Dream Dictionary Dead Animals

Dream Dictionary Dead Animals


Dead Animals is some of the most disturbing dream material that is out there but it is something that you will have to put up with if you start to have these dreams or you would risk having it drive you crazy. This is not a good thing. These dreams can be even more disturbing if the dead animals or dead animal heads are creatures that you really care about. Surprisingly enough, these dreams may not be as bad as you think.

If you have a dream about dead animals it usually depends on what kind of animal the dead creature is, but to get a good idea of what it might mean anyway there are a few general guidelines that you can follow. If you have a dream about a dead animal and the type of animal is an animal with claws and massive teeth then this symbolizes the death of your fears which is a good thing. If you see a wolf or a rabid dog and it is dead it means that there is nothing for you to be afraid of anymore. This type of dream usually has to do with something that is directly connected to something that is going on in your daily life. Is there a particular thing you are dealing with which is bothering you or keeping you up at night? Is there something that you're afraid of that is physically impeding you? Either that or you might be afraid of something else which is more figurative.

Perhaps you are afraid of yourself, afraid of progress, afraid of commitment. Many of these things might be reasons that you are dreaming of dead fearsome animals. If you are dreaming of dead animals of a winged variety it means that you see your future dying or your dreams are dying away. You have turned your interests on to new things and you don't care much for the old anymore. You are making progress in new areas and turning away from the old ones. To dream of dead nice animals such as bunnies, small dogs, or cats means that your innocence is dying. You are growing up, learning new things, and they are educating you on ideas that you may never have dreamed of wanting to know about, and now you are learning new things. Don't let these impede you too much, just forget about it and move on. This was bound to happen sometime, no use getting broken up about it.

To dream of dead animals heads means that you are getting a little gristlier. This means that your mind is trying to get your attention about some sort of impending doom that is coming your way. Perhaps there is a new ski trip coming up that you had always been worried about. Maybe there is some sort of other dangerous endeavor coming up that you are going to have to participate in. Whatever the case is, you're going to have to realize that this is no good. You need to know that you have a lot to worry about. Dead animal heads are usually stuck up on pikes in the movies and in scary parts of the south and third world countries in order to warn people of danger. When you see a dream in which there are dead animal heads it means that you are worried about the future, but not the late future, the immediate future. You are scared of what will be happening to you very soon. Don't take these feelings for granted either. You still really do have a lot that you need to worry about. Pay attention to these dreams and make sure to take more careful steps in the future.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Animals

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K.A 2024-01-01 22:00:03
I’ve been dreaming dead kangaroos. They are alive in my dream or rather sort of. Their back legs are either chopped off or decomposed. I’ve had the dream multiple times and each time they find me where ever I am. And once they do they just die infront of me. It feels like I’m almost a comfort for them. It’s really weird
M.L 2024-06-16 14:53:33
i had a dream of a dead kangaroo last might as well!! i also dreamt of dead farm animals and magpies which is concerning considering what the article said about dead winged animals.
Gapa 2023-12-23 20:49:26
I had a dream about dead lions and buffalos, it was on a hill, I think the hill was called “Prettypara”? I’m not sure, but there was either a lion or a dead tree on fire. After I saw it i somehow ran off the hill and jumped, I had no bruises. I woke up after that.
HeliosEos 2023-12-25 05:18:38
1. Dead Lions: Lions typically symbolize strength, courage, and authority. Dreaming of dead lions could represent a loss of power, a feeling of helplessness, or a period of challenge or transition where you may feel that your "inner strength" or confidence is diminished.

2. Dead Buffalos: Buffalos often symbolize abundance and stability. Seeing them dead in a dream could indicate a worry about losing resources, stability, or support in your life.

3. A Hill: Hills in dreams often suggest obstacles or challenges that one must overcome. They can also represent a journey toward a higher state of consciousness or a viewpoint. The name "Prettypara" isn't a widely recognized term in dream interpretation, so its significance would be unique to you.

