Dream Dictionary Dead brother

Dream Dictionary Dead brother


A mother and father can set you straight and make sure that they pay close attention to you. A sister can make sure that you know all about boys and how to get along in the popularity chain in high school, but she can only provide a feminine perspective which can only go so far. A brother can give the male perspective; tell you about girls, and how to make it along the popularity chain with women.

A brother is an important influence on a person's life because the brother is always there. A brother is someone that can always be relied on and someone that will never let you down. It is thanks to your brother that you were able to go to school and not worry about being beaten up because you did not have to be afraid since your brother probably helped to control the bully problem at school for you. Basically, the brother is extremely important and if you have a dream about a dead brother or the death of brother it is a solemn event and the interpretation of such a dream should be well respected.

Since a brother represents such a multitude of different emotions and feelings it may seem as if it is difficult to get a really good meaning out of it. A brother can also be quite abusive and competitive too though, so what does this mean for you when you have a dream about a dead brother? Find out here by continuing to read.

First, a brother can represent competitive spirit. If you have a dream of a dead brother it may mean that you have finally conquered someone or something which has been severely competitive to you in your daily life. If you have a dream in which you see a dead brother though it can also mean that you have much worse to worry about and a lot of other things that you need to think about before you even try and get anything dome. In this case your deceased brother might just be trying to tell you that you don't need to compete anymore. You are a master and have so mastered your craft that there is no need to ever compete again. You have already won, and will continue to win forever.

Secondly the brother is a protector to you, his sister or brother and if you have a dream in which you see him dead it probably means that you have been feeling a lot more vulnerable lately. You don't feel at home anymore and you don't feel like you can just be yourself. There was once something which stood in the way of you feeling so vulnerable but whatever it was, it is now gone and you are left feeling naked once more. Try not to let these feelings get you down too much or else you won't be able to function in society anymore. Find something new to protect you or gain a renewed sense of self worth and conquer your puny feelings of fear. You do not need to let your fear rule over you anymore, just try to get rid of all of these feelings of being afraid and win out over them if you truly want to win at life and have better dreams in the future.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Dead brother Dream Dictionary Dead brother

Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead brother

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HeliosEos 2023-11-25 15:09:23
In general, dreaming of a dead brother may represent unresolved emotions or unfinished business related to your relationship with your brother. The dream can be a reflection of grief, loss, or feelings of longing for a deeper connection. It may indicate a need to process unresolved issues or emotions associated with the brother in question.

Alternatively, this dream could symbolize the emergence of qualities or characteristics that were present in your brother. These qualities may be surfacing within yourself, prompting personal growth or self-reflection. It can represent the influence your brother had on your life and the impact he continues to have, even in his absence.

The dead brother in the dream may also serve as a metaphorical representation of a part of yourself. It can symbolize the aspects of your own personality, abilities, or talents that you may have neglected or suppressed. This can be an invitation to acknowledge and integrate these dormant qualities in order to achieve personal wholeness and fulfillment.
Jennifer 2023-11-11 20:42:45
I dream about my deceased brother, he’s in school and he wants me to buy him a pen because he needs it and he wants me to buy him load for his mobile phone.
Lucy 2023-07-06 17:53:57
I had a dream this morning. My dream was about me getting to my parents house and finding out that my older brother had passed no idea how or where but was hurting so much. I can't get the dream out of my mind, I need to know what it means.
HeliosEos 2023-11-12 03:15:08
Dreams about death, especially those involving loved ones, can be quite unsettling, causing distress and confusion. It's important to remember that dreams are a collection of symbolic images and scenarios and often reflect inner feelings, anxieties, changes, or subconscious thoughts rather than literal events.

Dreaming about a loved one passing away, in this case your older brother, could symbolize a myriad of things that are more connected to your relationship with him, how you perceive him, or aspects of your own self that he represents, rather than a physical death.

For instance, it could signify a change in your relationship, distance, or a shift in your connection. It may relate to feelings of losing touch with him or longing for aspects of your relationship that you miss.

Sometimes, such dreams could also revolve around your own feelings or life. Your older brother in the dream could symbolize an aspect of yourself that you associate with him, like strength, protection, or maturity. If he represents an aspect of your personality or life, his 'death' in the dream could symbolize a transformation or ending of that element in your life.

The distress and pain you felt in your dream may indicate real-life anxiety, stress or fear of loss. It's also possible that the current circumstances of your life or the world could be causing you to subconsciously fear losing your loved ones.

