Dream Dictionary Buying Shoes

Dream Dictionary Buying Shoes


To dream of buying shoes suggests you are making the first step on a difficult destination or journey. The shoes are seen as the chief item that helps us get from one place to another. Without shoes we would not be able to travel certain places, because our feet would be too weak to handle it. If you have a dream that you are buying shoes it means you are trying to correct those things that are holding you back in order to continue on a path. Shoes will not make your feet impervious to damage but they will help you at first.

This means that you are going on a journey, and buying these shoes is your first step on it. Obviously you are probably not literally being urged to buy shoes in your dreams .The dream definition could be referring to any number of things that you could be going through. If for example you wanted to join the Peace Corps then you would need to sign waivers and actually go into an office and be interviewed for the position that you would be volunteering for. This is the process which buying the shoes in the dream would stand for. Even though you are not technically in the organization yet, you have done the first necessary part that will bring you on a greater journey soon.

Imagine that you want to get into college but the only way that you can do it is if you get a scholarship. You apply for a scholarship and this is when you see yourself buying shoes in the dream world. It means that you are doing the first thing that is necessary. The path that you will walk down using those shoes is what college represents, but the shoes themselves represent the minimum requirements that you need in order to go down that path which you so desperately desire to pursue.

To dream that you are buying shoes might also suggest vanity, especially if the shoes are expensive. If you already have a wealth of shoes, you probably do not need more, but you are buying them anyway because they make you happy or because they make you feel more fulfilled. This is the way it works when you buy shoes like this. It means that you are too concerned with personal appearances and are using your money on frivolous objects that you do not really need.

If you have a dream in which you are buying cheap shoes, then this would suggest that you are being sensible. You are using your brain and you are not making any ridiculous decisions without thinking about them first. This also suggests that you are trying to use those resources that are available to you in order to make the best of your situation. You are making sure that you are using everything that you know to the best of your advantage and are taking all of the opportunities that you can find.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Buying Shoes

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whitney 2019-07-28 16:57:55
in my dream my deceased father asked me to buy him shoes
Pat 2018-08-16 08:47:13
Its true because I'm in a new journey of finding means and ways to become a millionaire within a shorr period of time
Jh lalhlimpuii 2018-06-20 14:23:38
In my dream my bf bought me a new slipper and after that he went away what does my dream meaning?
koa 2018-05-26 08:05:29
was in a shop and I wanted to get a sandals that costs $2500 and I couldn't get it and the seller asked me to comeback later when they get a new order.. and I told him that I will buying at $1500 and he said no problem... and I left what Could this possibly mean?
Goodness mbah 2018-04-10 13:40:35
I dream when I buy shoe but at the end after paying for it I didn't like it again. So I wanted to return it but I was afraid that the person won't take it
Back than I live it. I didn't return it back again
Charity 2018-02-15 11:12:30
I had a dream that am buying slipper but the trader reduced the price about 1 \3 when it got to me.
beth 2018-02-14 02:00:24
i dreamed that i buy a pair of black shoe it looks a style of a kid shoe.. afterwards me and my grandma went to the market and asked me to come with her and i saw a rugged shoe thier but it still standing i told her that shoe grand ma buy that shoe, then my grandma went to next station and ask how much the pair of new shoe shes see.. it sizes 31, but my gradma didnt buy it because the size of her feet in my dream is 41. im curious, wat my dream means?
Tita 2017-08-12 15:32:37
True! I am in the process of moving to a new home so I am seeking furniture buying furniture. Trying to manage the expenses and will be going through mortgage signing ... So me dreaming of shopping for shoes makes sens.
Sonya 2017-07-27 12:40:15
In my dream my mom who is deceased bought a new pair of wedge Sandals and was so proud of them I was shocked because she was wheel chair bound in before she passed. So I was laughing and saying why you buy them so big and she was showing them off but she also had on socks. Please tell me what this could mean.
Cara 2018-08-21 01:35:22
It just means she, as a spirit, is no longer physically bound to a wheelchair and she's just sharing that joy with a bit off humour with you! I'm guessing she was quite a humorous person when she was alive
Tshidi 2017-06-25 09:01:02
In my dream , my dead mother wanted to buy me new shoes for an occasion and i was thinking of buying black comfortable pumps.
ma gra 2017-03-14 21:43:22
i was dreaming a cheap slipper on sale but i wasn't able to buy it.I am looking on it, coz im on my way home..
i was so curious ?? what is that?

