing into a school bus might symbolize a sudden and impactful event in life that provides a learning experience or profoundly changes how you view certain aspects of your life.

5. Uncertainty about Family's Well-being: Not knowing the fate of your family may reflect fears about their security, well-being, or the outcome of a situation that affects all of you.

6. Waking Up Before Resolution: Often in dreams, we wake up before a resolution, which can indicate anxiety about unresolved issues or the fear of potential outcomes in various areas of waking life.

The dream may reflect underlying anxiety or concern about life's unpredictability and your preparedness to deal with problems that arise, especially regarding your family's safety or the trajectory of their lives—both normal concerns that many people experience. If you often feel responsible for others, this dream may also reinforce your concern about making the right choices when others are counting on you.
Mike 2023-05-14 13:38:21
I had a dream of a bus crashing and rolling down a hill with kids screaming.when i got down there saw a bunch of dead bodies of kids and adults and people screaming. For some reason i said i can bring them back and performed some type of anastasis to bring them back but by doing so I released a demonic force inside me. Made me do things i didnt want to do and than the authorities were looking for me and i was on the run with a woman who i think was my girlfriend but didnt recognize.
Josh 2023-05-07 10:42:48
I had a bad dream about a bus and train crash half of the people were dead and only me was conscious since I was in the back
VKavya 2023-02-14 20:45:06
Got a dream about someone unknown person got the server bus accident
Kyani 2023-01-25 02:23:44
I saw me and my myself sitting in the big university transport bus and we were crossing our school fountain which is round. When the bus tries to go around the fountain, it loses balance and falls on the left side leaving us all in there. Everyone is pretty much unconscious. I was worried about my sister and also about suffocation. So I went ahead and opened the airway very difficulty. After that I got unconscious aswell and when I woke up everyone was cheering me and crying out loud my name that I saved all the people but I couldn't remember doing it. I vaguely remembered it being some other girl (who was my class fellow and was a topper in high school back then). My little sister was safe and sound and was treated as a hero. I successfully saw myself swimming in the water and was very happy about it although I cannot swim. Then I came to know that the water level was not even deep. It was quite shallow. So I thought maybe I really couldn't swim. This dream was really disturbing because I saw my little sister in it. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered it.
Bella 2023-01-11 14:13:24
I was riding a bus and then another bus fell over because it was turning really fast. So then the bus I was in the driver started going really fast. So then there was another bus and I went on the top of the bus and the busses crashed and I flew off into a tree.
Shivani 2022-12-07 22:57:26
in my dream i have seen myself under the bus bt wasnt injured
Anon 2022-01-25 20:54:21
I’m with my sister and mom in the beach having fun then suddenly a bus was here with passengers then the road seems not good at all then it got stuck first then the driver max it to 140 then after it ended up falling down to a metal luckily no one get hurt
puleng 2021-11-12 01:44:52
i was in the bus and it went straight and crashed these house and fire was coming out. on the dream i felt like i was the one who distracted the bus driver
Erika 2021-09-28 07:50:47
The dream was fast, Fast paced, cut out a lot to important parts, etc etc. like a rewind of what the outcome was. Anyways, busses were taking people away, maybe because of weather, husband got on one with a bunch of people I kinda have known through my life and me and the kids got on a different one.
We find out one of the buses of 45 had crashed and sure enough my guy was on it. Race to the hospitals can’t find him anywhere!
Weeks go by, no phone call, no “I’m at this hospital” nothing, I think he’s dead.
Take kids to a school football game, see him and his lady living their best life there in the crowd laughing at me and the kids because we found them happy. They were so high above me on the bleachers, the bleachers were packed and they are just pointing and laughing at me and the kids.
This whole dream I’m just mad because he was hurt and I couldn’t find him. Not even mad he is with someone else.
Cheyanne 2021-08-05 08:42:54
I had a dream that I was at some building. I don't remember what it was but I know it was important. I was trying to leave on time in order to get to school so I wouldn't miss my class (college). I was leaving in a hurry and saw my friend (real life friend) and asked her if she was going and she said no. I said ok and ran out because I didn't want to be late. Along the way I was interrupted and I couldn't find my car. By the time I got to my car I knew I was going to be late and decided to just go home. On the way home, down the street from my house there were buses lined up along the street filled with kids. Next thing I know a school but comes flying down a steep hill crashing through two school buses from the sides. All three buses had small kids on them. I slowly drove passed the hill the bus came flying down from and noticed two more buses waiting up top. A bus attendant or maybe a teacher yelling up to the buses move back don't come down. And I look back at the buses that crashed and see a bus crushed into two other school buses that got pushed back into a house. I don't know what this means but I woke up feeling sad for that tragedy and unsure what this all means.