To interpret this dream accurately, consider your current life situation, your emotions during the dream, your relationship with your older brother, and what he symbolizes to you. Since dream analysis is very personal, the most insightful interpretation will usually come from you.
Mercy 2023-05-18 21:43:21
Dream about dead snake
Meenakshi 2023-05-18 21:39:55
I got a dream about a old man, snake and my younger brother
anonymous 2023-01-21 09:31:07
my brother died 3 years ago and I just woke up from a having a dream about him I haven't dreamt of him in 10 months now and I've had a very similar dream before, in my dream it was as if he was digged out from his grave and was fragile he's skin looked normal but somehow in my dream I knew he was fragile so he was mostly laying down and I tried to tell him that he's friends were not real friends because they were a bad influence and he died from speeding on a curvy small road In real life, he still managed to tell me it wasn't he's friends fault but I don't know why this is my second or third time dreaming of him in such state. By the way this dream I had is two days away from my birthday and 6 days away from he's we both share a January birthday so perhaps that is why I saw him. I miss him so much and the dream was so vivid yet that is the only detail I recall.
Sunshine 2022-09-27 19:34:27
My brother passed away on Labor Day 2019 it was very devastating to me. I just wonder how? could he leave me this way, I was in tears and very hurt. He was a very stubborn person that had a mind of his own. A few weeks back his Physicians (Lung Cancer)gave my mother a call and told her he needed to come to the hospital and, she told him but he did not want to go "he said maybe next week, she said okay". As times persists on and his condition begin to worsen on Labor Day if that's what happen to him. He had a Shady girlfriend who I knew for years and I told him not to date her but people do as they please. They dated for 30 years with a daughter who I never been close to. I was so hurt and traumatize I couldn't go to his funeral because I warned him about her. He came to me in a dream and let me know his girlfriend lied about what happen to him " he told me she'd lied and a light skin man killed him in his home where she'd lived as well. I kept this information to myself because it is crucial information and, he came to me again while we both were filled with joy and happiness as well as jumping up and down on stairs. This dream really made me fill happy inside hoping he will come to me again with an heartfelt and enduring love for me but, he had always said I love you sis.
Judy 2022-06-28 08:49:26
My brother drowned at 24 years old on Xmas day 1981 and I finally had a dream last night that I was at a boxing match and he was the main fighter. He touched my shoulder and smiled. Loved my sleep last night. Damn work otherwise I'd still be dreaming of him.
Neal H. 2021-10-26 18:40:58
My oldest brother passed away from a long battle of cancer 4 months ago in June. (Cancer sucks!) The other night I saw him in a dream at the mall except he had a beard and he was with another family. He had no clue who I was. What does seeing your dead brothers doppelganger in a dream mean?
HeliosEos 2023-11-29 07:24:57
First of all, I'd like to extend my condolences for the loss of your brother. Dreaming of a deceased loved one can stir up a lot of emotions and can be part of the normal grieving process.

1. Processing Grief: Seeing your brother alive in a dream could be your mind's attempt at processing the grief and coming to terms with his absence. It may represent wishful thinking or a desire for his continued presence in some way.
2. Change and Acceptance: The beard and his presence with another family could symbolize that he has moved on or transformed into a different existence, which can sometimes be an expression of your subconscious mind trying to cope with and accept his passing.
3. Unfamiliarity: Feeling like he didn’t recognize you might represent your feelings of disconnect since his passing—how you might still be grappling with the reality that he is no longer a part of your day-to-day life.
4. Emotions and Regrets: Sometimes, the deceased appearing not to know you in a dream can reflect your own unresolved feelings or regrets about things left unsaid or undone.
5. Memory and Legacy: Seeing a “doppelganger” of your brother could be a reflection of how you’re holding onto your memories of him, while simultaneously experiencing the distortions that time and grief can have on these memories.

Brian 2021-07-25 18:46:25
In my dream my brother was hided in some stairway cuboard in some raised dwelling flats maybe he looked young then some other nasty fellows came out and started chasing me I got away but I think I should have stood my ground and fought them
Vishnupant Nagappa Misale 2021-06-26 20:51:20
In my dream " I and my father wanted to do pooja at a temple the priest said wait for some time we waited for some time and went insideto do pooja My father asked me to call my eldest brother who was living separately, I went to his house, I saw He had an injury and bandaged leg near his ankle and there were food vessels to wash. I voluntered to wash and felt very sad for my brothers injury knowing that he was a widower."

