Dream Dictionary Child Abuse

Dream Dictionary Child Abuse


Child abuse is a serious symbolic allegory. If you do something bad to a child you can go to jail for a very long time if you get caught. And if you happen to believe in heaven and hell, then hurting a child can get you an express ticket right to the devil's left hand. Abusing a child is like abusing that sense of hopefulness and joy and in a way it is more of an attack on an ideal instead of a child when it comes to allegory of course. This is the meaning of what happens when you dream of a child or of child abuse.

If you have a dream in which you are abusing a child it means that you are a bit sado-masochistic. Even though you are not hurting yourself and the pain in the dream is mostly being inflicted on the child, it is still a remark on your inner feelings. Anything that you see in your dreams is going to have a connection you your inner beliefs and ideals because it is all an extension of you and of your thoughts. What it means when you beat up a child is that you are beating up that sense of hope and happiness in yourself. Children are the pinnacle of innocence and hope and ideals and all of those nice and hopeful things. You are beating up your innocence and delivering yourself a message of sadness and hate when you commit child abuse in your dreams.

If you have a dream in which you witness child abuse and you don't do anything about it, this means that you feel guilty about something. The only time that you would do something like this is if you were a bad person and to act like this in your dreams, it means that you think that you are a bad person. Regardless of what you've actually done and regardless of how you are viewed by society, speaking just from a completely biased point of view (your own) you are thinking that you did something wrong, do you are having dreams about you doing something even worse.

If you have a dream that you are a child and that you are being beaten up, this dream of child abuse means that you are probably thinking back about the tough times that you had in your childhood. It is either that, or you are considering how tough your life has been recently or you are also feeling disproportionately weak to how you should be feeling. You are not thinking about your childhood in this case what you are thinking about is the fact that you feel powerless to stop the treatment that you've been getting recently. If there's anything you can think of to help you, then you should do it.

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L 2022-12-27 01:17:03
I dreamt about abusing a child (I never seen before) I so much in rage idk why... In the dream the only one who witnessed it was man (who I never seen before too) then when I was about to do the act again, someone told me that the little girl left forever and won't be back again wich all of sudden that man came to beat me, I tried to escape but he was too fast and then he started to beat me. In the dream the people just ignored us but someone saw how my face became so they intervenued to stop the fight,they started to say he was a monster... So they tried their best to stop him but he was sure to get revenge for the little girl. I don't know why I was acting the victim and him appeared to be the abuser... I don't know how about this dream, I just woke, I could kinda feel the pain... It feels so bizarre to have such a dream...
theDream 2023-12-07 07:12:45
Dreams about committing an act of violence, like child abuse, typically reflect feelings of anger, frustration, or powerlessness in your waking life. The presence of rage in your dream suggests that you might have unresolved feelings or a situation in your life that is causing significant emotional distress.

Here are some possible interpretations:
- Guilt or shame about something you've said or done that you're subconsciously comparing to an abusive act.
- Feeling out of control in a situation, where you fear you may cause harm unintentionally or you're overwhelmed by anger.
- The child in your dream might represent innocence or a part of yourself that is vulnerable. Abusing the child could symbolize self-destructive behaviors or an inner conflict.
- Being pursued and beaten by the man in the dream could reflect a sense of justice or retribution. Perhaps there's a part of you that feels like you deserve punishment for something.
- The switch in roles from abuser to victim suggests inner conflict, perhaps dealing with feelings of guilt and helplessness. You might feel you are being judged unfairly by others or yourself.
- Bystanders' reactions could represent various perspectives or judgments you believe society holds, or they could be different aspects of your own conscience reacting to the situation.

