Dream Dictionary Cobra

Dream Dictionary Cobra


Cobras come in all types and sizes because there is more than just one kind. However, there are a few traits that all of them do share. Most cobras are known to be highly poisonous and dangerous for humans. They are all snakes and love to slither and coil up and stick their tongues out in strange ways. Even though they should not be simplified to their biblical status or their fables status, they are pretty well feared amongst the animal kingdom and by humans as well. Cobras are known for being ruthless and cunning and smarter than an average animal of that size. They are also daring and willing to take on large challenges even if they might die. Now we'll go into what all of this has to do with dream interpretation though.

If you have a dream in which you are being chased by a cobra, this is because you feel like you are about to get into some dangerous business. Something is going on in your life or something is about to go on in your life that is not all the way wholesome and you are going to need out of it fast if you hope to get out unscathed. Any further down the hole and you will be bitten by that snake. Without metaphorically speaking, this means that something bad is going to happen to you soon if you continue down the dangerous pat that you're on, so you'll stop if you know what's good for you.

If you have a dream in which you are a cobra, then this means that you are out for blood. You are trying to be cunning and vicious too in life to help you get what you want and it might be going over well or it might not. The point is, this is what you're going to have to deal with now. Your personality is morphing due to some new set of circumstances that you're being forced into and you are becoming ruthless and scary like a cobra. If this is what you need to do in order to survive then you better do it quick or else you might succumb to the pressure.

If you dream that you are being stung by a cobra means that you've probably fallen into some sort of bad deal. A snake is another word for an unsavory businessman or someone of questionable moral fiber. So if you happen to be bitten by a snake it's because you've fallen for the trap that they've laid out for you. Don't be caught up in it and don't allow yourself to fall victim to the predators out there. This is why sometimes you'll need to teach yourself to be strong like the snake too. It's the only way to ensure your survival.

A cobra is a dangerous animal whether it is poisonous or not though because no man or woman wants a snakes fangs dug into their skin and when they do get in they never let go without causing significant pain to yourself. If you have a dream like this it means that you have a problem and if you don't deal with it soon, it might end up being more pervasive than you could have ever imagined before.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Cobra

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Matt 2019-08-27 14:26:59
I had a dream that me and my brother where trying to catch the cobra no one was hurt and I don’t think we got it
Lish 2019-02-25 15:06:22
I had a dream about a giant king cobra(colorful) it never touched me but it was winding and curving through the levels of my life
Nicole 2018-01-25 09:24:36
I dreamt that me and my friend were in bed and there were two cobras on the floor amd they sprung up and stung my friend as i tried to protect her
Cobra dream involving a dog saving me, though 2017-06-30 21:34:13
My cousin lives in the 3rd house down from me, their dog Lucy spends as much time with me at my house as she does at home, I had a terrible dream I was weeding the flowers (orange bushy tiger lilies)a huge cobra cousin lives in the 3rd house down from me, their dog Lucy spends as much time with me at my house as she does at home, I had a terrible dream I was weeding the flowers (orange bushy tiger lilies)a huge cobra came out of no where from the thick of the lilies intending to bite/attack me, the dog Lucy got in between took the bite killing the Cobra but dying herself, this should probably be obvious but so many interpretation come to mind. It's worth mentioning I felt no threat until the Cobra leaped out to strike me& I am terrified of any type of snakes, living in Missouri a cobra is not a real threat. What does this scenario mean?
micki 2017-04-26 10:08:00
I had a dream that I owned a pet cobra..idk what that means
johan 2017-03-17 15:38:59
a few days or a week ago i had dreamt about baby snakes they were all black but that didn't bother me , i wasn't afraid or anything ... last night i dreamt about a king cobra but weirdly it was a greenish whitish or yellowish looking snake , it was set inside my house slithering around , the only thing i was afraid of if this snake was gonna attack my parents . i pulled out a knife and i got my sisters in the room and told my dad to leave , the snake stood up to me as it flared its face , i started to strike at it with the knife whilst the snake was trying to fight back but almost gave up on its self. the snake slithered away, what does this mean ?
Naomi 2017-01-07 10:54:50
I had a dream of about 10 black cobras , all babies but one . They were in shiny green grass , the skies were black , & all I saw was them , skies and green silk like. Grass . The one that seemed to be bigger then the rest stood up, made eye contact , and tried attacking me 2 times . At the second time it attacked I woke up
bobby libor 2016-12-26 13:42:44
i have dream there is cobra standing beside me and is like guarding me is facing behind me
Sinu 2016-11-16 02:40:01
I saw a cobra going easily in my granny home and after seeing that i followed to watch that more ,but it knew that i am following her/him then it look back with it hoods throwing some poison(not eaxactly)but acted like that .I was quiet far it didnt affect me .I dont know why i m seeing the dream and to what shld i relate it to .