Lucky 2021-06-14 00:39:52
I got a dream , I am on someone's bike at back they were crossing the road suddenly bus apppeard.that bus driver used break.hence we were safe.i am almost near the glasses of bus. Said thanks to the driver and God 🙏
Virgil Martin 2021-02-14 15:19:54
I once had a dream where I walked in the front of the bus and the cockpit of the bus was missing. The bus was full of kids so I had to take immediate action. When the bus was going slow enough I told some of the kids to jump out until I was able to shove a shopping cart into the ground causing the bus to stop. I saved all the kids and after that I received a presidential award directly from the president. If anybody knows what this could mean please text me via email; martinvirgilfootball@gmail.com
Makai 2020-05-25 19:24:46
i had a dream i was in a bus with a wholleee bunch of kids & this dude kept bothering me , & it was storming .. & the bus driver got up & forgot to put his breaks on .. & the bus fell in the flood of water , dead ass a river & then i woke up to my heart beating
Ruby 2020-04-02 03:55:40
I had a dream that I was leaving the airport with my family and there was airplane busses and they could turn into planes and the bus was to go up into the air and follow one of the planes in the sky but the bus crashed into the plane that was too close to the ground, skidded across the ground, hit a small wall and tumbled over towards me and my family. My dad started speeding to get out in time which he did but when the bus stopped tumbling it ended standing upright.
Just wondering what this means since I am a young teenager?
Paris klausen 2020-02-12 23:17:14
I had a dream that was too vivid to forget i didn't see the bus crash but i just ran to this lake and saw people trying to swim away just a few and its like the water was clear for a second i could see people still stuck in the bus, so naturally my instincts said save who you can i could see the persons face so vividly yet i have never seen or met this face before what does this mean?
Bryan 2019-08-04 21:21:44
I had a very bad dream about bus were everyone of my entire family are in it including all the people i treasured a lot. We supposedly going to have a trip. While we our on a bus the first accident happens but i can't remember what it is? But before we go through my mom, dad, and my little sister decided to go home and stay at home. So me and my other sister, my cousins and my best friend and other friends chose to continue. Then everyone of us got separated everyone of them already inside of the bus. So me i rush running to get inside of the bus but as we notice there something happen it like a earth quake so me and my other cousin that show out of nowhere rush to go down so me as well then i started to see that the stare are collapsing then the buses are falling up side down were they're head are facing down. I saw every single bus falling hoping that my sister are safe same with my cousins and best friend. While we our in the area were everyone our dead i just found out only three of us are safe me, my cousin that show out of nowhere, and my uncle. I just keep crying, crying and crying and scream why does that happen??!! Then i receive a text from my mom sayin "bad". Then i continues to cry.
Phoebe 2019-06-10 10:05:18
I had a dream about sitting in a bus. Everything was going well until someone decided to jump in front of the driving bus. And mind you, the bus driver did not even stop. He ran that person over. Then I began screaming and shouting at him to stop multiple times. And boom, he ran another person over. I was screaming and crying at the same time. The bus driver would just not stop. I woke up drenched in sweat, fear and tears. I wonder what my dream wanted to tell me.
Courtney 2019-04-06 12:45:48
I had a dream where I was with my boyfriend then we went for a walk to meet up with my mom and on that walk a cop came to me and some other (bigger) lady and was yelling at me saying he has a warrant for my arrest and I was super confused because I didn’t do anything, so I look st the girl he’s fighting to get and I was like look at me and lifted my shirt, do I look like the girl in you’re description? A white fenal approximately 5 feet about 190 pounds. Then he got super mad and walked away so I walked onto the side of the road and stood there, then the cop was driving a bus at high speeds and hit the other girl on the side of the road and she went flying, I was scared I was next so I ran. then I woke up
Donna 2018-12-20 16:05:58
I don't remember the dream, but I was told I started to scream in my sleep and was woke up and asked what was wrong and that I replied "I just dreamed I got hit by a bus"
just curious what it might mean
Alex 2018-10-29 10:38:31
So, I just had a dream about a bus accident. I was watching a bus go fast on a road until it crashed. As I got closer I saw some people were hurt and bleeding but there were already medics helping them. This whole time as I was watching this terrifying scene I was covering my little sister's eyes. The people on the bus was a group that knew each other, like a school team or something since there were lots of children present. This whole dream I for some reason felt guilty??? like as if it was my fault that the bus crashed. From various sources I think it might mean that I'm going to let a group of people down and that might be why I felt guilty...
jay 2018-10-11 00:41:12
had a dream about the bus suddenly cashed and slipped and fall in the overpass the next day it really happened. I saw a woman carrying her baby and she was ejected in the window other people we're still on the bus the only person that i saw ejected in the bus was the woman and the child. i'm still wondering what could be the meaning of this, open for any opinions thanks a lot.
Robyn 2018-08-17 03:19:32
I had a dream where I was on this blue bus built for going through rough terrain, but this one broken tree blocked the pathway and caused the bus to topple over, making me, the only one on the open top deck fly off the bus and hit the floor, skidding a few feet. I saw 3 of my friends rushing towards me shortly after they got out of the bus before it nearly crushed them. It then faded to me in the PE changing rooms with a person trying to poke the huge purple scab on my side, presumably from where I went on a skidding trip.