thank you
Janice 2017-01-18 15:38:15
I dream about i want to buy a shoes but someone offered me to buy a doll shoes instead of sneakers.

Victor 2016-10-10 20:46:52
I have been having bad luck, what is the meaning or what shall I do?
Kim 2016-08-18 01:16:35
I dreamt that I bought a pair of flats and gave them as a gift to a very old friend whom I haven't been speaking to for years and I would really love to know what it means
K 2016-12-05 19:38:37
Hi kim,
I just had the same dream, buying a shoes for my grandma who living far from me. Did u get any idea from yours?
Soni 2016-07-12 18:30:07
In my dream a saw my husband gave me three pairs of new shoes i gave one to my elder sister in law n other one to my younger sis in law n one i took for me what dies it means?
Magda 2016-07-07 11:48:28
What does it mean if my ex boyfriend calls me and want to know which size im wearing as he sees nice tekkies and wanna buy them for me
Sep 2016-06-02 15:33:36
My beloved mother passed away last week. I am devastated. I had a dream last night that me and my brother bought exact same black shoes for our mother. Then I asked him why have we bought these since our mom is gone. Please tell me what this dream means.
Elena 2016-04-26 09:12:19
I was dreaming of buying new sneakers. They were on high shelf very pretty and they had multicolored beautiful laces. To me it means that my life will move into new unexpected direction
irene 2016-01-28 04:50:55
in my dream the shoes where so beautiful, i wanted to buy but its not my size, what does it mean thanks
Wummy 2015-11-01 01:08:26
I bought a second hand Gucci shoe but the seller can't find one leg and she later get it.i paid her 5pounds
bon 2015-10-06 03:16:20
i received a text from a close friend / childhood friend im really close with their family and with her dad. my friend?€™s dad is already dead for almost a month already. my friend told me. ?€?her dad asking her to buy me a shoes?€?. maybe you can help me in kinda scared and clueless. thank you!
Apple 2015-07-15 01:04:23
what about i try to wear my new black shoes that i bought it already then suddenly the left heels was broke .?
Dolls 2014-10-28 02:24:18
What does it mean of dreaming that am buying a pair of shoes but i cant find the right size .thanks
lioness 2013-12-23 06:36:27
I found a pair of shoes on sale that were very similar to a pair I used to have. They were one of my favorite shoes, until my cat damaged the heel. I am currently trying to decide if I should make a move that seems sensible. Also on a journey in spirituality. I am wondering if this is more about my spiritual journey and the opportunities that have risen from all the changes ive made in my life the past 12 months. at times, I wonder if there is anything that is the same about myself. Like the shoes, I look the same pretty much, but a little different

cluevet 2013-05-12 11:07:13
me and my girlfriend just broke up, and i'l soon b travelin
violet 2013-04-10 17:55:45
i like this interpretation.
Im from iran and in islamic dream meaning, if a man buy a pair of shoes, it will be a sign of his marriage.
fifi 2013-08-09 20:08:06
what does it mean if a woman wear a nice shoes that fit and are new?
kathrine 2013-01-08 18:27:12
This makes total sense in my case - I'm about to move out of state, not out of choice. I have been upset about leaving our lovely house but I have to look forward!
luz 2012-07-06 03:23:15
[b]maybe its true,i had a dream that im buying shoes, and i think its a good explanation reading this item.

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