Dream Dictionary Cheetah

Dream Dictionary Cheetah


Cheetahs are known for two things mainly, their incredible speed, and their incredibly deadly pounce. They will come out of the woodwork to prey on all of the animals around them, jarring them and scaring them into submission. When an animal does not act the way that they like they will follow it for as long as it can hold out until it finally dies and then they will rip it apart for challenging them in the first place. They are also known for being some of the deadliest cats in the world next to female lions. Now we will tell you what all of this has to do with your dream and dream interpretation.

To dream of a cheetah could be a remark upon your strength, specifically if you dream that you are a cheetah. That means that this is a dream which is trying to recall your level of strength and how strong you are to other people. You put up a front like you are pretty scary and you are a pretty scary individual yourself without needing to put up a front probably.

The thing that goes along with that though is that it could be just as easily about weakness of you know this about a cheetah. As stated earlier in the introduction paragraph, as it turns out, because of adaptation, cheetahs have been losing a lot of body mass. They have been growing leaner and they have been losing bone density as well in order to make them faster. Unfortunately, how small they are means that they will be hungrier. And the fact that they are hungrier than usual will mean that they need to go out and eat more often. But because they lost so much bone density, every time they go out to catch some prey, they run the risk of breaking a leg and putting them out of commission forever, with nobody to treat them. Therefore you are putting up a strong front to cover up a crippling weakness.

The easiest way on interpreting a dream in which you are a cheetah though is speed. Cheetahs are known for their speed and it is what makes them so famous. If you have a dream in which you are a cheetah it means you are a fast person. You probably get bored with things fast, you make your decisions fast, to live life in the fast lane and it is just what you do. This is what life is all about for you. Unfortunately you're going to need to make sure that you don't make your decisions too fast or you will end up digging yourself a hole that you can't get out of. Don't do this to yourself. Make more responsible decisions and end up not choosing things so fast or you will get yourself into trouble.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Cheetah

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Celia 2024-04-27 11:17:06
In the Dream I went to visit a zoo where the animals were allowed to roam as they please. Lions, cheetahs and leopards came to sit around me peacefully…but also like they were on gaurd to protect me. They let me lay with them and pet them. All the big cat snuggles. Other parts of the zoo, like the aquarium were not as “nice” as I did pet the shark, but he bit me? Idk cause it seemed playful although it scared me maybe because my personal fear of sharks in real life….there were no marks or blood….all around the dream was like a Eutopia of all my animal wishes come true….I guess I just want to know what all of it means?
theDream 2024-05-02 05:43:13
Dreams about zoos typically reflect feelings about control, freedom, and perhaps the way you navigate social or emotional landscapes in your waking life. Dreaming of being in an environment where typically wild and dangerous animals behave peacefully and even protectively could symbolize a variety of personal reflections or feelings. Here’s a possible interpretation based on the elements you've described:

1. Roaming animals and big cats: Big cats such as lions, cheetahs, and leopards often symbolize personal power, assertiveness, and strength in dream symbolism. The fact that these animals were peaceful and protective might suggest that you feel in control of your own power and strength. Alternatively, it might represent a desire for protection and the need to feel safe, perhaps a reflection on who or what in your life gives you a sense of security.

2. Interaction with big cats: Laying with and petting these animals indicates comfort and harmony with these aspects of your personality. You might be in a phase where you are comfortable with your own strengths and how you express your power and assertiveness.

3. Contrast with the aquarium experience: The transition from the peaceful interaction with powerful animals to a less comfortable experience with a shark (an animal you fear) suggests there might be aspects of your life or emotions that you are less at ease with managing. Sharks often symbolize deep-rooted fears or unconscious emotions. The playful bite could imply that even though you are confronting these fears, there is still some anxiety or discomfort associated with them—though not enough to cause lasting harm or damage.

4. Overall dream tone of a utopia: This suggests that despite some fears or unsettling experiences, you generally feel hopeful and optimistic about your ability to manage your emotions and surroundings. The dream could be highlighting your ideal state of mind where even feared elements can be approached and managed with a sense of balance or control.

The dream reflects various facets of your conscious and subconscious mind – your strengths, fears, desires for protection, and comfort with your personal power. It speaks to a deep desire for harmony between different parts of your life and personality, even those parts that might typically cause fear or discomfort. It could be beneficial to reflect on what aspects of your waking life may be influencing this dream and how you can achieve the type of balance and harmony depicted in your dream.
Cecilia 2022-05-03 07:24:53
I dreamt that I was playing and hugging a cheetah. The cheetah grab my left hand with its mouth. It didn't bite me, hot mouth, felt all of its back teeth It has either another cheetahs tail or a leopards tail. I grab the tail and threw it. We were playing catch
HeliosEos 2023-12-10 04:50:55
Here's a broad interpretation of the elements of your dream:

1. Playing with a Cheetah: Cheetahs are symbols of speed and agility. Playing with one could imply that you are dealing with something in your life that requires these qualities. It may also indicate that you are in a phase where you feel the need for excitement or adventure.

