Dream Dictionary Dead Cousin

Dream Dictionary Dead Cousin


A dead cousin can be pretty disturbing to see in your dreams but it does not mean that you are going to have to worry all the time about the health of your cousin. If you have a dream in which you see a dead cousin it means that you need to worry about your cousin. But it can also mean that you need to worry about yourself and your connections to your family in general. These connections are quite important and they are founded in a lot of different areas. You will become close to your family over time if you spend time with them, but sometimes other family members such as cousins get left out of the loop which can make it difficult for you to progress and difficult for them to be accepted. If you dream about a dead cousin it means that you feel as if you have neglected the love for your cousin in the past. Try to spend more time with them.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Cousin

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Angela 2020-08-16 18:17:48
So I had a dream last night that my cousin that passed away recently..told me I was expecting and then he just disappeared and then I woke up..someone please tell me what this means..me and my cousin were very close..and I'm kinda freaked out a lil bit..
theDream 2023-11-25 05:25:29
Here's a brief interpretation of your dream involving your recently passed cousin telling you that you were expecting:

1. Connection and Continuance: The presence of your cousin in your dream suggests a sustained sense of connection and bond, despite his passing. He might serve as a symbol of continuity between life and death, or as a messenger between the conscious mind and the subconscious.

2. Life and New Beginnings: The specific message about you expecting could represent the idea of new beginnings or the start of a significant life change. Even if not to be taken literally about pregnancy, it could symbolize something new developing in your life that is yet to manifest.

3. Inner Wisdom and Intuition: The dream may reflect your own inner knowledge or intuition about changes or creations happening in your life. It could be your subconscious expressing through the familiar and trusted voice of your cousin.

4. Wish Fulfillment and Hope: If starting a family or welcoming new life is something on your mind, the dream could be an expression of wish fulfillment or hope. Dreams often project our deepest desires through the lens of those we trust and love.
Charis 2020-08-07 08:03:41
A cousin that I was once close to but had a falling out with 3years ago passed back in Feb of this year. I dreamed I was talking to her on the phone. In the dream my mom and other family members were telling me that she was still making up lies on me and I believe I was the one that reached out to her on the phone. But anyway I asked her why was she still making trouble and she really couldn't give me a straight answer. All she pretty much did was say my name and stutter between her silence. I wasn't mad at her I just never knew what I did. I dont even know what i did to her in my waking life for us to have a falling out.
Ann 2019-06-23 09:16:12
My husband dreamed of his dead cousin alive in his dream. His cousin was fixing himself infront of the mirror wearing casual attire - a maong pants and checkered long sleeves, as if he'll go to somewhere else. Beside him there I was standing. When he saw my husband his dead cousin hug him. In my husband's dream his dead cousin was happy unlike in my husband's previous dream. Why is it before his dead cousin hugged him on his knees while now it was just a hug? What does it mean?
Evet 2019-05-03 04:41:49
My cousin died last year from an overdose
I miss him so much I’ve seen him in my dream where my family brings him to us when I saw him I cried n hugged him so hard told him I love him misses him to not leave !!! Until it was time for him to leave n he was gone just like that