before two days i saw one oil lamp infront of sai baba is getting extinguished n m trying to save it .
Sunita 2016-09-20 17:52:30
I dream last night that a black five head snake on my bed then beating my head then all around many snakes found. During fear sai baba from photo pulled the tail of snake and saved me
Soup 2016-08-10 08:47:44
I had two snakes in my dream. one was cobra and the other snake i couldnt remember.My brother and group of other people, we were hunting for these two snakes in grassy areas and some building structure around.
we caught the first snake and which was cut it into two parts, we had hard time catching cobra but we caught and my brother slit it into two parts so it may not bite anyone.
im really scared can anyone tellme what does this dream mean?
Monea 2016-06-01 02:00:07
In my dream I was in the shed looking for something and I grabbed it and I started walking back to my old house I used to live in with my step mom, dad, and siblings. As I was walking I saw a black cobra all swollen like it just ate, I froze and waited for it to leave. It started to slither backwards out the gate and about to leave until it saw another prey, a komodo dragon. It came back into the gate and i tried to run but the snake forgot all about the reptile and bit me on my right hand. I started to panick and tried to get it off but it stayed and I could feel the venom. I kept thinking I didnt want to die yet, please no. I grabbed my phone out to call 911 then I woke up.

Inoka 2016-05-06 20:24:58
I have a dream last night. little white snake with the red sign of "" on its head around a tree branch near to me. at that time it was crowded and I warned others and ran away. what this mean?
sudharsan 2015-12-10 23:57:10
I saw a cobra playing with the stranger and i am seeing that happening , can anybody interpret on this and explaon
Jacob 2015-09-24 11:37:33
I had a dreak of a cobra which, going by lengthier explainations found elsewhere, means I harbor jealousy and resentment
Jason 2015-08-12 00:18:03
I have a dream see a bold man with giant king cobra on the field standing together, the king cobra same high as the man standing, when my puppy go to them i saw the king cobra bite my puppy and carry as high as the man, when i go chase them i saw them run fly to the sky seem like have smoke or cloud on their feet fly to the sky, i quikly suck the poison from my puppy lucky puppy still alive. Anyone know what it mean?
Ruth 2015-01-18 14:01:16
My brother dreamed that I was walking on the green grass and in front of me I was approaching a camouflaged huge Cobra when I finally saw it , I was able to run and it couldn't catch me but it looks like it was purposely coming for me because when I got awat it started chasing me again on another path but again I got away because I was running too fast
abc 2015-01-01 05:57:55
I had a dream of playing with a large indian cobra
dianne 2014-08-31 07:46:47
I had a dream with the cobra snake and my boyfriend was on arrived on his big bike and cobra was chasing at him in the grass field whats that mean
X 2014-06-16 11:44:14
My friend has 3 little dogs. (reality)

I was at his house and the dogs were turned into very dark green snakes. I'm usually okay with his dogs but the snakes I'm not. he was playing with them while I decided to add some fun so I decided to literally create a cobra snake by magic. It got created and somehow if you put any snake on the cobra, the cobra becomes the other snake
JaDog 2014-04-05 14:11:48
I had a dream about several large cobras in and outside the home I was living in (not necessarily my physical home) and they were all crawling away from me - almost running like they were afraid of me. One of them had shed it's skin, which was still in the "hooded" position and when I cautiously walked towards the shedded skin it crawled away and swallowed the cobra up whole. I read some dream interpretations and they said there were huge problems in my life that were easing up for me or going away from my life. What do you think?
X 2013-01-07 15:58:54
Way too simplistic interpretation of the meaning of a Cobra in a dream. You are ignoring thousands of years of symbolism in both ancient Egypt and India.
shwetha 2016-05-14 20:28:34
I was grinding snake pit with a stone then suddenly shocked snake came out. I saw something like material sticked in the stone

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