Dream Dictionary Car Stolen

Dream Dictionary Car Stolen


To dream that you are having your car stolen means you feel guilty. Generally people have a semblance of a belief in karma even if they are not religious or spiritual in any way. Thus if you have done something wrong recently, you will probably dream that your car is being stolen. If you are not familiar with karma, for some quick background, karma is basically the idea that if you do good things, then you will have good things done for you, and if you are a bad person or commit evil deeds, then the universe will correct this imbalance by having horrible things happen to you. Do not let yourself fall victim to karma, just make sure to do some good deeds to that they make up for all of the bad things you have done. You will find that doing nice things is much more satisfying than doing bad things.

To dream that your car is stolen from you can also mean that you feel as if your mobility in life is being inhibited. This could be physical mobility, such as a physical disability that you have taken on. Perhaps you have broken your leg recently or something like this has happened to you. Perhaps you have suddenly had an accident causing a more permanent disability. While a dream like this can have to do with things like this, it is usually not the case; usually it has more to do with a metaphorical interpretation.

To lose mobility in a metaphorical sense, this usually applies to some direction in life that has been blocked off to you. You have been moving in one direction all of your life and suddenly at the behest of someone else you are being forced to reconsider the directions that you are taking in life and it is causing a bit of a rift in your life. Maybe you haven't realized how awfully it is affecting you yet, but you will soon and this dream is a guarantee of that.

To dream that your car is stolen can also mean that you feel a bit inadequate. You have been trying all kinds of different ways to get your point across, to move forward from where you're at, and you have so far been unsuccessful. You should try a few different methods than what you have been doing so far if you hope to eventually succeed in what you are doing. This thing that you're working on could literally be anything. It could apply to work, to love, to dating, anything. Just make sure to take hold of your situation and try a bit harder and also attempt a few different methods of attack. This should allow you to stop having such poor dreams.

A car being stolen from you can be a terrible experience to have to suffer through but don't think about the negatives if this dream ever happens again. This is why you've been paying all that money for theft insurance. You might get enough back to have an entirely new and better car. So cheer up.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Car Stolen

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MELISSA 2019-07-02 19:20:37
Jo 2019-05-20 11:22:50
I also dreamt that my car was taken in front of my very eyes. A guy pulled up in a low loader and started loading it on. I was talking to him but it's as though I wasn't there and he couldn't hear me then he casually drove off with my car on the back. I was talking to someone who knows the guy who took my car (his name was on his tshirt) and he said he'd make enquiries to get it back.
Sharice 2018-09-18 12:53:46
I had a dream last night that my car was stolen with my young child in it. Called the cops on my dream but they didn't believe me. I never had a dream like this before anyone know what it means
Kelly 2017-03-07 07:50:43
I had a dream my car was stolen by someone that looked like they were from Wu Tang (ez e or however its spelled)I had just parked and it was gone by the time I walked around. I ended up calling the police who never actually appeared in my dream, but ended up holding my dog and entering a brand new vehicle with all these super features on it. Everything was so clear like I was actually there (no dream haze at all)
Anjel 2019-05-04 14:55:25
Easy E is not in the Wu Tang...
Cortland 2017-01-11 20:46:26
I just had a dream where my car was stolen. I've had this dream before where I walk outside from the house where I grew up and looked for my car and it wasn't there. This is about the 3rd dream like this that I've had in the past year since I bought my new car. What was different this time is it turns out that it was parked way down the street. Dreams are amazing.
Jennifer 2016-12-27 09:19:21
I have a reoccurring dream: parking my car and coming outside later to find it gone from the driveway , later a new car appears and then I'm back in highschool at the house I grew up in.
Lily 2016-11-04 06:25:27
I had a dream my car was stolen and I saw it happening threw my bedroom window when I ran out some one across the street where facing fire works towards our house and eventually caught our tree on fire and I called the fire department and no one came to help and I was with someone I can't remember who but they helped me put out the fire once it was out all the ashes started falling from the sky and looked like snow and fighter fighters showed up asked why didn't I call them first I said I did buy no one showed up in time
It ended there and the following morning my friend calls me and tells me her car got stolen and I told her omg I had a dream mine was stolen ??? What does this mean
Debra 2016-08-29 18:28:53
I just woke up and had a dream my car was stolen. Stolen in one city and as in a dream I was in another city looking for it. It had been taken by people (I don't know them) who wanted to hurt me. However in the dream my late husband was there. He almost took off in another car without me but some people told him to stop and he drove me to find my car. As terribe as the dream was, it was sure good to see my husband again.
Devie 2016-08-18 07:19:23
I had a weird dream that i was parked in a carpark on my way to meet a guy that i loved, but i got distracted. I had walked away and then come back to find 2 random guys around my car. I ended up getting into an argument with them and asked them to back away from my car and stop hitting it. One of the guys were nice and apologetic, the other wasn't and was getting angry, which was making me angry in my dream. Next thing i remember, these 2 guys had taken the roof off my car and used it on their truck, they were going around the parking lot saying my car was theirs. When i asked for the roof of my car back they said they only needed it for a bit and i could have it back at a certain time when they were leaving. They were also getting into my car and taking my stuff when my back was turned. I ran into another random guy, (not the one i was initially going to meet) he was dressed in a black suit and all i was doing was telling him what had happened and what these other guys were doing to my car. I remember breaking down in tears wondering how they broke into my car and how they were getting away with telling people it was their car when it wasn't. I woke up just as the guys were driving out of the car park still with the roof of my car and laughin as they were driving off. They had left my car but took the roof and some stuff inside. And i never got to meet that guy i was originally going to meet in my dream! Haha it's a really random dream and i don't know what it means! Haha
BEVERLY JONATHAN 2016-05-01 15:18:28
My dream was, I parked my truck and tied it with a string and when I returned my car was stolen.
Leah 2016-02-18 08:18:00
Had two dreams about this last night. Car was stolen from a school parking lot. I've been feeling very inadequate about my job homeschooling my children.
emilie 2016-02-03 06:41:00
I've this dream about 3 times now where my car was being stolen as I'm watching out the front door... I called the police and then later a guy comes back saying he will give me whatever amount of money to get a new car... I have no clue what this means

