Dream Dictionary Cougar

Dream Dictionary Cougar


A cougar is known for its fierce predatory nature which is also how the word came to get its other meaning too as more of a joke than anything else. There are many different ways that a cougar's symbolism could be interpreted. For one, they have sharp eyes and can see prey moving from nearly miles away. For another thing they are excellent hunters and can stay quiet in waiting for a long time without anyone noticing them and without their prey suspecting a thing. The other definition of cougar, well, these people are known for their strong sexual appetites. This will tell you how these traits apply to dream interpretation though.

If you have a dream in which you are a cougar, it means that you need to open your eyes more. There's something that's going on around you, an opportunity that you need to seize, but you don't seem to be getting it. If you can just pay attention to the amount of stuff that's going on outside of your limited field of vision, it would open for you, an entirely new field of vision which is just ripe for the picking. Be ready for all of the stuff that you will soon be privy to once you open your mind a bit, enough to let in a few new ideas.

If you dream that you are running away from a cougar it could be because you feel as if you are being preyed upon for some reason. You are being bothered by someone or maybe someone is just relentlessly teasing you. Whatever the case may be, you feel almost like a victim or a potential victim. You are doing your best to try to avoid being made fun of and avoid having to confront other people or deal with confrontation on the part of others. Dreaming of a cougar will stop once you start to stick up for yourself more and once you start to show your bullies what for.

If you have a dream in which you are being pursued by the other kind of cougar, this could have two different meanings depending on what reaction you have to it. If you seem to be bothered that there is a woman following you, then this may be a sign that you are not ready for commitment and not ready for a relationship with a mature woman. You should also think about how this remarks on you maturity level though. Not very well, it would seem. If you enjoy the attention from the cougar in your dreams though then this means that you have accepted your level of attractiveness and your appeal to an older age group and are happy about your fortune in having such classic appeal. Good job.

A cougar dream can be pretty intimidating to deal with at first but soon you will be able to realize that it is not the worst thing in the world. Just give yourself some time and after a little bit you will be able to realize what it is saying to you and whether it is good news or bad for you.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Cougar

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Leviticus 2022-02-09 14:18:25
This is long, but I hope my writing is captivating enough for I have had these dreams too often and remember vivid details. There are a few different scenarios I dream about involving Cougars. i) An infrequent dream of an up-close confrontation face-to-face with crazed eyes, desperate looking, and hostile cougar. or ii) a scenario in which I am having a repetitive terrifying, frustrating but exciting dream that I want to change the outcome of, I am in a familiar place in an open field when it suddenly turns to night and I see its figure pass by not too far from me suggesting that it is aware that I am in its territory.
i) The up-close confrontation dreams involve the crazed desperate looking cougar batting and snarling at me preparing to attack but it doesn't commit to attacking me. Rather, the situation involves me just leaving a place by myself from a place that has people that I know in my real life like friends and family. I am able to always make it back to make the others aware of the sincerity of my pleads for someone to be aware of the situation. It always leads to them claiming nothing is there. The person who has the most doubt ALWAYS ends up venturing the furthest from safety. This doubtful person is an unfamiliar person to me and is also a person that happens to the least able to protect themselves based on there physical traits. This person ends up being attacked viciously, but still alive and not too badly injured after being attacked. It is the same every time, just a different person being attacked, and is the only person in the dream that I do not recognize out of all of the other people there.
ii) The repetitive dream I've been having consistently is terrifying and when I wake up I am frustrated but kinda elated and I end up laughing cause of how I am always ending up in the same place, being hopeless and captured. For context, I am in a familiar place in an open field when it suddenly turns to night and I see its figure pass by not too far from me possibly making itself visible to me to tell me that it is aware that I am in its territory, maybe pressuring me to act sooner than later, and it knows that it will catch me no matter the choice (although I always end up trying to make a run for it before I realize that its a dream and I can try to subconsciously alter my decision in the moment. I am running SO fast and always make it just before the top of this hill where my old house is near, all that is left is to cross the road and make it up the driveway. But right as I am nearing the road above this hill, I can feel its presence and hear the cougar pounce off the grass and swing around my body bringing me down to the ground. All that is left in the dream is the cougar having ahold of the back of my head. I was caught and my fate laid in the "hands" of this cougar snarling in my ears and making some of the most wild aggressive animal noises that I could even imagine a cougar could make. I wake up literally shaking as if I literally was in the described situation. I want to change the outcome of this dream because... I am a buff grown ass man in my early 20's always losing to this beast hahah. I want to change the outcome of this dream and not end up being caught and victim to the cougars attack and what would inevitably come next. Maybe I will try to imagine a Porkchop or something to try to distract it rather than instinctively running immediately. Maybe I will try to find a weapon nearby. Maybe I will try to find somewhere to hid and wait it out until a safe opportunity presents itself to me. I don't know.

