If you are a person that is allergic to cats or someone that is generally bothered by cats then seeing a dead cat in your dreams means that you are triumphing over your weaknesses. There are things in this universe that keep you down and there are plenty of them for you. You are very weak in many cases, but in your dreams you are strong. And these dreams of your strength are trying to teach you that you need to be strong in your real life too. Perhaps there is someone or something bothering you or keeping you from doing what you need to do and it is making you feel weak because you can't fight against it. This type of dream is trying to let you know that if you really try to accomplish something that you will really win. If you have a dream of a dead cat and in real life you are a cat lover, then this means that you are going to go through something tragic soon. Cats are known for symbolizing your love too, so if a cat dies it means that something in real life is going to die as well. This does not mean it has to apply to a living being that is going to physically die out, but it is something that you are going to have to pay attention to, because something that you love is going to be cut back, cut away, die, or be gone. You need to say your fond farewells to the things that you love because they might not all be there for you when you try to come back from it. This is just the way it works.
To dream of a dead black cat can paradoxically mean two different things that are also completely the same. A dream in which you see a dead black cat can mean that you are about to have good luck. As everyone knows, a black cat is known to be a symbol of bad luck. If you see a black cat then it means that you are going to have to go through a series of years of bad luck. To dream that the black cat that you see is dead symbolizes the death of that period of bad luck. You have been going through some serious bad luck in the past and now you are going to rejoice at the fact that you have nothing more to worry about. Your bad luck spell is done. Get ready for things to look up from now on. However to dream of a dead black cat can also mean that you are going to have more bad luck. To kill a black cat could mean that the curse has been sealed and that there is nothing you can do to get rid of it now.
If you have a dream of a dying cat it could mean that you have bad luck to come as well. Besides your sense of love, cats also represent independence. Cats are known for being very independent creatures and are known for spurning the love of their caretakers so that they could be on their own. Despite how dependent they are on outside forces to take care of them and pay attention to them, they act like they do not need them. If you dream of a dying cat it means that your own sense of independence is dying. One of the best ways to make sure that this does not lead to serious issues in your personal life is by making sure to assert yourself later on. You need to make sure to have an opinion or and make yourself known. If you have an idea and someone tried to undermine it or bypass it, do not allow them to do that. You need to make sure that this does not occur or it will only fulfill the prophecy that your dream is depicting.
In my dream I stumbled upon black cat babies stuck in a bush and most were dead because the bush was dry with no leaves so the twigs went through their bodies somehow. But then I saw the black cat mom and she was in a lot of pain in another bush where one of the twigs went through her left eye from below. I have a boy black cat in real life so in my dream I had a sense of urgency to help her. I got her out of the bush and I pet her a bit and then she went in an empty trash can after which one black kitten baby followed her and they were taken to the hospital. A lot of people showed up while they were leaving saying that it was a big thing and the news covered it and everyone was trying to save them they just didn’t know how. I cried a little for them but they were tears of happiness that I was able to save at least the mom and a baby I guess. What does this mean?
2023-12-06 01:55:48
In your dream, you encounter distressing imagery of black cat babies stuck in a bush and a mother cat injured by a twig through her eye. Here are some potential symbolic elements to consider:
1. Black Cats: Black cats have various cultural connotations. In some cultures, they are seen as symbols of bad luck or misfortune, while in others, they are considered to be good luck and protective. Since you have a black cat in real life whom you undoubtedly care for, the black cats in your dream might represent something you cherish or feel a need to protect.
2. Dead Kittens and Injured Mother: Finding the kittens and the mother cat in distress could symbolize your awareness of vulnerable or innocent beings who are suffering, or it might reflect a feeling of helplessness or concern for the welfare of others.
3. Rescuing the Cats: Your efforts to save the mother cat and the remaining kitten suggest an active response to adversity. It could represent your desire to make a difference or to help those who cannot help themselves. This action implies compassion and a sense of responsibility.
4. Public Reaction and Hospital: The community's involvement and the attention from the news can indicate recognition of a shared responsibility or collective action. The hospital represents healing and recovery, suggesting a positive turn of events facilitated by community support.
The overall theme of the dream could be about facing challenges, confronting difficult situations, and the reward of successful intervention. Your response to the cats' plight and the positive outcome—saving the mother and one kitten and seeing them get help—might reflect your fulfillment in contributing positively to a tough situation.
2022-06-24 04:03:01
What does it mean to dream a deceased cat that has been dead for a long, long time?
2021-05-29 12:42:51
I had a dream i was outside and saw a homeless cat and i fed it a piece of bread from my sandwich i was eating and it jumped on me and was hugging me. so i brought it back to school and it exploded.... it looked like spaghetti sauce
2021-03-26 15:42:05
I saw a man in my dream with black clothes running with a little kitten and me and two of my friends were chasing him and he threw the kitten to the building the kitten exploded everywhere everything that a cat has inside it was everywhere, that's the only thing I remember from that dream
2020-08-19 02:49:52
I dreamed I was in a bathtub and pulled a dead white cat out from between my legs not like giving birth to it but like it was stuck in my bit and I pulled it out while I was taking a bath
2019-08-31 15:15:00
I had a dream lst night that i laid beside a dying black cat and just watched it die peacefully, it was also wearing a brown coat, the dream felt very peaceful. would love to understand what it means
2019-07-11 01:41:58
Last night I dreamt that I was witness to a cat murder. I and a group of people watched in horror as some sick individuals threw a cat into a sort of garbage disposal and he exploded everywhere all over us. When I woke up I was extremely disturbed and wondering what was the meaning behind that horrendous dream..