4. Fire: Fire can represent transformation, passion, destruction, or purification. A lion or a dead tree on fire could signify a transformation occurring within you or a desire to burn away the old to make way for the new.

5. Jumping off the hill without injury: This action could indicate taking a risk or making a leap of faith in waking life. The fact that you had no bruises may suggest resilience and the ability to confront challenges or changes without being harmed.

Considering these symbols, it seems your dream might be reflecting feelings about changes or losses that you're experiencing or have experienced. It might also represent a feeling of overcoming challenges or undergoing a period of significant transformation.
Mia 2023-11-23 06:08:36
I had a dream that I was at a farm with my cousin I was driving around in a jeep. I drove into the barn and walked down a dirt road and there was a pond but next to the pond there was a pile of bloody dead deer and another pile in-front of it with dead turtles and dead hogs as my cousin and I walked down the dirt road a bloody deer with no eyes pop up out the woods and then she turns an tells me some of the deer look like that an she doesn’t know why. We start bolting to my aunt and uncle then I passed out an woke up from my dream
HeliosEos 2023-11-23 07:54:37
Driving a jeep on a farm with your cousin may represent exploration and adventure in your waking life. The barn and dirt road symbolize a journey or exploration into unknown aspects of yourself. The pond could represent emotions or hidden feelings.

The presence of piles of dead deer, turtles, and hogs suggests a sense of death, loss, or decay. This may indicate unresolved emotions or painful experiences that you are encountering or that are impacting your life in some way.

The appearance of a bloody deer with no eyes emerging from the woods can be seen as a symbol of fear or a confrontation with something unsettling. It may represent a situation or aspect of yourself that you are trying to avoid or ignore.

The fact that your cousin mentions that some of the deer look like the one without eyes, and her confusion about it, could suggest that there are unresolved issues or hidden truths that you and your cousin may need to address or understand together.
Amber 2023-04-18 15:01:27
I had a horrid nightmare. I was in vacation with a group of people I didn't recognize and the motel had a dead animal head in it so I had to pee in an ice bucket and they took the dead antelope head off the wall and put it next to me in bed and then I was having a heart attack whispering help me and then thankfully I woke up.
Lina 2023-03-21 22:55:43
I had a dream where I was in my brothers room and outside the window where three dead animals same stab mark in same area all dead a bear a bobcat and a alligator then went to my room where there was a doll outside my window moving so I went to the front door and it came into the house and started attacking me while in tried screaming my brothers name but couldn’t get over a whisper and then I woke up at 5:05 and when I have dreams I usually wake up at 5:55 or 5:25 or something like that can someone tell me what this means
Winter 2022-12-29 23:20:23
I slept and dreamt about small flood in our hoyse surrounded by small dead fishes. they are all black. I woke up then slept again, I dreamt about hamsters in a container, dying whenever i touch them but all of them are already dead even if i dont. a lot of ants going through them.
Official15 2022-10-29 00:03:05
I had a dream about going out hunting with a bunch of boys I know and some of my coaches. Most of the animals were already dead. Some animals were just walking slowly carelessly and sadly passed us. We ended up thinking we should probably get out of there, then a huge bear like animal starts walking towards us, we all run down the forest, some of us hide and everybody is yelling to keep running. Once it gets closer I slide down under some tree trunks to start hiding and some boys and a coach passes me, my coach steps on my leg to see if I’ll move as if he were seeing if I was alive, they walked past. The huge bear like animal came down to where we all were, and tried chasing after them, but then looked at all the bodies around, then looked down at me and picked me up. I stopped breathing, and it was staring at me as it had me in its claws and I woke up.
Brianna 2022-02-26 12:40:17
I just had a dream that I found a squirrel on my porch dying from a broken back and broke front foot. After it died it quickly switched over to my daughter gasping for air and her taking her final breath in my arms. I woke up freaking out and crying and I check on her and she’s ok but that was the most terrifying thing I’ve experienced. I watch her eyes and skin change colors and her last words to me in the dream was momma as she held on tight like she was afraid to pass on I don’t ever want to have a dream like that again
Maira Khadzar 2021-03-02 18:31:33
I had a dream last night. I walked on a pile of dead elephants and cows. I witnessed a very fat human consuming the cow raw. At the end of the road, I walk into a small shower room with a man I know.
Caleb Shoopman 2020-12-31 18:01:31
I had a dream last night after my mom woke me up I went back to sleep and seen my house get it’s back ripped open and it’s spine removed and I woke up more sick and uncaring than sad or afraid
Heather 2019-12-22 16:16:01
My dream started with gray fuzzy dead birds falling from the sky and crashing into a house where I apparently was living. The birds stopped falling but in their place were German Shepards. I believe the dogs were dead as they fell from the sky, but again they were crashing down on the home where I was living with my kids. It was a home I had never seen and it had large, tall windows. That’s all I remember fr9m my dream.
jolyn 2019-07-30 18:05:45
I just had a dream where I was talking to a good friend of mine and then he walked away, turned into a frog, and climbed a tree. Then i walked towards the tree with a girl i was with and we saw a snake climbing the same tree. We walked around the tree trying to find my friend but we were too late and the snake had already bitten him. Then we got him out of the snake’s mouth and tried to revive him but then he turned into a fish (?🤔 and died and I just sat there crying trying to revive him until I woke up. What does this mean?