2. Hugging the Cheetah: Hugging an animal in a dream, especially a wild one like a cheetah, can suggest a connection with your instincts or primal nature. It could represent embracing qualities associated with the animal, such as speed, grace, or power.

3. Cheetah Grabbing Your Hand: The fact that the cheetah grabbed your hand with its mouth without harming you could signify trust and playfulness in your relationship with others or with certain aspects of yourself. It might also mean that you are handling a potentially dangerous or tricky situation well.

4. Hot Mouth and Teeth: Feeling the hot mouth and teeth without being bitten might symbolize the awareness of potential danger or risk that you navigate carefully in your waking life.

5. Tail of Another Animal: If the tail you saw was that of another big cat, like a leopard, it might suggest some confusion or misidentification in your waking life. Multiple identities or mixed signals in a situation or relationship might be pertinent.

6. Playing Catch with the Tail: This unique element could suggest that you're playing a role in a cycle or repeating pattern in your life. Throwing the tail away might signify your desire to change the ongoing sequence of events or to take control of a situation.
B 2021-05-18 09:01:32
I dreamt I was pregnant by a cheetah and he saw I was ready to give birth so he tugged at all six of my nipples so that milk can come out for the babies once they arrived. He nurtured me. I think I was a cheetah myself. I'm not sure. Somebody please tell me whay the heck this means!! I'm also Christian so I'd like a spiritual meaning.
booga 2020-12-14 11:26:42
I had a dream i had a cheetah in my room with a blur collar and my black cat that i haven't seen in a really long time was there too. They were both just laying around my room and in my head i panicked because i realized i haven't fed them in a while so i got some treats and the cheetah and cat ate out of my hand. The cheetah was really gentle with me but i was scared the whole time it would bite my hand but it didnt. I ran out of treats so i went to the cat food and they followed me the cheetah brushing behind me and past me but i felt strangely at ease and i couldn't find the food bowl so they ate out the bag i think and i would just pet both of them.
Rad Bro 2017-12-17 07:35:35
Another dream of mine was quite nice but it was quite odd. It was my everyday life but the only difference about it was that I was a fluffy cheetah. I went to school and walked around the hallways with absolutely no one noticing about it or doing anything about it. I was able to get people to notice me and they would begin to pet me and say "Aww! You're so cute!" and they would pet me for such a long time that they would be late for class. Mostly after that I just continued school as normal and no one seemed to care that I was just a fluffy cheetah until I talked to someone. Quite odd but quite interesting in a way.
Kayla 2017-10-03 16:29:49
I've dreamt of a cheetah twice and both times it was friendly. The first time it ran with me when i was trying to escape a kidnapping and it looked like it knew me. This time i had to carry it and it was playing with me.
Nigel 2017-09-21 08:42:30
I dreamt I went to this shrine to pray and as I approached I saw a cheetah laying down.. As soon as I saw it I ran but it caught me and bite me on the neck..
em 2017-06-14 19:12:33
i had a dream that i was a cheetah but before was a person. i was being hunted by humans and i saw my "sister" and wanted to be with her. it was so weird!!
Ken5 2017-05-03 15:07:27
I dreamed that two baby cheetahs were playing with me while I was sleeping and it was afternoon time two days later I found that I was pregnant.
Radhikaaa 2017-03-11 17:41:08
I saw dream that cheetah enter my old home from terrace door , where I used to live in my childhood , and my mother saving me although by closing door of drawing-room and , then suddenly lion enter from terrace , and she send me to other room and block cheetah in drawing room and I was very scared and suddenly my dream broke and I wake up...
That's all
Please help as I am going through bad phase of life in my marriage.
Tina 2017-01-29 00:56:14
I Dreamt I had something in my hands that people were after me for. I found myself in a shady place and palm trees around when a cheetah appeared. I called her (yes I knew it was female and she seemed to be my friend/pet. I don't know. So a here a voice in my head say give it to "her/ cheetah's name" and I did she grabbed it (what I was holding) in her mouth. And she andI u derstoid eavh other telepathically. And I saw where she would wait for me. So the people chasing me didn't want me but what I was holding in my hands (I don't know what that was) but I did know that even if they caught up to her, they would never get it from her and she would kill anyone who tried. We (the cheetah & I) knew where would meet up again. I woke up saying her name over and over woke up talking in my sleep.
You're all nutz 2016-12-15 22:25:54
you guys are all pipe dreamers. My dream was I was being chased by a bunch of people. I went to a public washroom,where my one eye wouldn't open,,I splashed water from the sink so I could open that eye, as I forced it open I could see a cheetah coloured eyeball ,,my normal brown eye was trying too push the black n orange eye out of my head,,I know a gal friends,who wears a cheetah coloured bra,,and play's Yahtzee with cheetah coloured dice,,haven't remembered a dream in years,,,definitely this one is taboo,,,but living to fast,,digging own grave,,,but that's fine,,