Tony shina
2019-07-03 09:50:56
I dreamt of 3 dead cat flies over them.. 3 deferent colours but there's no white among am sure of black and off black the last one is mix colour
jamie labellza
2019-04-30 18:52:34
I had a dream I was still with my ex and I showed up to my ex-boyfriends house and I caught him having s*x with a guy and as I tired to sneak out he hear me bump into something and saw me so I ran then my ex-boyfriend was stalking me and chasing me trying to explain himself and broke into my house and stole a kitten from my cats new litter then ran off to my school and made some random guy hold the door shut so I couldn't get in and he flushed the kitten down the toilet and it didn't go down but the pressure snapped the kittens neck so they finally let me in there I was just holding the kitten crying
2019-04-25 14:31:34
In a dream, where i had killed some enemies, i at some point came by a car, which was full of dying cats. I couldn't say if they were lion cubs or cats, but one of them, was nearly dead, her eyes were grey-blue like a zombie, no pupils or iris, totally solid. It looked blind, this cat had a dying gaze to the sky, and tears dropping from her eyes. Why am i saying "her"? Because when i petted the cat, it said "my name is mary of sorrows", closed her eyes and finally died. And the shitty thing is, i had no idea that the virgin mary was reffered as "mary lady of sorrows", and when i searched for the name given by the cat, on the internet, i just found a painting of her with the same look as the cat in her face. And i am not even a christian, my soul belongs to Odin. So why the f*ck would her show up in my dreams and in form of a cat as if seeking for comfort? And why would a saint seek the help of a mortal? What the f*ck is going on?
2018-11-12 23:30:29
I dream just this morning and I saw a dead cat in my room. The cat I saw is being chopped as I only see half of it's body, the lower part of it's body is missing and the only present in my room is it's upper part. The cat I see seems our pet but I am not sure about it. The color of the cat is orange.
2018-11-08 05:53:43
i dream that i visited a friends house he has not locked the door when i enter into the house there was a cat and dead kitten and fries was all over, when i tried to reach him instead i call his boss who just loved about the issue
2018-11-06 21:26:24
I saw white kitten whom I had saved from a fight with the big male cat that was overpowering him and as soon as I saved him I took that kitten kept him on a bike and started to let him but as soon as I started it a dog came took the kitten in his mouth bit him on the neck and I was not able to do anything as if I was frozen in place and was made to see the blood gushing out of the kitten neck until it fell of
Farzana Aziz
2018-09-29 21:54:33
I saw in dream that there is snake in my bed and I hold it from his mouth and suddenly l felt asleep and snake is moving on my side and get down from bed and crawl to the other room where there are two cats and my husband is sleeping in that room the snake attack’s the cat and bite it neck cat started bleeding
2018-09-06 19:16:54
I had a dream that there were a few dead cats and someone told me to baked them in the oven to make them hard so I can bury them I did it and every one was grossed out
Michelle P
2018-09-01 10:34:28
I dreamt that three beloved cats died. I heard one crying and when I went to see it was dead..and then found out that two more had also died and I was sad and said it's just like before! I don't actually have a cat right now..my last cat was hit and killed in May..I'm about to return to Texas, where I used to have lots of cats and had to leave several behind when I left....IDK what it all means....my mom is I'll and that's why I'm going back to Texas now.
2018-07-24 07:43:10
I had a dream that I went to Visit my mother and there was a dead black cat under the dinner table and when I realized it was dead it spooked me my mother grabbed the cat to throw it out and realized it was dead then I woke up
2019-06-16 15:59:23
I saw the same dream today. How is this possible??
Jarin khan
2018-05-02 04:21:28
I had a dream yesterday that sudden I saw in gallery in my house dead a normal stripd cat.
2018-04-16 17:31:56
I had a dream where my husband told me not to walk into my home office, our cat Quake had died the night before. When I walked in my office .. Quake was dead, looking peaceful, on my chair in my office. When I woke I went and found her, doing her normal Quake stuff. I love cats.
2018-01-31 21:05:42
I just dreamt that I was walking in the midle of the road of a small town street, and as I'm strolling along I see a decapitated tabby cats head laying in the gutter, I stare at it and wonder how'd that happen, where has it's body gone, looks to clean cut to be a car, then suddenly it starts gasping for air. I pause thinking how is this even happening? Please juzt be its nerves spasming, please tell me its not in pain. Suddenly another pedestrian walking from behind me comes up and stomps on the cats head and carrys on walking ahead, the head goes still defiantly dead now. and as my eyes follow this person I give him a look of disgust and I notice 2 to 3 more dead cats along the same gutter. I investigate them, they looked like someone had slashed them up with a knife, I get defensive this cat killer could be still around with a knife be prepared to kill if I have to. Suddenly from the corner of my eye I see him, thats gotta be him, knife in hand, hair over his face looking like a real creep. What to do, what to do. I yell over to him, "you do this?"
