Dream Dictionary Dark Shadow, Dark Side

Dream Dictionary Dark Shadow, Dark Side


To dream that you see a dark shadow symbolizes the idea that you are worried about the possibility of something ominous happening soon. The shadow is the first sign that something serious and scary is going to happen, and it appears right before the thing does happen. To have a dream in which you see a dark shadow means you need to prepare yourself to be hassled by something beyond your control very soon. You will have to watch out for things to come I the future or risk being caught in a serious crux and issue.

To dream of the physical manifestation of your dark side means you have been having some pretty negative thoughts lately, a lot of them .You have had so many of these thoughts in fact that you are imagining a creature into being that will do all kinds of horrible and frightening things that you were too afraid to do when you were hurt originally. This can be a terrible thing to imagine and yet it can also be liberating. It probably feels good to get this creature off your chest and to see him in a certain way,, right in front of you. But don't be possessed by him or lured into his evil ways of thinking because then you will be turned into him, and you so not want that.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Dark Shadow, Dark Side Dream Dictionary Dark Shadow, Dark Side

Comments: Dream Dictionary Dark Shadow, Dark Side

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Angel 2023-01-24 09:21:30
This is a first for me dreaming of a dark shadow but my fiancé was in the dream he saw it too. He asked me if anyone was in the house, then the shadow got in the bed between us my fiancé jumped but he never got up. I heard the shadow saying mommy, I couldn’t move stuck in fear. It floated over me to my side of the bed standing before me, it said mommy again I was really scared then I woke up. What is this, what does it mean.
HeliosEos 2023-11-01 10:47:32
Here are a few possible interpretations:

1. Fear and anxiety: The presence of a dark shadow and feeling stuck in fear suggests that there may be underlying anxieties or fears in your life. These fears could be related to the unknown or the feeling of being trapped or powerless in certain situations.

2. Parental role: The shadow calling out "mommy" might symbolize a subconscious longing or responsibility related to nurturing and caregiving. It could suggest that you may be anticipating or concerned about taking on parental roles and responsibilities in the future.

3. Communication issues: The fact that your fiancé saw the shadow too and asked if anyone was in the house suggests a sense of vulnerability and concern for each other's safety. It may also indicate a need for improved communication and support within your relationship.

4. Unresolved emotions: Seeing a shadow that is both mysterious and scary may represent unresolved emotions or subconscious thoughts. It could signify that there are certain issues you need to address or confront in order to move forward with a sense of peace and clarity.
neha 2021-09-29 14:53:40
I had a black shadow dream and they were trying to make distance from my partner
Michaels 2021-02-10 18:53:15
I have alot of nightmares but this one I always seem to be awake and aware can't even tell I'm really asleep there is this dark shadow that appears at first in my room looking out the window I turned to it and i stared with horror it looked back at me next day no nightmare after that I had a nightmare and once again it was dark the figure was in the room but closer at the edge of my bed I was frozen in fear I didnt know if I was awake and was prepared to have something terrible happen because I couldn't escape and then I woke up. I've always had dreams like this and this wouldnt be the first a ghost or spirit attached itself to me and slowly gotten closer. I had a similar experience with a girl three girls to be exactly but one of them went from my dining room to my doorway to the end of my bed to the middle of my bed and then to staring right at me I followed her to a house into a room and it caught on fire. I've always had experience or encounters with things like this they stopped for awhile but now its starting over.

