Dream Dictionary Dead Celebrity

Dream Dictionary Dead Celebrity


Fame is not for everyone, still though everyone seems to have this dream of being an actor or a celebrity despite the fact that they might not be a good fit for the lifestyle or the directors out there.

Dreaming of a dead celebrity means that you are concerned about the fact that your dreams are dying. This is a sad fact that will happen to many adults but the thing is, a celebrity represents the height of dreams as they last. Nearly everyone would give anything to be a rich and famous celebrity. If you have a dream in which you see a dead celebrity it means that you have given up on the idea of seeing yourself in their position. You no longer see it as a possibility in even the most remote sense. This is something that most people will come to terms with in their lifetime, but it is something that a lot of people don't like to realize even in their older age. If you have a dream in which you see a dead celebrity in other words, it can be pretty crushing to you. But even so, this can be a great thing in terms of keeping you focused. Try to make something good out of it.

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John 2023-10-03 10:44:15
I had a lucid dream that about xxxtentacion. We were in a studio like apt with a few other people. One of those people I believe was ski mask, and the other few I’m not sure. The dream felt so real to the point where I even brought it up to him saying “I know I’m dreaming but all of this just feels so real”. I go on to talk to him about his future and what is going to become of it. His success, what his artist name will be and unfortunately I didn’t get to talk about his untimely demise. We were constantly trying to seclude ourselves away from everyone else but of course ski was by his side. It’s was just such an amazing dream to have in a sense being that he was such an important person in my life and his music just helped me so much through tough times. His energy is just so strong and he will forever live on. LLJ 🖤🕊
Maya 2023-08-20 01:05:51
I had a dream about juice world (Ik how to spell it but it’s not letting me spell it like how it’s supposed to be spelled) and he was trying to tell me something after I asked him why everyone might be thinking he faked his death but anyways I asked him and his words where “I couldn’t handle the fame, even tho it was great and all I jus wanted to have a normal life and not have to worry about things but then I realized if I wanted to not have fame then I would have to jus fade away” and he was in a room with crème colored walls and when he was outside it looked jus like earth but I felt dead like I was in heaven or something but I wasn’t sure and I wasn’t sure what to think but when I woke up I completely forgot abt it and then when I played one of his songs I remembered my dream exactly and I wasn’t sure why I had him in my dreams but I really feel like he was trying to tell me something and I jus couldn’t put my finger on what he was trying to say like I felt like he was trying to connect with me some how and I didn’t know why but I also saw someone with him but I didn’t recognize them and I thought they where jus an ordinary person until I started thinking and I realized it was my friend that passed that was with him and It took me a while to figure that out.
lindsay 2023-07-19 14:41:11
I had a dream about elvis presley he was in his military uniform and we were talking, he told me after he would leave the military we would hang out and pick cherries off a very specific tree the whole dream was very specific elvis died in the dream before he could get out the military i remember i was crying.
dany 2023-06-08 04:52:25
i have a reoccurring dream where i’m at Elvis Presley’s grave. I have been to Graceland (his house) prior but it’s odd. In my dream it’s only his grave, not the family member’s next to his. It’s his and it’s in the middle of a huge land of grass, perhaps a lawn. that lawn has a hill towards the bottom where it meets the sky and a water fountain behind it, like his at Graceland. it’s strange to say but around his grave and on top are a bunch of flowers. Just grass, a grave, a fountain, and flowers.

In those dreams which i’ve had 4 times, the visuals are always the same, being the part that freaks me out. I talk to him while sitting in the grass around the grave, and it appears he sits there with me as well?? I seem to have these dreams whenever I’m upset, and he talks to me about it. and we then talk about life and his beliefs, which never seemed to be talked about in his life?.. It’s always freaked me out.