2018-01-09 17:39:26
In my dream our beloved cat that passed 4 months ago came back and we were all happy to see Sky again. What does this mean? She was healthy looking and full of life.
2017-11-30 21:50:19
I had a dream I was driving in a multi story car park and there was lots of cats wandering round. As I looked around I started to see dead squashed and run over ginger cats in some of the parking spaces with cars right over them, it was really unsettling and upset me a lot 🙁
2018-10-19 16:48:02
I just had this same dream, driving through more of a neighborhood at night tho and just dead squashed cats like roadkill everywhere, I mean A lot of them! It must be something on needing to claim our own independence the more I’m reading on it
2017-11-06 03:14:14
I had a dream that my cat chocked on something and died. I yelled in my dream and it woke me up. I was so relieved to find him beside me sleeping happily.
2017-10-07 05:21:17
I had a dream yesterday that a ash colour cat died in the well.I'm a cat lover
2017-09-22 15:21:15
Im 15 and the other night for a the second time i had a dream about my deceased cat and it was like a horror dream there was a bike that was moving and i knew it was my cat she was there but wasnt visable in my dream she had pushed me down and said come with me and i said why would i come with you which she was meaning die with me shes gotten me since i have been nagging for a room kitten and idk why
2017-09-03 01:45:44
I dreamt I fed a white cat some but but after that it seemed like it choked on the bread and then it started to slowly blow up like the cat is filling with air and is about to explode. I panicked and asked for help, eventually it didn't blow up and some water just went out from it's skin. cat turned into slippers
Lizzy G
2017-08-27 05:23:23
I had a dream that my pet black cat that I loved very much drowned in weird brown stuff inside a kennel during a very bad storm,I rinsed her off and drained and cleaned the kennel and put her back but she was still dead and i woke up and cried,what does that mean?
2017-08-26 05:49:11
my friend dreamed that she was transporting a dead cat from one country to another... what could this mean?
2018-03-18 01:40:54
This means you will get an immediate transfer from the working place to a distance area. Please pack up your baggage before you get the transfer letter. I had number of dreams but I never depend on what dreams says. Trust on you, whatever dream says, nobody has gone across real facts after effects. Call me if you want more details:94714779556
2017-08-24 04:39:54
I dreamt that I was on the ledge of a cliff watching my orange tabby cat roll around on the rocks like I always see him do in the street in real life. Then my cat rolled right off the edge and out of sight down the cataclysmic slope of the mountainside before I could even react. I woke up and not even a week later my father had to put my dog to sleep for good. I just wonder if these two are related..
2017-06-17 00:56:18
I had a dream that my cat died because our neighbor stumb him. I dreamt that 2 years ago already. and I want to share to you the outcome in waking life. oneday I went home from work, lookimg for my cat to feed him, but I cannot find him. Its been a day since I last saw him, he usually sit beside me everytime I arrived in our house. I look for him everywhere. but his nowhere to be found. I cried a lot coz I lost my cat. he just dissapeared and I dont know where he is now. upto now he still in my heart. I love my cat so much, that it leaves a mark on me.
Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Cat
1. Black Cats: Black cats have various cultural connotations. In some cultures, they are seen as symbols of bad luck or misfortune, while in others, they are considered to be good luck and protective. Since you have a black cat in real life whom you undoubtedly care for, the black cats in your dream might represent something you cherish or feel a need to protect.
2. Dead Kittens and Injured Mother: Finding the kittens and the mother cat in distress could symbolize your awareness of vulnerable or innocent beings who are suffering, or it might reflect a feeling of helplessness or concern for the welfare of others.
3. Rescuing the Cats: Your efforts to save the mother cat and the remaining kitten suggest an active response to adversity. It could represent your desire to make a difference or to help those who cannot help themselves. This action implies compassion and a sense of responsibility.
4. Public Reaction and Hospital: The community's involvement and the attention from the news can indicate recognition of a shared responsibility or collective action. The hospital represents healing and recovery, suggesting a positive turn of events facilitated by community support.
The overall theme of the dream could be about facing challenges, confronting difficult situations, and the reward of successful intervention. Your response to the cats' plight and the positive outcome—saving the mother and one kitten and seeing them get help—might reflect your fulfillment in contributing positively to a tough situation.
died in the well.I'm a cat lover
I had number of dreams but I never depend on what dreams says. Trust on you, whatever dream says, nobody has gone across real facts after effects.
Call me if you want more details:94714779556
I dreamt that 2 years ago already. and I want to share to you the outcome in waking life.
oneday I went home from work, lookimg for my cat to feed him, but I cannot find him. Its been a day since I last saw him, he usually sit beside me everytime I arrived in our house.
I look for him everywhere. but his nowhere to be found. I cried a lot coz I lost my cat. he just dissapeared and I dont know where he is now.
upto now he still in my heart. I love my cat so much, that it leaves a mark on me.
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