Dream Dictionary Dead ex-boyfriend

Dream Dictionary Dead ex-boyfriend


If you have a dream in which you see a dead ex-boyfriend it means you are dreaming about your past and past relationships. If you are currently in a nice relationship then this dream could just be another sign of your prosperity and the fact that you have given up that last part of your life for a newer life that involves greater happiness with your current boyfriend. If you have a dream where your dead ex boyfriend is in it and you are in a bad relationship at the time or not in a relationship at all, then this usually comes about because of how much you long for the past relationship which you gave up some time ago. Unfortunately there might not be much you can do about it as your boyfriend has probably already moved on since you've broken up, but this is still a sign that you should attempt to do something to reconcile with him. You may not need him to fall in love with you again just to get some sleep at night but you should definitely see what you can do to get some closure on the past relationship.

If you have a dream where you see a dying boyfriend it means that your relationship is dying. This could be because of something that your boyfriend did or it could be because of something that you did or it could be because of something that is or isn't happening in your relationship that should or shouldn't be. Only you will know the true reason why your relationship is dying, but either way, if your boyfriend is dying in your dreams it means you need to do something to make sure that you resuscitate it before it does for good. Of course if your boyfriend is purposely letting the relationship die and not putting as much effort in as he could then it could just be a sign that you shouldn't be dating him in the first place because he doesn't care about you as much as you deserve in the first place. But if it is your fault that the relationship is going sour or if it is going south because of some stupid argument that you both refuse to apologize for, you need to be the bigger man and give him an apology and hope that things can get back to what they once were. Feel fortunate that your dreams gave you a heads up in this case.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead ex-boyfriend

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Lisa 2024-04-03 20:17:03
The dream is about a ex I let go in 2004 we have a daughter together who 23 the dream was a loving happy relationship kissing hugging and etc I really would love to know what the dream was trying to tell me
theDream 2024-04-04 04:29:23
It seems your dream was filled with affectionate interactions, like kissing and hugging, within a happy relationship context. When you dream about loving connections, it typically reflects your inner desires, current emotional satisfaction, or even your subconscious processing of what love and affection mean to you. Such dreams can point to several aspects of your life and psyche. Here’s what this dream might be trying to tell you:

Inner Desires and Longings
Dreams about being in a loving relationship could indicate your desires or longings for intimacy, connection, and affection in your waking life. If you are currently single, it could be a manifestation of your wish to find a partner or deepen existing relationships. If you are already in a relationship, it might reflect your contentment with the bond you share with your partner or a desire for further intimacy and connection.

Emotional Satisfaction
Experiencing a dream filled with love and happiness can also signify a state of emotional satisfaction and fulfillment in your life. It might be a reflection of the healthy relationships and positive interactions you currently enjoy. Such dreams could affirm your emotional well-being and the value you place on your close connections.

Subconscious Processing
Dreams serve as a means for our subconscious to process thoughts, feelings, and experiences. A dream about a loving, happy relationship could be your mind’s way of digesting recent romantic interactions, memories of past relationships, or even your ideals and expectations regarding love. It might also be highlighting areas of your emotional life that you feel content with or aspects that you wish to improve or experience.

Reflection of Self-Love
Sometimes, dreams about positive relationships can mirror the relationship you have with yourself. This could be an indication that you are in a phase of self-love and acceptance. The affectionate actions in the dream—kissing, hugging, etc.—might represent your appreciation for who you are and the care you're showing yourself.

Given the loving and positive nature of your dream, it seems to convey messages related to desires for connection, contentment with your emotional state, and possibly the processing of your thoughts on intimacy and love. Remember, the personal meaning of a dream can vary widely based on your current life situation, emotions, and past experiences. Reflecting on these can provide deeper insights into why this dream felt significant to you.

Vanessa 2022-03-09 14:56:03
My exboyfriend who is also the father of my son passed away 5 yrs ago. We were not together yrs before he passed. In fact, he was really toxic. In the dream he showed up in a cab and was going to be dropped off at my home and I fussed at him and told him that he was gonna have to find somewhere else to go. He looked really sad and regretful and it made me feel kinda sad but I meant what I said. Then I woke up.
theDream 2023-11-25 03:15:43
Your dream about your late ex-boyfriend who was also your son's father may symbolize unresolved feelings or closure in relation to your past relationship with him. Here is a brief interpretation:

1. Unresolved Emotions: You may have unresolved feelings towards your ex-boyfriend, and the dream reflects those emotions. The fact that he appeared looking sad and regretful suggests you might be processing your feelings about the past toxicity and the complexities of your relationship with him.

