Dream Dictionary Child Death

Dream Dictionary Child Death


If you have a dream in which you see a child dying or in which you experience child death in some way, the symbolism will depend on how much of this you've gone through before. But for right now, as far as symbolism is concerned, when you dream of child death it basically is not that bad. You might think that it is terrible and this kind of dream might have you shooting out of bed in the middle of the night crying at the top of your lungs, but really, the death of a child in your dreams can just be a little depressing at worst and in some cases might even mean something good. For a little more elaboration on what that means, keep on reading.

If you have a dream in which you experience child death, this means that you have been going through some really tough stuff lately. At least it could mean that. Sometimes your mind will just come up with the worst thing that it can think of or the worst thing that you can think of when you've been dealing with some stress in life. This doesn't have to be the worst kind of stress. In fact it could be something minor like a little bit of work you have to do that you really don't want to. It could basically just be something totally unnecessary to think about. But if you have a dream in which you see child death it isn't necessarily the worst thing. Just remember that before you start to panic.

If you have a dream in which you experience child death, this could also just be symbolic of the early termination of a project. If you have started something or if you're thinking of starting something but it just isn't working out so far then you'll have to give it up. This does not mean that the world is going to end, and it might even be a good sign, like the final push that you need to say not to something. Even if you really wanted to build that birdhouse, maybe it's for the best that you didn't because all of the bird excrement would have ruined your fabulous wood porch.

If you have a dream in which you experience child death it could also be just because you are about to have a child and are worrying too much about it. It's a pretty common worry to think about what might happen to your child and all of the possible woes that could befall you. You're going to need to tell yourself that everything will be alright because in the end, stressing yourself out about it will only end up causing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Child Death

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Erh 2023-08-13 10:42:04
Saturday August 13th 2023. I had hey dream and I was in a car crash and there was a little boy who was not doing very well and the other car and he ended up like laying on the road and I remember holding him and he was in my arms not fully but half of his body was in my arms and he was just laying there with me sitting on the road holding him singing you are my sunshine crying cuz he was going to die. He died in my arms while I was sending you where my sunshine to him and I remember them putting them on the gurney and rolling him to the ambulance and driving him away and pronouncing him dead and I remember as an ambulance her off I was just screaming and crying because this little boy died in my arms. And he was like a toddler like he was little I have no idea what it means and I woke up crying and balling because it felt so real.
theDream 2023-12-07 15:38:54
In terms of dream interpretation, various theories suggest that dreams can be reflections of our underlying concerns, fears, or unprocessed emotions. A dream involving a car crash could symbolize feelings of losing control, a significant change or disruption in your life, or anxiety about a situation you are currently facing. Holding and comforting a dying child may indicate a deep sense of responsibility, caring, or a fear of loss, especially if you are a parent or have close relationships with children.

The act of singing "You Are My Sunshine" in the midst of such a tragic scenario might represent an attempt to bring comfort or peace to a situation, or an expression of love and caring even in the face of helplessness.

