Dream Dictionary Cutting Hair

Dream Dictionary Cutting Hair


Cutting hair and having your hair cut can both mean very symbolic things and the meanings are far removed from one another. If you have your hair cut it usually has something to do with loss or with change. You are changing the way that you look and leaving a part of yourself behind and in the past. When you are cutting someone else's hair, you are acting with precision and you are also exercising total control over the look of another person. What do these have to do with dream interpretation? Just keep reading in order to get your answer to that.

If you have a dream in which you are having your hair cut it means that you are going through a lot of stuff and you are ready to move on from it entirely. Usually when you have a dream like this it is in the aftermath of having just gone through something really traumatic. By cutting hair of your own you are trying to change yourself a bit on the outside as a reflection of how you've been changed by the event on the inside.

And if that wasn't clear before, that's what this type of change is mostly about. When you go through something so crazy in your life that you just feel like new person afterwards, and sadly this is typically not in a good way, though it often can be. Once you have a dream like this it might actually be a good idea to go out and really get your hair cut. It will result in you looking and feeling different probably, but you can get past this if you know what you're doing or you know what you're going through. At all costs you're going to want to avoid actually remembering the bad thing; unless it was actually a good thing in your case then you can draw on that for emotional strength. Remember these guidelines after a dream of cutting hair and you should be fine.

If you have a dream in which you are cutting hair of someone else then it means that you are a little bit of a control freak in real life. You are probably with someone and trying to make them do something that they don't want to do or conform to a lifestyle that you are more accustomed to and interested in than they are. If you have ideas for someone that you think will make their lives better or if you think that you know best then that's fine, most people do. But you need to know when it is okay to make yourself and your ideas known and when it is a little bit too much. Once they start to get annoyed with you you're going to need to calm down on your ideas and start to keep them to yourself.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Cutting Hair

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Sahee 2023-03-05 03:26:14
I have a dream of my hair being cut off by someone else every night without my knowledge. So I'm thought of some ideas like placing a hidden camera, before that I have a letter and gifts from my parents mentioning of go enjoy your life with this money like that.
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 09:52:49
Dreams about hair being cut, particularly without consent or knowledge, may contain various symbolic meanings:

1. Loss of Control or Power: Hair in dreams can symbolize personal strength, control, and freedom. Having your hair cut off by someone else might reflect feelings of powerlessness, loss of control, or significant changes happening in your life that you did not choose or agree with.

2. Invasion of Privacy or Autonomy: If you're dreaming about your hair being cut while you're asleep or unaware, it might imply a fear of being manipulated or having your privacy violated in your waking life.

3. Transformation: Hair cutting can also be a symbol of transformation or shedding old parts of yourself. You might be undergoing a period of change or wanting to change something significant in your life.

4. Anxiety about Appearance or Identity: Since hair is often associated with self-image and identity, dreaming of an involuntary haircut could suggest anxiety about how others perceive you or how changes might affect your sense of self.

The fact that you're contemplating setting up a hidden camera indicates a desire for surveillance or ensuring security, which might translate to a need for more clarity or protection in some area of your life.

The presence of a letter and gifts from your parents could suggest:

1. Support and Freedom: Your parents offering you money and good wishes might represent the support and freedom they provide you. Perhaps you are feeling guilty or conflicted about embracing this independence, hence the contrast with the invasive haircut.

2. Transition to Independence: The gifts and letter might symbolize an upcoming or recent change, such as moving out, starting a new job, or another significant life transition. The money could be seen as means to facilitate or enjoy this new phase of life.

3. Generational Differences or Expectations: There might be a sense of generational change or expectations wrapped up in this symbolism, especially if your parents are encouraging you to live life differently from how they did or how you’ve been living it.

4. Concerns about Support: On another level, the dream could reflect anxiety about whether you can handle the independence and financial responsibility your parents are encouraging.

As with any dream interpretation, context is crucial. Reflect on what's happening in your personal life, your emotions, relationships, and recent events.
Lilian 2018-09-28 09:32:26
I have a dream of cutting my father's hair
Nicholas 2017-12-09 05:03:57
I have a daughter with someone else but because i dont love her I dont want to marry. But i have a lady i really love that my parents and siblings are not happy with because events that happened in the past. I had a dream the girl I love very much has cut plenty of her hair and it had scattered on the floor of her room when I entered.

She had also folded somethings on her bed and was going to take her bath. I entered naked thinking we would make love as we use to, but to my dismay she had put on her bra and pant and even has put on a long blouse and she pushed me out with her that we should go to my room so I go and dress up.