2. Boundaries and Self-Affirmation: Your assertiveness in the dream, telling him he can't stay and must go elsewhere, might represent your personal boundaries and the steps you've taken to protect your well-being. It indicates a sense of empowerment and the affirmative choice of not allowing toxic behavior to disrupt your life anymore.

3. Healing and Letting Go: The dream may indicate a part of the healing process from the past relationship. You felt sad for him, which signifies empathy and compassion, but you also stood your ground, which is a sign of personal growth and moving on from a difficult past.

4. Reflection on Change: Him arriving in a cab to your home may symbolize the changes since his passing and your life now. It's a symbol of transition, reflecting the emotional journey from the time you were together to the present day.

Consider the dream as an emotional reflection, and look at the emotions it brought up as helpful indicators of your current healing process and personal growth.
Kia 2022-02-22 14:07:37
When I dream of my ex boyfriend in every dream he is also dead , like one time I dreamed his coffin rised from under ground do to a storm. In every dream I have of him I be crying so hard in the dreams because of the death of him. I never have normal dreams of him alive or talking to me and I feel he’s mad with me or something because I never see him alive in those dreams
Sam 2020-08-04 04:52:34
One of my ex boyfriends from my childhood died 9’years ago in a car crash. I hadn’t seen him for nearly 13 years but every year in the Few days running up to his birthday I dream about him. About how he used to be in school. This time I dreamt of seeing him and telling him not to get in a car in that day because he will die. I’ve been to a physic twice and both times he’s come spoke to me. What does all this mean
Mo 2022-10-31 15:30:14
Hi, my grandmother said (and I've also read that) when you dream of a deceased loved one, it means that they came back to say good bye. If you dream of a deceased loved one of someone close to you, it means they are choosing you to give them a message. My exbf took his own life 2 months ago, we had broken up about a month before he did that. We were very in synch and could finish eachother's sentences (he once told me he thought we were soulmates). Anyway, I had not spoken to him in over a month, I got busy with family emergencies and didn't notice that he had not called/text. I was trying to respect his boundaries but previous times, he wouldn't stay away and always came back and checked on me. This time he didn't, I started dreaming of him (3 nights in a row). The first time he came to my house and knocked on the door, I saw him and woke up. The second night I dreamt he was fixing some lights he had installed in my yard (just like he did the last time I saw him). I looked at him, we made eye contact, he smiled and I woke up. When I woke up, my heart ached and dropped to my feet and got this feeling like something bad had happened. I immediately started looking him up online, began texting him/calling and his sons called me to give me the bad news. My family says that he came by to say good bye.
Emily 2020-06-29 23:48:36
One of my first loves I met in 2009 I was a freshman he was a sophomore and we were together for 2 years it was a awkward relationship we were both so shy to even talk to eachother in person so we sat quietly and watched movies for hours holding hands but we loved eachother so much, well he ended up leaving me for another girl who was probably more talkitive then me and it was OK it hurt me but it was probably for the better. Well he then passed away in 2014 and I couldn't help but cry even though i had been with other guys and we never spoke since we broke up well a few years roll by and startingoof 2016 I started having dreams with him in it and to this day it still goes on almost every week I have 1 or 2 dreams with him in it. I wish I knew why this keeps going on it makes me happy though I do still cherish the moments we had and I can't help but miss him now. Never really thought about him either after I got over our break up so I just can't explain or find a good answer to why I'm dreaming about him so much for the past 4 years. I mean he's been gone out of my life for 9 years and has been dead for 6. Sorry for the bad grammar though.
Mabes 2019-08-05 03:05:12
I just woke up from a dream of my deceased ex. We actually broke up many years ago and stayed friends and we were very close.He had passed away a year ago due to cancer. I didnt get to see him one last time before he leave this world. I got the word through his dad. Anyway, in my dream he was healthy, smiling, and very loving. The feeling is very comforting and peaceful. I was pregnant in my dream too and he claimed that he is the father to my child. Is there any meaning behind this please? It is too random. I am in a relationship for the past 19 months. So is this just another random dream or something behind this?
Shakina D. 2019-01-02 03:52:52
I dreamt about my first boyfriend last night. It was surreal. He was sitting at a bar and I walked up to him and tapped him. At the time it didn’t dawn on me that he had passed. When he saw me, he grabbed me and I could feel the heat from our bodies. I then realized he was dead. I could hear myself talking to him asking how was I able to see him or talk to him. You’re dead, wait what does that mean I asked him. And I woke up crying. Was he trying to tell me something? He has been gone for over 20 years. What does this mean??????
Cindy 2018-12-15 19:31:56
The year I turned 40 I had a very real dream about my first boyfriend. The last time I had seen him, I was 18 years old. We walked around the University campus, had a few tough words, we both stomped off in different directions. I stopped, turned around and called his name...."Stop Bill....let's not leave like this, we might not ever see one another again." I asked for a final kiss goodbye, and parted on better terms. So, the dream I had just before my 40th birthday, when I was almost ready to deliver my son, was so real. I was looked as a figure walked towards me, and when I realized it was him, I was so happy to see him and called his name, he smiled walked up to me, and lightly kissed me.....'goodbye'. That was when I realized he was dead. I just cried in my sleep, then in my bathroom in my house, and I knew Bill had died. He came to me to say goodbye before he went to.....? I found out ten years later, he died of a brain tumor sometime that spring. I think he felt things were left....wrong between us at 18 and wanted to correct it, at 40, dying far away in a different city. It was way more than just a dream. My grandmother did the same thing to my grandfather the night she died.
Deana 2018-07-11 13:00:58
[just=center][/just]I had a dream where my ex that's been dead since 2013 shoot me 5xs but I don't think he meant to do it cause he felt so bad wen he did it B4 he did it he looked confused lost I didn't died in the dream I actually talked him down wats does this dream mean cause I could feel them shoots wen I woke up
falisha 2018-06-06 22:39:54
I had a dream about my ex boyfriend whom is till love very much. But in the dream it was a friend of mine that I loved very much but he has passed on, it was the friend face but the ex boyfriends life.
danny 2018-01-15 05:28:42
my ex boyfriend died last thurday the night i found out i had a dream about him. i was in my wedding dress looking in a mirror and i see him over my shoulder he apologized about how he treated me and said i never looked more beautiful and he is glad i decided to marry my boyfriend i turned around and he was gone.......im getting married in 6 months
Andrea 2018-01-11 03:45:27
My x Jerry and I split up on 2015 July, he tryed to get me to get back with him in6everywsy possible he contacted me in April again the 4th I would not contact him back, April 15th he was found dead I have drempt of him almost every night. Since. He died we always get back together, our relationship was awful on and off for 4 years he was a alcoholic and he hit me all. The time, but I felt something for him I've never felt before, my. Dreams are. Very peaceful, I truly believe somehow he is apologizing to me, can you help me

