Dream Dictionary Climbing

Dream Dictionary Climbing


There are about two different solid definitions of what it would mean if a person were climbing from one place to another in your dreams and they have to do with what direction you are climbing in. There are three different main directions you can climb in. You can climb horizontally, you can climb vertically and you can climb downwards, and each of these will have its own definition and understanding of the dream meaning of your climbing image. What do all of these traits and directions have to do with the interpretation of your dream though? Find out here.

When you see climbing in your dreams it is always a depiction of the amount of work you put into something versus the amount of success you have at doing that. If you have a dream in which you are climbing a mountain or you have a dream in which you are climbing a hill, the only difference will be in the size of the victory (or lack of a victory depending on which direction you're climbing in). No matter what you do, you are going to end up having something to do with how much success you have in life.

If you have a dream where you are climbing upwards against something like a ladder or a hill, then it means that your hard work will end up taking you great places. You have been putting in a lot of strenuous hours lately and it is making you a little bit underpowered. However because you are trying so hard to get from one spot to another it is actually working and it is proving that you are putting in a lot of effort and getting a lot out of your work as well. Basically the message of this dream is that your hard work is not going to go unrewarded.

If you have a dream in which you are climbing down something it means that you are reneging on something or that you have given up trying. A goal that you were trying to reach was just too hard and you ended up not being able to accomplish it. It would be easier to go all the way down from where you are then it would be to continue going up. This is a valid choice, but don't expect it to lead you to a lot of money or fame or recognition, or anything else really. Quitters never win.

If you have a dream where you are climbing horizontally then this means that despite all of the work you're doing you aren't making any progress. You are trying to find the way up the ladder but it just isn't happening. You are going nowhere in life and yet you continue to keep going forward because you at least aren't going downwards. Even if it feels like progress, as it turns out, it really isn't. And going nowhere is just that, going nowhere. It is not helping you at all. Just give it up and go down, or try a different route all together.

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Climbing Dream 2024-01-22 05:56:55
Dreaming of successful climbing foreshadows overcoming challenges and achieving prosperity. Failing to climb or encountering obstacles like broken ladders suggests potential setbacks, accidents, and struggles against disapproval.

Climbing in a dream can come in various forms and contexts – each with its own distinct connotation. It frequently stands as a metaphor for one's journey through life, representing ambition, persistence, and the pursuit of success.

When you find yourself climbing up a steep hill or ascending a rugged mountain, this can be parallel to the life's uphill battles and the resilience needed to confront them. Reaching the summit in your dreams is a powerful omen of triumph over adversity. It symbolizes arriving at a point of prosperity and accomplishment after a period of hard work and struggle. In essence, the topographical elevation mirrors your upward movement in life.

Conversely, if in your dreams you attempt but fail to reach the peak, this might hint at anxiety about unfulfilled ambitions or projects at risk of failing. It's as though your subconscious is warning you that your most treasured aspirations are in jeopardy, nudging you to either prepare for possible disappointment or to double your efforts to avert failure.

To dream of climbing a ladder brings focus to your professional and social ambitions. Being able to reach the last rung without incident suggests a clear and achievable path to success within your career or personal life. Yet a ladder breaking beneath your weight carries a starkly different message – one that cautions of unforeseen challenges. Such a dream warns of tumultuous times ahead, possibly related to financial issues or career instability, indicating a need for caution and risk preparedness in your waking life.

Dreaming of scaling the side of a house, especially with the surprising twist of a window granting entrance, touches on a more complex symbolism. It implies that you are engaging or are poised to engage in actions that go against the norms or expectations set by friends or society. There's a renegade spirit to this vision, highlighting your willingness to take risks and venture into the unknown. Success may indeed crown your unorthodox methods, but brace yourself for periods of intense doubt and possibly loneliness on the way.

Example of a Typical Dream with Climbing and Interpretation:

Suppose you dreamt of trying to climb a ladder to fix a leak on a roof. As you near the top, the ladder feels unsteady, and suddenly, one of the rungs gives way, waking you before you fall. In waking life, this could signify that you are striving to “fix” an issue, possibly at work or home. The unstable ladder and breaking rung may suggest that you feel unprepared or that you lack the necessary support systems to manage the issue effectively. This dream is prompting you to think more strategically about your approach to problem-solving and the potential need for additional resources or contingency plans.
Anna 2021-12-18 09:12:50
I had a dream that I was climbing up a dried well with three unknown people. Me and a lady were climbing the sides, while a young man with blonde curly hair used a gardening hoe to hit the wall and make a step for a hurt kid to step on. We did this until we made it to the top of the well where we climbed out. Once we were out me and two of the others noticed the hurt kid never made it up. So we decided that we needed to hurry and leave, but before leaving the hurt kid climbed out and we ran to a car. After we sat down in the car, the blonde found gasoline and poured it in the well and exploded it…as we drove off I saw a creepy creature with a demon looking red face and a shriveled, almost humped over body chasing us.
theDream 2023-12-06 06:20:56
Here’s a possible interpretation of your dream based on common dream symbolism:

1. Climbing a Well: Climbing up from a well could symbolize emerging from a period of emotional or psychological 'depth' or 'darkness.' It could represent overcoming obstacles or finding a way out of a difficult situation. The well being dried up might signify that the source of your troubles is no longer poignant.

