Dream Dictionary Dead Fish

Dream Dictionary Dead Fish


If you dream of a dead fish, this event can have any number of meanings. Fish are known for representing prosperity according to many old legends and folklore. When the sea was plentiful with fish it meant that people would be experiencing prosperous crops and plentiful progress. This means though that if you are dreaming of a dying fish or a dead fish, that you are experiencing a lot of issues with progress and prosperity. This dream could have come because you were in some sort of slump or it could come as an indication that if you don't stop some sort of behavior that you are doing, then you soon will start to experience a slump. This slump could of course literally mean that you will have trouble providing for yourself or your family just like the old school meaning of fish applies to. Of course with the modern issues we all experience it could also mean that you are going to fall into an emotional slump. It could just mean that you are starting to fall deeper into depression or that you are going through a lot of issues in your life that you have to sort through soon or risk having some more serious problems. Has something depressing happened to you lately? Perhaps there has been a history of serious depression going on in your life up to this point and you need some time to sort through that on your own. This is something that the dead fish could indicate. Interestingly enough fish can sometimes represent dreams and aspirations or things of a carefree nature, so to dream of a dead fish may just mean that you feel like your dreams are dead or you have lost something of serious importance to yourself.

If you have a dream of a dying fish, this relates to all of the areas already mentioned, but it is more of a strong prophecy and it gives you a little bit more time to take care of the problems that you see plaguing your life. If the fish is dying it is a bad sign sure, but it isn't dead yet so you still have time to save it. If you have been neglectful or if you have been participating in an activity which you know is detrimental to your success and business dealings then this means that you really need to step up to the plate and take some responsibility for your actions. Make sure that you don't get yourself in any more trouble than necessary and try to dig yourself out of the rut that you have put yourself in whenever possible. You can only go on like this for so long before it becomes a serious issue.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Fish

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Jenny 2024-04-26 20:12:15
I had a dream once where I was swimming in like a bay or something and when I was getting out of the water (y'know climbing up a ladder) there was like a whole bunch or slimy squishy dead fish like...I could feel the freaking squishy fish. And then like my dream kept shifting till this big squishy dead fish monster was tryna kill me and slurp me up....what the heck does that mean???
theDream 2024-04-27 07:41:27
Dreams involving water often represent emotions, the unconscious, or the state of your true feelings, while creatures within the water, such as fish, might symbolize deeper thoughts or ideas that have come to the surface. When the fish in your dream are dead and become threatening, it suggests an interpretation tied to your personal emotional state and possibly your anxieties or fears.

1. Water (Bay) Symbolism: Dreaming of swimming calmly in a bay suggests you are currently navigating through your emotions or a particular emotional situation with ease. It's a symbol of exploring your feelings or subconscious thoughts in a relatively controlled environment since bays are usually sheltered from the open sea.

2. Dead Fish Symbolism: Dead fish can represent disappointment, decay, and aspects of your life that are not progressing as you hoped. If you felt disgust or discomfort from the slimy and squishy sensation of the dead fish, it indicates that these negative feelings are perhaps issues or problems in your life that you find unpleasant to deal with or confront.

3. Transition to Threatening Situation: The shift in your dream where dead fish transform into a large, threatening monster may symbolize escalating fears or anxieties. It could be a manifestation of small problems or negative emotions growing into more significant, seemingly insurmountable issues. The monster trying to "slurp you up" suggests feeling consumed by these problems.

4. Overall Interpretation: The dream may be highlighting how smaller problems or negative feelings can compound and transform into bigger fears if not addressed timely. It serves as a reminder to confront and manage these issues before they grow out of control. The evolution from swimming peacefully to encountering dead fish and facing a monstrous threat represents a journey from being in control of your emotions to feeling overwhelmed by negative experiences or feelings.

