Dream Dictionary Clown

Dream Dictionary Clown


A clown is a person that can really scare someone or a person that can really make someone happy and there is not much in between, especially when it has to do with dream interpretation. In fact, interpretation will depend entirely on you having a strong reaction to clowns in some way. You could hate them and be afraid of them or you could love them and find them to be entertaining. Clowns can be scary and clowns can be funny, but rarely are they ever actually evil or scary. If you'd like to know what it means when you dream of a clown or what these traits have to do with clowns then just keep reading to find out.

If you have a dream in which you are being entertained by a clown or a dream in which a clown is putting on an act for you, and you are the type of person that does enjoy clowns, then this could be your reward that your mind is giving you for just having had to go through something awful. The clown is trying to raise your spirits and let you know that everything is going to be alright. This is what clowns are meant to do, make you happy. And hopefully he or she is doing his or her job because clowns are great fun when they are actually doing well and doing what they are supposed to do.

Alternatively the clown could be trying to help you get through a tough time in a different way, by trying to teach you to laugh things off. There are some situations in life which you can only get through if you do a lot of reflection and a lot of thought on what you are dealing with. On the other hand there are some situations which, no matter how frustrating, can be surpassed as soon as you accept the fact that you need to laugh things off in order to be happy. Laughing things off may not see the appropriate thing to do literally at the moment, but it is something which will help you cope with a tough situation later on. You need to laugh more in your life.

If you are the type of person that is generally scared of clowns or finds them to be repulsive, then when you dream of a clown that is trying to entertain you it is probably because someone in your life has been trying to antagonize you and it hasn't been making you feel so hot. Nobody likes being bothered or being emotionally damaged and the more that you really get pushed into that situation, the worse you're going to feel. Then the dream the clown takes the place of your antagonist. The antagonist could be a real person or it could be a situation or something non-physical, but whatever it is, you are dealing with an annoyance and the clown is there because of it.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Clown

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Jasmine 2023-03-22 01:51:14
Well I feel this may be the place to share my killer clown nightmare thing within a dream. I went to go take a small nap round 12pm. I saw myself going with a large group of people to an abandoned amusement park. I can't see these people or why they are black figures but I went with them anyway. We start off looking around then one flips a switch turning everything on. One by one we start getting picked off. I haven't seen what is killing us off yet. Knowing this was a nightmare I attempted to wake myself up. Thought I was awake until I looked around I was not in my bedroom as intended. I woke up in a rectangular white walled room with a brown dresser sitting to my left. It had two broken drawers on the bottom and some stuff lying around it. I ended up back in this amusement park again and attempted to wake myself again. I woke up in my bedroom this time but someone was there that shouldn't have been there as they were out of the house. They said something to me and I don't remember what it was. I "fell back asleep" and saw what little was left of the group go down a water slide floater tube thing. Knowing I'm going to die if I get in that tunnel I look around for more exits. By this time I saw the killer clowns faces distorted as if angry at us. No where to go but through that tunnel. I got far enough away from the ones on the outside but was stopped by someone being slashed up from a window in the tube. They kept telling to move on I'll make it. They won't make it. I saw this person had scissors and cleaver sticking out of his back. He kept saying he wasn't gonna make it. I asked him why. Weird. Anyways I go to outstretch my arm to attempt to help him and I'm getting crushed by this inflatable tube by the time it makes it round my head and arm I knew I was gonna die. White light, then that room again, then waking up for real. I don't understand what this means but it feels nice to share it
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 08:58:16
Dreams, particularly nightmares, can be highly vivid, symbolic, and sometimes unsettling experiences. When you dream about being in a dangerous or intense situation like the one you described, it could be a reflection of anxiety, stress, or fears in your waking life. Interpreting dreams is highly subjective and can vary greatly from one person to another, but here's a general look at some elements of your dream:

1. Abandoned Amusement Park: Amusement parks are typically associated with fun and joy, so an abandoned one may symbolize a loss of happiness or innocence. It might also represent neglected talents or hobbies in your waking life.

2. Black Figures: Faceless or undefined figures in a dream could reflect aspects of your personality or life you may not fully understand or aspects of your life that are undefined or uncertain.

3. Being Picked Off One by One: This could symbolize feelings of vulnerability or fear of losing people around you. It might also represent a feeling of impending doom or powerlessness against an unknown threat.

