Dream Dictionary Crab

Dream Dictionary Crab


The crab is a different creature and it is one that you typically don't dream about too often. However there are about three main traits that should make you think about what the crab really means to us and those are as follows. One, the crab is a delectable food source. It is often the most expensive item at a sea food restaurant and comes in very small portions. Two, the crab is good at hiding and often does because it doesn't want to show its face around the world. Three, the crab is the sign of the astrological sign of cancer. It is the mascot for all of those traits and beliefs which might be what is causing you to think of it. For a more in depth description of what it might mean about your actual dream, keep reading.

If you have a dream in which you see a crab it means that you are going through a lot of stuff and you just want to hide in your little shell. Crabs are known for keeping themselves segregated from the rest of the world when they can, and most people would probably not even know they existed if they weren't displayed regularly in markets as foodstuff. Try to think of the last time that you saw a crab walking around in real life. You probably can't, can you. Well, if that's the case then it makes perfect sense for your situation.

You have probably been through some rough times lately and you feel like you just want to duck your head under a bridge for a while and not come out until everything is okay again. This is what it is all about. Your dream is telling you that you would be immensely comfortable hiding away from the things that are going on in the rest of the world and just keeping yourself out of it until you are okay and everyone around you seems to be getting back to normal. Basically you aren't so good at handling stress.

This may be part of the reason why the crab was chosen as the mascot to represent the astrological sign cancer, because crabs like to hide and keep themselves out of the world and so do people born under that astrological sign, allegedly. If your dream had to do with the astrological sign, it might have to do with the hidden aspect as well, or it might have to do with your intelligence. Intelligence is a major selling point when it comes to the crab and the cancer sign.

If you have a dream where you are eating crab then it is probably because you have a thing for the finer things in life. You like being at the top of your game, so to speak and you enjoy the fact that crab is for those highly refined people. Not everyone can enjoy it unless they are of economic means.

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Crab Dream 2024-01-24 03:47:40
Dreaming of crabs suggests complex matters requiring sound judgment and predicts difficult courtships for lovers.

The crab, a creature with a hard exterior and the ability to navigate both land and sea, is a powerful symbol when it emerges in our dreams. Encountering crabs may reflect an intuitive feeling that life is presenting you with challenging situations that are as tricky and unpredictable as the sideways scuttle of these crustaceans.

Dreaming of crabs typically indicates that you are dealing with issues that are not straightforward and may be pulling you in different directions. Just as crabs can move with surprising speed and agility, you are called upon to exercise astute judgment to navigate through these challenges. The dream suggests that now is a time for careful consideration and strategic planning. It may also be a reminder of the need to protect yourself emotionally, mirrored by the crab's tough shell, while dealing with the intricate matters at hand.

For lovers, crabs in dreams can symbolize a period of arduous testing. Just as crabs engage in a complex mating dance to win over their partners, the dream points towards a courtship that may require patience and a resilient commitment. There may be obstacles to overcome and a need to approach the relationship with a level-headed and adaptive mindset, much like the crab's ability to tackle various environments with ease.

Example Dream:
Imagine dreamers find themselves on a rocky shoreline surrounded by crabs scuttling across the uneven terrain and between tidal pools. The dreamers observe the crabs' agility, moving forwards, backwards, and sideways, successfully navigating the rocks despite the constantly changing environment.

Interpreting this dream may suggest that the dreamers are currently facing an uneven and fluctuating emotional landscape in their waking life. The rocky shoreline represents the complex terrain of their situations, requiring them to adapt quickly and make decisions on the fly, just as the crabs adeptly maneuver through their environment. The dream's message may be encouraging the dreamers to tackle their issues with agility and precision while also protecting their emotional well-being, as symbolized by the crabs' protective shells. It’s a sign that, although the path ahead might be filled with complications and indirect routes, careful and thoughtful movement will lead to successful navigation through life's demanding affairs.
Gina 2021-11-29 03:24:03
I had a dream I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth to go to bed. Then I looked at my left one small crab came out. The next thing you know, it was all over the bathroom and floor. They were heading next was my doggies. I run out of there with my dogs and Family. It Infested my whole house. What does that mean? 🥺
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 09:40:19
Here are some common themes that might be associated with the symbols in your dream:

1. Brushing Teeth: This action is often associated with preparation, cleanliness, and taking care of oneself. It might symbolize a desire for order or routine in your waking life.