Any ideas?

Wennny 2018-08-11 10:21:42
I had a dream I was in a yellow school bus and the bus driver was driving so fast then he quickly made a 90 degree turn which made the bus roll over continuesly i felt like I could here people screaming and I looked towards my window and we hit a white blank wall and I knew it was the end for me
Rebecca 2018-10-03 06:13:37
I had a very similar dream to this, except instead of hitting a white wall, we were all thrown from the bus. There were only 4/5 of us, including this little girl who got thrown into traffic. I ran to save her, but she stood up and was fine. I saw her later in the dream sequence and said hi, but she never answered.
Manny 2018-08-08 17:09:02
Im a middle schooler and i got on the wrong bus & went to the wrong school so when i got back on the bus we went down this long hill, so long the bus lost gravity and flew up then smashed on the ground and we started rolling on a field , ( my hands were on the seat infront of me , keeping me in my seat). and we rolled past a field of like 17 yr old college students and teachers and once we stop rolling we was in the woods and they all ran to us, and i got out and i couldnt hear but then it came back after a while . and then the bus dissapeared , but then web started looking for it and it made a whole so deep down in the ground it look like the bus fell off the grand canyon ( search up grand canyon if needed).
A 2018-08-06 07:36:53
I just want to know what it means when I’m involved in a double decker crash, I was on the top deck and it spun and then tipped over. All my close family that I live with was with me in the seats beside me
John connor 2018-05-31 21:51:47
Hard a dream where my fathers friend was drivING the bus, passed the bridge and chrashed it into gigant rocks near bridge. I passed out, woke up in dream of course, went looking for father. Driver said hes Hurt and been brought to a hospital. Then I saw my mother (passed away 7yrs ago), looked at her if shes ok. She said im ok, But when I looked behind her she was missing 1/4th of her head on the back side. It was so real that I remembered all the details. Had same dream 3yrs ago. Exactlly same in details.
Lele 2018-05-19 03:59:51
My dream started out with me on my second bus picking up a student(I switch buses), which didn't make sense because that bus was used to transport female high schoolers from their nearest elementary school, to the high school. Anyways, the bus turned into a narrow road just barely wide enough to supportt a bus. As that was happening, for some reason my friend (sitting next to me) said"this is probably the nun's house. I opened my mouth r
To respond, but before I could, the bus slid side ways because the driver turned too late. We landed in the water and sank to the bottom. I then said, somewhat serene, "Can you please call 911." No one said anything back. I ran the the doors to which the bus driver responded by opening the doors. I screamed "no!" And tried closing the door. Within seconds, the bus was filled with water. I swam to the top with my friend
, an aquatence(whom of which I am having friendship problems with), and someone holding on to my arm. As soon as I breach the surface, I woke up 30 seconds before my 4:20 am alarm. Any suggestions?
not saying 2018-05-02 23:09:26
i had a dream where i was atschool and i happen to be on my phone. when i was on my phone I saw that on the news a it showed an animation of the bus crash that had happened a couple minutes ago. then i see that the bus crash happened to be in my town, near my school. so i look outside and see cranes picking up the buses and putting them somewhere else. the. i realized that one of those busses was my little sister’s bus. so i just see her walking in to my school because at this point everyone was by the front of the school, along with teachers and parents, to see what happened. so i see my sister walk in and i start sobbing thanking that she was okay. she wasn’t hurt or anything. so i picked her up and hugged het and starting crying. i felt it too. my heart was beating fadt and i was crying and i was shaking. i brought her to the rest of my family who was also crying. i wake up because i got so scared by my dream. i woke up with my heart pounding and my eyes covered in tears and my body shaking and so weak that i could barely move.

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