What does the dream mean?
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 09:55:11
Considering the personal context you've provided, here are some possible interpretations of your dream:

1. Personal Loss and Change: The imagery of the woman you love cutting her hair and it being scattered on the floor might symbolize a feeling of loss or transformation. Hair cutting in dreams can often signify changes in identity or life circumstances.

2. Rejection of Old Patterns: Your entrance and expectation of intimacy followed by her dressing up and pushing you out could be reflecting your fear of rejection or the changing dynamics in your relationship. It may also symbolize a desire for a different kind of intimacy or connection that is not just physical.

3. Guilt or Internal Conflict: The fact that you enter naked and she is clothed could represent vulnerability and perhaps guilt or conflict regarding your current life situation, including your feelings about having a daughter with another person and the relationship with the woman you love.

4. Desire for Acceptance: Her pushing you out to go to your room and get dressed may highlight your desire to align with societal or family expectations. It may represent an internal struggle where you feel nudged to take action that would make your relationship more acceptable to others, like formally committing or presenting yourself in a certain way.

5. Boundary Setting: The dream could be an expression of boundaries, either those that you feel are being imposed upon you or ones that you subconsciously know need to be established. It could reflect a perception that the relationship is entering a new phase where the "rules" or dynamics are changing.

6. Processing Uncertainty: Given your complex situation, the dream could be a way for your subconscious to process the uncertainty and mixed emotions you have about your relationships and the approval of your family.

7. Fear of Loss: Her cutting her hair and the subsequent avoidance of intimacy might symbolize a fear that the relationship might be changing in ways you are not comfortable with or might be slipping away from you.

Dreams are inherently personal and often speak more to the emotions and thoughts of the dreamer than to concrete situations. It's also important to consider how the dream made you feel — were you upset, confused, afraid? These emotions are key to understanding what the dream might mean for you.
Baker precious 2017-11-26 07:29:03
I had a dream that I cut off all my hair
Doris 2017-08-30 15:05:30
I had a dream where I was cutting hair from my sister's back.it was about 2 inches long and I was trimming it. Strange dream. Do you know what it means?
Alvin 2017-07-08 02:45:32
I dreamed of finding an analog mobile phone along the pedestrian lane..

Becca 2017-05-20 00:19:00
My dream started I was looking for a bra with a partner that don't have, I was getting measured and I was a really small size smaller than I am, so I asked for help,

Next thing I know these thins gorgeous dress, shoes she's looking for a statue and I put the one in my hand back tell her I don't need it I need a bra, then takes me in this tour while my partner goes to look at something,I know I've dreamed about the tour before, we go trough there's these two wolves outside one come over and starts nudgeing me, the women says he's never done that I tell her it must be from last time when another did the same thing the describe it and she didn't recognise it.

Then we're running wolves as well through somewhere and it stats to rain and we get locked out, and we have to make are way to Clifford's tower get there and there's a raft, get on and pass out them here the women talk about something.
Next I'm a room with two girls from work and we're trying on gloves for a cotillion, the ins room with a stylist who barely talks to me talks to the other then gets a bottle of spray die in yellow, starts spay it on me, look left and this girl has a fabulous cut, I look in mirror I have lost my blue and green, my hair is short and I have this god awful micro fringe I start crying and they tell me my partner likes it to which i replied well I hate all of it, she leaves tells me to press this button and I can have long hair in thing picture, I'm cry and feel like I've lost control of every thing wake to find tears down my face and a still tired

Please xx
remo 2017-03-24 16:06:45
I had a dream that a girl I know was grooming my hair... what does it means?
Candy 2017-01-22 17:08:27
My mom had a dream that I cut off all my hair
Sakshi sharma 2016-11-26 20:21:04
What will be my future? My birthdate is 01/10/1993
Anthony 2016-11-18 10:17:04
i havent seen my son in a long time because his mother doesnt let me and o had a dream that she came around and she had brought him. he was happy to see me but like a happy sad type of thing and he slowly ran into my arms and i picked him up and hugged him and kissed him.. hes only 2.. but when i put him down, i noticed his hair. it was a horrible haircut, like someone just took scissors to his head.. i know this means something or i wouldnt be right here right now, and i know hes missing a big part of his life not being with me, and i want to know what this dream might mean.. i cant stop thinking about it
kat 2016-08-17 19:35:13
ive dreamt last night, my hair was soft dark and longer then cut it down while smiling. to be honest I don't understand the dream. thank you for sharing 🙂