Olivia 2019-06-10 10:50:46
My dream was very quick, no context or anything with it. It was very sudden and I instantly woke up in fear breathing heavily. All there was to it is that I was driving around a curve on the bypass at 60 mph (vividly the sam bypass I take every day to get to work) and suddenly I saw a deer laying dead slightly in my lane, it was dark outside at night and there weren't any other cars I saw so I tried to avoid it by going into the other lane, but the deer shot it's eyes open and started crawling towards my car while while lying dead on its stomach on the road, it's body was pulling apart in half leaving a bloody trail and it was coming towards my car. This is when I instantly woke up in fear. Guys, I don't know if i described it horrifically enough but it was a very vivid and terrifying 30 second dream. Any insight on what this might mean? I recently graduated high school and was offered a management position at work if that maybe has to do with life changes?
monika 2019-05-15 19:04:24
I had a dream last night , saw very grand party at home of my granny (mother side), lot of jewels , clothes , people around . my granny n grand father both have passed away . in dream , i saw my grand father scratching coconut on head , his half head had hair but other left head portion no hair . also saw in his son's house : 3 or 4 shrew mouse dead aligned in line rotten or older.
lavish party , food , all facilities
Yash Thakur 2019-04-05 14:11:30
I saw too many Dead squirrels and some of them chasing me. What does it mean?
Gina 2018-12-25 00:32:30
I once had a dream and in my dream I’m at my grandmas house and then I walk into my room at her house and there are heads in a circle right in the middle of the room and it was also in the room in my house. What does this mean?
Nata 2018-12-07 07:16:00
I dreamt about dead bunnies and ship and a dead bat which was rotting but thew were becoming alive an i was really scared. If you know what this means amswerd me plaese
Cavegirl 2018-11-02 14:17:55
Okay, i cant find anything for my dream, i dreamed i walked downstairs of an office building and dead fish and dead ducks were lying on the floor, i started to cry and say oh no and the girl who was with me said dont even worry theyre dead, i said i can revive them she said no we need to get out of here before the spirits follow us, so as were leaving i find this rubber ducky that you can squeeze n fill with water and i started squeezing water on all the ducks and fish and they came back alive, so they are alive (this is weird fish dont drown and ducks dont live underwater) so as they are all flipping and waddling out an open door, a black figure walks towards us and the girl says run i say no i see it n im not afraid of it. It stopped coming toward me and disappeared. I then got woke up by my son saying mom mom mom. Please help me interpret this dream. I revived the ducks n fish they lived. Im a bit confused.
Iggy 2018-10-01 12:58:04
I've had two dreams about dead animals. The first was about some small kittens. They were just f//kin mutilated. It was awful. I won't go into the details but seriously, that one scared me. The last one I've had so far was just last night. There was this horse and it had like a disability or something? And then it kept getting hurt multiple times. It got ripped in half and decapitated (that was the same with the cats). I don't know if I'm angry or something. It feels off to me when I have them.
jessie 2018-09-20 03:56:41
Okay, I've had a dream about one of my dogs. he is a yellow lab 3 years old. In my dream that i member of Is that my dog was gone for a day, then came back......but when he came back he was still alive but, half his body was decomposed. Also. my mom looked at his ribs and there was some sort of eggs on his bones. Then we had to put him down because he was suffering. its been bothering me the past two days and idk what to take on from it.
Jeff 2018-08-04 15:06:36
I had a dream that I was attacked by wolves in the forest. I tore the heads off of 2 of them with my hands and the others ran away. Uhmmmm.. what??
Denver 2018-06-26 13:56:35
My dream started with me in a mall, the local mall. Eventually I was in a very populated area and a baby tiger appeared and I just had a feeling of pure love and affection for the cub. It was so harmless and loving but then it ran away so I chased. It went around the corner but when I went around the corner and there were all kinds of people and animals killing it, I tried to save it but I couldn't. After it died everything and everyone disappeared and it was just the dead cub and me, I was crying and saying how sorry I was while stroking the once energetic inocent now dead cub.
Leigha 2018-06-10 14:20:54
i had a dream that i was in my school auditorium and i was sitting next to my parents who weren’t really my parents, just characters from modern family, my mom in ky dream was really pregnant and going into labor so we left the school. I tried to keep up with them but i got lost and so i turned around and there were three deer heads on the horns of a living moose. and deer heads scattered around the area. Right next to me was a decapitated deer with it’s head just inches away from it’s body. (Oh yeah, in my dream I only had one month of summer vacation from school.) I ran back to my school and there was a grayish green car that was going through the basketball court and drove straight through my school. I found myself in utter shock, not knowing what to think, all of my friends were in the school! then the man came back out the same door he drove in at and i could see him clearly, in real life i don’t know him. He’s not even a character in one of my shows. He had a gunin his hand and i just stood there trying to scream but all that came out was the sound “uh”. I was scared he’d shoot me, then he looked right at me and I woke up.
Maghie simon 2018-05-14 03:22:41
I had dream i saw dead animals they look like cows skined they where in the ocean been pushed with a wave

