Dream Dictionary What it means to dream of a Cat Bite

Dream Dictionary Cat Bite


If you dream that you have a cat bit or are being bitten by a cat, it means that this creature that you have taken under your control, this creature that has been your responsibility, is scorning you and making you feel bad. So what does this image symbolize in relation to your daily life? Well there are a couple of things it could mean and most are based on the mood of the cat in the dream. What did the cat look like when it bit you? Did it look like it was angry or scared, or did it look like it was just a little perturbed at your presence?

If the cat looked angry or scared then this means that you have been a little too rough with your peers lately. You have been heavy handed and have not treated people how they deserved to be treated lately. Maybe you have been feeling a little backed into a corner lately and have not been acting the way you normally do. Thus, other people are lashing back at you for the way that you have been acting towards them. Maybe now would be a good time to start watching your attitude a little bit more.

To dream of a cat bite when the cat in the dream looks just a little put off from you would mean that you have not been very tactful lately. You keep trying to make friendly advances towards those around you when they are clearly not in the mood for it and you are being spurned because of it. Try being a little bit more perceptive of people's emotions before you make your next move and you will see a great reduction in the anger that people feel towards you.

Another thing to consider about this kind of dream is that cats are not really known for their biting. They don't exactly go out of their way to come in and attack people and it really says a lot about you as a person if you have dreams of cats biting you. It could be a dream trying to let you know to stop being such a worry wart. An appropriate amount of worrying is good for anyone, but going overboard can be just as bad as coming into a situation with no plan.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Cat Bite

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jingz 2022-08-06 01:54:10
I had a dream where two young kitten were about to die and we had to rush to the hospital to save the cat ........ But again in my bag there was my cat who normally is very calm but in my dream he was wild ....and was trying to come out of the bag ....... Scene changed...... I was near the hospital and my other two kittens were being treated there and I saw my other cat that was earlier in the bag was sitting......so I went to touch him then he bit me ......I tried to free myself but his bit was getting stronger and stronger it felt like I could feel the anger .... The wildness.....the pressure or force from the bite ......he finally let go of my hand ..... Now blood started to come out from the wound it didn't stopped dripping blood .......I remember 2 girls who saw my blood saying " that's gross" .... 😄 The blood stopped later and that's all I can recall ....
HeliosEos 2023-11-28 18:26:12
Here is an analysis of the elements you've described in your dream:

1. Dying Kittens: Dreaming about kittens in distress can signify vulnerability or innocence that is under threat. This could relate to aspects of your own life where you feel vulnerable or to people you care about who may be in a precarious situation.

2. Rushing to the Hospital: Hospitals in dreams often symbolize the need for healing or help. The sense of urgency in getting the kittens to the hospital suggests a pressing concern in your waking life that you feel needs immediate attention.

3. Wild Cat in the Bag: A normally calm cat behaving wildly in a confined space like a bag may represent repressed emotions or aspects of yourself that you're struggling to contain. The cat trying to come out of the bag could symbolize these feelings or traits pushing to the surface, demanding to be acknowledged or dealt with.

4. Being Bitten: The act of being bitten by a cat, especially one that you perceive to be your own pet, could symbolize feelings of betrayal, hurt, or aggression from someone close to you, or from an internal conflict within yourself.

5. Pain and Anger: Feeling the anger and experiencing the physical sensation of the bite might reflect intense emotions you are grappling with in your waking life. The pressure from the bite could represent stress or emotional strain you are under.

6. Blood and Reaction of Others: Blood often symbolizes life force and personal energy. Seeing blood flowing from a wound could indicate a loss of strength or emotional pain. The reaction of the girls in the dream, finding the blood "gross," might suggest feelings of embarrassment or concerns about how others perceive your vulnerabilities or personal struggles.

7. The Wound Healing: The blood stopping and the wound healing toward the end of the dream may suggest resolution or the natural process of recovery after emotional or psychological injury.

