Dream Dictionary Carrying Someone

Dream Dictionary Carrying Someone


To be carrying someone in your dreams can mean different things depending on your mood in your dream and the general atmosphere. If you are carrying someone out of a war zone and trying to get them to safety you may be frantic. A dream like this would suggest that you feel as if you have taken on the role as leader to a group that may come into danger soon. You feel as if it is your sole duty to lead someone out of the fire and make sure that they are okay, in a very figurative sense, unless of course you actually are going off to war. Usually though, this type of dream could stem from anyone that has a bit of a fantasy about taking care of someone else or making sure that someone else is okay.

To dream that you are carrying someone over your shoulder means that you are feeling macho. You think that you are hot stuff and feel like you can handle the weight of the world. Carrying someone over your shoulder is something you do when you are in a position of heroism. You are doing something heroic like carrying someone out of a burning building or carrying someone away from a massive explosion. In real life it is almost always more practical to run out with someone in your arms rather than over your shoulders, but there is no doubt that if you are dreaming of carrying someone over your shoulders than you are feeling a bit macho.

If you have a dream in which you are carrying someone in your arms lovingly it could mean that you have an immense almost motherly or fatherly love for this person that you are carrying. This normally does not signify romantic love, but more of a mentoring or parental figure type relationship. If you are having this type of dream and you are carrying the person you love in your arms then this is just an extension of your love for them, but it must be stressed that to be carrying someone in your dreams does not mean you have some sort of deep seated affection for them in any way.

To dream that you are carrying someone in your arms but it is an irksome activity signifies that you feel as if you are being given too many responsibilities. You feel like t is your duty to physically carry people around with you. You think that because of all of the duties that you are being forced to accomplish you feel like you are being forced into a situation in which you need to take care of the people around you almost completely, making sure they get from one place to the next and doing essentially everything for them. Since this is almost never the case, it is a bit of an unhealthy attitude to take to act as if you have to do everything for everyone. There is no reason for you to feel this way and in fact it makes you a bit conceited.

Carrying someone is a truly selfless action and it implies that you are putting yourself at risk in order to save the life of someone else. It takes a lot of gumption to go out there and actually do this, but once you do, you'll feel immensely good about it. There's not much you can do for someone that is already lost to the world, but if you can step in and save a life then you will be a hero.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Carrying Someone