4. Difficulty Waking Up/False Awakenings: Experiences of thinking you've woken up only to find you're still dreaming can be very disorienting and might relate to a lack of control or confusion about a situation in your life.

5. Killer Clowns: Clowns often represent mixed emotions; they can be both funny and frightening. A killer clown might symbolize something that is supposed to bring you joy but instead brings fear or harm. It can also be a manifestation of a fear of deception, as clowns hide their true faces behind makeup.

6. Water Slide/Tube: Water typically represents emotions, so a slide or tube could indicate being swept away by your feelings or being forced to confront emotional challenges.

7. White Room: Waking up in a distinct place that's unfamiliar or sterile like a white-walled room could represent a desire for a fresh start or feeling trapped in a situation.

8. Inability to Save Someone: Trying to help someone in a dream but being unable to do so could reveal feelings of helplessness or guilt in your waking life.

What you should remember is that dreams use dramatic imagery and scenarios to express emotions, thoughts or concerns that are going on in your subconscious mind. They are not premonitions and often do not have literal interpretations. The anxiety and discomfort in the dream might suggest that there are unresolved fears or stressors in your life that you might benefit from addressing.
Mia 2018-06-23 08:47:59
I had a dream where I was walking my dog and I saw a clown standing in the corner of the street with a knife and the usually busy road was empty, then the clown saw me and started chasing me and I ran back home, once I got there I dropped my dog off and went back outside the clown was there and he stabbed me in the arm, back, side, right leg and broke my left leg. Then he left and I looked to see if he was at the hill, and he was. I relized my neighbors dog was out and knocked to warn them, but the clown heard me and I started knocking more, they soon opened the door and I immediately went in, I frantically told them that there’s a clown and to bring they’re dog inside, once they did the clown started stabbing the door, I told them to hand me a knife and they did, then I stabbed the clown and killed it. Once I thought he was dead I called 911 and stayed on phone with them and saw another clown on the hill, immediately they started chasing me and I told the 911 operator where I was and told them the situation, they said they would be there in 10 minutes...I told them I couldn’t run for 10 minutes and to hurry up, soon enough there was a police car and I jumped in, I told them about the body and they asked me what body, I was about to point out the body on the sidewalk when I relized... the body was I gone, I started freaking and told them to drive to my house and then the clown fell off the top of the car and got run over, we got to my house and they asked “weren't there TWO clowns?” And I started freaking out, I started leading them to my moms room for some reason when I noticed the bathroom, it was wide open and pitch black, I grabbed a gun, turned on the lights and shot something, it was the clown. My mom came out of her room and asked what happened, then she saw me and hugged me, and then I woke up crying.
Reilly 2018-05-17 15:18:39
One night I was playing with my two besties we were having a pillow fight in my moms bed. But we heard footsteps coming into my moms room. So we hid under a ton of blankets and pillows. We heard his steps right near us he didnt see us so we thought he would leave...But he stayed he picked up the blankets and pillows we were hiding under. He made an evil smile and looked mad at the same time. He took one of my besties by her underwear and held her in a wedgie. He told me and my other bestie to go into rooms green and red. My bestie was supposed to go in green and I was supposed to go in red. I heard a lady screaming at me from the room with red walls. She yelled "BRING ME THE CHECK" I was so scared i did not want to go in there so i just stood still for a moment. I saw my other bestie go into the room with the green walls. The room with the green walls was the room where the clown was in. HE had a lady and my best friend named Izzy. My other bestie Maya was starting to walk in that room. I was so scared for her but I did not tell her to stop because if i yelled the clown would hear me and come out. I watched her slowly walk into the room and the clown picked her up in a wedgie and tied her to a metal pole. She started to scream it was a very loud scream but it did not last long something or someone had cut her off. I heard the lady from the red room screaming again. This time she yelled " BRING ME THE CHECK REILLY". Im Reilly!!! She knew my name. I could not take it so I ran down stairs as the lady in the red room screamed more and more. My brother Jaxon found me running and gave me a hug. He heard the screaming too. But right before my eyes he dissapeared! I ran back up stairs into my room but i had to be quiet because my room was right next to the green room. The clown saw me running into my room so i got really scared! But when i got into my room i slammed the door shut and heard my friends scream really loud. But once i walk into my room Chris Hemsworth is sitting on my floor! I went over to him and he let me sit on his lap. I felt so safe with him! He had no shirt on and was wearing a crown! I was like what the heck! This nightmare just turned into a dream come true! But the clown was knocking on the door! He was pounding so hard! Chris told me not to talk so of course I listened.The clown stopped knocking and went back into the green room. Chris picked me up and carried me outside and put me in a van. We started driving but the clown was in a car behind us driving with John Travolta! The clown looked at me making crazy faces! We drove back to my house and we went upstairs in the hall and when we turned around we saw the clown with a knife but he didnt try to kill me it was like he was trying to make me scared. Then i started to talk i said "Could you please let me have my friends back?" He replied and said "Only if her the check". I was scared of the lady in the red room. She kept screaming "BRING ME THE CHECK REILLY!" But I would do anything for my friends so the clown pulled a 200 dollar check out of my pocket and handed it to me. I walked slowly into the room with the red walls. When I got in the lady screamed "GIVE ME THE CHECK REILLY!" I handed the check to her and she screamed and grabbed the check. When i was about to pull my hand away she grabbed my arm and screamed. She had blood all over her and was screaming. The clown came behind me and picked me up in a wedgie. And put me on a metal bar in the green room. There were 4 people in the room including me. There was the clown the lady, Izzy, Me and Maya. The clown came up to me gave me an evil smile and said "GIVE UP" I would never give up till that killer clown was gone! I screamed back at the clown and said "NEVER!" Izzy and the lady were laying in bed and me and Maya were tied to metal poles. Maya joined in with me and screamed "NEVER" Izzy joined in too. We all were screaming "NEVER!!!!!" And then I woke up. I know this was a long story but i have no idea what it means. Does anyone know?
theDream 2023-12-06 09:01:41
The dream you've described is complex and full of intense imagery and emotions. Here is a generalized interpretation of some elements of your dream:

1. Pillow Fight with Friends: Playful activities with friends in a dream could represent positive connections and relationships in your life.

2. Footsteps and Hiding: The fear of being found might symbolize anxiety or a feeling of vulnerability in certain aspects of your life.

3. Wedgie by a Threatening Figure: Being threatened or attacked in a dream can point towards feelings of helplessness or being overpowered in a situation.

4. Red and Green Rooms: Rooms of different colors may have specific symbolism. Red can be associated with danger, passion, or anger, while green might represent growth or safety. Being sent to different rooms could imply that you feel you have to make a choice or that you are being pushed in different emotional directions.

5. Name Being Called & "BRING ME THE CHECK": This could indicate a sense of responsibility, duty, or a debt you feel you owe in your waking life.

6. Disappearing Brother: A disappearing family member might represent fears of loss, abandonment, or change in family dynamics.

7. Chris Hemsworth: Celebrities in dreams might symbolize idealized versions of people or the attributes you associate with them. Feeling safe with him could highlight a desire for protection or a sense of security.

8. Clown Pursuit with John Travolta: Being chased often links to anxiety or avoidance of a problem. The bizarre pairing with a celebrity could be a way of your subconscious dealing with the incongruity or confusion about the situation.

9. "GIVE UP" and "NEVER" Exchange: This contrast represents a struggle, perhaps an internal one, where you are determined to overcome challenges despite being confronted by intimidating forces.

10. Confrontation with the Clown and Lady: The climax of the dream with confrontation can symbolize confronting fear or a stressful situation head-on.