This dream appears to reflect themes of vulnerability, emotional disturbance, and the necessity for healing. It may be prompting you to consider aspects of your life that are causing you distress and to pay attention to emotional wounds that need tending. The dream almost acts as a mirror, drawing attention to parts of your feelings or life that you typically keep "contained," similarly to how the cat was kept in a bag but was struggling to be free.
Maribel 2022-07-30 20:38:44
Dream of having a baby
Aimee 2022-03-06 05:34:08
Had to put my 16 year old semi feral cat down. Months later had a dream that she bit the palm of my hand, just enough to wake me up. In actuality I had my hand above my head while sleeping on my back, palm up on the arm of my couch. When I woke, I did not feel her presence but felt a sadness and said her name out loud. She always slept above my head.
Nail 2022-01-14 10:30:32
I had a dream of a dirty, gray/white vicious cat that walked up and began being stroked by my boyfriend, then jumped up appearing to attack my hand but exposing its' fangs & tried to spit a small ball in my hand. I pushed it back in and said gross. It jumped down & walked away....
Zahradeen Maiyaki 2021-04-28 11:54:02
Yesterday I had a dream being bitten by a cat at the beginning there was a woman who I think was the cat owner so we where walking with this woman, talking pleasantly for sometime , then we reached somewhere like a sitting room and then I saw the the cat. The cat was really friendly to me I even played with the can as the woman said look at how attracted the cat was to me this continues as I started seeing the cat playing rough which I was afraid of then I started pursuing it but he continued to come still I was afraid, then the cat bite me on my fingers and didn't want to let go with all the pressure I applied to remove him from my finger and then I ended up bitten the cat too pls what does this dream mean
Philomena 2021-01-11 00:08:11
Yesterday I dreamt about my pet kitty who bit me, angry and scared. Because I stopped her from going outside. She wouldn't let me go but I didn't punch her or tried to hurt her, she bit more deeply but unnaturally I couldn't feel any pain instead I was a little comfortable (don't quite remember)
I tried to shake her off and someone helped me with it. And when I was released I opened the door so that I could let me cat out, I saw her mother waiting with a fierce look. ( My car don't have any mother)
Later I set my cat free.
Athena 2019-10-01 10:47:37
I dreamed last night that I was in a pet shop full of cats and are hybrids. Suddenly a high breed cat (half grey half black) had bitten me on the arm. I felt how it had bitten me. I was too shocked and I was trying to take it away from me, but a guy in the shop in my dream said that it is how it shows how the cat liked me. And the cat did follow me to my house. And like to be close to me. What could be the meaning of that?
Zawair 2019-06-16 04:22:32
I dreamed that my dead cat bite me on my leg and she won't let go from me then I had to kill her.
And then her cubs jump on me. I thought the fun is trying to bit me but fortunately she was playing with me
Beybeko 2019-03-26 21:27:33
I had a dreamt of me going to my friends house. Tan and his wife were there to let me watch at their new projector, it was high tech then a wall to ceiling like projector(never saw in real life). Then there was a 2 or 3year old baby girl which i dont know whom she was related on them(Tan and wife). Then a cat entered the restroom then been gone. Then we went outside i saw a girl with a big hole on her shirt(at the back side) then i thought that is where the cat will attack her, suddenly she was attacked by the cat then she was screamin to death. While me watching it happen my other friend diane gave me something like a steal vacuum to remove the cat from Tan's wife. Then removed the cat to her.. The end
TJH 2018-09-17 13:14:35
Had a dream last night my husband picked up a ferile cat and it went wimp like a rag doll. He put it down and it went to eat and looked at me as it did. I took a step toward it (cute fluffy white cat) and it lunged to bite me and almost got my leg and then jumped and got my finger. I think I was about to punch it in the face when I woke up. (Real-life -years ago I was bitten and got rabies shots. And also had a white fluffy cat a couple years ago)
Deepika 2018-06-19 03:18:18
What happens wen cat bites my right forefinger in reality (not in dream)as per astrology is it any dhosha to me...
Mutebi Joseph Streets 2017-12-16 07:08:42
I have ever experienced it before,its the second time.