I loved my brother very much He loved me muchmore.
my father passed away 19 years back, my brothrt lost his wife and was living widower as a saint, he passed away 5 years back.
Laura Hunt 2021-02-23 17:47:53
my son passed away December 18th 2020 my daughter is very heartbroken and asks me mom why hasn't he come to me in my dreams if someone knows please let me they were so close
Mohammad bazzi 2021-04-25 22:46:32
Hey same here. My brother died and Cant get over it. He was 37 and We lived together all our life. His Death Devesated me. He was mentally instabble. I think of him 24/7. I just cant get over it for 1 second. Always always in my mind. Even when I sleep I just cryed and wakeup and cry. Its been a month and couldnt get him out my head. I miss him so so so much. I have a big family but my brother was living with me and my dad and mom all out life. I dont know how to explain but im very very missing him.

NYButterfly1120 2021-02-06 04:03:47
I was 22 when my 17 y/o brother died by jumping 4 years ago. I Ive dreamt of him dying by suicide years before his death, and even dreamt of him dying by falling while i was watching(when i was 13).
However i always have this one particular dream— my family is in a rather large house ive never seen before, and i don’t remember that my bro died. But he appears next to me, sleepy and without conversation, but always between the ages of 4-8 while I’m still mid 20’s. As a young child he had a big head covered in soft blonde hair (that i always used to kiss) and i always just sit there holding him and kissing his head. Then i wake up abruptly soon after. Its a regular occurrence during particularly difficult times. Maybe my mind is still dealing with the effects of the trauma, but I like to believe he’s still with me in some capacity.
SPNFANGIRL 2021-01-27 12:56:41
2 weeks ago yesterday I lost my twin brother. Now every night he is in my dreams. The dreams are always different. The day he passed I got to see him and tell him that I loved him and hugged him. Ever since all I can do is dream about him. In some dreams, he is just there standing by in other dreams he is active in the dreams. I can't remember details about each dream but I do know that he is always there each time. He never speaks to me though. Could you tell me what this could possibly mean. It keeps me restless because he is always there but like I said he never speaks to me. He always seems calm.
Said khalfan omar 2020-07-14 17:53:42
Firstly we was running from a place where we took as infected from certain virus , we was three me my little brother and a friend , on our way i turn around i saw only my friend , lastly i was home and someone come to give us the dead body of my little brother , shocking thing we didn't bury in proper way, i was crying everytime, then i wake up .
Vere 2019-10-17 11:54:55
My older brother passed away 11 years ago due to gun violence, he was only 17 and I was 8. After so many years, today was the first time I ever saw him in my dreams and it all seemed so real I cried in my dream when I first saw him but everyone else around me didn’t react to him being right in front of us. I stopped crying and just stood there listening to his voice trying to see his face a little longer, but then I woke up and I tried to not cry because I finally got to see his face again even if it was just a few seconds, but I couldn’t hold the tears back. My boyfriend thinks he came to visit me in my dream because I’ve been having a really hard time with school and it’s his way of saying not to give up and that I can talk to him when I’m stressing.
Amy 2019-09-14 14:42:00
Well my older brother died four years ago on the night he died I had a dream of how he died as If I was right next to him in the car I knew exactly where it was how he died and I woke up and my mum was trying to ring him and I didnt say anything as I was a child and then the next day I found out how he died and it was exactly like the dream I had and now almost every night for 4 years I've had the same dream over and over the same thing happens everytime I dont know what it means help please?
Tammy jenkins 2018-04-24 22:55:22
My brother has passed away 8 yrs ago a couple of weeks ago I had a dream he was standing by a casket. He kept putting his hand on his lower back. What could that nean. Thank u
nitin 2018-01-15 07:29:27
I lost my brother recently he always comes in my dream please tell me what its mean
Vivek tiwari 2017-12-19 04:40:08
I lost my brother in my childhood ..in the age of 5, i were 6 , butntoday i saw him in a dream . after a long time , that he come back in our life ..and live again ..and we pearparing to celibrate his birthday .with us ..every think okay ..and i guess that its not be a dream .then i wake up ..and everythigh goin to worse ....
sister 2017-11-27 04:41:42
I lost my eldest brother in April 2016. he was just 32 years old and I was 21. he died due to inhaling toxic gas while the hotel was caught in a fire in a foreign country. after he died, I frequently see him in my dream. in that dream, it would be either I want to save him from the death or his memories being shared by someone to me. in that dream, i already know he is going to die but I desperately wanted to save him no matter what. so when I wake up I ended up crying. I regretted that I never told him I loved him very much and I am happy to have him as my eldest brother and will love him even after the death. so what does this dream means?
Dave 2017-11-19 20:34:25
I lost my brother in march he was 13 months younger than me an was my best mate we had never been apart and this morning i had the weirdest dream he was sat on the couch oposite me an he walked to me kissed me on head an said i love you bro
Kelly 2017-11-14 10:16:21
My brother commited suicide 4 years ago and I had a dream about him last night for the first time ever . I was driving in a car the had a really hard time stopping and I had a hard time reaching the pedals as well. He was in the back seat with my step daughter and he was eating what seemed to be beef Wellington and mashed potatoes. I asked him for a piece and he would just smile and shake his head no. His only advice was to get the car fixed . He didn't say a whole lot just smiled at me . A genuine smile. We saw A lot of cops but none of them pulled us over, they would just stare at us. I'm not sure what woke me but I did wake suddenly and fell into tears.
Mikki 2019-11-17 14:23:24
Kelly, My brother also took his life. He was my best friend and someone I idolized since children. We were on the outs when he killed himself. I dream of him often and always wake crying. He hated when I would cry, so as I cry I beg him not to leave me. I have been told he comes to me in my dreams to let me know he is ok, and to also let me know, he is with me and watching over me. Your brother is also letting you know he is ok as he is enjoying his beef Wellington and mashed potatoes. He was actually paying you a visit from the other side. He wants you to remember him smiling. The departed come to us when we sleep. It is when our minds are clear and not filled with other thoughts. You woke suddenly because you felt him leave. He has probably visited in the past and you don't recall since you were in a deeper state of sleep. Be happy for he has found peace on the other side, find peace knowing he is still with you!
beauty 2017-11-10 16:25:48
my got shot when he was 17 I had a dream he came over to my bed and kissed me and said he was ok