Ariel 2021-01-30 08:30:42
I was dreaming I was in VR in a regular game with my friends. Then it started to get dark and we saw a strange , black, tested up, long blacked hair creature on the street sign. Then cars stopped and people changed to what looked like zombies. After some time me and my friend were playing around til she got turned into one also. I ran. The creature told me this specifically, “ join the dark side ariel~” I took off the VR but I was still in it. My heart dropped and that’s when I woke up. This is why I never sleep it’s always horror.
Sarah 2020-06-23 00:11:29
I see this black shadow often in my dreams. Everytime i see it is coming to attack me. It is formless and seems like black smoke but it also seems to be lively. So today this happened that, i saw it entering to my body and it made me numb. Like i couldn't move, i couldn't hear or speak, it closed my ears and mouth. I tried moving i think, i knew it was a dream.Everytime this happens, this encounter with the shadow, i know that it is a dream and i could come to reality if i opened my eyes. But there lies the real problem i struggle hard to open my eyes but couldn't make it, it seems as if i had almost done , only to realize that i am still dreaming, i guess this is dream paralysis. So everytime i struggled, i panicked a lot and i get so frightened but this time i saw that i wasn't afraid of it. I wanted to get rid of it, i wanted it to get off my body, but i wasn't scared like all other times. I wonder what all these means.
Veronica 2020-01-03 11:31:41
I started to close my eyes around 1:30ish and I had a dream that my lights outside my house symbolized something the lights spelled out “Sam” And I once I realized it I was going to go tell my family about the lights but someone wasn’t letting me out of my room, so I was pushing my door open and finally when I got it open it was a black shadow holding the door close and I just ran and that’s when I woke up!
Cal 2019-07-06 22:53:51
I've always had very vivid dreams and I've always done a solid job on managing the realism from any nightmares. This dream I just had a couple days ago however has really stuck with me. Before getting into it I have a black cat named Bagheera who was present in the dream. So it starts with me laying in bed sleeping and I hear my cat hissing repetitively. I was trying to ignore it and go back to "sleep", not really thinking about what I was hearing, it was just noise at that point. A moment later I realized that he was hissing and was alarmed when I opened my eyes, leaned up to see he had his head poked out of the door hissing towards the hallway. As I was getting out of bed to investigate I also thought to myself how dark it was in my house. That's unusual because my girlfriend constantly is leaving all the lights on in the house whether they're needed on at the time or not. I walk up behind my cat and peek around the corner to see what has him so defensive. Then I saw her, standing at the end of my hallway was a shadowed girl with long hair. The entire house was also dark and the only light was coming from the blinds from my window. It was a lot of light shining in from the window, but it wasn't bright, it was like an ominous moonlight hitting the girls back. When I first saw her I froze, I couldn't move, speak, not even retreat back to my room to grab my bat. I just stood there, with an instant feeling of a great evil or threat just radiating off of this little girl. Then for some reason, being incapable of doing anything, I hissed at her much like my cat and woke up. That was it, I always had vivid dreams and I have seen much more terrifying and heart racing things in my dreams, whether it's running from a killer etc etc. This dream though, the feeling I felt the second I saw this shadowed girl was likely the most intense fear I felt from any of my previous vivid dreams. I have no idea what to make from this dream.
Christina 2019-06-18 16:08:08
I dreamed that I was in Mexico at my grandparents house but nobody has lived there for about 10 years now. That I was getting things prepared for my wedding. That I wanted to have a happy memory there since this house just brings a lot of sad memories. In the dream people talk that shadows figures appeared around the house and one shadow figure wearing a hat stood on top of a tall cement wall looking over the house. I kept telling to my self please grandpa I don't want to see you. My maternal grandpa-passed due to health concerns, 2 uncles and a cousin that have passed away. The tall shadow figure felt as it was one of my uncles that passed away but I did not see him. In my dream I kept looking a the cement wall in a way hoping to see him but at the same time looking to make sure he was not there.
Maci 2019-03-12 05:01:06
Okay, I was laying on my side. I didn't even realize I was sleeping. I felt like I was falling off my bed. I pulled myself up to see a black faceless person. I couldn't tell if they were sitting on me, or near me. All I could tell was that were starring at me. They or It didn't have eyes. I felt like I was starring them or It in the eyes. Eyes they didn't have. I woke up after starring at it. I was still on my side as if I wasn't dreaming.
ViciousCat 2019-02-03 01:01:53
i don't know how to explain this nightmare just read it -
I started to close my eyes at about 4:20a. Then heard a bump outside (I'm already dreaming, i didn't know everything looks the same when i opened my eyes after hearing the sound) went outside to investigate only to find a young and pretty girl laying down outside. (she's a real beauty) I tried asking her what was she doing there but didnt get any answers, instead, she just smile at me in the most attractive way. Then i decided to carry her for some reason (sideways, one hand on her knees and thighs, the other one on her underarm and/or shoulder. Can you picture it🤔 Then everything went silent dead, and her smile was gone. (Her face close to mine) She looked at me, reach for my face then proceeded to kiss me. Then I woke up.