Remember that dream interpretation is highly personal, and what might hold significant meaning for one person may mean something different to another. Your dream's vivid and movie-like quality suggests that the content could be influenced by media you have consumed along with your own personal experiences and feelings.
Kaytlin 2021-05-11 08:36:49
I honestly really do believe in evil entities, I just had a terrible dream I feel with the same evil spirit.
never give up, they want you to be scared and hopeless! Always FIGHT THEM!
Mgm 2018-05-16 18:23:40
i had a dream with Pennywise where I was being held hostage by him in a relationship kind of way and at the same time whenever he left me to go murder someone gruesomely i could feel it and I’m not sure how I feel about it but it terrified me that i couldn’t wake up or escape
dead inside 2018-05-11 11:45:50
I had a dream where I and my sister had to stop a killer clown. NOT KIDDING, and my mom almost got killed... We were talking with people in the hospital who were sick and he got killed on the P H O N E. Also telling mom that we could reset the timeline and other things like that. It all started when the lights went out in a hotel room I think and we were locked inside of the room... I woke up after the phone guy got killed then I realized how bad of sleep I got last night because I DIDN'T HAVE MY FUCKING PILLOW OR BLANKET. xD I'm scarred for life......
Christina 2018-01-09 20:59:30
I felt like I had to share this somewhere, or to whoever will listen. Last night, I had a dream that involves a certain person that I haven't had present in my dreams before, it was Pennywise from the new IT film. I did no see him face to face, but he WAS there because I felt his presence.
In my dream, I'm all alone somewhere in the dark, and just being there by myself scared me because being entirely alone is one of my biggest fears. Out of nowhere, I heard his voice saying something like this, "Aww, what's wrong?" I was startled at first, but I responded by saying, "It's dark...I'm alone...and I'm scared." It was silent for a moment, until I felt his hands creep onto my shoulders from behind. "There is no need to be afraid...you are not alone...I am here..." I heard him quietly say with his breath blowing past my ear. I was expecting myself to scream from the unexpected contact, but my fear started to fade away. Knowing that somebody was with me was rather calming. His touch was surprisingly comforting, because his grip was light and gentle, not harsh and tight. My head tilted back, and something plush and soft brush against my back. I felt one of his hands stroke one side of my face, and I pressed into it. His hand went around to the opposite side, rested on my lower cheek, and pressed my head into the puffy sleeve of his shoulder. Something was pressed against below my ear (which I believed to be the top of his nose) and moved down the nape of my neck. The next thing I knew, I felt something sharp (his many rows of teeth) pierce the skin above my collarbone. What was strange is that I didn't scream, but sharply inhaled, and breathed out slowly when his sharp teeth broke contact. The last thing I remember was that I heard him say "I will always be here...". He quietly laughed his all too familiar maniacal laugh, then I felt a sudden pressure as he quickly and sharply twisted my head as far as he could. It was at that moment I woke up, remembering that Pennywise had marked me and broken my neck.