Raamu 2017-10-19 05:41:12
I lost my btother when i was 14 now he used to came in my dreams twice ot thrice a week he always used to say lets walk together and he hold my hand then i used to woke up i always used to dreamning that dreams till he hold my hand it repeats and repeats all times sometimes in the village side sometimes in the mountains sometimes in the riverside sometimes road side what does it mean i really want to know the meaning why?
Baiba 2017-10-06 12:17:56
I just saw second dream of death of my brother. In first dream I was in my oldest brother funeral. I saw that dream near after our grandfather funerals. That was really weird, but I wasn’t so worried about that dream. I just woke up from another dream, where I found my youngest brother dead, he was drowned, btw idk why but it happen twice in one dream, that was terrible feeling. He’s only 7 years old. I took him in my arms and was screeming his name and saying no, no, no! I can’t stop crying now, when I woke up.
rea 2017-08-25 21:26:58
My little brother died 6 days ago the day after his funeral I had a very real dream he was at the foot of my bed standing everything was in back and white except his clothes he was wearing maroon shirt an staring at me like an I was reaching towards him then I woke an was just as the dream reaching an looking for him an I was so scared an felt like I was not alone but why would I be afraid of him? An then I layes back in my bed my room was hot an my feet got cold an then the coldness surrounded me slowly going up over my legs an arms an then I felt very tired an no longer scared I fell right to sleep . What does all this mean ??? Please tell me
Nazia 2017-05-16 23:50:09
I dreamed I was walking in a village, then I was in a colleagues house. Was a big, clean house and not a lot of furniture. My colleague's wife then told me that my brother passed away. I was so broken and hurt that I wanted to commit suicide. I was losing my mind in the dream. Then some old fat guy gave me his phone number.

I then woke up and didn't go to work, to weak to go. Worked from home that day. I haven't seen my family for 12 years, they disowned me cause I refused a arranged marriage.
Nina 2016-11-11 00:04:55
i always have a dream about my youngest brother. first he died because of the bike since he was a 5yrs old he really wants to have a bike i dont know if i will buy a bike for him im scared the second one i dreamed about him again that he died but i dont know the reason beacause my dream is not clear i just woke up crying...what does this dream mean?
Olayinka 2016-11-03 22:15:15
This interpretation is so exact to me .. had a nightmare last night and thank God this website help me to know the meaning . I need to free my burden and forget some things

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