Suzanne 2016-11-21 19:40:16
I was in a jeep, and four cheetahs enter inside the jeep, and all four of the cheetah were very loving towards me, what does that mean?
Bob 2016-08-08 14:39:58
I was in my garden in a car looking down to the road where a cheetah was lying openly in wait on the other side of the road. On this side of the road was a large monkey under a tree. the cheetah wasn't too interested in the monkey. Nevertheless it got up and crossed the road when it saw something of interest in my garden. It walked up to the car and looked in to see a small bunch of us. It was amused that I was making funny faces at it, so decided to walk over to the other side of the car where I was, but my body was halfway through the window. I tried hard to get back in, but the window was a bit tight, so it took me a while to get back in. I was just getting my head in when the cheetah came round to my side . . . then I woke up. Whew!
Rad bro 2016-08-05 23:04:34
I had an odd dream that I was a cheetah. Walking in a regular town area and people did notice me but they did not care much so later in my dream people took me and put me into washing mashine to attempt to hurt me but that did not hurt me. After a while I experienced what running at around 70 to 60 mph felt like and it felt really good! Later in my dream people kept putting me into washing mashines with the fast spin cycle on. After a while when the washing was over. I was a regular person at the end of my dream and the cheetah that I was was standing behind me and I hugged it and it hugged me back. (That was an odd dream.. And the town was a town in a desert area... Odd I like futuristic and modern looking houses and towns..)
anonymous 2016-02-11 08:27:06
today, i dreamt i was in a party. and it was in a garden...grass everywhere... annd a man comes dressed as cheetah....am talking with him and he falls on knees laughing..den i bent down nd kiss d corner of his lips..nd jst whn i pull bck he is smiling nd i hear a roar behind me nd screams everywhere around.... people yelling dat some cheetah has arrived.
Varshit 2016-01-15 04:52:29
A cheetah came into a parking lot and i escaped from it later i trued to take a picyure of it but failed
Melissa 2015-11-01 23:51:29
I had a dream the cheetah came to my house and my brothers and my self were outside. I was the first one to get inside the house because I was fast. I was Ganna call them to get inside but the cheetah was too strong. I didn't know what to do to. They were all calling me for help and well I didn't want to just leave them there. By the time I was opening the door I seen all them hurt suprisly I didn't found them yk being eaten but they were also trying to beat the cheetah. I opened the door so my sister can come the cheetah came by me and I tried hitting it hard as I can in front of me as I can but then I woke up. I got scared even if I woke up lol.
Thor 2015-09-03 22:47:04
I had a dream I was in a jungle sitting on a vine with somebody when I saw the shadow of a king cobra in a small body of water. The Cobra was hiding and I could only see its shadow, then the shadow became a Cheeta's tail. The cheetah quickly came over to the vine I was sitting on with the person and looked at us both then spoke "you get out of here" to the person I was with, who then ran off, and then "you come with me", to me. Then I woke up.

L 2015-08-25 11:56:23
Mine the cheetah was chasing a chicken and catch it then,i took the cheetah picture????
jason 2015-08-05 21:40:43
I dreamt that two light-green snakes devoured a cheetah in front of me. ..what does it mean?
lizzy 2015-08-04 07:43:26
for the past few years i have had the same dream about turning into a cheetah and saving people, but its different situations every dream.
Amor 2015-04-08 03:03:43
I dreamed that I was in a forest, a calm and peaceful green place when I was walking I saw a baby cheetah then I cared for it love it then when it became big on that scene when I called it he jumps at me and smooch me like a bestfriend. What was the reason all about it? Answer please.
billy 2015-01-08 15:32:42
this morning I had a dream about a cheetah I was in somebody's house I don't know how I got there and the owner of the house was trying to get the cheetah to eat me but all the cheetah did was lay on top of me and then I will somehow get to cheat off of me and go back in the basement and the person who owned the house will open the door and try to get the cheetah in the basement

Matilda 2014-12-26 17:13:52
Today, I dreamed that there was a Cheetah chasing after me and my siblings I got away. But when I entered the house, the Cheetah found a way inside also, so my siblings and I had to go downstairs to the basement and call for 911. I told my mom my dream and she said stuff that was way different than what this website said.
Holly 2014-11-28 12:32:07
I had a dream that a cheetah was running out of the brush to hunt me. When it came out I stood up real tall and growled at it. I dominated it and it laid down for me and I petted it.
Margaret wright 2014-10-18 10:55:33
I dreamt of having a cheetahs in my home that was pregnant and I made up a baby cot for it to have its babies. I wad rubbing its tummy.
Charlie 2014-08-22 13:09:41
I dreamt about encountering a family of cheetahs, they were friendly towards me and I petted them. Interesting explanation as these traits are certainly a big part of me.
NEERAJ BHATT 2014-02-12 15:56:11
I saw a dream that a cheetah came in my house sat later we woe in the morning , it was about 4 A.M.
maroun 2014-01-20 21:24:01
i dreamt that a cheetah fell in love with me

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