Feelings in dreams are crucial and often are the key to understanding their meaning. The fact that you felt pain and it felt bizarre may suggest that this dream was a way for your subconscious to process strong emotions or stress.
Tia 2022-11-22 04:40:36
I had a dream last night that I witnessed a horrific case of child cruelty and I won’t go into detail. I am passionate about ending child cruelty and did experience it myself as I was subjected to it as a child and teen.
Anon 2022-11-06 08:24:29
I had a bad dream about my dead grandad that he had been into sick stuff and had a secret bedroom behind a wall when we went to check his house after he had died and it had things wrote that he would give us money and tick off stuff like if I spoke sexy to my cousin etc I feel really weirded out as he didn't have a secret room and didn't act like that loads happened I can't remember but just feeling off and wanting to know why I would have such a dream like this
Tarun 2022-09-03 21:27:38
I had a dream tonight where i lived in a dorm with some people. There was a little girl who lived with us. No idea who/ where she came from. The building care keeper used to molest the little girl but the girl was unaware of the act (i.e. she never complained). Once a lady living with us caught him and reprimanded him for his act and took the kid away with her. The next time after some days when i was alone at som wee hours after midnight, i found the kid awake. On asking her “What happened baby, do you need something?”, she smiled and said “cleaner uncle….chocolate!”. I turned on the lights and found the cleaner, drunk and drugged, partly clothed, hiding under a desk.

I was fuming with anger. I dragged him out and beat him with my belt very badly. He was bleeding and unable to breathe. Hearing the commotion other people (who don’t know about the history sheeter) come out and defend him unaware of what happened saying he is an unprivileged person and as a privileged person showing power towards him is wrong. I never told them what happened. I woke up.

In real life i am not a strong or a violent person. I have never stood up for something wrong. This dream came as a surprise. But I’m convinced that i did not abuse the person to show my power.
Anon 2021-09-19 21:00:46
I had a series of violent dreams last night that made me feel super anxious after I woke up. I felt like there was something else in the room with me.
The one I had about child abuse involved me as the abuser which I would never ever do. I was sitting in the car with my baby sister (about 8 months old) sitting in her car seat next to me. We were on a busy expressway with cars zipping past us. She wouldn't stop crying no matter what we did to the point where it made our ears bleed, so I rolled down my window, picked her up out of her seat, and threw her out of the car and into oncoming traffic. I had other dreams a bit similar to this, but I'll leave them out because they weren't involving children and would be irrelevant.
Annie 2021-04-11 15:35:06
My dream was about a baby boy and I was singing to him while my sister was taking care of my real daughter,so along came the sister of my husband she got my baby boy and slammed his head against the counter instantly killing him, when I turn to see his face it was smashed in and bloody with brusse's all over his face,I call out my mom to call the police ,when she stared to attack me so we starting fist fighting and I wake up frightened by his sister what can this mean ?
Vivid dreamer 2021-03-17 21:10:19
I had a dream that I kept biting a baby’s cheeks really hard to the point they were hysterically crying and I wouldn’t stop doing it. I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. What does that even mean?!?
dreamer 2021-03-07 08:24:56
i had a dream of a child being assaulted by a man and i went to that man to beat tf out out of him...the child was lying down uncocious far away and nobody around me were understanding on why i was doing this
Lisa 2020-10-22 18:28:58
I dreamed achild was physically abused and I refuse to allow him to go home
Halimah 2020-08-09 00:48:12
I had a dream where my 6yrs old was sexually assaulted! This is the 2nd time in a month that I am having such dream. Right now my daughter is with her grandma, should I be worried? Should I go get her?
Anonymous 2019-12-08 17:57:27
Clearly whoever wrote this is biased and not a psychologist. Came here looking for help and understanding but instead feel attacked for my subconscious dreams. Telling people something is wrong with them for having a dream in which they abuse a child is complete BS. Some of us are looking for a real reason to why this came up and know we would never do these things in real life. Please go to school to actually learn how to interpret dreams without involving your personal opinions and God.
Brooke 2019-09-07 15:58:05
I had a dream about me looking for my little nephew I don’t know where I was but I came to the exit to see a 4-5 year old little girl badly beatin. I picked her up not know who she is and told someone to call 911. I find this dream odd. Like she was mine, but I’m not a mother. I’m too young. Someone please help me, I felt a connection with me and that little girl