Gloria 2017-10-22 18:39:46
I had a dream with my ex boyfriend last night he been dead for over 10 years what does it mean
Diane 2019-01-20 12:23:11
I had a dream about my exboyftreind last night his and my daughter was in it no words were spoken between us I just saw him lying down but he was awake looking at me what does this mean ?
Jessica 2017-09-04 00:40:12
I dreamt of my ex lastnight. We havent been together since 2011. But we stood in contact he became a good friend. I have 3 children now. He died this year in march i attended his funeral while pregnant with my third child. Any who i dreamt of him lastnight. We were talking and laughing. I told him i love him an to be with me. It was weird we were packing his clothes to go somewhere. What does this mean.
MATTY 2017-05-17 03:06:34


Juanita 2017-03-01 00:07:15
I woke up in my bed and walked to the living-room and stood at the entrance of the dining area.I looked up and a figure appeared and walk toward me.It was my ex_boyfriend.He was in his military dress uniform and As he got closer.I replied Its nice to see you again.He had been dead over a year and I found out through the internet that day. I was always afraid that if something happened to him that I would find out this way and it came true. I even spoke of it to him before his death.I was so hurt to learn the news.He died on his job. The sad part is I think I was the last person he talked with that day.His last words he said is I wont bother you anymore. I tried to reach him but he didn't answer his phone. I thought that he was upset with me for something I said.You wont hear from me again he said .And I didn't. Not until that dream.The ironic part is that I felt as if it was all real and I was in a trans.Almost like sleepwalking.

Angela 2017-01-19 03:59:26
I dreamt I was home alone and as I was walking around the house my deceased ex boyfriend appeared out of nowhere as if he was walking around the house too. I looked so real, not ghostly. As I approached him I got scared thinking he was coming to take me and I was dying. I screamed no, God please don't take me now. My children!! I prayed so hard in the dream. I felt a tightness in my heart. I saw a brief white light. I woke up
so scared. I thanked God for keeping me alive Does this indicate I'm going to die soon? Was I given a second chance? Do I make a doctor's appointment? I'm very worried now.
Kiki 2017-01-17 23:52:25
I had this boyfriend who fell sick and died. Currently I am married now but I dreamt about him sitting with his friends.upon seeing me he decided to hide at d back of one of his friends. I drew closer and all he told me was it's a long story - handing over to me a paper which had a drawing of me and a small girl.