I know it was just a dream, but there is always a possibility that our dreams have a message. Should I be worried?
LaChrystiyan 2017-12-27 17:16:56
I Had a dream about a clown killing children. Me and my friend had went to this clown maze and other kids. We went inside where there are hiding spaces. The clown was outside welcoming kids in, but told them at the same time go and hide. So, me and couple of people went inside the sewers where there were thoughts type of gate things. Me and my friend heard screaming and gunshots. We started to run. We found ourselves inside of the house again. The clown said "If to u stop running and put your hands up, I won't kill you." So he came to me and my friend and we both decided to put our hands up. But then, he shot me in the stomach and my friend in the leg. She could feel the shot but i couldn't. That's when he told me "You might die because I shot you in the stomach but her..... she might live." That's when we decided to get out. We finally escaped and found my mom and my brother on the highway with the broke down car. I told her me and her had gotten shot. But that's when i some up and then i decided to go back to sleep. But my dream didn't resume on that part we had went back into the house. Me and tamia escaped that part again and my mom had picked us up. In my dream, a week later went by and we had went back with a couple of more friends. We went back to our hiding spot (sewers) and our friend had went out to check. Ended up being shot in the head. After that, I woke up.
Skye 2017-09-29 04:42:12
I had a dream about a clown, it was midnight and I was out with friends then I turned around and they were gone. When I turned back I saw a clown at the end of my court staring at me. It started to walk to me but I didn't move because I was frozen. the clown told me to sit on the gutter, so I did. He told me to stay and if I didn't he would kill me. When he left the court I ran to a fence that I thought I could climb and I did it. Then by the time I made it over, I heard his footsteps, so I stayed still. When I heard him walk away I also heard a car, I looked over the fence and the clown was in a car. I knew a back way so I went that way. When I kept running I saw a cop car hidden in the dark. So I went and tapped on the window but then I saw the car coming around the corner so I ducked behind the cop car. When I saw the clown leave I jumped in the back seat of the car. I told the officer "that car that just went past a killer clown in it and its trying to kill me". He started to follow the car and I said don't but he said to trust him so I did. I kept low so the clown wouldn't see me. At one point he drove past the clown and he nearly saw me. We drove alway up to the mountains. At that point it was already day time. I saw a pedal bike so I ducked into the little space in front of me while he went past, I looked up at the officer and addled if he's following us he said "yep" I was shitting myself. I sat back up in my chair and looked. He was following us . It was already like 6pm. He was riding behind us for a few minutes then he came on my side of the car. He pointed at my window it was down half way. So I put it up as quick as possible, he pointed to the back window which was open so I also shut that. The sun was down already. I looked back at one point and he was gone. I saw a shop so I told the officer to stop there because I needed something, just anything. I went in and got a bag of chips, donuts, bottles of soft drink ect. I looked out of make sure the cop was there and he wasn't. I tried to hide in the aisles of the shop but obviously they didn't work. I heard the shop door open so I peeked and it was HIM. The clown who had been trying to kill me this whole time. There was an old lady just going about her day and suddenly that was about to change to never going about her day again. Th clown stabbed her in the back of the neck and she died instantly. I was already crying. I went back and forth crawling in the shop aisles. Til I went to one and he was there I tried to crawl away but he stabbed me in the back multiple times to the point where I bled to death. The end.
Emz 2017-07-09 14:25:29
