Dream Dictionary Dead Family

Dream Dictionary Dead Family


Some of the most important people in the life of a person are their family members. The family is one of the most important aspects of a person's life and this is how they get their lives in check. It is through the influence of the family that a person has the ability to go out and take on the day and go out and feel wanted and loved.

If you have a dream in which you see a dead family member it can mean many things. Sometimes if you remember who the family member is it can be better for you to go out and look for the meaning of seeing that specific type of family member in your dream in order to find out what that means for that specific person. If you do not remember the exact family member that you saw then this guide will help you discover what it means to see any kind of dead family member, or what it means if you see the death of family or a dead family. These are all important things to know of when trying to do dream interpretation or to come up with interpretation for dreams.

If you have a dream of a dead family member it means that you need to start thinking of what you can do to have lighter and nicer dreams. You are going through some tough times and you are imagining terrible things because you have lost some sort of support in your life. Family members function first as a system of support for a person. No matter how horrible your relationship is with your siblings, you learn to love them when you need them in order to go on living. One of the other important things to remember is that you need to get in good graces with your siblings when you have a dream such as this. If you have a dream like this then it means that you are worried about your relationship with your family. You need to go out and get back together with your estranged siblings and make sure that you all love each other again.

If you dream about the death of family as in the death of your entire family then it means that you need to get together with your entire family and have a better relationship, since your mind is mourning the lack of connection between your families. You miss the close relationship that you used to share which is definitely a symptom of your growth and the fact that you've moved on. If you dream of a dead family means that you need to reconnect. You need to get back together because your mind will not be at peace until you do. If you want to get a good night's sleep from now on then you need to see what you can do about it. Come together, get together and make sure that you guys all love each other. Otherwise you will continue having dreams like this and these can be fairly horrific and hard to face. The only way to get past it is to forget about it and move on.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Family

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Alexa 2018-10-10 16:10:24
I had a dream before, my whole family died in a tragedy... I cried and cried and then after few minutes I saw 2 angels approaching (male and female)... I was so sad and I tried to hug them (angels) but they refused coz according to them the police might see us.... The 2 angels just continue on walking down the road and they leave me alone...
Mariana 2018-07-10 23:55:17
In my dream me,my mom, and my little brother were in a store. Then suddenly people started telling us to get out because the store was going to blow up. We all can out, I realized after the store had blown up my little brother was still inside. I ran up to the doors and saw him terribly burnt and crying trying to get out but the doors would not open. Every time he hit the door he would leave blood marks on the door from his skin. I don't understand why I had this dream, but I've had many more like it.
HeliosEos 2023-11-25 03:39:57
Dreams involving traumatic events, like your little brother being trapped in a store explosion, can be distressing and may evoke intense emotions. It's important to note that dream interpretations are subjective, and the true meaning can only be determined by the dreamer themselves. However, here are a few possible interpretations for your dream:

1. Fear and Anxiety: Dreams often serve as a reflection of our fears and anxieties. The fear of losing or being unable to protect your little brother in the dream may stem from a deep sense of responsibility and love for him. It may represent concerns for his safety or a fear of potential harm coming to him.

2. Feelings of Powerlessness: The inability to save your little brother and the doors not opening could signify a feeling of powerlessness in a real-life situation. Perhaps you have experienced situations where you felt you couldn't protect or help those you care about, and this anxiety is manifesting in your dreams.

3. Processing Traumatic Events: Dreams can also act as a way for the mind to process and make sense of past or present traumatic events. If you or someone close to you has experienced a traumatic event in the past, your mind might be replaying that event in a symbolic way to help you process the emotions and make meaning out of the experience.

4. Deeply Held Concerns: Dreams can tap into our subconscious thoughts and emotions. It's possible that the dream is bringing to the surface underlying concerns or worries you may have about the well-being of your loved ones or the potential dangers and uncertainties of life.