I don't have a child in real life ba in the dream whiles working towards him I was with a girl child dressed exactly as the one in the paper
Rod 2016-10-25 03:52:33
I almost don't know where to start. I am almost 57 years of age. When I was 15, I met a girl of 13, our parents introduced us as our mothers were co-workers. We spend the day playing board games and by the end of the visit we had done much and talked about everything, I just knew that I was in love at first sight for me. Because we lived in different boroughs in NYC we never could make it work and when we finally decided to go out on a date the magic of the first time we met could not be re-captured. Over the years I would occasionally think of her and what could have been. Clearly when I think of her, I think of the very first girl I fell in love with as I knew the difference between a crush and love. Anyway, I think in total, I may have only seen her 3-4 times in my life even though our mother's remained in touch. Well last night out of the blue, I dreamed of her, we were on a sinking ship and looking for a way out. Ultimately, we got separated and when I awakened, I could not recall whether she made it out or not. In any case, when I dream of people I make a point of attempting to check in with them to make sure they are alright. So, I searched FB, Linked in and the Internet and found out that in May of 2012, she passed away. I am trying to recall as much of the dream as possible as I believe she was attempting to communicate. I am truly saddened by this news.
Linda 2017-03-26 15:15:11
I understand. I often dream of a boy I dated only a few times in 1965. He left me and I never got over it. He was my first boyfriend and I was so in love with him. He passed away in 2011. The dreams are all different. Wish I could gain some understanding of why I dream about him so often.
Rod 2016-10-25 14:36:36
Any thoughts? Looking for answers.
Lisa 2016-08-11 08:04:19
My ex-husband and father to my two eldest children was murdered last year and his death reunited me with his family after 15 years of me hating him. Anyway, I've felt him around me and the other night I dreamt of him. In my dream he was alive and well and held me in his arms and kissed me just like he used to all those years ago. In the dream I told him that I love him, always have and I want to be with him. What could this mean?
I've been in a new relationship for 14 years and have 3 other children to my new partner.
patty 2016-07-30 20:02:00
So where to start.
Or not. Long story short.
13 years of age and 14 years of age for my children's father when we had our first child, 17 years together till shit just wasn't right. I loved him with all my heart but as we grew older together, he just got worse couldn't get his things together. Found out he cheated with my brother's wife, i was done.. enough trying to make shit work with him. I moved on , happy found a good man.. not perfect but good enough for me. In love i am. Baby daddy had his chick, street whore whatever, further more , baby daddy couldn't get over me... said "if i cant have u no one can" threatened me on a daily with guns words so on. . ( he was ghetto, gang related, and i was street smart.. so i never called the cops cuz that was my baby daddy ( but i did scare/ lie him saying cops were coming just so he can leave... thats what i did for a while so my man and i can try to keep him away... well not long after my baby daddy fucken died dude, fucken unreal!! Sad but damn a chick like me has never lived in peace as i do now, thats how bad it was!. Ha i said i wouldn't do this, but ive already made this short story long.... i dream my children's father always hurting me and i am so scared, hes either stabbing me trying to kill me or in my home unwelcome and im looking for my now fiance for help and once i do see my fiance in my dream its all a releave.. excuse any miss spelling. But anywho , what the heck does this mean? Im sad its not what i wanted
Autumn 2016-06-22 14:02:11
My ex killed himself June 1st this year and last night I woke up at 3am to a door slamming. I fell back asleep and dreamt about being in a relationship with him again and it was good. He used to abuse me and once I became pregnant I left him for the safety of my child. I'm married now and it's strange I had dreamt about being with my ex in my new home that I share with my now husband. I think it means something but I'm not sure.
Londa 2017-12-08 17:37:12
I know this post is old, but I've recently had a similar situation where as my ex was killed and we left off on a bad note but I'm now currently in a new good relationship and I dreamt of my ex and it wasn't really a negative dream but I think I've figured out what it actually means. Because you've dreamed of your past relationship but he has died and your currently in a new relationship that is a sign of letting something that wasn't good go and opening the door to something that's a new start and will be good. 🙂
sharon 2016-06-15 06:56:52
my fianc died almost a year ago. last night we were together in my dream at a party/bar t then he was gone and I was frantically looking for him. I woke up extremely upset that he would leave because he would have never done this for real...I couldn't go back to sleep. any thoughts as to why I would dream this( something he would never do)
lissa 2016-06-11 11:11:51
my boyfreind died in 2013 he commited suicide i have 4 little boys to him i have now moved on and had a new baby i keep dreaming that he comes to my nans and says he wants his children back and that i am cheating please help i dont no what it means