Freaked out Anon 2019-05-12 15:52:16
I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend and I had a baby & she grew up & married a really bad guy (just took advantage of her, didn’t work, he was mean) well she had 4 kids when she married him & they swung by our house for Christmas.. well the youngest grandchild of ours had “NO HELP” carved into the back of her neck and bruises all over her body.. we knew it was him but we had no proof. We tried to get custody but they had to go with their mom.. we had a cop friend check on the kids once a week and he said he saw our youngest in a cast so we invited them over I threatened him and told him we knew what he was doing... eventually they left & the kids somehow escaped from the car & came home to me and my ex & we gave them a big Christmas and they told us what the man had done to them then I woke up
anonymous 2019-03-11 00:48:47
I have been taking the depot Provera shot, I just got my third injection, I've been having nightmares since starting the shot. I had a dream two night ago that a possum was in our garage, so I went out to the garage and it jumped on my face and my husband grabbed it and threw it to the ground, we did everything we could to kill the possum, we shot it, we poisoned it, we broke its neck (ect.), after the possums brain was dead I looked down and it was my three year old son laying on the garage floor in a pool of his own blood, his eyes were red, and there were tears running down his face, he just had a blank look in his eyes, then he looked over at me and said mommy help. Then I woke up.

I would never hurt my children, I don't know what this dream means but I would like to find out.
Rose 2018-12-14 22:47:04
I cant even remember my dream fully but i what i remember of it was horrible. I was outside, walking towards my house, but I was a little bit down the street from it. It was the early morning cuz the sky was a dark blue-ish color. I had my 1 yr old boy in my arms and i had a rigid kitchen knife in my hand and began slicing his face with it while he just looked up at me innocent-like. Then when the sun came out, i started to see neighbors coming outside their homes for the day and i stopped what i was doing and hid the knife so no one would see that it was me who did this to my baby boy. I felt soo guilty in the dream.. i woke up feeling sick with myself, idk why i would dream such things. Please help me, i feel like it might mean one day i will lose my mind.
Missy 2018-03-19 06:36:25
I dreamt of a couple hitting their baby but i could not see the baby's face as his or her back was always turned to me i crabbed the child from the father but with the baby's back to me the father pressed his finger in his baby's eye so i could not handle that and i gave baby back to him
Lea 2018-03-17 20:05:56
I had a dream about my grandson beaten badly by his sister. At the time my granddaughter was tall, when I went to talk to her she was little again

N/a 2018-01-17 13:00:19
The dream Fucking terrified me these random kids cane in and my mom said that girl looked so adorable and looked away and I looked back to see her and she was being dragged by her mom, then her and her brother were getting naked in a video and my mom and I somehow were watching but she wasn’t disgusted?? I was and I closed the computer like what the fuck
And then I was watching the parents choke the little girl till she was blue and then put poison or something on her skin and the little girl was screaming “MOLN WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ME” helplessly and all I could do was watch and that was the first nightmare like that iv had
j 2019-09-08 17:57:19
that is terrifying. I am sorry!!
Anonymous 2017-11-03 03:03:01
I had a dream recently in which I headed to the Beach with my family. I didn't want to go, but had too. I tried to run from my mother once there, but she caught me and hit me repeatedly until I woke up crying. In waking life I have been physically and sexually abused, and didn't get closure on either of these. Could someone help me figure out what it means? If it's about the fact I'm contemplating some darker things, I'd understand, but I'm not sure.
unknown 2016-12-29 09:09:20
beimg abused by a family member it comes in a dream but this person has passed away and you never recalled or remembered this is this possible it has happened to you?
Leah 2017-06-11 13:40:33
Its possible you could have repressed memories. Do some research on it! It helped me, because thats what I have!!
Stranger 2016-11-10 08:16:00
[just=left][/just]Just today I had a dream. You'd probably find this bizarre, I know I did.
Don't read if you get sick easily!!

I was in an impoverished country where there was a hut. Curiosity got the best of me. I peeked through the wooden window, which was propped open with a stick, to see a little boy scurrying away from my line of sight.

I call my friend and tell him I saw a small distorted shadow move in this seemingly empty house, he musters up the courage to enter the home and finds a boy In the room adjacent to the window.

This is what truly disgusted me, We found that the boy had been mutilated, both his hands were severed.
We could tell it had been a while since the ordeal because the skin had healed around his wrists creating two discoloured stumps.

That's not the only thing though, the boy looked afraid and was covered in bruises, from head to toe.