2. Crabs: Crabs can be seen as symbols of protection due to their hard shells, but they can also represent something that is irritating or bothersome because of their pincers. The crabs coming out of nowhere might suggest unexpected problems or emotions emerging.

3. Infestation: Dreaming of an infestation, in this case by crabs, can represent feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts, situations, or emotions. It could potentially reflect anxieties about losing control of a situation or a fear of being consumed by something.

4. Protecting your dogs and family: This action indicates a sense of responsibility towards your loved ones and a desire to keep them safe from any perceived threats or discomforts.

5. The whole house: In dreams, houses often represent the self or one’s life. An infestation affecting the whole house might symbolize a feeling that a pervasive issue is affecting all areas of your life.

To understand what your dream might mean, consider recent events in your life, your emotions, challenges, or any ongoing situations that might correlate with the symbolism in the dream. If something specific has been on your mind or causing you concern, that might be reflected in the form of a dream narrative. Also, remember that dream interpretation is highly subjective and personal—what matters most is what the symbols and scenarios mean to you.
Godfred 2018-09-24 04:10:14
In my dream,I was being chased by a bigger crab and a smaller crab altogether ,what does it mean and I get scary nightmares mostly at 2Am
Christiana 2018-07-13 16:11:04
I dresmt5i was sitting on a very high table and watching these little crabs about five or four crawling around a wet area. I had this satisfied feeling watching them from this high distance as they were below. What does this mean?

Marion 2017-11-02 23:19:59
I had a dream about a large crab. I was playing with/picking at the legs! think it means someone around me is quite dependent on me. (he just had operation). I need to uncover/unravel his health and help him understand how to look after himself properly.
Piri T 2017-08-06 00:32:26
I had a dream about a giant crab emerging out of the water and trying to eat my family but before it could I killed it with a sword what does this mean?
Zach 2017-08-02 11:49:37
I dreamed about these little creatures. I believe they were little crabs, in my dream we referred to them with the word "termites." Basically this woman was trying to seduce me (I'm a gay male) and as she succeeded, she'd continue to throw those creatures on me, they were all over my body and they were eating me.
Chiara 2017-01-19 10:38:08
All I can remember from my dream was that there was a Russian stacking doll aspect to it. I saw all these animals swallowing each other whole. What I vividly remember at the end was a very large crab that swallowed a smaller animal and then I swallowed the large crab whole (like I was a snake or pacman). Knowing that I was swallowing it whole it became difficult for it to go down my throat which made me gag. Then I paused, feeling him wriggle around near the entrance of my throat, the only thing I could do at this point was continue to swallow. The worst part is I could feel very vividly the claws and legs scraping my throat as I swallowed. The further down it went I could feel the shell cracking and knew that the animal was still alive and that I was slowly killing him. It was very real to me and very scary. When I woke up it felt like there was a lump in my throat.
Tee 2016-10-02 20:59:41
I was eating a crab leg but removing a bloody worm from the blood filled shell. I wasn't scared or grossed out in this dream. I was eating and laughing with other people. I'm scared to eat one now. That's definitely the weirdest dream I've ever had. This use to be my favorite food.
Miss.A 2016-08-27 03:52:29
I was in a bedroom and massive dead crab was there. A TV explained why eating crabs are yummy and told me which parts Im not meant to eat In the end, i couldn't do it because it looked weird and gross. I threw it and I think it made me feel uneasy because Im a cancer.

it was after that I found myself in a classroom at school, where one of my friends confessed to my crush and he confessed that he liked her. In my dream I tried so hard not to cry and when I turned around, everyone wa slooking at me
Valentino 2016-06-25 20:23:30
My dream was about me jumping from a building rooftop down to a ocean full of king crabs!
Alexa 2016-06-23 07:19:45
I dreamt I was in a marina getting ready to go paddle boarding at night and I only had my coverup on and was naked underneath so I had to go out my swim suite on but before I could I was cover in an assortment of crabs on my back and thighs and they where pinching and crawling on me. I so badly wanted them off I was craving them and through ing back into the water as I was walking back to the house but eventually I had to lay down on my stomach and work harder to get them off no one would help me and they were beging to hurt and pinch me and everyone was going about normal life working, or talking , completely unmoved by my extreme discomfort and need for help. So I just kept pulling them off and throwing them one by one. I woke up so schieved out. I can't seem to find a dream description of them attaching to you and throwing them

