Dream Dictionary Coconut

Dream Dictionary Coconut


Coconuts are regarded strangely by popular culture. While people have generally seemed to embrace the coconut as a form of sustenance, it still seems to reside in a strange area of the consciousness where people don't really consider it as a fruit, a nut, or a vegetable. And if it comes from nature and can't be qualified as a fruit or vegetable then people usually have a tough time placing it at all when it comes to its use as a dinner table item. What does this say about the coconut though, or what does it mean as far as your dream is concerned. This and all other questions will be answered.

Because the coconut is such an oddball in nature, when you have a dream about a coconut it could be because something strange or perplexing has entered your life. There is some new influence in your day to day life that you are having trouble understanding or there is something about your life that you are having trouble coping with. This could be because you subconsciously believe that you have been acting strange even though you shouldn't. This could also be because you have met someone new that acts fairly strange or is not what you might think a normal person should be. This makes the most sense as to what the coconut might mean in your dreams if none of the other explanations apply to you.

If you have a dream in which you are a coconut then this probably means that you are putting on a tough exterior even though you do not believe that you are tough on the inside. In fact you know you are not tough on the inside because the flesh of the coconut is very soft and easily edible. Yet, the outside is so rough and firm. Coconuts are some of the most hard to consume items just because their exteriors (despite how furry they look) are actually pretty tough. They are like rocks, and often need to be cracked open on something like a rock if you don't have a very strong knife ready. Even if you do have a knife you'll also need an incredibly steady grip in order to make sure that you don't cut yourself while you are getting things ready. Basically, don't put on a tough exterior if you aren't actually tough, because it is just causing people to be repelled by you. You won't make any friends this way and it will make social situations awkward.

If you have a dream where you are a coconut and someone else is trying to eat you, this means that your tough exterior has not been working. Even though you have tried your best to be sour and unappealing to others, there are still people that want to get to know you and pick your brain so to speak. Therefore you might as well give up the act and try to make some friends. Otherwise you'll just lead yourself into ruin, which is never good for anyone.

The coconut is also hard and sometimes referred to like a head of another creature, or it is likened to a human head. To dream that you are eating a coconut or using a coconut could mean that you feel like you are a little bit hard headed. You need to learn to accept other people's opinions and other peoples loves and desires. You are no more important than anyone else in this world, and likely you are not the smartest man alive either.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Coconut

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Leslie 2021-01-26 09:11:12
I dreamt of digging coconut in a mud, then I cooked it and eat it, it taste sweet.
Irene 2020-07-24 06:41:21
I dreamt that I went to a market of coconut and bought coconut then told the seller to open it for me. She did and then made coconut pudding with it
agnes 2018-05-24 14:39:35
I had a dream,a very popular pastor came to see my aunt's neighbor,he has been knocking for a while, unfortunately my aunt sent me out to pick sometin by her car..den I saw d pastor and was relly happy cos that was the 1st time of standing one on one with him..he prayed for me and brouhjt a coconut from his bag,broke it open..though the coconut was'nt too big but was full of water..he washed my head with the water and prayed for me..plss I need the meaning to this dream
Shameem 2019-04-16 17:04:54

I saw a bunch of green coconuts and was dreaming at 4:30 or 4:40 am in the morning.

Can anybody tell me the meaning? Thanks
Len 2018-02-15 23:29:00
I dreamt a coconut where I cut one branch it produces unstoppable coconut water. What does it mean? Hoping for your brilliant answers. Thanks!
Fasinu zacchaeus Oluwaseun 2017-10-26 06:07:06
I dreamt that I traveled to my home village and I some of my brother were discussing on how to rebuild our families house .
I now saw a coconut tree which is is easy to pluck , and I plucked one .
One my brother was dragging it from me and I gave it to him.
But older brother ask me to and take broken one to eat and I said no I don't want.
Pls what is the meaning
Nina 2017-10-17 10:41:38
I saw that I was drinking water from a coconut, but once split it fully in to 2 halves came to know that inside was rotten and full of fungus. Do you know the meaning of this please?
luk 2017-08-07 23:16:41
I dreamt I was eating coconut at the passenger side and feeding my husband with some coconut as he drives. Pls what is the meaning of such dream?
dhanush 2017-06-18 13:52:30
Was riding bike...suddenly something fall infrnt of me..its a coconut. On the way its falling again and again have escaped from all it...
I saw it in evening
What it mean
Please reply
Akiha 2019-01-05 09:23:20
I have the same but only 1 coconut and hit my head. I hope someone tells us what this means
Usha 2017-06-09 04:57:00
Selling a coconut to a shop?????? :/
Arnie 2016-10-24 11:17:22
my dream which i dont get many of anymore was that of me opening two coconuts, one had a pair of wool gloves in them and i was dissapointed as i wanted the water, the second sounded full of water but when opened i awoke?!
aishatu 2016-10-14 08:22:16
I need urgent answers, in real life I love eating coconut about 4daily even if it's not ripe,but I travelled far from home for about 4months now I have not eaten it,but last month someone gave me coconut as a gift,i decided to plant it in the house were I will live because I will be here for long,it has started growing, but for two days I didn't go to water it,but it is well taken care of. This afternoon I wanted to pray&didnt have a means to tell God all my needs,i decided to worship &speak in tongues&i told Jesus, you know what to do for me,help me&i slept off,then I had this dream, in the dream a plumber came to were I lived&cleared all the weeds from the flower bed,leaving only few old ornamental plants&he uprooted the coconut shoot completely, I didn't even see wen he did it,but in the dream I was not pleased that I can't find the tree shoot anymore, then I woke up&forgot the dream,2hrs later when I woke up I strolled to were the shoot is,i saw it growing well,then I recalled the dream&i don't know what it means?am really worried because it was somewhat uprooted in the dream&in real life it is still on the soil!
Richard 2018-03-17 16:21:42
I dreamt of a coconut tree and we are planning to cut it down using a power saw and we are on the states that we are ensuring that there would be no properties to destroy when the trunk and leaves fall down. I end the drram up without cutting the coconut tree
Anjali 2016-07-28 15:40:38
I dream that my sister in law came with my neigjbour in my kitchen and gave me a dry coconut (gatt) and she is smiling on me