What to do: Reflect on what issues in your life might feel unresolved or are growing in distress. Consider ways to proactively address these feelings or seek support if the problems feel too big to handle alone. The dream suggests a need to cleanse oneself of these negative impressions and fears to return to a more peaceful emotional state.
Ris 2019-09-09 04:07:10
I saw lots of black fishes dying because there was no water. There were tonnes of from near toilet. I’m pregnant too . So wt does it mean
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 05:32:53
Here's an interpretation of the elements in your dream, but please remember that dream analysis is not a science, and interpretations can vary widely:

1. Black fish dying due to lack of water: Fish typically represent emotions, subconscious thoughts, or even aspects of your personality. Black could symbolize the unknown, the unconscious, or negative emotions. The dying fish because of a lack of water might symbolize a sense of emotional or psychological depletion. It might also reflect fears or anxieties about nurturing, the feeling of being overwhelmed, or concerns about the well-being of oneself or others, which could be related to your pregnancy.

2. Frogs near the toilet: Frogs often symbolize transformation, renewal, or fertility due to their lifecycle (from tadpole to frog). The toilet might be associated with getting rid of waste or cleaning up aspects of one's life that are no longer needed. This could mean that there is a desire for transformation, or it might reflect the physical changes and cleansing processes your body is going through during pregnancy.

It's also important to pay attention to how you felt during the dream. Were you scared, sad, or indifferent? Emotions in dreams can offer clues to what the dream might represent for you.
Queen 2019-08-18 10:04:36
I dreamt there was a micro chip in fishes
That was dangerous
So they had to kill d fish to bring out d chip
Manny 2018-01-14 06:41:06
I dreamt someone gave me a big hen because it was too big the hen feel out from my hand and was trying to escape but I quickly closed all the entrance and caught back the hen suddenly my friend came out and slaughtered the hen.. in the belle of the hen was coming out bunch of slice onions joint together and again was coming out first a big dead fish and a second dead fish then d hen became so small.... I was so surprised in this dream how the hen could have such things in it's stomach
M. Snyder 2017-12-13 05:14:02
I dreamed of trying to keep a dying fish alive, searching for a good body of water to put it in, but there was always something wrong with the water, too rough, too shallow, too warm etc. In the end the fish got sucked into a water intake and I wasn't sure if it lived or died, but I was sad.
Winnie 2017-11-24 23:55:09
I dremt of plenty small and medium size fishes of different colors contained in a clear water. I placed a barrier so that they will not jump off. It seemed that they are reproducing that led me to selling them as pet fish. What does it mean? Please help.
Steven 2017-08-22 23:46:57
I dreamt of my fish dead than woke up the next day it was dead
Bodhimala 2017-08-04 06:22:11
I saw clean running water and i put some food item in that and after sometime some golden fishes came floating on water ...they all were dead. And then somebody came running to stop me from feeding them...
James 2017-03-10 23:57:30
I saw my self in the dream cooking a big fish and it open many fish came out of the stomach of the fish, what does it meam
Danna 2017-02-21 16:24:44
I dreamt different kinds of fish in the sand because we're in the beach then i'm with my brother and nephew. What does it mean?
T 2017-01-07 10:12:38
In real life my mother n law kills fish she touches or gets close to. She once touched the fish net and the next day a whole tank of fish died. What does this mean? She said it has happened her whole life.
Jane 2016-11-24 06:00:34
I have a dream last night that I got a a letters but when I open it ..it's all rotten first one big fish dead and some slice of fish tuna! What is that mean?