Just wanted to share, life is crazy, dreams are wild. Thanks for reading, not that this is helpful to anyone but holy crap, I just want to find a solution and hope that I can weave other options into my dream to settle the score. Take care.
Ren 2019-12-27 15:46:24
In my dream a cougar without warning attacked one of my daughters and I tried to fight for her. While my daughter was still in the cougars mouth...
Brenda 2019-07-02 13:14:45
I dream that a cougar follow me home got inside and my daughters were as sleep all of a sudden they were 3 cougars inside my home just puring around my sleeping daughters i was so scare and trying to not make any sudden movements after so much time they were there one of my daughters woke up and got scared so i ran to get her one of the cougars launch at me but my dog came at my defense that gave me time to escape to the other room i could just hear my poor dog crying then my other 2 daughters came into the room and i was so confuse thinking how did they manage to escape the other 2 cougars so i open the door to see and my dog came running inside the room. I saw the cougars were still in the other room.. I felt helpless and couldnt get out but i was glad that we were ok. While we were stranded my oldest sister came to visit i screammed dont open the door. Then i woke up.
Eva 2018-12-09 05:03:46
In my dream, I was lying under the covers on a bed - there was a window in the wall the bed was against by the foot of the bed and the door to the room was beside the closet across the room. There was a very large male cougar in the room that jumped on the bed and faced the door.... It felt like it was protecting me but I have no idea what from...
Luna (Pen name) 2017-06-26 16:13:26
I had this long dream i WILL include everything. so in it, i was in the car with my niece, my mom, and My little niece. and there is cougars EVERYWHERE, We even accidently hit one with the van. then i'm at this party like a prom and im telling people about anger issues i have with my dad, i said
"i wish he would understand how it feels." and some guy talked to me saying i know the feeling i just need someone to interip this
Gabe 2017-01-08 06:15:07
I had the same dream two nights in a row, and once when I was eleven. It's dark and I was walking in a field, I have no idea where it was, and then I heard a growl and the cougar ran past me. It started to circle me, and I put my arms up and yelled to scare it away. I had this same scenario when I was little and I scared it away in that one, but the most recent ones it stops behind me, and I lose my voice. I'm stuck with a cougar behind me, and my arms are sticking up like some idiot. Then I heard the growl again, much louder, and I woke up.
Chyna 2016-11-22 15:37:02
I had a dream that I was at my grandparents house nd I had my mother's car. I snuck out with my sister's and drove into the woods. It was a homeless man in the woods who chased us nd tried to molest us. So we all ran back to the car nd I drove us back to my grandparents house then there was a cougar waiting on us. It walked up to me nd purred. I was scared but I couldn't had ran thinking it would've kill me. So it lead me to a stranger's house then I walked in the house. When I walked in a women pointed a gun to my head nd said what r u doing here. I said ma'am where am I cause I don't know. So a lot of ppl came running towards the door she said I'm going to let u be free but if u really r loyal take my niece to ur hour I answered yes ma'am then I place the cougar in my car with her niece nd nephew. I took them to my house my mind was saying that I needed to lie but I was saying no. Then my cougar said good job for not lying nd I got scared then I woke up
Tristan 2016-11-17 17:17:44
I had a crazy dream I was at someones house, I didn't recognize anyone there, but it was a big house with multiple people. I remember walking outside for something and a cougar was crouched across the yard staring at me and in an instant it lunged at me and I used my arm to block it but it bit my hand and wouldn't let go, so I jabbed my thumb into its right eye and kept forcing it through until it let go, I had time to flee back into the house, none seemed to care about my now profusely bleeding hand, but they wanted to see the cat. I looked outside and the cougar was just stalking the house, waiting for me I assume. does that have any relevance to anything?
Debbie 2016-11-05 02:48:04
I dreamt a cougar jumped in my car window. It put its paws on my shoulders and was licking my neck and hair. I continued to drive trying to call 911 without moving . Then I woke up.
brando 2016-07-29 13:55:45
i dreamed that i was parked on a mountainside in a parking lot with my mom and sister. but i dont know where my sister went as soon as me n mom got out of the car. then we were walking in the parking lot, we seen there was a lake down the cliff. mom found a path that was on the outside of the fencing that seperated the parking lot from the long grass and the steep cliff. she was walking on the path that was close to the fence. i was still in the parking lot but i kept walking with her in her direction. so there was a fence that now seperated us. i was walking alittle ahead of her until i seen a cougar laying in the path facing me on the other side if the fence. i told my mom that there is a cougar like right there. i think she turned around and left but she disappeared to and the cougar didn't even look at her. the cougar was staring at me and now it was just me and the cougar in this dream. she cougar jumped the fence and ran up to me and pushing me over. it was like he was going to attack me, while he was creeping up to me, getting close to my feet coming back for round two, i got up on my feet and backed up. he kept coming close as i backed up amd he didnt take his eyes off me since ive seem him over the fence. i raised my arms to scare him off then he go on his hind legs and leaned against me and wrapped his paws over my shoulders. i was still standing there when I instantly wrapped my arms around his stomach. from pushing me over ready to attack to hugging a cougar like that. its neat. then i woke up
Annoumus 2016-07-10 23:01:45
Last night I dreamt of many cougars following
Me and my family . We were in a campsite and all it did was watch us then we were walking by tall grass and and I could see two of them just laying there watching every moved we made.it scared me cause I have 3 small children. And the only way I woke up was the cougars finally started chasing us to out front door . Idk but this dream scared the crap outta me
angie 2016-05-11 19:25:19
had a dream I was running up and snowy mountain/large hill when a cougar lept out of the tall grass infront of me and attacked me, we struggled , me trying to fight it off till I finally managed to kick it off and over a cliff behind it. then I ran down to see if it was dead and it emerged from bush's with a small spot of blood on its nose looked at me with a almost happy look/ proud even and then calmly walked off ..I then woke up ,,,still trying to figure it out