I have an intense connection to Elvis Presley as well. I feel like my connection to him is stronger than those in my life. And being at Graceland I felt at home… So, perhaps I knew him in a past life? I believe that I am an old soul, also being told by a past life reader and numerous others. But I don’t know it’s always been weird to me how the dreams turn out… So I googled it.
Lisa 2023-04-25 04:03:03
I went to see Whitney Houston in concert in my teens (late 80s) and in my dream she and her band were coming to play at my house. In my dream I had no knowledge of her being deceased until the last part when her band arrived and set up the equipment then I saw a ghost Whitney walking up my driveway and disappeared. The band stayed played and music.
Dani 2023-04-11 07:10:18
I dream about Elvis, I was at a school dance, and he was singing off stage but when he started to get on stage, he turned around and took my hand and took me with him, and he held my hand while he sang.
asile 2023-03-28 06:26:55
i had a dream about lil peep. he tried to save his friend and entered a field full of rats, and the rats ate his skin alive. then, his skin got well like magic and we went out for icecream, but he said he has to leave pretty fast cause he has somewhere else to be, and i woke up. he seemed really sad and tired.
David 2023-03-27 14:39:56
I Sleep with my headphones on ,I listen to music of the 1920 . My music sends me in a time of jazz and flapper girls . I'm not a Frank Sinatra fan , but there he was ? He wanted an old calendar I Had , I Gave it to him . he winked at me and said ? You've got class kid . He faded away , Leaving me in a Speak easy in 1921 .
Laetitia 2023-03-14 03:31:46
I dreamt og Michael Jackson dead lying next to me with some kind of fungus on his corpse ..after trying to move off the bed in vain ...he dispassed with his ash scattering in the room leaving behind a map where he was lying
Angie 2023-02-02 09:38:47
I dreamed Prince, he was singing in a small gym type auditorium, light wooden floors either part of a hotel event room or school. He was singing the song "Adore" to me and I'm not sure if we were dating or what but I realized in the middle of the dream that he was dead and looked up on Google to see if I was right, in which I was. I then began to sock skate on the wooden floors and felt s7ch joy gliding through the floors with the wind blowing my hair. It was a cute dream. RIP Prince.
Frontpee 2023-01-27 14:49:28
I had a dream about sulli . We were both flying she was in a small vehicle and I'm driving it, i remember she was feeling down and very stressed and i had to help her out but then someone malicious came in were we landed and tried to kill us i was thrilled i coudnt sleep after
Alanah 2022-12-06 12:31:56
I had a dream about Michael Jackson. He was so loving and sweet towards my family and I and was always excited to see me and gave me the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek. One Direction were still together during the dream and I had saw them in concert the night before and he was happy to see that I was happy.
Sasha 2023-01-12 11:53:43
That's weird I had same dream that's what made me look this up had a dream bout Micheal Jackson was my lover lol

BMC 2022-12-02 00:28:32
I had a dream where I was digging out the sand that covered a grave of a young person newly buried. It was like the person was not supposed to be dead or she was buried at a wrong spot or buried unjustly. It was a female close relative but can't identify her. The mandate to dig out the grave was give by an ultimate authority with a mighty command.

The scene switched to a street

Moments later, as I was going out, I saw a large crowd dancing and rejoicing. It was Lucky Dube. He was performing some of his popular songs. The atmosphere was lively. The crowd capacity was in millions of people. When I got closer, he stepped down from the stage and came to me and told me how wicked the world is; that as large as the crowd is, as rich as the people who came to feel good through his songs and since he had been performing, no one has ever asked her if he had eaten or not. But they pretend to love him. He then begged me to make some order for him. The crowd were there dancing to his songs and thrills at the background.