It's also crucial to remember that dreams can be influenced by many factors, including recent events, stress, media consumption, and even the meals we eat before bed. For example, if you have recently seen a movie or news report involving a car accident or a child's injury, this could have left an impression on your subconscious and manifested in your dream.
James 2023-07-26 09:28:21
I just had a nightmare of my child and some other people and I being in a very high appartment. My child and someone else were playing a game of tag. First the person tagged him and they both ended up toppled over the other. The second time she tagged him, he was so surprised, he jumped in the air and fell down the ramp over the balcony, slipped underneath it and fell to his death 🙁
I remember I tried to rush towards him but I was being tied up, like with seat belts in cars. I untied myself then rushed again and looked at him from the balcony. I was feeling the adrenaline moving through my veins. I was shocked, angry, sad. Everyone in the room was frozen in shock too. I had to shake them out of their flight responses by shouting them to call 911. I rushed down the stairs as fast as I could and went to his body. His head was smashed. I felt so sad, still am. I'm glad it's just a dream. It was awful. The girl that tagged him eventually came back down. She was feeling so remoseful, and I was feeling so angry, I felt like I couldn't forgive her then. I tried to be nice about it, told her it would be kinder for all of us if she'd just got away for now, since I wasn't in the right mindset to be able to be kind to her right now, I was feeling super angry. I hoped, in my heart, that in time, I would be able to forgive her, since it was just an accident, but, at the moment, I couldn't.
RBA 2023-07-24 20:42:41
I had a dream that I was at my house and I'll sudden I heard some ambulances a neighbor of mine was over visiting and we all heard the ambulance is so he ran outside and at the end of the block was my 23 year old son frozen to death I cannot get the image out of my head for the life of me
Giselly 2022-05-16 15:51:26
My dream was me and my husband sitting watching TV and distinct knock on my door. It was my two daughters that I hadn't seen in a few years. Anyways their looking very sad and being very nice. And I was taken back by it. So they said to us please sit and they proceed to tell me my son got shot to death by a stranger. And all I could see is us holding hands and in a circle and all crying together. I woke up and it felt so real. I still feel the heaviness and the despair in a dream I felt.
Gisselle 2022-03-13 08:00:30
I dreamt of my 4 year old boy being stabbed in the neck. (I don’t really have a kid because I struggle to get pregnant). I woke up terrified of having children of my own
Bebe 2022-02-19 12:05:03
I had a dream i found my 7 year old son dead in the toilet submerge under toilet water. I reached down and felt him deep down in the toilet and got him out. And held him. What does that mean?
Mary 2022-01-21 07:26:13
I had a dream that police came to pick me up and take me home to identify my sons body. He looked like he was beaten to death and he was laying on the living room floor. In my dream it took place in my home but this home isnt my home in reality but It felt like home, it felt so real. I'm having a hard time removing the mental image from my mind.
Michelle Lovett 2022-01-10 09:07:34
I dreamt that I was trying to comfort a toddler that I felt needed love, someone else's child that I suspected was being mistreated, and the child got down and crawled over to the side of the building (we were on something like a rooftop) and was climbing down the side of the building which was now a fence, got startled when I saw it, and then fell at least 20 feet and landed impaled on a short spiked wrought iron fence 😬. What does this horrible dream mean?
Jess 2021-12-26 04:31:40
Just woke from a night teror most terrifying dream my daughters were being tortured to death by people they really cared about. This was so violent so malicious & so many were involved with no one among the crowd willing to help us. This has been the most violent the most terrifying dream I've ever had so much so I've got up and checked every door twice and I'm still fighting to wake myself completely up so I don't fall back to sleep and dream about this evening I have three light catchers above my head I guess I should get them blessed I need help one of the dream catchers have came completely unraveled not sure if there's a meaning to that. I really need some sleep this has to stop.
DiCe 2021-09-06 19:44:48
I had a dream that i entered a small hidden lot which is guarded by my cousins. They wanted to show me something. But, upon entering, i saw a small tomb with a dead child. Then i saw 2 other decaying (with ants) dead children (1 in a craddle and 1 on a big stone; their skins were already dried and they have no eyes). I was afraid when I saw them but my cousin lead me to a dead black cat or dog (also with ants but the furs were still intact), and I immeadiately left upon touching its paws. As I left, I was a bit terrified with the dead children. Then my cousin closed and locked the place after we leave.
Tara 2021-08-02 05:48:05
I had a dream that my kids were in a pool and a shark got a hold of one of my son's but I was able to pull him out of the water as the rest of the family was running away the shark jumped up and crushed my 16 yr old and took him then somehow it was a shark top half with legs running after us and finally we got away. I also had a dream when my now 16yr old was about 9 that they were chasing a balloon and he ran into the street and got hit by a car and died in my arms. More recently had a dream he fell off a skateboard hit his head and said oh no as he started seizing while I am holding him screaming for someone to call an ambulance. I am so terrified something bad will happen. He also recently fell down the stairs at work and had to have emergency surgery on his leg so that might be part of the recent ones.
Marissa martel 2021-07-20 09:49:31
I had a dream that my 3 year old daughter had passed away. I can’t remember if she was with me or her dad but I just remember being really depressed about it and the last moment I had with her just kept replaying in my mind. I’m 8 months pregnant and my daughter almost got into a car accident with her grandmother last week.