Katie 2018-04-22 17:02:32
I had a dream that I was in the house that I lived in during high school, and I was with my sister, best friend and possibly my mom. We found a fallen tree in the backyard and there was a woman in the centre of the rotted tree in a white dress buried inside, which in the dream my sister was telling me that this woman was missing for a while but I didn't recognize her, and I didn't really see her face, while this was happening the yard started to get more and more rotted and I saw my dog that we put down a year ago laying where she usually did in the yard but she was dead too, and so was everything around her. I woke up a bit after this kind of confused, anyone want to do a dream analysis for me?
Neo 2018-04-06 05:22:22
I dreamt of exploding pigs with their guts spraying everywhere, shortly after i began to levitate and fly anywhere i chose
Kyle 2018-03-18 00:15:49
I had a dream that me and a few friends were in a desk standing around a fence at my old house, I looked in a hole in the creek, under some brush and vines and seen a mounted buck deer head and I took a bite out of the deers head and in my dream I was spitting and trying to keep myself from vomiting, I woke with a very nausous feeling , can someone please tell me what this may mean ??
David woegan 2018-03-17 23:04:57
I dreamed of killing a grass cutter animal in the farm
kayla 2017-12-30 05:13:36
I had a dream about dead animal heads on people. I recognized the body shape, skin color, and clothes to people I know. They went around trying to kill me, and whenever I ran away, they surrounded me. I have had this dream every night for the past month. Does anyone know what this means?? thank you
Ayesha gull 2017-12-01 08:19:57
I had a dream that I am reversing my car and I killed a rihno who was standing behind my car

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