shortysmiles 2016-05-16 21:14:25
my ex died when he was 23 and today was his birthday and also his aniversary of his burial. he came into my dream but not directly to me.he was singing in a house or store front and his family was there just like always when he was here.what is the meaning. i do miss him alot
Stef 2016-03-23 20:17:04
My ex passed away bout 4years ago,he was my best friend we dated for 2yrs and became best of friends once we broke up,a week after his burial I started dreaming of him.at 1st once I realized in my dreams he had passed he would disappear, then later on I knew he was dead he wouldn't disseaper just simply smile..
After few dreams up till now every time I dream him,he holds me as if we haven't seen each other in forever and or will give me a simple decent kiss nd its so soreal.and in majority of my dreams of him he always makes me feel at ease by saying he misses me,loves me,will always be with me...
I dream if him constantly nd idk why,I mean i dnt mind it I love getting to see him again.I'm just curious as to kmw if there's something he needs to tell me how could I know for sure??

On a side note I'm married now like every relationship its not perfect but we work it out and we have two gorgeous children together,we've been together 9yrs now,so these dreams have me wondering what's been going on.
Leslie 2017-08-28 21:02:35
I had the almost same dream as you but he has only been buried 3 days ago
Treasure 2017-07-28 19:19:35
My story is a little similar to yours. My ex died 5 years ago of a bad heart.I dreamed about him coming to me when I was in Walmart parking lot headed to my car but I didn't recognize him so I got in my car and drove off. As I looked in the rearview mirror he was driving behind me so I sped up by the time I reached my house he was in my kitchen he took my hand I told me I was beautiful.
Wendalyn 2017-01-05 12:17:27
I have almost same thing happen to me I feel safe and happy but when I wake im so sad knowing he's gone. It's been ten years im with some one else have 2 boys n still dream of my ex. He always smiles. I've only gotten to dream of him a few times so when I do it makes me sad because I won't know when I'll get to see him again.
Stacey 2016-05-11 00:01:40
Message from Stef
My ex passed away bout 4years ago,he was my best friend we dated for 2yrs and became best of friends once we broke up,a week after his burial I started dreaming of him.at 1st once I realized in my dreams he had passed he would disappear, then later on I knew he was dead he wouldn't disseaper just simply smile..
After few dreams up till now every time I dream him,he holds me as if we haven't seen each other in forever and or will give me a simple decent kiss nd its so soreal.and in majority of my dreams of him he always makes me feel at ease by saying he misses me,loves me,will always be with me...
I dream if him constantly nd idk why,I mean i dnt mind it I love getting to see him again.I'm just curious as to kmw if there's something he needs to tell me how could I know for sure??

On a side note I'm married now like every relationship its not perfect but we work it out and we have two gorgeous children together,we've been together 9yrs now,so these dreams have me wondering what's been going on.

That was his spirit visiting you
Glynis 2015-10-27 12:19:39
I had a dream about my first boyfriend, we grew up together and he wanted to marry me. I felt he was more like my brother, and could never commit to him. I led him a merry dance going out with other blokes. He passed away aged 50. I feel looking back I must have really hurt him. The dream was so real when i woke up I expected him to be in the room.In the dream we were in his house together and when his family came to see him I wanted to go as I felt they hated me for hurting him. We were getting on so well till his family turned up at his house. What does this mean???
hannah 2015-07-21 07:16:53
I dreamed of my dead ex boyfriend last night. He died a few months ago due to a vehicular accident. In my dreams, he told me that he's leaving and that would be our last meeting. He just smiled at me when I asked him where to go. I was able to get up after that dream and when I went back to sleep, he appeared in my dream again. That was really terrifying.
brian g 2015-05-27 08:04:30
I have had two dreams recently, very real and detailed about an ex. In the dream we seem to get on very well again. She died some years ago of alcohol related issues. my current ex whom I love a great deal is a recovering heroin addict and we no longer speak or see each other and reconcilliation is not going to happen. The last time I soke to the girl who died we got on well enuf, just before she died she did not recognise me. Any clues, I am a very stuck person.
Ana carbajal 2015-04-19 14:46:21
My ex boyfriend passed away 111/2 month I just found out 4 weeks and I had a dream of him what does it mean

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