Kelly 2015-10-27 00:33:29
I was recently almost Hijacked, They took my keys and everything else in my car but Not my car, Ive since moved from the area were this happened but were I live now its very busy I haven't slept a full night ever since and so happened last night I dreamt my car had been stolen but im watching everything, both dreams my car is stolen from the same place, Im so paranoid...
Cecial 2015-06-01 15:45:32
I had a dream last night that a group of men had driven up next to me and pointed a gun at the driver of the Vehicle ,(which was my dad),Then my dad just kept driving along like he heard no one had said anything .Then the guy said "Did you not hear me ?!" "I said to get out of the freakin car!" And then he shot two bullets through the windows .Then all of a sudden we stopped and then in the passenger seat was my mom and next to me was my smaller brother. They took my mother, brother and my dad .But I was left in the car .But while they were talking I got out of the car and ran for my life ... (Note:we were driving near a alley way before we got robbed ,and I had my phone for some weird reason I always have my phone just in case ) no one say in till one the the guys drove away I was running down the street and yelling for help then I got into a dark corner and called 911, I explained everything to the lady talking to me but a few minutes after I was done one the men grabbed me a put his hand on my mouth I tried to get him off but I couldn't and right before he could take me in a car two police cars arrived with two police men in each .I literlay cried of joy and I was saved . then I woke up ... It felt so real I was happy it wasn't real
Alyssa 2015-05-03 23:08:05
I have this hidden drawer (literally hidden, made so no one could find it unless you looked for it) and I had saved money for a very important event stashed I'm there, hidden in the drawer under an organizer,in other words, completely hidden. Last night I had a dream someone was in my room and took the money from my drawer, I didn't think much of it until about half an hour ago I discovered a large portion of my money was stolen...was it actually a dream or did this actually happen and I was half asleep...if it was a dream what does it mean..
TAMMY BROWNLEE 2015-04-12 15:31:09
Tricia 2015-04-11 17:31:09
I had this dream last night.
I have been feeling as though I have allowed my significant other to take over my home and my life. He has run up all of my bills and his own. This has made it impossible for me to now live on my own without his income. He is trying to take responsibility in some ways but still doesn't fully realize the financial crisis we are now in. If I make him leave I will be forced into bankruptcy and lose my home. I know that a large part of this is my fault for allowing it to happen. This is not the direction my life should have taken and something seriously needs to change. I am too old to start completely over. I hope I can get him to fully realize the gravity of this situation. If not I will have to try to go this alone and start over with nothing.
Shelly 2016-04-13 02:15:26
This is my EXCACT situation, it's gotten so far I feel I can not leave unless I leave with nothing and start over. I am also pregnant now too. Had the same dream of the stolen car. Wow this is an eye opener.
Aleesha 2015-03-31 23:21:57
I had a dream on a thursday/friday night that my car was stolen, through out the dream we took steps to get it back and could see in my head where it was but didn't get it back before I awoke, then monday in real life I was Tboned at an intersection and my car was completely written off...
dave 2015-03-27 00:19:28
What a relief. I've been having this dream fr three nights straight. And in real life i've come across three big job contracts.In three difrent areas of expertise not covered by my skills. But they have been offered only to mee.I haven't been able to sleep at nights because of the overwhelming stress.So days have passed and the waters are clearing up for me and now more than ever feel so confident in my persona.And i'm going for it.I'm going all Eminem on it.This is my only shot my one oportunity."I'm loosing my self"....a
Adam 2015-01-28 13:36:44
I had this dream but I'm not sure why, it might be because I got my license suspended but that happened last month. I did have a long frustrating and painful day at work yesterday. But near the end of my dream I took my mom's pick-up and smashed full speed into the back of my truck so the thieves wouldn't get away
Charise 2015-01-25 15:59:35
I had this dream and I'm not sure why... I have left all my bad karma behind me, I'm sure of the direction I want to go in life and I'm not feeling any stumbling blocks towards that and I for sure don't have any physical disabilities thank goodness. Hopefully all turns out the best for me. Thanks for the insight!
Dee 2015-01-24 21:34:36
I have been having the same dream that my car is stolen at least 2 days per week for about 3 months. I am having some problems at work, and it's kind of prohibiting me from moving forward and focusing on what i am work on outside of work. Thanks for the insight!
michelle 2015-01-21 13:58:23
My dream i was at a car place and went inside and came out it was gone freaked me out
koko 2015-01-18 13:58:05
This was really helpful but thank God that I still had my car keys in my pocket.

Gim 2014-10-22 06:57:15
Wow thanks for the info am going thru all that , and just had that dream.
Edy 2014-10-12 11:47:33
This was so accurate in all the different scenarios its crazy. Wow very impressed
Lily 2014-09-28 23:56:01
Frightening I dreamed my partner gave my keys to someone unknown to me and that's how my car was stolen. The emphasis of the dream was my rage toward my partner, I physically attacked him and woke up furious. Thank you for the insight.
Yeng 2014-04-07 16:27:17
Wow this is great information. Very accurate & scary at the same time. I can totally relate to this.

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