Rich 2016-05-24 23:58:31
I dreamt and I was catching crab at a river bank
gabby 2016-05-17 07:12:53
I keep having a dream about a white crab.
Adil 2016-05-06 12:08:08
I dreamt that crab bites me on my Chest and in the beginning i am feeling pain but after a few days doctor put a cut on my chest and than take it out. I want to the meaning of a Crab Attack.
emma 2016-02-16 18:06:13
i dreamt i catch three crabs
Laurie 2016-01-27 05:45:26
I had a dream that crabs and lobsters where crawling all over me and soon I was completely covered in crabs. The strange thing is that they didn't harm me, but they were still crawling all over me. And they were all big and red.
Risa 2016-10-12 06:34:56
I just had the same exact dream except with that there was a larger one standing in front of me just staring st me
Kelli 2016-01-25 01:05:18
I had a dream that I was pulling shells out of my ears and inside were live hermit crabs crawling around.
CC 2021-05-29 18:55:34
I had the same dream! What does it actually mean?
Passion 2016-06-23 02:45:08
Me too,crabs attacked me and my friends.I had live shells stuck in me and moving.On in my tongue,one in my foot and I can't remember where else.It was painful and I was in a foreign country,the doctors were being assholes not helping.People keep saying there going come out but in the other direction the entered your skin,I couldn't talk.
chidi 2015-12-28 04:42:54
i was gathering plenty crab in a nylon bag by d bank of a river
LUCY 2016-03-01 01:25:15
brandy 2015-12-18 19:34:53
I had a dream dat i send my sister to get a snail so I can cook 4 my vistor then she came to give mi d price only 4 mi to open it nt snail it open crab but still alive
Rachel 2015-12-02 14:13:52
I was living in a bungalow half in the sea half in the desert. Kind of reminiscent of the Red Sea where we use to camp. I looked into the clear, shallow sea and seen a large crab. "Ooo! Crab legs!" I thought. I walked through the water to get it only to find it was dead and there were a lot of other dead things in the water. "Ocean acidification." I thought. Then I spotted another crab walking sideways so I went after it and found another small one with a huge claw. Then I made crab legs.
Sally v 2015-11-10 13:21:04
I had a dream that a big swarm of red crabs were crawling in front me....
Dee 2015-11-03 20:03:04
I dreamed I was in the doorway looking out in the garage yelling at the puppy who was chasing a giant worm. then I noticed that the garage wouldn't let all the way down because it was blocked by a pile of dolls and pieces of dolls and crabs were crawling off of the pile of dolls. What does this mean?
Jen 2015-09-24 11:00:24
I dreamt I was given a box of crabs by gp to eat to bring my strength, up as I held this box all the legs stuck on to my jumper and it was painful removing claws. Anyone know what it might mean?

Ma. Lourdes 2015-09-12 02:08:18
I dreamed that i cooked black crabs, but after i put them in my plate they still alive. what does it mean?
michelle 2016-05-25 19:30:08
i dreamed of similar thing.. a boiled crab is still alive
joan 2015-09-08 09:48:26
I had a dream that i saw a few big crabs and i was splashing holy water on them and pray
jes 2016-03-17 02:20:06
dear joan, the same dream was seen by the second benedictus before his slow descending had started. He died 10 years later.
Cyn 2015-09-04 17:24:17
I dreamed of peeling a bucket of crab and crawfish only I couldn't tell the difference in the two until someone told me... What's that mean?
Kelly 2015-09-03 19:33:15
I had a dream that I pulled two crabs from my face. Literally there was a lump on my cheek which grew until a small hole appeared and I stuck my finger in and pulled a crab out, and then I did it again. It has made me creeped out and bothers all day!
shawn 2015-08-29 12:35:46
I had a dream that I was cooking. a lot of crabs!
maneey 2015-08-25 17:23:28
I dreamt of crab bitting my hand n blood coming out n suddenly my thumb was twisted into very ugly shape..n then I again saw crab..jet black crab on d wall

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