John 2016-04-05 08:20:10
I had a dream that I was in this odd house as it was raining and a cougar was outside the back door. For some reason the cougar got inside and it didn't attack me or anything but I was still very scared and kept my distance. As the dream went on I remember I was trying to get some sleep (in the dream) and the cougar and I eventually became good friends and I was very sad when someone in the same house in the dream was trying to get the cougar outside, it hurt to see the cougar go away.
Anonymous 2015-12-19 08:25:17
I dreamed about me, my little sister and a guy she's in the same grade with. We were walking along a road and there was a car parked in the distance with no one in it. Later on as we neared the car, we saw deers run of in the field beside the road. Then an oversized large cougar with no doubt come for us but first went around a fence then comtinue to run for us. My little sister and her friend got mauled on amd eaten first then me. But i don't thimk i was eaten. I suddenly gained super human strength and i used the car to seperate us. So if the cpugar went at the back of the car, i would lift the car up and be at front. This continued a few more times before I suddenly woke up
Gryffyn Frost 2016-04-11 04:40:15
My dream was almost like this. I was walking along the highway with my mom and brother. We saw a deer in the forest, but it ran away. As we kept walking, the was a cougar. I started to walk away, but then I started chasng my brother. He was screaming and crying. I watched helplessly as the cougar reared and and slashed his face. Then I woke up
maryann 2015-09-12 07:10:54
I dreamed of a cougar or lion ready to hurt me but a cougar jumped over me from behind and protected me and would not let the other cougar hurt me/
seanna 2015-07-14 18:42:45
I dreamt last night that I was out in the woods/mountains. Was outside with a a person who was my friend in my dream, she noticed the cougar and ran off I looked at the cougar before I ran off it just laid in the bushes, didn't even attempt to run after us. But I was scared in my dream.
sara 2015-06-17 23:17:08
i had a dream i looked outside my window and seen a full size cougar with my neighbors cat in its mouth...getting ready to eat it alive.. so a ran outside as fast as i could and fought the cougar and saved / kept the cat.
i do live in washington state..not sure if that has something to do with my dream
E 2014-12-23 03:03:04
Dreamt about having pets and I had a cougar. I was intimidated at first but it never attacked me but more like protected me
tracey 2014-11-18 02:05:58
I keep dreaming about a cougar attacking children. I have 2 kids off my own and it scares me.
Melissa 2013-10-18 15:43:15
I was running away from two cougars while 3 family members stood behind the oldest came home with me while one was a zombie and the second youngest didnt show up to the campsite
Bryan R 2013-07-06 15:06:24
I dreamed that I was on the phone with my ex-wife. I was walking in my yard. I walked around the corner of my building and a cougar ran past me. I wasn't scared, I was just amazed that I was this close and how beautiful it was. I wanted to take a picture of it but couldn't because i was on the phone with my ex-wife. I usually don't dream. Does anyone know what this means?
D 2012-11-30 12:01:56

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