I dreamt the clown Pennywise from the movie "IT" was in my dream. It was prom time and everyone was in their dresses and tuxes. I was in this room when it appeared and I was locked in the room, I couldn't get out and it was trying to eat me. There was a girl there too, it was about to eat it too but she said something and it was no on her side. I fought my best and I don't remember much but I woke up and that's all.
Gee 2018-06-08 15:06:24
I had a dream with Pennywise, his target was me. Watching my every move. Me, thinking that he was after my aunt. I mad her say her first and last name over and over. Then, I turn looking at him, cursed at him telling that I see his M’F A** as well. Protecting my aunt...thinking that I was, not... Then he launched at me, pendinding me down pressing his fist horribly into my stomach. Waking, still feeling the punch pressing deeply, gasping for air.
Too mention I have just had stomach surgery, was home at the time of the dream.
Kay 2018-04-17 20:26:13
I also had a Pennywise dream. I was in some type of school and the people in the school wanted to get rid of the clown but no one could. I took it upon myself to kill him... ( i’m scared of clowns ) so he was outside my classroom so I started beating him up... and then I put him in a garbage back and tied it up. Then I woke up because I didn’t know whatelse to do with the bag
MonkeyKing 2019-08-30 13:17:54
I just had a dream of a family of pennywise they wasn't trying to kill me per se but o cut it down it was my girl and her dude I think they had kids. And I was at there house and when things took a turn for the worst he turned in to pennywise first then the oldest to the youngest and there where 3 kids two girls one boy then my girl turned then me but I was cool with her husband at the end even though I'm cared of clowns what does this mean
Nee 2017-09-25 06:34:40
I had a dream similar last night. Pennywise from IT was in my house walls and was trying to eat me and some other people but then we went outside we were up in a very high building and one of the people jumped and Pennywise was hunting us one by one. Before I got eaten I woke up.
Ari 2017-11-25 21:46:16
Message from Nee
I had a dream similar last night. Pennywise from IT was in my house walls and was trying to eat me and some other people but then we went outside we were up in a very high building and one of the people jumped and Pennywise was hunting us one by one. Before I got eaten I woke up.

I also had a dream of penny wise "IT" the clown but instead of eating me he raped me and cut me up into little pieces to make a clone of me and druged me and beat me and other horrible things to. But he had this clown minions and he had them rape me and beat me to. But he never ate me. It was like he wanted me alive.
Lou 2017-06-13 21:42:02
I once had a dream about one animatronic clown in my room, and was blocking my door so I couldnt get out.
I remember it throwing feather quills at me, but was made of hard metal, and he just kept throwing them at me, going into my face, spine, legs and hands. I tried to get away, but I couldn't move without falling over.
This has happened multiple times, and the dream is exactly the same each night.
Amy 2017-03-16 08:03:36
I had a dream that when evertime I get out of my house the clown would stand beside that door and in that dream I was going to school and I looked back and he was there but the weird thing is that it looked exactly like the clown from American Horror Story...
Jazlynn 2017-02-23 17:56:22
I had a dream that I was at my best friends house and we were like having a slumber party with a couple of my other friends and I look out of her window to see the view and all the sudden I see a bright red hair bright red nose and then he disappeared I told my friends and they didn't believe me and then her mom is downstairs and then we hear a scream and we run downstairs to see clown and we all run back upstairs and hide and I was in the worst hiding spot he found me me and then I pushed him and got him out of the house.So then he runs outside and leaves so me and the girls went back upstairs and then all of a sudden we hear the door go wide open and then we look at the window and there's like 10 clowns. Then will hide and he found all of us and we were hiding places.and we were going to play dodgeball before in the clowns came so we all had balls so we start throwing them at the clowns then the mom called the cops and they went to jail. And if you can't tell I am highly scared of clowns.