Before, we knew it a strange lady walked out of one of the rooms shouting for the child in an angressive and unrelenting tone, although It was an unfamiliar language to me. The boy, so afraid, replied the instance she mentioned him, but I told my friend not to let the boy go.

We'd both decided this could not continue, What we were doing was probably kidnapping, but that monster didn't deserve the child.

I told my friend to push the child out the window as I pulled from the outside.

We made it out of that terrible home with the kid in our custody, we took him to the police station and that's where the dream abruptly ends. With no outright conclusive ending.
Anonymous 2016-11-09 07:42:11
Last night I had a dream that my child's father threw my newborn just to hurt me out of anger of me being gone from home for too long.. He's not that type of person and he loves his daughter I don't understand why I had this dream it's the first time I've ever jumped out of my sleep in a panic from a dream..
Anonymous1 2016-09-08 18:40:45
Lastnight I had a dream that my father was sexually abusing my 3 y.o. I was trying my hardest to stop it but it's like I kept loosing my grip whenever I was trying to grab their arms etc. I wasn't abused as a child. I have woken up almost having a panic attack. I can't seem to shake this uneasy feeling and am feeling disgust and anger towards my father hence why I have been dodging his ph calls. Pls help me interpret this. It's doing my head in.
d 2016-10-30 05:28:10
ive had same issue if you got snswer can you help me
Anonymous 2016-07-24 11:34:29
I had a dream last night that i was in a hospital, and holding a Caucasian newborn baby and i gave the baby to the parents, i then walked out of the room,it was lime something told me to turn around and go back to the parents room, and i seen the newborn baby in the hands of the father and he's holding the baby in the air and throwing it to the floor at this point im standing still (in Shock) and crying meanwhile the mother laying in the bed saying "oh this isnt the first rodeo" the father then says "this baby isnt goung to last a week" at that point i wake crying wondering why am i having this dream . ive never in my life beaten a child . in fact im trying to have one myself .

Tiffany 2016-06-23 11:32:31
Last night, I dreamt that social services asked me to care for 2 children that were being abused by their father. I witnessed the abuse and took the children to social services myself. After agreeing to look after them, I was fighting off strangers who were hired by the father to kill me and take the kids. I fought 4 murder attempts on my life before I woke up.
Brandy 2016-06-21 08:01:49
I woke up nearly in tears when I held her. Her faced was bruised and scratched. I wasn't the one abusing but I saved her. Currently I'm 6 months pregnant and it is really tearing me up.
Anom 2016-03-06 03:59:01
I had a dream where I followed my husband to the shower. He's away at the moment and miss him. I followed him to join him but when I got to the shower, he was covered in chocolate with a little boy and he was about to abuse him. There was a young woman there trying to keep me away and I grabbed her to rip their heads off. I don't know who the little boy was. I have never dreamed this before.
Kea 2015-10-31 08:04:34
I had this dream that I showed up to this family's house where I was picking something up that I had bought off the internet my husband and 2 kids stayed in the vehicle when I got out this tiny 1 year old or so came over to me and he was all black and blue and there was a big blood blister under his eye and the whole time his family was inside and didn't even care that he was outside or where he was. .. I have no idea how to interpret this dream. I do know I was going to call someone about this little baby though, at least that's what I kept telling my husband.
Anonymous 2015-05-02 10:13:38
Hi. This wouldn't be the first time I've had a dream like this, but I wish it were the last! I would hit.. No.. Beat.. the baby whenever it cried. It made me feel almost giddy. It would cry more whenever I hit it and people were around so I'd kiss where I hit.. and then do it again.. I knew it was wrong, I just knew it was, but it gave me joy. So I put the baby down so I wouldn't hurt it anymore. Because even though it made me feel giddy, it made me feel disgusted with myself. To the point that I snapped my phone in half in my hand as I was walking away in my dream. The dream then turned into one of my exes who I still talk to whom I've never even laid with, but we were having pretty normal sex and I almost all but forgot the baby. There was more to the dream, but not of importance I don't think. This worries me to death! I don't want to hurt kids. They may frustrate me, but I don't ever wanna hurt a baby. Can you please help?! I'm starting to really think something is wrong with me.

-- Anonymous & absolutely terrified/mortified.

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