2. Unknown People: The presence of unknown people in a dream could reflect aspects of the self that are not fully recognized or understood. It could also suggest new relationships or teamwork in some area of your waking life.

3. Making Steps for Others: Using a gardening hoe to create steps might symbolize creativity, resourcefulness, and helping others. This could reflect a situation in your waking life where you or someone else is providing support to those in need.

4. The Hurt Kid: The child in the dream might represent vulnerability or aspects of your own inner child that may feel neglected or in need of assistance. The fact that this child was initially left behind might indicate feelings of guilt or concern over something that hasn't been fully addressed or healed.

5. Escaping in a Car: A car usually represents one’s drive and motivation towards achieving goals. Escaping in a car could imply a desire to move forward and away from past or present hardships.

6. Exploding the Well: This act can be interpreted as a desire to completely eradicate or cut ties with the source of a problem, to sever connections with a difficult past, or to ensure that a certain issue won't return.

7. Creepy Creature: The red-faced, shriveled creature could represent fears, anxieties, or negative aspects of your life or personality that you are attempting to evade. It confronting you even after destroying the well might suggest that despite efforts to address these issues, there is still fear that they will continue to follow or haunt you.
Shivani 2019-10-24 23:32:01
I had a dream that i was climbing the mountain with a rope of red cloth. I have climbed half mountain because I wanted to climb till that point. Also that mountain was endless. After that one of my friend told me to come down because she was afraid i will fall. So i came down but i dont know how i came down. But i was safe.
Sarah 2019-04-30 08:22:56
I had a dream I was on a very high building with some people I don't know and some where coming down easily ,I had someone at my back that I was telling not to push me and I was wearing a black high shoe so I knew the shoe won't be OK for me to come down with so I removed it and started coming down slowly , I was able to reach down successful with the help of some holes and iron I was holding on the body of the building. And I kept wondering why some people were jumping down and landing successfully but it took me time to come down.What does that mean.
Scarlett 2018-12-19 06:11:23
I had a dream that I kept waking up in different places with a hanging dead person next to my bed, and getting this feeling like a murderer was after me, i even woke up in a little shop where there were two hanging men by my bed and ran out of the shop (and ran), i also woke up at my mothers house and it was the same thing - dead man hanging (i ran) - i remember waking up on a bus and again another hanging dead person, and the killer was there on the bus with me while i was holding this baby, he came to stab the baby but i put my hand out over the baby's stomach and let him stab my hand before i ran like a motherfucker, I remember being in a building and the only escape was out by the verandas where i then climbed down the outside of the building, its the last thing i remember before waking up - can someone tell me what this means???
Sylvia 2018-12-18 19:24:29
In my dream I was climbing a ladder carved into a mountainside,but I wasn't climbing up it the way everyone else was,I was climbing upwards on the side of the ladder as passers by watched and looked at me weird. The ladder then turned into stairs by the time I reached the top. I entered the mountain and was greeted by people I knew in a past life,then was welcomed up stairs to feast and drink and hear stories of what has come to pass. Afterwards, I turned into a pirate and went into a battle that was on water but also on land at the same time while clinging to a rope. Another pirate tried to take me away to be his bride but then someone else came along claiming to love me and pulled the rope I was holding up with me holding onto it. Then I saw Knights,but their graves laid in the water where I was fighting alongside other pirates. After the battle,we had another feasts but I was unable to enjoy it bc then my teeth began to crumble and fall out. I could taste the blood spilling from my mouth. Then this man who claimed to love me came from around the corner with a rally of people singing behind him,professing his love and how he has waited for too long. Then he asked me to marry him and everyone rejoiced. What.... in the world....does all this mean?
Ruru 2018-10-08 03:11:22
I dream of climbing a ladder to save a baby boy from falling down and I did save him. what does it mean?
Jane 2021-11-05 21:33:55
Hi based on my experience this dream is not positive. a few years a go I kept dreaming of babies or helping them. A man who answered to the same dream on Yahoo said that the dream is not about the baby it is about waist of time and not being able to fulfil your goal. I believe in that interpretation because I just was not successful in something and during that harsh time I kept seeing those babies, but before his interpretation I felt that seeing babies were not good omen, and that is why I kept searching online about why I see those babies, and his interpretation proved it.
Taylor 2018-09-14 06:32:06
Hi ,what if I'm my dream someone was helping me climb up
Arnett 2018-02-18 01:11:57
I had a dream. And in the dream, I was climbing a tall palm tree along with 2 other friends of mine. When I was very close to the top, I could see the third friend standing near the tree and shouting at me in disappointment that I went to the top without her. Then I'm falling down for her while the two other friends warn me not to. As soon as I land safely, I could see the third friend climbing the tree and is halfway to the top. I shout at her that I came all the way down to get her and that she left without me but she just smiles at me and starts to climb again. Could anyone please interpret this dream?
Wow 2017-02-09 11:46:38
I woke up at 5.15, it was a hot still night, my face was covered by sweat. The moon must?€™ve been shining all night but have just started disappeared leading the night into the darkness again.. there was still some light in the room. I looked at the room and the sight has spooked me - I saw a shape of a Grim Reaper on the door (created by a shadow of a night gown and a hat hanging on a hook). I then remembered the dream, the reason why I woke up in sweat.