Now, this may seem like a sweet story to you. But I'm being very particular with my words when I said that this is a nightmare. I've had experience of a much worse nightmare than this one, even getting sleep paralysis a couple times.

But, you know that feeling of panic => relief after waking up. I got this feeling after waking up to this supposed to be "sweet dream", as if i didn't like it, and i was scared. It was such an ominous kiss.

Now i just want to know what did I encounter in that -dream- and why did that kiss felt so odd it made me - want to wake up/ to escape from it.
Hiraya 2019-07-06 11:05:01
We have almost same dream. But mine is only a black man shadow kissed me then I woke up.
pyschic 2019-04-17 04:58:51
1. Trust your inner feelings if you feel that it is ominous and eerie. Wet dreams and other dreams of similar nature, especially of women you don't know are never good.
2. There are such spirits that seek to seduce and then do harm to the person.
3. Sleep earlier.
4. Pray to your spirit guide/God/Buddha/prominent religious figures that you resonate with, for assistance.
WILLG 2018-11-06 08:24:06
I just woke up in a panic... im gonna sound crazy but i had a dream i was being followed in a huge maze by a witch. Although i couldn't see it.
I woke up, half asleep looking into the corner of the room. And i could see a female sihloette standing there, then, it moved close to the right of me at the edge of the bed, i had a small rectangle pillow slightly over me to protect me. Arm stretched out with the pillow over me like i was blocking an attack. And i felt frozen. Breathing hard. I could feel pressure pushing down on the pillow. I was shaking. Couldn't move. Protecting myself. Scared. And was looking right at the shiloette next to me. In my head knowing it was a witch. And in my head I was saying no. But i couldn't speak. And forced myself up and she disappeared. But i was panting. I was half asleep with the pillow, over me.. like i wasn't dreaming.. it sounds crazy like from a movie or a tv show but it felt real... like right when You wake up from dreaming and still feel half asleep and groggy trying to grasp real life and realize what youre doing.. it felt like that. But i was awake. Not dreaming.. its only happened once so far.. what do i do? Please help.
Joevy 2018-09-19 02:08:43
I have a dream of the shadow. The shadow is walking in the three branch. The shadow is no face. There are three shadow but they appear kne by one. Fist shadow is a girl (no head) she is wearing a blouse and long palda. The second one is a child with no face. I dont know if she or he but he/she wearing a hood jacket and pants. And the last one is dwarf. They are walking in the three branch. The three branch is like a cross they walk in left branch to right branch then Dissapear. After that i talked to my grandma in my dream and i tell her that story. Well not all story because its stop after i tell the boy in hood because my younger brother pee me in the back. He laughing so i tell to my dad what he do to me because dad is also my dream. Im my dream he looking some branch of leaves. So after that my grandma talk to me she said that i also said to you that youre lucky. I ask myself in my dream. It is that shadow is lucky. After that my brain look to my brother who pee me and i think he possess that boy in hood. I dont know what happen the next things i know is i wake up. And i cannot sleep and my heart beat is so fast.

El 2018-09-14 06:29:05
I had a dream that I was just causally talking to my sister and I felt that this shadow person was coming to attack me and my sister. It’s like I knew what was coming. When it came it started to choke me. I was trying to call out to God but the words wouldn’t come out fully. Eventually it went away. It came back atleast 2 more times and I knew it was coming each time. Everytime it came, I tried harder and harder to call out to God. Then I woke up.
Patricia 2018-08-21 01:57:50
Last night,I had two dreams, both with a shadow figure. The first, I could see features of a young girl with dark hair. I thought I woke up because i was in my bed in my room. Only she was there, too. I wrestled her off me, had my covers over her, and pinned her down, my knee to her chest. Strange as it was, I could feel her ribs against my knee. I woke during that then went back to sleep (it was three in the morning).

The dream I had that time, someone familiar was with me but I can't remember who. My house was dark and I didn't want to leave my room. She told me to go on to the bathroom and she will stand guard, but do what she says. As I was brushing my teeth, she told me to not look down. I could see little shadow people out of my peripherals, but I just started at her. She kept looking up at the top of my door frame, telling me to not look there or down. Down the hall, I saw twin figures, their heights made me think kids. Probably preteen, maybe. I screamed at them to get out and one flinched. I woke up after that.