I took him to a nearby restaurant and ordered a plate of food for him. He ate the first round, second round, third round and as was about eating the fourth one, I asked if the food was that delicious and he said yes and he's eating because he's been hungry for years. I asked the waiter to serve him and bring some for me too in the same plate with Dube. So we ate together with so much love. I made another order for us again. He was happy then I woke up. What is the mystery behind the dream. What is the meaning.
bron 2022-11-21 18:03:01
i had a dream and heath ledger was in it , i hugged him so tight and i was bawling so hard … it was our first time meeting in the dream too so idky i reacted that way. i cried so hard on the dream that when i woke up my throat hurt
Nora 2022-11-06 21:43:58
I had a dream of Robin Williams. He was quiet and nice in my dream. Plus he acted like he was bothered by something because he kept talking to himself. I can't remember what he was saying.... I did say hi to him...
Concetta Longo 2022-10-05 18:54:21
I had a dream about Richard Dawson. He was standing in a round room; the walls were black and gold. Richard was wearing a medium blue jacket, white shirt and gold tie.
He faced me as if on camera. He then smiled at me and said, "I love you, Connie. I never died".
What does this mean?
Tony 2022-04-28 09:30:33
Had a dream I was in a haunted mansion. Frank Sinatra appeared, and was singing "Under my skin". I was so excited in my dream, because I am a huge fan. He died in May of 1998.
El 2022-03-25 18:56:17
I had a dream that I was dancing and then kissed Mac Miller who almost immediately got black eyes and opened his mouth where black dust like stuff came out into my mouth (me knowing it was his soul trying to get into my body) I got really scared and woke up … I actually really liked Mac Miller and don’t know why I would dream something like that
Cierra jenkins 2022-03-09 08:35:25
I dreamt that I was on the top of the stairs at a building and I saw lil peep and I got excited i said hey look it’s peep and he looked at me and he took a picture of me he smiled I smiled then the dream ended this was the second dream I’ve had of him
Judy 2021-12-23 00:06:05
Just last night I saw Jerry Orbach and Benedict Cumberbatch in my dream in completely separate scenarios. It’s strange that my mom, my sister and some relatives appeared in my dream. Jerry Orbach appeared as someone my family knows for a long time as if he is a relative to us. However, he didn’t appear as an actor, but rather in a different job. I wonder why two celebrities (1 dead, and 1 active today) appeared in my dream. I love both actors since Beauty and the Beast, as well as (Sherlock 2010).
Nicole 2021-12-02 07:22:29
I had a dream about my idol Aaliyah. It was so sad because in the dream I was at an event she was supposed to be at but she ended up passing before she could get there. I miss her so much. Her death still hurts & haunts me to this day.
Laura Anne 2021-11-10 00:00:55
I dream about Freddie Mercury a lot. I almost always give him a hug. They are always good dreams. Seeing him alive fills me with joy. Occasionally, I even get to go to Queen concerts which is one of my greatest regrets.
Kelly A 2021-12-17 10:16:38
I feel very fortunate that I got to see Queen in concert in the 70's at the Forum in Inglewood. Freddie Mercury was an amazing performer and he was gone way too soon.
Alexandria O 2021-08-29 10:36:50
I just woke up from a dream about Lil Peep. I used to listen to him a lot when I was going through a break up. Was crazy because I started listening to him 2 weeks before he died. Such news when he passed. By the way I used to listen to him nonstop for 2 years. I don't listen to him as much but everyone and then🙂. My dream is too long and vivid but it was a school function. And Ive always felt sad about dropping out.... Peep was the guest of honor and I was psyched to see him in person. I had no idea how the dance was. Like a choir thing we used to do every year. I was asking this random girl When the heck did we rehearse cause idk what's going on.. anyways finally Peep ended up running up and standing next to me on the bleachers after he noticed me. Then all these other too long to say details happened. We got back to our spots and Im such a goober sometimes I went to the wrong spot on the bleachers. Then I saw him Like Oh whoops I forgot where I was. He said something joking with me. Then I said I loved him and he was my favorite and I'm sorry he died. He laughed and said, Uh it's okay. 😂 I felt embarrassed like a fan would feel saying something crazy. Then I hugged him right
Then I hugged him tight as he slouched w my head on his shoulder and he kept looking back at me with his eyes all low. The way he carried himself and acted in my dream, felt real. I woke up in tears. Still can't make sense of that realness but I'd like to believe some of these artists actually care about the hurting souls in the human realm. Idk... But had to share it.
Jocelyn Gray 2021-08-18 02:44:10
I had a dream of King Von. He ask me to cook for him and I said yes.

javier perales 2021-08-14 12:21:23
I had a dream last night where my favorite celebrity (Doja Cat) was by my side, we where both in these white suits. She was suffocating in the suit, i immediately took mine off, and unzipped the head part of her suit, revealing her dead. As weird as this part is, I tried to do CPR on her, but to no avail. The rest of the dream was me crying before i woke up with a huge sigh of relief that it was a dream.
cami 2021-07-20 13:35:21

i had a dream about alan rickman and his wife dying together while holding hands. then i died afterwards.
Ginny 2021-07-08 02:36:25
I dreamt of Michael Jackson. He was in his late 40s completely white and had done most plastic surgery at the time. We spent time together in a wooden cabin where we engaged in various activities. There's some moment we hugged and i wept so much. Huge heavy tears. I could hear them fall on the wooden floor. I could feel them drop fast and heavy from my eyes. As i wept, i saw a flashback of who he really was when he was a young boy and i continued crying for what seemed so long. He took me out quieted me down and then we came back in i saw the trail of tears i left. It was like a leaking bucket.
I was then filled with a certain urge to take care of him. I asked him to put on his mask so that he wouldnt die of viral infection but he was adamant. The dream fades.
Anonymous 2021-06-20 20:48:57
I see Kurt cobain taking to a man in an elevator.
natalia 2021-06-14 15:37:58
i keep having these dreams of xxxtentacion its either his song is in my dream or he pops up in my dream i had one when me and ski and X were hanging out and im not lucid dreaming i love xxxtentacion but idk if its a sign or he trying to tell me or something but every dream lately he been randomly in my dreams. but i dont mind if keep going on
Dream chaser 2021-03-16 20:11:05
I dream of 2pac. It’s seem we connected in away like a close friend would.

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