dulce 2017-02-19 12:53:48
i was dreaming about that I opened the door and there were a died corn field and there was a box and there was a died clown I screamed and went back in I was looking out the window and there was a purple clown following my sister and her son but he wasn't scared but started crying cuz the clown stopped following them after the clown had to follow them home so her son whould go home AND then there was more clowns just entering my house but we weren't scared anymore one was orange amd the other was blue ..... so I don't know what my dream is about
Your lord and saviour 2017-03-19 09:44:03
You saw a died clown... Great England!
Conor 2017-03-11 10:51:16
Message from dulce
i was dreaming about that I opened the door and there were a died corn field and there was a box and there was a died clown I screamed and went back in I was looking out the window and there was a purple clown following my sister and her son but he wasn't scared but started crying cuz the clown stopped following them after the clown had to follow them home so her son whould go home AND then there was more clowns just entering my house but we weren't scared anymore one was orange amd the other was blue ..... so I don't know what my dream is about

It's ok but it might be because of fear anger
Or running away from a event of something.
Manpreet 2017-01-26 08:18:10
No one believes me but I had an experiencethat a dwarf clown is holding my hand and I'm [/just]trying to escape but I can't move ,I can see everyone but in very very slow motion im shouting but no one can here me then I don't know what happened actually but my parents says it was a dream but it's true
Jessica 2017-01-04 17:09:03
I had a dream and there was a clown driving an ice cream truck every night and it would stop at someone's house and chase them for the whole night and scare them and my dad said come to our house and he chased us and then I couldn't lock any doors and he turned into a man with spiky hair and started talking about a pink pen and then we went to my friends house and we went into this bouncy house in his backyard.
Haha no 2017-01-04 00:35:39
I had a dream where my old friend stops this door closing on me and then as we go downstairs with the rest of our class everyone stops. There were police cars and ambulances outside, and somebody tells us it was a murder. We sit down next to the two people who committed the murder, one of which is dressed up as a clown. My old friend makes a pun about clowns, and the guy stands up, grabs a pitchfork, and kills me
Nevermind 2016-12-04 08:32:10
So in my dream I'm only like 10 and my friend scared me and my other friend about this clown roaming Green Bay and I believed it then I finally got over it so I'm not scared anymore but in my dream last night I was like at this school or something like in an art room that's when there was a clown in the room and he came up to me and hugged me I was fine but I was wondering why that happened and then he just went and sat back down which was weird to me but he was kinda creepy looking but he seemed nice though and he only hugged me and all my classmates were there to and they saw it but then I just said in my dream "Jia" but then all of a sudden Dwayne Jhonson just popped into my head for no reason and that was it and I woke up and It really did feel like someone hugged me.
So That's it for now
Ellie 2016-11-21 14:24:05
I had a dream were I was like walking down the street or some shit and this like kid clown came up and held my hand and eventually loads of them starting following me and holding my hands and stuff, I am terrified of clowns but it was quite calming, like I was scared in my dream but I didn't react, I think in the end something bad did happen involving them but I can't remember anything else ??
Sophia 2016-11-19 09:27:43
I just had a dream where the creepy clown with long fingernails was locked up in a dungeon and he just asking nicely to let him out and I return he give me freedom from my parents so I don't scare easily, so I let hime out then he said he wanted to give me a hug of death and as sown as he gave me that hug I felt a huge relief come off my shoulders ...then my family disappear...in my dream the dark clown is always on sight .....what does that mean ?
No name given 2016-10-31 19:07:56
I had a dream where there were animatronic clowns everywhere, they all chased me at one point. Does that mean anything bad?
allis 2016-10-31 04:45:03
NO SHIT THE CLOWN WASNT TRYING TO ENTERTAIN ME, I WATCHED HIM SAW A GUY'S FACE OPEN, IT WAS SO BLOODY AND CREEPY AND I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW THATS FUNNY. I don't even like gory movies so how could I dream of someone's face getting sawed open like fck wow. And plus it was a slaughter house and at one point the clown was an old man but it frequently turned into a clown. The old man invited this group of people in and the next thing I know blood was splattering everywhere as the clown saw a guys face open. In my dreams, I can hear everything so clearly. From the sound of people breathing to everything and you cant imagine how loud I heard the guy scream. I hate gory stuff and this happened to me, I don't know why. Then the next scene I remembered was when the main girl in my dreams escaped and she lived through so many years in fear. Like she goes everywhere and always has the thought of the possibility that anyone she sees could be the clown/old man. Throughout the whole dream, I remembered jolting up in shock a few times but it seemed like every time I go back to sleep, the dream just continues. I would call it a nightmare but I wasn't that scared when watching it all.
sophe 2016-10-13 05:47:38
my friend got chased by a clown last night
she shitted her self
Wiktoria 2016-10-14 23:39:30
They're actually everywhere no joke.
Bonnie 2016-09-20 16:24:39
UM............WTF??? Did I just read?? The only answer I got out of four paragraphs was........ Clowns can be funny when they entertain you , if their doing their job then they are funny, and evil clowns are antagonists????? It didn't make any sense to me because it keeps repeating the same things over and over but just switching the wording. Im actually more upset and angry then I was when I woke up, Here's my thoughts and feelings Clowns .......are not funny!!! EVER!!! Never never not even a teensy bit. I won't go to the circus , why you ask?? Well because they have CLOWNS!!!! I hate their shoes, and their beepy red nose, I hate the clown car because guess what ??? The tiny car seems to have magic powers because when u open the door the creeps multiply????? WHY?? Does this need to happen, they are just not funny, to me they are all serial killers or live in the sewer eat kids and if that's not enough they can turn into giant spiders!!!!!! I'm sure maybe some nice people dress up as clowns, but the makeup reminds me of someone trying to hide their identity, maybe because, YOUR A SERIAL KILLER. In case you didnt notice I hate clowns. So bad!!! And in case I forgot to mention, they are not funny. And if you are a clown and we cross paths I will hit you with a brick or bear mace the crap outta you. Sorry about your bad luck, your just not funny.
Ps, IAM fully aware that I probably need therapy for this fear, I don't want to face my fear tho, nothing good could come of it ever. Sorry for venting, I feel better now,,I apologize for getting off track, and all the other dream meaning are great, I just hate clowns. I can't be the only one that feels this way. Right?? Lol
Roderich 2016-07-28 20:00:37
🙁 guys im really scared. so, I distinctly remember one part of a nightmare i had.
me as a grown man, running through a park, yelling "shit sHIT SHIT" and then i fell, trying to get my pocket knife. then i turned to see a bloody clown with a hatchet and he giggled "im spoiling myself" (thats the part I remember the most clearly) and then he ripped open my chest and stomach and proceded to eat me alive. i woke up and my chest hurt like hell. what does it mean? or is it just too much supernatural + ICP? xD
Alex 2017-03-27 13:06:17
Dude that has got to be creepy one of my dreams is down low mabey