I feel guilty not haven’t to express my feelings to him or seen his grave gotten a chance to say goodbye he’s the best cousin ever!!!
Zmt 2017-08-19 10:54:06
My older cousin passed when i was 10. I was super close to him and when he was in a car accident we all quickly rushed over to the scene. He was 25 at the time, very heavy set like a big bear. His friend was driving and his younger brother who was 21 was in the back when the truck hydroplaned an landed unpside down on a rail. Since he was heavy set his own organs crush his heart and lungs. And his head was cut open from behind his ear to the other side. He was pronounced brain dead an passed a week later. I never really got to say goodbye which crushed me and as a child who didnt understand why it was happening to me I was angry because it was raining that day and the accident was caused by nature. No one was drinking, speeding or under any influence an when the cops arrived they were slow to call for help. I felt lost because im very close to the males in my family and i was sad that i lost him. That went on for a few years until i had a dream. I was in a black truck. In the drivers seat (the truck he was in was black) i was headed on the same road he crashed an it was raining. Sprinkling really. An he was in the middle of the road sort of smiling. And waving. I was headed straight towards him and i got so happy because i wanted to stop and get off an talk to him and hug him so i waved back butwhen i got closer the truck didnt stop. It kept on at the same speed right passed him an all he did was continue to stand there and wave. He never said a word. Im guessing this was my way of coming to terms that hes gone, you know? A way of getting closure ig?
Smm 2017-07-25 22:00:59
Someone help me. I don't know what this means.!!! I had a dream last night that a live band was playing outside my house , I turned to the left and my cousin was singing Michael buble "everything"- he always used to sing this song to me when he was alive. I used to love hearing him sing. He passed away unexpectedly 6 months ago and this dream has muddled my head up he came round the corner and was singing it to me , he then looked at me and went I've been wanting to do this for a long time and we kissed like passionately, and he said this is like a picnic romantic moment in a film ??? - I then woke up confused and distressed. I was happy I saw him in my dreams but the kiss was obsered! Please someone tell me what this means. I'm so confused. Thank you.
Alex 2019-08-28 14:39:41
That your probably had a crush on him and that's why you kissed him even though he's your cousin.
CM 2017-06-26 12:09:03
Last night I dreamt of something that never would have crossed my mind in a million years, my little 10 year old cousins death. It started out on being on a plane and Ashely (fake name) is sitting across from me & we're talking nothing wrong is going on, but then my mom texts me to her her glasses off the table & bring it to her. Knowing she's a little kid & volunteers to take it to my mother. I saw her pick it up & as soon as she did that the seat belts light came on, the next thing I remember is seeing the front of the plane gone. Then I see that we're crashing into a building and glass is going everywhere & im freaking out but as I was freaking out I didn't notice Ashley missing from her seat. Then when we finally landed hard I saw my cousin in between the building glass laying on the ground with her left arm up still holding the glasses my mother told me to get I can still see what she looked like in my dream. I instantly felt guilt, heartbroken, & sadness. Then all of a sudden I'm at some place sitting on a table looking down on a plate of food, then Ashely is sitting next to me with a smile on her face, I started to ball out cry & I told her how sorry I was that I couldn't protect her. And Ashley just telling me it's okay & hugging me then we start talking then I asked "so how's heaven like?" " is it any thing like the lovely bones or any of the movies we saw?" But she wouldn't answer me she would just smile. Then this is were it took a turn she ended being not the person I thought I knew she wasn't even her. Ashley has a sister brook (again fake name) & they both acted so weird & it freaked me out a little then they wanted to get at me or kill me then I would run & run but the only time they stopped is when an adult would pop up. --What does that mean when she came back ?
Kia 2017-06-08 08:32:36
I dreamt about my cousin last night. In my dream, I get news from my mom that my cousin had an accident but my father tells me that he is murdered. What does this mean???? Should I worry about this and inform my cousin to be careful or just let this go?
Zed 2017-07-07 20:06:03
Last night I dreamt that my cousin was murdered so viscously. I woke up terrified and in tears. All interpretations of this dream online seem to be ok though... I hope
Waldo 2017-02-03 06:07:49
I keep having dreams of death through the years and it is disturbing. First I had a dream that my grandpa passed away. I started spending more time with him , we would go fishing or I'd go over to his house . Less than a year later he passed away. Then I had a dream that my pet bunny who I loved so much passed away. A couple months later he got sick and passed away. Then I had a dream where my father dies. I told him about it. Days later, he was dropping off my sister at her house,my mom and other sister were in the car too, as soon as they drop off my sister there was a drive by shooting and the car crashed into my dad's car. My mom and sister were taken to the hospital but my father refused to get checked on. I begged him to please get looked at and reminded him of my dream. He finally gave I and got looked at.once the doctors checked him out they found multiple issues with his health. They said if he hadn't gone in he would've passed away. He stayed in the hospital for 3 days. Now today I had a dream where my little cousin whom I adore passed away. This is what I dreamt: I saw my little sister, and my two little cousins playing outside their house ( they live right next door to each other) suddenly a stray dog appears and they start playing with it. After playing with it my little cousin doesn't feel so good and goes inside . He gets sick and my uncles think it's just a fever. The sickness isn't going away so they take him to the hospital. Once there the doctors say he contracted some disease from the stray dog and it was too late to fight it. My little cousin passes away. I felt his absence in my dream I also saw his little sister and felt the emptiness she felt. I saw myself in the dream and in the dream I went back to all the memories I shared with my little cousin.
cherryl 2016-11-18 05:56:37
I dream of my accountant cousin having an operation at home with my other Doctor cousin peeling off her bad skin but was ok with it UNTILL it bleed then I took her to the hospital begging for IV antibiotic and she was dying already..seen her leg already came off and she could not breath...I was crying so hard! when took her to the hospital she insisted to drive lol
sm 2016-06-08 13:38:57
I just had a dream last night about my cousin who actually died 19 years ago, two years before I was born so I never met him. He was sixteen and I was born(two years later) on the date that he died. But in my dream he was still sixteen and he kept telling me that we were meant to be together. What does this all mean?
Leelee 2016-02-14 11:20:05
I dreams I seen about 3men in a car not sure what they were doing but i was walking pass the car they yell what the f you looking at staryed chasing me and another person never seen the face helped me by taking me to some house i didnt know tp hide me. And i took my phone out to call fot help and my cousin came from behind me and kissed me on my cheek from behind i turned to her and seen it was her and i said to her what you doing here u suppose to be dead and she smiled and i woke up from my dream what was she telling me in my dream.
sm 2016-06-08 13:45:02
Just a thought to you about your dream, maybe it means that your cousin is watching over you and will protect you. She kissed you and smiled and it was when you were in a bad situation and after she smiled you woke up, as if you were safe from those people

dre 2015-11-29 05:39:51
I dreamt I was back home since I'm on vaca and that I dreamt of my lil cousin who passed away a yr ago an tht I told him how is it possible he is here his words were I'm here till Christmas he was amongst my cousin who is a girl he was close to she took his hand and said let's go meaning back at her home.quite abit of family was in my dream hmm what does this mean it felt so real

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