Rohit 2016-10-20 20:54:03
I had a dream my boss catches one fish and killed that fish and I want that fish to live what does that indicate.
Rafael gonzalez 2016-10-05 18:35:28
I had a dream with my ex the she want me back.but then I see a lot dead fish all around the water dead
Keyilungwangle 2016-10-05 17:03:08
its repeatedly two days i HV saw a dead fish in my dreams once the fish was dead n lyin in rat house a bigfish which could measure about 2-4 kg (yesterday)n even today i saw again a dead fish size of -1 Kg died due to less water i couldn't understand y i only dreamt fish n yeah i was lacking too much in my studies thanks for showing my way ,,, i would try to do better next time,,
thank you
kevin 2016-08-15 04:22:06
I keep dreaming of laying two different kinds of dead fish at my ex girlfriends door ..I don't know what this means
Madeline 2016-07-28 06:15:47
I dreamt that my father in law had a priced fish and I saved it once but then it jump out of the water and dies
ara 2016-07-05 23:14:58
Well my dream includes fish as my mentrual cycle come out. I didn't thought bout it that much but then I came upon to your conclusion. Does your conclusion applies to my dream? Thanks
Lyndsee 2016-05-31 17:02:16
I had a dream of two fish in the pond when was dead and one was dying so I don't know what that means can anybody help me out
Maddy 2016-05-25 00:48:51
I dreamt I saw fishes by the side of the bed where the was a little stream and grass grown over it,but the two very big fishes were dead tied up in a white leather with some of the small ones but the other few smaller fishes that wasn't dead were struggling to get out all over the floor but I got out to shut the door on them and open the windows for the smell to get out.what does that mean pls
srn 2016-05-04 21:12:46
i had dreamd that .. fish is dying n sinking in water
barbara 2016-02-05 22:03:08
i had a dream that I was standing in front of the in-laws house. there, in the front, was a bucket. possibly a 5 gallon bucket. in it was an unknown amount of small dead fish that were floating. clarify???
Laura 2016-01-29 11:02:34
I had a dream a half dead fish turned into my cat, what the actual f???
Breezy 2016-10-10 15:13:52
Yo, i jad the same sort of dream. I was descaling a pretty big fish, got grossed out and walked away. The fish started flopping towards me, my initial thought was to stab it again but i vouldnt do it. When i went to attempt to stab it, it turned into a cat i had 15 uears ago. The cat was dying, as it was bleeding from the neck, from when i initially stabbed the fish.... My heart was breaking, i lay on the ground with my cat in my ands, blood dripping down my fingers and the cat is purring and relaxed. I wake up wanting to cry. WTF

Wierd ass shit
LW 2016-01-26 21:06:52
I dreamed that these 2 large fish tanks I had in my house were all dead. Some of the fish had got of the tank and they were dead all over the floor and the smell was awful. What could this possibly mean?

nadine 2015-12-13 22:10:51
Last night I dreamt I saw a dead fish but when i touched it, it came back to life.. what does it mean?
DLokz 2015-12-04 15:23:43
I had a dream that I fell asleep on my bed and when I woke up I was cleaning my bed and when taking of sheets my mattress was full of dead fish!
Reefa 2015-10-27 08:12:11
Hey I dreamt was standing in front of a guy bracing up
Against his body In front of a table with a very big fish.. I was in his arms rubbing up against him while he was cleaning this fish...I could have seen how smooth it was on the outside and lily white the fish was on the inside... And I said to him I want some that fish curry..
They were 2 other persons there that I didn't know in the dream... But I saw them and also a baby and someone that has past away for years... Pls help me to understand what this means... I would very much appreciate it!
Ryan 2015-09-19 10:26:17
I had a very vivid dream last night, the first dream that I clearly remember in years. In this dream, I was in a car with my wife and daughter, and there were many other cars traveling the same direction. We came upon a bridge that had been flooded. We all got out of our cars and began to walk through the water on the bridge. The water became deeper and darker the further we walked. When the water reached waist-level, we noticed many dead fish around us, but we kept walking. Many people became very frightened, but we still carried on, even as the water reached chest-level, and the water was completely filled with dead fish. At the end, we emerged from the water back onto the roadway. No one was concerned about getting their cars back, or going back for those who didn't make it through. Then we all went to a carnival. That's all I remember. Seems very strange. Just thought i'd put it out there, and see if anyone's dreamed anything similar or can give some knowledge on this. Thanks for reading.
mary 2015-12-20 12:03:14
I had a similar dream, except people were driving through the flooded bridge and dead fish and blood were everywhere
angel 2015-09-12 04:57:10
[just=left][/just] Okay I dream that my mom gets all these fishes and the red and blue beautiful male beta that stood out to me almost dies. So I try to save him by putting him in my Mtn Dew filled cup so I can get him to water. When I finally do get him to water,the water foams up in the bloody mesh of his body.. what does that all mean.
RF 2015-08-25 09:35:55
What does it mean if the fish die but then u save them and bring them back to life. Im curious. It was my dream

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