Amber 2021-07-11 05:54:57
I had a dream last night that my 23 yr deceased Daughter came to tell me she had died I recently lost her 3 yr after my 23yr Son passed away it's really heartbreaking could someone please let me know the meaning of this💔💔😭
DL_Molly 2021-05-13 14:56:42
I had a dream last night only 12th May 2021, I saw in my dream a child with a superpower she destroyed the whole building while she's in the underground of that collapsing building she couldn't control it anymore and she's shouting i will die, like she's regretting for what she did, then i realized in that dream it's a premonition that the kid wanted to find her body where she died, then i found her cement shaped body and i buried it i told her I'm sorry couldn't save you, and there's a mellow song like a strange song playing in the background. Then going back home with a girl together we are praying Hail Mary 3 times. Please, what is the meaning of this dream.
Stephy Momo 2021-04-03 15:44:25
My dream was located at some farm house & next to it was a big old peeled back white 3 story barn house looking. Well I remember I was put there as an extra helping hand for a friend.
An she an her little brother had told me that they get weird chills and goosebumps everytime they go in.
1x day we decided to walk around an never made it to the 2nd floor, next thing I knew it had a strong attachment to my friend took her into possession leaving me an the little brother to defend for ourselves he then showed me what to do an what to pray , didn't seems too work so I started praying in my own words .
Everything had calm down she started spewing an fell very illl an layer her in bed. The very next day I was exhausted an drained ,but I had received a phone call from my friend telling me her little brother had gone back inside the house,I remember freezing up I screamed an not long after a 2nd phone call whimpering ,panting ,cry moaning...
"telling me he's dead " he's dead they took him away" I rushed to the house immediately to see an empty vessel off a young innocent boy laying there all beaten an scratched an worse ,the black misty shadow was just sitting an lurking around the 3rd story making itself known an to be seen at the windows. It slammed up the house, an I remember screaming at the house whilst holding a cold stone hands of the boy.
Jessica M. 2021-04-01 01:55:44
I had a dream that my daughter was a baby (she's actually 12 yrs old), and that my daughter as a baby was gone, and later it was told to me that she was dead, that she did it to herself, and that I should go on as if she didn't ever exist. Idk how I believed in my dream that a baby committed suicide. I did accept this as the truth, my dream doesn't make sense but, the feeling of her being forever gone was real.
LOICE 2021-03-31 04:06:37
My sister she dreamt of my sons death . My son is 4 years old and my sister she stays with her husband and kids. Please help me, what might be the meaning of that dream.
Jazmine 2021-03-22 11:25:56
I had a dream my 4 year old daughter died last night. It was the absolute worst feeling and I couldn't stop crying. I remember my mom being there to console me and I wouldn't stop crying. I remember looking for her and someone telling me she died. I just screamed and fell to the ground. This was honestly the worst dream I've ever had and my heart is still broken at this minute.
Amy 2021-03-12 00:21:06
I dreamed that my 5 year old daughter went missing, I was running frantically behind where people said they'd seen her. I came up to a new estate and was looking through gardens. I found my earplugs that I sleep with due to partners snoring, so I start crying saying she's been here shes going to be okay. I'm so in disbelief I had this awful nightmare, this part isn't pleasant but the next is hard to write. I knocked on this door and a very tall man comes out his bedroom looking all rushed. I questioned him and he was saying he's so sorry and he wishes he had children but he'd seen nothing. I walked out his house and knew something wasn't right. I told him I'd be back with the police. I was frantically pacing and crying and I said to my partner I'm going back. I swong open the door and he had a garbage bag which I wouldn't look at I just grabbed it and ran so fast. The next thing I knew I was in agony in my nightmare and the police went to arrest him. It felt so real, I'm very worried. How could I think about that. I'm sooo shook up. My baby is safe but now I'm scared of sleeping 😭😭
Susie 2021-03-07 06:15:45
I had the same dream 3 or 4 times. I was at the er with my son every time my daughter was dead...She died from a drug over dose 5 months ago the coroner said her death was accidental but I think she was murdered I don't know how to prove it
Hailey 2021-02-25 10:33:30
I’m 21 and have no children and live on my own. I always remember my dreams and they are always so vivid. I had a dream last night that I found 2 children laying outside in the streets frozen to death at night. It was scary. I had no idea who they were. My little brother who’s almost 14 was apparently out and about which was weird bc he lives in a town 30 mins from me. and I was trying to go find him because I was worried about him a lot. I went to call both my parents who were weirdly at the top of my call list. And then when I hit dial I woke up.
B 2021-03-06 04:40:46
I'm 21 and just dreamt of twin boys dying in the hospital. They were about 5 and I could hear the beep of the machine get faster then they both flatlined. I went to look into the hallway where they were and their mom was in a wedding dress crying. It was really weird... Idk what twins mean. Thought I would reply
Kristy 2021-02-03 04:56:05
I just had a dream that my 1 year old son was shot. I've never been more scared or sad waking up. In my dream I was crying just a little bit as soon as I woke myself up, I started hyperventilating. Worst dream ever...
andra 2021-01-29 17:42:12
i am pregnant and this dream i had was very disturbing. i noticed my infant child in the neighbors yard on a cold metal table hidden within a garden. i hadn’t realized that she had been born yet and it was a shock and surprise to me to see her outside of me and across the yard. i went over to get her and held her in my arms and brought her inside my family home where i used to live as a child. i laid her there to wait while i went outside to the garden to find her something to eat. all i could find were mushrooms and fungi and many options to choose from, none of them seemed appetizing and they all seemed dangerous and poisonous. i tried my best to pick the friendliest of the bunch to feed to her. during the mushroom gathering i brought some into the kitchen to sort through and decide what to feed her, i went out for more unsure of what i had selected and was concerned of their edible nature. when i returned back in she was dead, my brother had fed them to her and he said that he thought i meant for her to have them, he said that they had melted into some form of acid and eroded her mouth and esophagus so quickly that he felt he had no other choice but to end it quickly by killing her and putting her out of her suffering. i was devastated. i woke up crying and felt very uneasy and disturbed by this dream.
Chloe 2021-01-25 06:42:20
I had a dream that I have a one-year-old daughter who died. I don't have a daughter. I only have two sons. During her wake, that was night, I was left all alone in the chapel and I finally found out she was alive and she was squirming in my arms.