Still have no clue what to think of either dream.
Katie 2018-06-13 12:00:28
I had a dream last night, I’ve had it once before, of a shadow man that kept appearing in dark corners of the house I was in. I don’t know who’s house it was, but every time I saw this shadow man he was closer and closer. In my dream there was a orb of light, it was my orb of light, that someone had to catch before the shadow man got too close to me and takes me. I’ve never let the dream get to the point to where someone catches my orb or the shadow man get too close. I’ve been able to wake myself up. I am very curious about what this dream means. I wake up in a panic and I’m unwilling to fall back asleep. If someone is able to explain to me why I’m having this dream or what it means, that would be great!
Anonymous 2018-06-10 16:53:35
I just had a bad dream...I was sleeping and saw this dark like smoke come towards me I freaked out and tried to scream but I couldn't and so this dark thing was on me and I tried to get up but felt weighed down I kept apologising and my hardest scream but nothing would come out. So I tried my best to on the light but this dark thing was heavy it bit my hand and the side of my back I was back on my bed and as I fought to get away this mirror apeared out of nowhere and with all I had I screamed no! And woke up dazed and felt my hand a bit sore.
Marie 2018-06-06 01:12:24
It's was like I was in a dark house. I see a swifter, just standing on its own. I started walking towards it and it moved away. I ran to the light switch to turn on and felt like someone grabbed me. As I stood still the swifter move the curtain to look outside.
Fatima Sanchez 2018-05-21 15:53:14
I had a dream that my front door open and there was a human shadow standing there with flames behind it and i tired to speak but nothing came out i got up while staring at the figure i walked to the bed room i shoke my husband but he didn't budge then i woke up and my heart was beating extremely fast.ps what does it mean????????
camille 2018-03-01 14:13:30
i had nightmaredream yesterday ( march 1, 2018/12:00am) it feel so real. i thought that was real happening to me while im sleeping. but when i woke up, i realized that was a dream.. a dream that my soul pulled out of my body by dark shadow beside me on my bed. i thought it was real. coz its same my shirt and pants before i sleep. and i imagining in my dream while my soul pulling out. and it scaring me coz it though gradually losing my breath while pulling out.. and in my dream, my father open my door of my bedroom amd he saw me that my breath gradually losed. and i wondered why my father first get my pillow and that's why i moved my whole body and dark shadow was lost. and we saw under my pillow was paper of full different numbers . and i didn't know what does that mean and why that thing have under my pillow.
and the paper was drawed like trapezoid shaped and having line of 3 or 4 column in horizontal way and vertical and having numbers each column.
is there someone know my situation?
can u guys help me???
Jennifer 2018-02-20 14:09:26
I want to know the meaning of my experiences.
When I was at the age of a college student, this is what happened. One day at home while I was sleeping in our living room and I was alone, because all my family either at work or in school. In my sleep I heard a loud sound, a sound that was like calling my name, and at the same time i can see and sense a very strong red light. A very bright red like a fire. This was in my room upstairs. Then I was awaken by it because I was scared, because the first thing I thought it was the Devil that was calling me.
So i went upstairs to check it...I was really scared but at the same time curious...and as i step one by one the stairs I can hear him talking..but cannot understand what he was talking about because I was concentrating on my steps at the same time I was scared. When I reached the second floor of our old house in Cebu City, Philippines, suddenly the voice stopped and the essence of the fire was gone. Then I started checking the 3 rooms upstairs, to see if there's somebody inside. Nobody. So i quickly went downstairs and started praying.
Years After what happened I got pregnant to the real father of my unborn child and became a single mother because he abandoned us.and I got sick, I was then diagnose of having a mental illness - schizophrenia.