priya 2016-06-29 20:41:30
iam passing through the cementroad with my mom where coconut trees was planted aside.
whizmag 2016-06-18 20:47:25
Please someone help and interprete this, I went with my fiancee to a known destination we saw tall coco nut trees one of them bore fruit on the middle of the stem while others bore branches on same place. What does it mean pls respond with quote
nikitha 2016-04-04 02:58:29
i saw lots of coconut coming out of my sofa can any one tell me the cause of it
Alvin 2016-01-31 01:28:45
I dreamt i went to a place & i saw someone sharing out coconuts i went & get mine. When i got home & pulling the coconut husk i raised it up from the ground & it became three instead of one. Pls help me interpret.
toba 2016-07-30 15:22:54
Message from Alvin
I dreamt i went to a place & i saw someone sharing out coconuts i went & get mine. When i got home & pulling the coconut husk i raised it up from the ground & it became three instead of one. Pls help me interpret.

hello alvin one of the Chanel God use in communicating with us is dream and and the holy spirit told me that the meaning of the dream you hard is that you are going to av three male child that will be strong and ave wisdom
Savitha 2016-01-03 18:58:01
I dreamt seeing a coconut wrapped in red Cloth(shira) and painting it with violet colour.
shirin 2015-12-06 10:45:31
I dreamt I was drinking cocnut water from a clear glass with lots ot bits of coconut in it, and some black stuffs in it a a ig black fly as well
dona thamara 2015-11-03 23:18:48
jamaica 2015-10-27 16:07:58
I dream its a coconut farm a lot of people in there and friends saddenly the strong wind comes and all the coconuts was falling into as,People ran to save their lives and I do as well.Me and my friend ran while our hand into our head and looking up and we saw many coconuts falling into as but we made it to escape that place.
embergraxia 2016-04-14 09:09:56
same dream here. I had it last night. So what does it mean?
Badette 2015-10-15 23:39:59
I dream about my ex, gave me coconuts, he went into our house but he never entered our gate--- he just left the coconuts to my cousin🙁
javarita 2015-10-05 08:29:29
Please help interpret this dream for me, I saw about
4 coconuts, as I was about picking, someone rushed
and took 3 and left one and I picked that one.
Israel 2015-07-20 06:52:46
I dreamt of a big dry coconut like yam and a small one falling in my compound and I begin to say is from heaven and the child I was carrying was very happy.
Mjoy 2015-07-13 05:28:12
I dream a little had a dry coconut I took it cut it open and eat the jelly inside

irene 2015-06-12 08:46:15
i dream my friend and i were trying to get some coconut from a tree but she bought from the seller at the other side and i wa strying to buy from the tree seller itself.
Mala 2015-06-12 00:43:24
Dreamt a coconut tree on free and fell in our compound
Jojolo 2015-06-04 23:50:07
I dreamt I was making a coconut oil.
onyii 2015-05-15 20:14:57
Pls someone help interpret I this, I dreamt of where I saw a woman she came back from travel with coconuts, so I referred to the coconut that it's fine. The next thing I was served with 4 sliced coconut and Abacha (cooked and sliced cassava ) like a very important person. Meanwhile the people around me got smaller portion. Who knows the meaning please
ariel 2015-03-03 18:08:29
I dreamt that I climb to the coconut trre until I reach into the top...And I pull it down one of the coconut into the ground, while there is one friend of mine who said the he will be the to take the coconut the has been fallen in the mad...
vivian 2015-02-15 14:19:17
I just had a dream, something sting my foot, it was so painful, before I could hold it to pull out it went straight into my leg like a tiny long black line, so I went to a lady and told her bcus the leg was so painful, as soon as she open my leg to try to remove the thing inside, we saw an open hole in my leg, the hole happen to be a coconut that is open with both shell and the fruit inside my leg, so she tried to remove the fruit first before the shell, and then I started praying with holy ghost fire and then I open my eyes and continue the prayer.
Pls can u interprete it for me.
Bob 2015-03-22 23:03:05
This means you are scared of something even though you c an overcome it

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