If this dream and similar dreams continue to cause distress or affect your well-being, it may be helpful to discuss them with a therapist or counselor.
McKenna Kelley 2017-01-06 11:33:15
I had a dream a few hours ago about my Aunt, who in real life is going through chemotherapy and I never really got to talk to her ever since she's been diagnosed with Cancer. But anyways, in my dream she was welcoming me and super excited to see me again, saying she was feeling better and hoped to see me soon and gave me a great big hug. But when I woke up my parents gave me grim news. She died just last night. I don't know what it means but ever since I had that dream I feel comforted.
Anna maria 2017-01-04 14:37:53
I just dreamt that my sister in law was pregnant but not doing well and my deceased who didn't see told me that my brother had called an ambulance I saw him ,then I was dancing with my deceased father in law at an office party ,then because I couldn't go to the toilet there I went down stairs and as I was going up I saw my deceased father get shot on the stairwell but the gunman went straight passed me I didn't see his face then a strange lady told me as she was going with gun man it was ok and smiled then I saw an ex co worker at work and I was asking what she doing here and then I was going down the stairs with my cousin who I work with and she was trying to explain but I was in a hurry to move my car out of the way
Michelle 2016-08-21 09:44:53
Last night I dreamt of my whole family coming together from both my mom and dads side we were all the beach and partying having lots of fun some of the family members I haven't seen in years but I could see their faces so vivid and clear trying to interpret if it had any significant meaning
lori 2016-08-15 17:10:09
My husband dreamt that he was working at my parents home,doing work mom asked and dad came in and Said it wasn't necessary. Dad passed in 2002 and mom in 2014. He was extremely close to mom and took care of her home after dad passed. What's it mean.
Jessica 2016-07-07 04:19:10
I just dreamed that my grandma has dyed and she is really old I never had these before does this mean she's coming close of dying like are these dreams a warning to get me prepared of her passing
kenia 2016-02-05 07:46:59
This morning I had this dream horrible dream I ever had in my life. Well it was I was with my cousins and my brother at this restaurant because like my brother was hungry,so off we went and then when we finished I remember that we were waiting for a bus, and the bus never came ,so we decided to go to this place where they sell clothes just to see of course,so it was mid afternoon, so we went to rent some bikes for four of us ,so I remember my brother said since when you read a bike trying to be funny,so I guess he got trap somewhere or it was a place so dark ,so I asked myself where's my brother and my cousin said, I'll go to look for him,but he never came back,so my cousin and I keep which I should've not to cause our brothers were there. I called my uncle cell phone to meet us in this taco stand ,and in my dream my other cousin wasn't there either she disappear I don't know how ,but I remember I saw my uncle, aunt, my other aunt, my grandma,my mom,and my dad , so I remember that I saw this creepy guy face he started shooting at everybody ,but he was like 5 or 4 restaurant from where my family and I we were at, so it comes closer and I don't know how could my family not hear the shooting it was so close from us ,and I remember my mom saying her last words I have faith to find my son and my nephew and my niece,and I was trying to escape,so I did I remember seeing that guy with a spider man mask on talking to the lady, and then boom boom lots of shots I already had escaped from him I remember turning around for a bit and keep running so fast I remember saying to myself why didn't I warned them, but how couldn't my family not hear the shooting . but I keep running ,but I couldn't stop crying when I woke up . then my dream fade away. I love my family so much no matter what.🙁
Colton Waters 2016-01-31 08:19:08
Last night, I had a dream that four people (Who are currently living.) had died. One other person in my family and I were discussing what we were going to take out of my grandparents (Who had died.) house.
Melissa 2016-01-18 15:33:52
My father passed away in 2013, I rarely have dreams with him in it but last night I dreamt we were in one of my childhood homes and he moved out taking everything. His best friend was also there he didn't say anything just sat there he is still living. I don't remember a conversation or any words from him just screaming to him "how could you do this?" He looked at me and walked out the back for closing it.
I am confused what does this mean? Prior we had a Ricky relationship didn't speak to each for almost 2yrs. At the end during his last 9 months of life he lived with me for a couple months but I was the only one of my siblings who took care of him.What is her trying to say?
Yuli 2016-01-12 08:43:41
Today I woke up crying from a vivid dream.Can someone explain what my dreams means. My little sisters birthday is actually tomorrow on Jan 13, 2016 and in my dream she dies the day before as well as my other sister and my family is attacking other people and my mom gets hit in the head. Apparently in my dream is was bad people that had been investigating us for a while and they started killing my family. It felt so real and I am crying while typing this.

On the dream I went on a look to find the people that killed my siblings but in my dreams there was one specific black shirt. I had taken that black shirt from my sister and put it in my bag in real life but in my dream it was put with some pants and socks and some of her stuff all together. And in real life that specific black shirt is been missing.
Isabel galvao 2015-08-31 05:08:34
Today I had a dream that I was being possessed ,i couldn't breathe I couldn't move, in my dream there was a spirit attacking me but I couldn't see the face, I was yelling & screaming but my voice was just not coming out ,I was suffocating it was terrible , it felt like my life was ending I screamed my grandma & dads name nothing worked , at last I screamed God & it took be 3 seconds to wake up , when I woke up I seen a lot of spirits by me . I just don't know what this means I need help ?

Sal 2015-06-23 07:51:46
I have bearly woken up from a dream where I was at a party and this group of men came and killed my entire family I woke up when they tried killing my niece
Mariah 2015-05-24 17:09:01
Last night i had a dream that my whole family was on ship the poor people were on one side and the rich was on the other side the people were dieing my mom was burning so bad she died then my brother was next I tried to save them but I couldn't my mom said that she was gonna be better in heaven so i just let her go my younger sister and her 3 kids were with me her kids died but she didn't i was really sad i wanted my mom back...!
Brittney 2015-05-10 06:04:01
I saw ,y mother in a dream it looked or seemed like we were in heaven i was stand 15 feet away from her (this was when i was quite sad and seeking for a shoulder to lean on) well i ran to her and we hugged i then looked up at her and she was smiling she looked at me and said "everything will be alright" what should i tink about tis that my mom as an angel came down to me in a dream to support me and help me or did i make it up see the thing is is i onky had it once i assu,ed she came to me as am angel bt idk
Erika 2015-12-14 14:58:21
That was your Mum in spirit looking after you. You are every lucky to have experienced this. Treasure it and know your Mum is always with you xx
juvy claros 2015-01-07 23:05:00
I dreamed also my 3rd eldest brother die..I saw a message on the wall that state of"I will miss you forever" and a family picture together "longon" what does it means my dream? Im so scared to happen on that..
jesus 2014-12-13 18:16:26
Im always dreaming my mom we were like best friends or i was just a big mammas boy its been thirteen yrs thqt she is gone i dreamed once that i walked into a laundry mat n she worked there but it wasnt my mom i meqn it was but she had no idea who i was i wqlked out crying not knowing what had just happened
roxanne 2014-08-31 10:29:00
I had a dream about my dead uncle and i remember hugging him aand cryin it was that i was at his grave and he came a live and said he was sorry and i put him back in his grave im just a bit freaked out by it
Margravine anastasia 2014-06-18 07:53:18
I've had a relatively same dream last night. I had dreamt that my father already passed away and i couldn't contain the bereavement in my heart. Surely it rooted out on my icy relationship with my brother

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