Climbing Down the Tower - or an open Skyscraper dream. The building seemed like it was somewhere in Europe, it looked similar to the Eureka in Melbourne or Q1 on the Gold Coast. We were on the roof top and the building was deteriorating fast. I don?€™t know who were the other people must I must?€™ve known them. Time was running out and I was packing my cameras. I realised I had them with me and they were really bulky and uncomfortable. Nonetheless, I was taking them with me. I have vertigo in real life and I also had it in the dream trying to delay the descent on the outside steel ladder as long as I could.

There was no staircase, only metal stairs attached to a concrete wall, I don't remember seeing the round safety steel brackets earlier but later just before I woke up it was definitely there. I couldn?€™t get myself to start descending, my backpack because of its heaviness could jeopardise my efforts and I could fall, but it didn?€™t cross my mind to leave the valuable equipment there.

When the skyscraper started changing, looking more skewed and stretching taller than before, it was time to go. Someone was there to help me with first steps. I looked down and couldn?€™t see anything but a body of water in the first meter of the outdoor ladder.

I thought it was strange I had to climb down through the water and how does the water stay contained in the air. I thought my thoughts were all distractions from the fact that o had to climb down eventually.

When I woke up and saw a Grim Reaper shape, I thought about death and the three times this week people driving on the opposite lane crossed the white line in front of us, probably being on their mobile phones or distracted other ways.
Doly 2015-08-29 19:43:49
I had a dream about standing near a huge waterfall with one friend, the water was so clearly and the sceneary was very beautiful, even I touched the water and it was so cold. Suddenly the water level came up where we were standing, and there was no way out to escape except a huge rock/mountain beside the waterfall, so to save our life we climb up the rock/mountain which was too straight and high as well. Finally with less effort we reached the top and it was a place of surprise, the place from where we can see the moon easily. ......please send the dream analysis to me.
Andrew 2017-11-26 01:15:49
The waterfall can symbolize a number of things...i would look at in within the context of the other items of your dream which is the rising water (waterfall also being water) and both water and the moon indicate and symbolize emotion ..or your emotional being. water and moon are the most obvious of symbols for emotion.....but it is interesting that there was a waterfall and a rock face which you climbed...these suggest a kind of adventurousness, risk taking , danger , boldness, fearlessness, exhilaration...in addition to the waterfall's connection with emotion (because water suggests emotion)...it is also a spiritual/magical/ cleansing/ purity all wrapped into one symbol. Only you can truly interpret what this means for you...was your friend a part of this ?...in other words is it about him/her ?...partly about him/her ?...or are they just present as a witness or bystander (as a friend )?
clark scott 2015-04-07 09:13:58
i dreamed of climbing down several times in a dream but every time i made it down easily. I was trying to reach a friend in the dream. So i doubt it was about failing or being hesitant. At the end i watched myself in a replay and saw i did all this with very little effort and then seemed to fall back into my body and awaken

Albert george 2014-07-15 17:44:19
I often get a dream as i run through buildings and i cling to something and i am running i feel i am searching someone or a thing and also its like a building like a free running i have been getting these dreams for about 6 years now please help me or mail me at georgeprep07@gmail.com
Casey 2014-07-14 00:43:19
I had a dream and it was not clear, i always dreamt my old home or my old places, sometimes i dreamt that i walked on the streets on my old place.what does it mean?
denisse 2014-04-04 20:55:11
i had a dream, i dont know if its a hill or not, but when me and my friends reached the top, we saw a water fall, and we slept at the top. We have our blankets and such, but it's so uncomfortable.
Kacey 2014-02-11 22:30:48
I've had many dreams where I have climbed over objects or piles of things or up buildings or trees, to get to a destination.And then something happens at the destination. But what does the climbing mean there?
Jeanne 2013-12-07 23:51:04
I dream that I can climb high,but when it's time to get down, I can't! I'm terrified!

Jordan 2013-05-05 16:03:05
I had a dream that i was on top of a building and i had to park my heals half off the room (very high) and half on the building.. so i jump.. penguin dived stright down felt like i was taking a heart attack, then to my suprize i was still alive. i ran up a building and it seemd gravity was delayed as i ran up using my hands very little with ease, as i approached the top i became extreamly scarde of heights and had a horrible trip down, inch by inch it took hours, when i said i couldn't do it anymore i looked down and the ground was only a step away. after that i awoke,, *(i had several other dreams in one dream like...5 dreams i can remember) when i woke up i was sweaty and scarde...anyone want to explain this>?
Janine 2012-06-07 08:14:57
tnx. i always wonder why i dream about this kind of stuffs .. this helps a lot! ^.^

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