Luther 2016-07-08 23:38:21
I had a dream about a psychopathic murderous clown I am not scared of clowns but when I saw this fuck walk down the road I felt absolute terror I ran in my house locking the front Dore and this bitch broke my window just to hand me a Vhstap witch I had watched. The video was just him murder a victim as if I was next is there any reason some one would have a nightmare about a clown and not actually scared of them??
Moo 2016-06-24 10:26:56
i had a dream where i was stuck in a box inside a table, and a clown was rolling on top of the box THIS WAS MY REAL DREAM I PROMISE
maria 2016-10-08 10:54:52
Hi! Having a dream about a box could mean you are stuck in a emotion. HOPE I HELPED 😄
Anonymous 2016-06-04 00:14:22
I had a dream that this clown was showing up randomly and making me make all this strange decisions, like throw mustard at in or throw ketchup at it. I found these really hard to make in the dream, but when I chose one the clown would just disapear. Eventually the clown showed up and just tormented me. I was very frightened of this clown. If I stayed with my parents though, it would never come. Then I realised that it only came when I have left something behind like a coat or something. Every time a scary thing happened I used to try and turn off my phone, but I was never able to do it. The clown eventually came back to me and told me that trial 1 was over and that trial 2 would soon begin. He said that the next time he would come back as someone with a rope strangling them. There was also a scene when we were at the amusement park where the clown was from. My brother wanted to go off and do a ride which one of the people dressed up as a character for the park. My mum said yes but I desperately tryed to stop him. Then the clown came back and said "let him go... I'm sorry...for everything" and the dream ended.
Anon 2016-12-27 08:29:20
Holy shit I had a dream pretty simular to your first one. A clown would randomly appear in my kitchen and things like a gun and would pop up and I would have decisions and it really freaked me out and I would feel like I was losing my mind bc my dad came in and didn't even help me and I had to like fight the clown to make it leave me alone and it was like I'll leave you alone if you do this over and over and it was crazy. I have this weird deja vu where I've definitely dreamed about it before.
Logan 2016-05-26 04:35:06
So I had this dream I was rushing to get ready for work and for some odd reason the scene kept switching back and forth between my house and my dorm that I use to live in. So I end up, for some reason, calling an uber to pick me up to go to work. While I'm waiting for the uber I forget to put on deodorant and cologne so I run upstairs(at this point it's the dorm) and see 4 of my friends and my girlfriend in there. So I know at this point the uber hasn't come yet and by the time I got there it would have been 15 past when my shift starts. So I grab my phone and start to call my job to inform them I was going to be late. I called and it went straight to voicemail so I kept calling and calling and calling and no answer then finally I called and the tone didn't even ring but instead....this picture popped up on my phone as soon as I pressed call. In the picture you could clearly see the top of my head and my girlfriend's head (from about the nose up) and I'm the background you can clearly see a head which looks like the top of a clowns head from the white face paint and green hair that was made up in two long spikes on his head. The caption in the picture said "don't turn around" and my friend saw it and she told me "whatever you do, when you go to work, don't turn around or look behind you." I woke up freaked out and every time I tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep the picture kept popping up in my head. What the heck does this mean?!?!
John 2016-05-01 15:13:28
I was in intensive care recently and was told I had been awake for four days. During that time I heard and saw a lot of messed up stuff. I remember seeing a clown in the room I was in. It was sat at the other end of the room watching me (I think). It reminded me of the clown from the film IT. It didn't do anything or speak, it just sat there. I'm not sure if I was dreaming or awake and hallucinating but I remember being terrified and convinced it was really there. I'm still not sure if it was real or imaginary. It wasn't doing anything to entertain or scare me it was just there. What could it mean?
Blaze 2016-02-15 20:00:32
It's probably because I've watched the movie IT a lot since I was little kid but I keep having nightmares of pennywise.. It's been reoccurring for years now and it never gets better. I remember years ago having a Dream of a penny wise/Freddy kruegar entity.. And just last night I had one of penny wise. He just stared at me with an angry look and would slightly open the sides of his mouth just barely showing his razor sharp teeth. Just writing this is giving me shivers. All I remember is after moments of staring him down I ended up getting him in a full nelson and holding him screaming for my friend to come see this demonic clown and help me kill him.. But moments before my friend entered the room he just disappeared.. Poof. Out of thin air gone. I don't know what it means but holy shit did that creep me out. I'm 19 BTW lmao
Joleen 2016-05-24 04:03:53
I had a dream if a creepy purple clown at my door staring at me and it would hide when i opened the door. Only i could see it in the dream because when i asked my sister to look at she said there was nothing there and she ven opened the door. Once in the dream when i opened the door the clown was still there and this time i asked it why it was stalking me and it said in a creepy voice"You need to pass your SAT's". That was weird because i am only in 6th grade. I told my sister that in the dream and she said it would go away. I was terrified when i got up at 4:00 in the morning and i held my dog as close as possible. She is like my bear. P.S. The creepy clown was holding a knife and a gun.

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