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Ra 2023-06-23 11:54:36
someone dreamed that they picked me up and lifted me over their head. what does this mean?
Conner 2022-05-21 17:38:48
I had a dream that I and many others was tethered to a rope in a line. We were being made to walk through a large garden with a winding stone pathway. I fell a little behind and I jumped from one stone to another as a shortcut. The rope helped me jump as it pulled me further since there was no slack. At one point the girl in front of me fell so I helped her up and started carrying her in my arms. At first I couldn’t grasp her right and she kept sliding out of my arms but eventually I was able to hold her and continue forward. She became lighter the more further we went. I’ve never seen her before in real life and we didn’t talk. There was also another girl earlier in the dream who wanted me to tie a yellow and blue woven bracelet to her right ear. No idea what this dream could mean XD
Jenna 2022-02-05 11:59:34
I had a dream I was in my old English class, this class took place in my elementary school. The teacher was performing a scene for the class and we were all sitting in the floor, I was by the door nearest to the hallway. I had seen a girl I played in the school band with years ago, she was roughly 3-4 years younger than me. Sweet girl. A group of guys my age that were in my English class attached her out of nowhere, they began jumping on top of her! I flung every one off in a Frenzy, it was tough work! After seemingly ten minutes of doing so, they finally let go and I carried her like a toddler to her home room. My old band teacher was sitting and the desk and I explained what had happened. Woke up wondering what this all meant.
Daniel 2021-09-12 12:42:11
I had a dream where I was walking home and suddenly two dogs (one had pink on it suggesting it was a girl)start chasing me and this girl starts running alongside me. Then we end up running around the block. I think we stole a goKart at some point. She then jumps on my back and suggest we run to the school to see if our gym teacher has something that can help us. (She calls the gym teacher by name) I run there but the librarian comes outside giving me a blue curtain saying its invisible to dogs. (The girl seemingly dissapears)Then I wake up.
What does it mean?
Zach 2020-11-13 14:34:48
I had a dream I had a girl riding on my shoulders, and I was jogging through Seoul. I must be pretty full of myself for as out of shape as I am 😅
Sab 2020-01-11 16:26:19
I dreamt when I saw my 1st daughter with her two friends and they where helping her carry the water and one said "you will not die untimely".
please what does this mean?
Maria T. 2018-11-02 17:02:46
I dreamed that my mom was sick, like almost dead and foam came out of her mouth and a man was carrying her like a mummy in his arms bending over to kiss her as he was carrying her into another room in the hospital.?
Taylor 2018-10-06 19:45:05
Recurring dream:I’m with a group of my friends...I’m outside the group but involved...someone’s in need of medical attention...before the problem is solved the dream morphs to a university during a party(never went to university)got shot down by a girl(didn’t know her...didn’t bother me)then started carrying a drunken stranger(injured older man)who lived there(who’s brother was with us but doesn’t help)He’s much bigger than I am and it’s not easy but I manage. Never get him home. Dream ends
April 2018-09-09 11:35:33
I’m not sure what my dreams mean. They scare me with the things I’ve researched. My first dream was of a big black snake. He was not dead but chasing me through a department store. I ran home and got something to kill it and it was gone. It was raining in my dream and night time. The second dream, I was with a group of people. It was, again, raining and we were going to I guess a party. I carried a friend of mine piggy back style and then we slipped in water. I landed on my butt and it was a slow fall, eventually landing on my back. My second dream was a dream of doors. I began in a room with familiar faces, then was told to follow this guy to the hospital. He wanted me to help him draw blood. So I did. I lost him so I walked around and tried to find him but was sent out due to not having hospital access. I went back to find the room we were in before and it began to rain. I tried every door, but nothing. No one. I walked aimlessly for hours. My last dream, I was in another department store with co workers. Almost like my job, but not quite. I kept hearing someone say my name so I walked around saying “hello” for a while. Eventually, I ended up outside. Not noticing everyone frantically leaving, I found myself alone in the pitch black parking lot with a stranger. She was angry. She had a gun but didn’t shoot me. She threw bullets at me instead. When I finally gathered courage to run to my car, she fired several shots. All missing me, but too close for comfort. I remember the fear and anger in her eyes like I was looking at a person right before me. I woke up shortly after. If anyone has insight, that would be lovely. Thank you for reading if you’ve read this far!
Arthy 2017-07-20 00:00:10
I dreamt of my ex-crush then she hugged me and wanted to carry her in my shoulder it's so embarrassing. I'm carrying her in grasslands or forest and idk where I'm going.
Sudharshan 2019-01-20 04:14:39
Dude the exact same thing happened to me. Suddenly I met my crush and she wanted to be carried on my shoulders . I was just carrying her around on my shoulders not knowing what we were doing. But it was a lot of fun though.
Jamie 2017-04-01 23:56:53
I don't usually look up my dreams (when I do dream, that is) if I feel like they're just something my mind just kinda threw together based on whatever I was thinking about before sleeping or if it was clearly nonsense, but I had a strange dream last night that me and some people, who I felt as if I knew but never saw their faces, went to this shaded house in this forest--it was a serene, beautiful atmosphere with golden grasses and a pastel sky--and the door opened but I couldn't see inside because it was so dark. But DeForest Kelley walked out and it scared me a little because he was smiling but it was a small, sideways smile; I could tell that he was troubled...sad almost. I would have figured that it was just because I had watched Star Trek, but usually when that's the case the person never stays for the entire dream. He was in this whole dream but it's so strange because after he opens the door I draw a blank and the next thing I remember is walking on this dirt path behind a caravan, carrying him in my arms and I remember speaking to someone but I don't remember who and I just stared at his blue jeans and I held him close and said, "It's alright," and he was so lifeless; he never moved and I remember thinking in the dream that he was so still like a doll. And now that I think, I never once looked at his face after the moment from the door. It was almost as if I couldn't bring myself to. But the mood was always so peaceful and the place was so beautiful and mystical that it took my breath away...I don't know. I hardly ever dream and the few dreams I've had (whether coincidence or not) have actually foretold something, so I don't really know what this was about but I feel like it's not important but it wasn't just nothing, if that makes sense. Anyway, what the heck, Im rambling XD
Sammy 2017-03-03 15:51:22
Dreamt of carrying an old woman, my aged grand mother on qmy arm like a baby

Dillon 2017-02-05 16:24:08
I dreamt that I was carrying my pet cat while I was running home. I would periodically set the cat down, and he would run alongside me, before picking him up again.
denise 2017-01-08 03:47:20
I had a real bad dream that my mam had died and I was carrying her in my arms the water was just falling away from mam I sod and I was crying and went into a panic attack
Happiness 2016-12-13 21:56:17
Good morning i saw my self carrying someone child (female) in my dream.
Jessica 2016-11-04 05:56:02
I dreamt of carrying a man on my back but he was so light....
Tanushree 2018-05-09 19:26:10
hey i had the same dream! carrying a man, but he was so light. Any idea what it might mean. little weird.
lucky 2016-07-17 09:42:41
i saw, i was carrying someone child <baby boy> petting him to stop crying in the dream, what does it mean
Redmaya 2016-06-12 16:42:46
I met this girl last night.
I dream that i carrying her descending in a falling stair.
Adarsh 2016-05-14 21:45:22
I saw i was carrying a beautiful girl in my arms and walking on water. And don't even her but saying that,"I want spend my whole life with you like this".And i also kiss on her cheek.
Angela 2016-04-07 23:47:28
I was carrying someone's child to my hometown in a
Francisca 2015-08-12 06:08:49
I saw myself at a friend's back.
Sara 2015-08-09 17:43:18
thankyou i dreamt of carrying my mum in my arms. Her head on my right snd legs on my left. And shes wheelchair bound in real life.
Felix 2015-04-11 05:42:41
Thanks for the carrying some interpretation.... As for me i dreamt my fiance carrying her relative's son on the back while i was beating her...
Joe 2014-12-31 04:23:31
Thanks for the analysis. Me, I was carrying a lady on my back, who isn't my girlfriend but a close friend

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