Amitesh 2017-10-10 21:10:54
2 days before I threw two cats from my home which I brought that day only and I throwed them that night, because of some problems in my home I threw 2 of the cats that night. After that incident I had dreams of cat biting at my finger very hard, after that I'm very very much afraid. Please help me out or at least let me know the reason beyond these dreams..
Mr white 2018-06-13 12:14:45
How horrible of you to throw cats out on a whim, you deserve to be whipped hard and scratched by every cat in your dreams and real life but judging from your name I'm not surprised GOD DAMM YOU
Mr Blonde 2019-12-10 03:55:44
“judging from your name”
Seriously? What kind of a racist piece of shit are you?!
G 2017-11-27 11:49:07
you tossed them out into the street?
you need to atone for your cruelty
Maria 2017-07-25 04:25:46
I had a dream that am orange color cat bit my hand and wouldn't let go. I was punching is face cause it was latched on to my hand the pain was excruciating. When i woke up i still felt the pain.
hehe 2022-05-10 22:16:17
I had the same dream with the orange cat, just that it bit my butt cheek!
Kenan 2018-04-16 14:57:16
I just had the fuc*ing same dream last night also and orange car it was strong and it won't let off.
Parker 2018-01-29 17:14:45
I had the same dream! The cat was the same colour and I also attempted to remove the cat by force. The only difference is that the cat bit my lower forearm instead of hand.
JPK 2018-01-08 11:59:18
mine was the same, how odd.
c 2017-05-21 21:01:11
this just helped me clear up a nightmare I had as a child. thank you I feel resolved
SHAWNA 2017-04-17 10:36:45
I had a dream that a cat bit my finger and would not let it go. No matter what I did it would not stop. The pain wasn't that bad bUT it was just the fact of it biting me. I don't care for cat's I don't trust them. Eventually the cat let go but my finger was stuck in the bent position.
Sam 2017-05-17 13:57:04
I had that exact dream!!!!! It was my index finger and the cat would not let go.
Catlapmegood 2017-02-22 20:01:00
I had a wonderful dream that a brown chocolate cat was nibbling and eating me out proper until I orgasmed .
vernette willis 2018-02-12 14:09:32
I had a dream that a black cat bit my finger and it looked like I was cut with a knife that's how deep the the bite was what do that means
Tierra 2017-01-21 11:15:31
I had a dream that a white cat with tan stripes kept biting me, and then my sister. It had an evil look on it's face when it was biting me, and when it couldn't bite me, it started scratching me. Me and my sister tried to stand on tall furniture but it would just climb it and bite us. I kept thinking that I need to get to the hospital because it was a street cat and I could possibly have rabies. When me and my sister went in the hallway, the cat was on the steps dead. This dream took place in my old house.
Vee 2017-01-01 09:12:54
Had a dream about a catt attacking me , biting me , got. Away from it and it kept coming back to attack me ... When it got to attack my face I woke up ,, what does this mean ?!
Elias 2017-01-10 14:17:31
I had this exact dream this night. Spooky :O
Wayne 2016-12-30 16:03:15
I dreamt I was stroking the cat and it basically got the whole of my finger in its mouth latched on biting down as hard as possible, then it tensed its body. I woke up and I swear the same dream happend another 2-3 times.
Cameron 2016-12-13 07:18:32
When I came back from school I took a nap then I started dreaming about a small black cat I first played with it normally but it was playing aggressively with me and kept biting my hand and my hand got swollen from the cats bites
Ankita 2016-11-03 14:10:01
I hade a dreem that a Kitty is ma pet n a cat attacked on it but I saved, that to be save that kitty was trieng to hide but then I felt it most save in ma hand, so to run away she bitten on ma left hand n run away, then I run for medicine n made it right, but in d middle I found someone who help but I don't want
Lyndsey 2016-08-24 02:02:34
I Waz Holding A Baby And A Black Cat Came And Cuddled With It I Gave The Baby To Its Owner And Started Peting The Cat Untill It Turned Around And Looked At Me For A Second And Then Hissed At Me And Bit Me On Both My Thumbs And Would Not Let Go. The Owner Had To Take It Off
Alo nieva 2016-08-14 08:52:50
I had a dream last night were a white small cat bite me really hard and was really hungry with me I try taking taking him off but it wouldn't let me and the car left my hand really purple? What does it means

taylor 2016-07-11 07:30:46
I had a dream I was trying to get a rabid black kitten out of my house. It looked extremely angry and bit me and my hand got extremely red and swollen. Then I was taken to a hospital to have it treated. It felt so real I even felt it on my hand when I woke up. I have been stressed lately so the symbolism makes sense to me.
Ariel 2016-05-20 15:58:40
In my dream my cat was walking with me and I looked down at her and out of nowhere she latched down on my left foot and no matter how hard I tried to pry her off or shake her off my foot she just stayed. She didn't seem mad or anything?
Regina 2017-08-26 11:28:27
Me Too! I wonder what that means?
Mark 2016-05-04 08:48:30
Whoa That's What Happened To Me In A Dream Last Night !!!
sweety 2016-03-23 17:10:25
i dreamed of black cat biting me on my butt, and after struggling with it i killed the cat by throwing it in fire
terie 2016-02-06 04:56:50
I have dream last night cat bite.my hand and I have.alot of black unt all aroun my body...what's that mean..
Davi Sharma 2016-02-03 05:55:31
Hey I am really worried about all these dreams. Every day in my dreams I see different birds and animals. I hate cats. I saw a black cat in my dream. It was looking at me and then it started biting my wrist. I didnt do anything and I didnt even look at it, but the cat still attacked me. In my dream my my wrist was hurt badly.
Is it something serious or its just a dream.
Haakim 2016-04-27 01:23:42
Yes my dad saw it and died soo

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