Laura 2016-08-15 06:19:32
The dream I had was of an old lover that was cutting his own hair and as I watched the hair fall his hair on his head stayed the same. In the dream I was amazed and perplexed all at the same time and yet it didn't phase him.
Sara 2016-07-24 05:15:06
I actually got to see a comment that is very similar to the dream/situation that I am in. For quite a few weeks now I have changed my lifestyle completely. Eating very well and moving around every day. Even going to bed relatively early because I want to make a change. I'm trying to slim down and just be healthy. My dream was that I cut my own hair(just a trim), signifying the changes that I'm making to my own body for the better. I'm going to be the beautiful girl I always wanted to be!
Precious 2016-07-11 02:50:48
I got some clarity from this. I lost my uncle December 13, then my mother February 25. They were both very close, and I was also close to them, and prior to their passing, I lost a grandchild April 12, the year before; two years prior I lost my home.l haven't been socializing and of lately I'm feeling to dress up and get out. Thank you, for answering.
Keli 2016-07-03 05:24:24
Well I already have short hair...my dream was that I ran into my ex-lover's "first" girlfriend and I cut off all her hair. I really don't have a problem with the girl at all and in my dream I was mean towards her which just wasn't like me.
ashwini 2016-07-02 21:42:21
Last night I saw a dream of cutting my own hair and then looking for a wig to cover my head in order for the preperations of someone's marriage ..what does it mean?
Adriana 2016-06-23 23:55:14
I had a bad dream where my mother was cutting my hair and I was terrified for some reason. I still don't really understand what it means.
Azzi 2016-05-20 00:04:19
I always had short her but now I've decided to grow my hair, so last night I dreamt my hair had grown Beautifully and thick so i was holding I shaving machine for some reason my hand ended on top of my head and I accidentally cut of my beautiful hair that was growing so beautifully, I was in shock.. as I wanna grow my hair so much
Tsediso 2016-06-20 00:30:56
The fact you took him there it's for him to cut his hair and not to trim, so basically;

The child is scared of you, you are too controlling as a mother, you are cheecky that now even the stylist should be scared of you.

The child has got to receive change in his heart/life, but you limiting his blessings cause you wanted it trimmed, so now it is going to happen whether you like it or not as the stylist somehow continued to cut everything, which is good for the child and not you!

Let the child be happy!
Mrs. Mata 2016-02-10 04:55:29
My son is three yrs old and I have never cut his hair. So with that being said last night I had a dream that I took him to get his first hair trim and he was sitting in the chair and I told the hairstylist I want it trimmed not cut just trimmed he said Ok ma'am and I I turned to look at something don't remember what it was but when I turned back around my son had all his curls cut off!!! Started to yell at the hairdresser and then cry.....can some one please analize this.
mike 2016-04-03 09:57:18
Maybe you are proud or his progress in his young life. And that has been your influence. But once you expose hime to life outside the family he may develop in ways you cant control. And you may fear this
Amanda 2016-02-03 01:15:19
I had a dream my 3 yr old daughter cut off her own hair???
Nicky 2016-01-11 06:45:23
Last year been a horrible year but this year I tld myself yu won't make the same mistakes . Last night I dream I cut my hair I loved it . So understandable
vhiel 2016-01-02 06:20:49
My husband and I had the same dream last night.My friends are mad so they cut my hair then I run. While my husband said that he dreamed that he has a long hair but someone cut it.(i think it is their guard in their school when he was high school if im not mistaken). This is the first time that we both have the same dream in the same night. I want to know what does it mean but I didnt find it in google. Is there someone knows what does it mean?? Please tell me.. Thank you so much in advance .
Priscilla 2015-12-06 07:46:31
I had a dream that i was at school and this teacher was trying to cut off my hair, but i kept escaping or staying away from her. Does this mean anything or was it just a normal dream?
Sara 2015-12-23 11:57:37
Omg I had kind of same dream! I was at school and my teacher said I had to cut my hair short or else I would fail his class. I Never did cut my hair in my dream. but the rest of my dream was kind of messed up . I couldn't join the angels because well idk. but I has to cut my hair in order to join the dark side.

Susy 2015-10-31 09:24:28
I just had a dream that someone told me i should cut my hair short but i said no.
Carla 2015-10-30 11:42:59
My friend,dreamt of me,cutting my own hair.and he was very worried.what does that mean?
Anna 2015-10-30 07:31:27
Ok, I get it. I was crushed by betrayal and broken promise. Now I am trying to get over it and move on, trying to forget the pain and sadness.
jo 2015-10-25 04:02:55
This makes sense to me, I cut my hair off. I'm losing my nan at the moment and feeling weak.
Chona 2015-10-17 02:15:27
Made sense.... I just cut my toxic relationship But im just starting...
Abby 2015-10-14 05:47:00
this definitely explains what has been going on in my life. I've been going through an emotional journey of weight loss and before the night I had the dream I had made a choice to try really hard to loose a certain amount. And I've been thinking of cutting my hair lol. But hearing what my dream ment makes a lot of sense.

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