Then I realized , that was the sign that God and my Angel wants me to be aware of. That my boyfriend will abandon us, but I didn't see the warning.
Anyways, my son now is 23 years old and happy. But he never saw or knew who his real father is, because I myself doesn't know where to find him. But that is in the PAST and we already moved on Thankx to God and our Angels who is always guiding us and protecting us.
minni 2018-01-15 12:17:06
I had a dream where a dark figure was there and it wanted something I felt uneasy and afraid it spoke something I did not understand
Plans 2017-11-27 09:02:38
I had this nightmare that I got grabbed in my own dream
And I think I woke up but I was sleeping I think because I felt my body move and
I was gasping for air and than I tried running to my door out of my bed but could not move and that dark figured shadow watched me trying to get up .. that’s what made it more freaky knowing that it was in my room.
Rosie perez 2017-10-01 15:08:41
Last night I had a dream about a lot of drak shadowed surrounding me and I was so scared I don’t know what it mean they was flying around me and some was standing next to me I was screaming for help but no help in the dream tell my husband work me up and told me you are home baby. I need to know what my dream was about
Brandy 2017-08-12 19:39:45
I had a few weird nightmares. One was I was sitting in my dads living room in the middle of the floor, it was dark but I could see. I could feel something touch me from behind thinking it was my significant other I was enthralled. It looked kinda like him but his features were darker. So I was confused but when I looked into the dining room I saw him, felt like the room was shaking kinda but I was still and he's moving so fast in front of me but he's not walking just shifting back and forth back and forth. I woke up trying to scream for him... he admitted he had a nightmare at the same time as me, his dream was a reoccurring dream he has about a mortuary in the basement and everytime he sees the door he refuses to go in because it feels so scary line there's someone who wants to kill him. So he turns away from the door and the dream would start over and over again. he felt like he couldn't escape until he heard me screaming for him. Crazy stuff.

John 2017-07-04 16:59:48
I was thinking on how my day was and a thought appears of this dark figure that had been visited by several time and right when I think about it I feel a presence of a dark figure on my back jabbing something into my back I immediately started to pray and it all started to faded away but I was left with a red mark but when the figure was on me I couldn't move or speak and the pain got worse
Roxan 2017-12-19 11:09:32
yes I do had a dream like this just now and now jam unable to sleep..but this shadow crept all around my room and got closer TT o me to try and touch me..I couldn't almost speak but I started praying and the shadow left...I told want to know what does this mean and its not the first time it is always around 3 in morning.
Gabe 2017-06-25 15:30:20
I had a dream of a shadow that looked like mine and it was comming toward me and it looked like me and I couldn't wake up so my mom had to wake me up
Gabi 2018-05-14 00:14:14
Hi, I heard about this shadowed clone thing a few years ago... I don’t mean to scare you but I read stories and watch witness account of people been given warning about said clones. If you start to see a doppelgnger of yourself and the they don’t have eyes(I’m not sure how much you saw of your clone but this is what I know) that means they’ve come to collect your soul. That’s they’re only purpose. One thing to assure that you’ll live is by not interacting with it and NEVER make eye contact, that will guarantee your ascension to the other side.
Lexus 2017-06-05 08:21:25
I had a dream tonite that a black shadow woman was on top of me trying to seduce me and I tried to scream but I couldn't and my wife wasn't beside me in my dream but when I woke up she was I head butted her by accident and i never had a dream like that before....can anyone tell me what that means??
soyubie 2018-03-28 20:08:55
Same to you Lexus. I had a dream of a black shadow man tonight and keep whispering on my ear and trying to seduce me. I also try to scream but then his gone.. But please don't ever get your attention to her and ignore her. Let's just pray. It's a powerful medicine.
Mel 2017-04-09 01:15:47
I had a dream someone was mocking my house door. I opened the door and then dark figures started coming in...there was about 20 of them. I tried to close the door but I couldn't and they kept coming in.
Natalie 2017-04-02 09:23:31
Last night I had a dream where my family and I lived in a different house and and as we were eating my oldest brother looked up and yelled "holy shit" which that made everyone look up. But as we looked up we saw pictures scattered around the cabinets and in each picture that I was in the shadow covered my face or it pretended like it was going to kill me (like putting a hand around my neck).
Emma 2017-03-09 17:26:42
Last night, I dreamed that I was sleeping on the side of my moms bed, and, near her closet door, I see three (3) shadows just standing there,just whispering things (I do not know what they said) And, then I move over to my moms side of her bed, and tell her, mom, you know there's shadows in your room? And the only answer I get from my mom is, oh, yeah, I know! (Any tips what that means? Because that's really shaking me up) And yes, I am a ten (10) year old.

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