Anneka 2021-01-13 14:08:10
I dreamed that my daughters school was struck down by flooding which then caused a fire, in the dream i heard on my to the school that the children that had died, died from smoke inhelation. When i got there, the bodies were being placed in flat pack boxs and piled up. As i walked past them i realised you could see in through the handles, some times a head, a hand a foot etc... I get aling the line and i see my daughter, i look in and i see her feet and her knees then the top of her head and her tiny hand.
I pull the box down and get her out and tell everyone look shes alive shes smiling at me, then i see myself as others did and its just a mum holding a dead child in her arms.
She was younger than she is now, but had clothes on tjatvshe liked to wear.
I woke up unable to move speak cry or do anything just frozen there.
Shay 2020-12-27 17:37:33
I dreamed that I was there when my son got killed. At the time I was living in Ga. and he was in Chicago. But in my dream I was there and actually got to see his dead body lying on the ground. I have been so sad and grief stricken all day. He got killed January 31, 2015 at the age of 22 years old.
Jade 2020-12-21 17:51:14
I had a dream there were theee kids playing in an attic two boys one girl the boys were brothers maybe even twins, one of the boys shot the girl in the head ... I wasn’t one of the kids I was just watching (no idea who to what I was)
Brittany 2020-11-28 23:14:51
I have had a heck of a time lately. But the dreams are the worst. Seeing my late husband come back was torture enough. Watching my daughter's dead body through dreams is unimaginable yet my brain did it. Is it trying to torment me? Is it punishing me, or trying to teach me? I feel like I'm losing my mind
Julie 2020-06-24 16:03:44
I had a dream my currently 5 month old daughter was sleeping with me in a hospital and she died!!! Once I realized she had passed I was absolutely devastated and kept begging people to get her and tell me how it happened!! Then I would think she was alive just to find out again she died!!! It was absolutely horrible
Jacinta 2020-05-14 04:05:31
I had a dream. That both my kids had passed away. It was very upsetting. While dreaming of that they both came back to me in the dream as spirits. I'm worried about this dream that something bad will happen.

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