Dream Dictionary Dead Kid, Dead Little Girl

Dream Dictionary Dead Kid, Dead Little Girl


It is because of kids that we live, and that we choose to go on. They are part of the circle of life and most people have the goal of one day raising children.

A dream about a dead kid means that you need to worry about safety for others. Adults are known for being able to take care of others and make sure that they are safe. If you have a dream in which a kid is dead it means that you did not do your job to take care of him. Thus it means that you also need to pay attention to the responsibilities that you have taken on recently and make sure that you pay attention to all of them and make sure that you get done what you need to get done. This will make you a great success so that you do not fail and let things go bad in the future.

If you dream of a dead little girl then this means that you are scared that your childhood has died. You probably see your childhood as the form of a little girl and if you see this dead then the symbol means that you are worried about what might occur if you let the child go on without guidance. If you have a dream involving a dead little girl it means you are concerned about the repercussions that the loss of a childhood may have on you as an adult. You have simply grown out of being a kid and now you are a little older and ready to take on the world on your own. This can be a sad thing but it can also be a good thing for you if you are responsible and don't count it as a weakness.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Dead Kid, Dead Little Girl Dream Dictionary Dead Kid, Dead Little Girl

Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Kid, Dead Little Girl

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Dreamer 2024-02-18 09:22:35
I had a dream about a little girl and a boy. I was near a like staying in a Cabin with family and friends. Somehow they both died and we were all devastated. We first wrapped the little girl first and give her proper burial but before that we left her inside the cabin. I don’t recall what we did with her much brother. Some detail I remember when we lay her down in the cobin was that I wanted her to be under a nice soft white blanket. I got help from a close family friend to do this. Once this was done I remember thinking to myself “poor little girl she didn’t deserve today” as I was walking out the door her torso got up but her legs were still laying down. I didn’t know what to think about this she seem in peace but I was scared but at the same time relieved. I look at her and she seems to have. A peaceful warm smile but her body was weak and her skin was pale. After that scene I was moved to another scene where this girl was still present. She had taken her own life under my supervision. I was heartbroken I knew I loved this girl but it was too much to face the fact the she had taken her own life under my supervision. My family was trying to helped me to face this burden, to give her proper burial. Then I was moved back to the original scene she was still in the cabin where we left her but this time I was scared to get back to her so a family friend helped me to pick her up and put her in the van to probably go to the cemetery and give her proper burial along with her brother. I got more freaked out because she was walking on her own and had this gray aura to her. She was place inside the car along with her brother but I refused to go along with her and her brother because I was scared. I decided to flee the scene but they both keep on following in me anywhere I went. I don’t remember seeing the brother following in me just the girl. For I glance of I second I noticed that her skin was no longer pale during the flee scene which freaked me our even more. I got the sense that she wanted me to be close to her but at the same time I was to scared to do so.
-I’m recently going through a break up due to my own fault.
HeliosEos 2024-02-20 03:14:31
Interpreting dreams involving death, especially of children, and elements of haunting can be quite complex and may invoke a range of emotions. Dreams of this nature often reflect our deepest fears, anxieties, or unresolved issues. Here are some possible interpretations for various elements of your dream, but remember, the most accurate interpretation is the one that resonates personally with you:

1. The Deaths of the Children: This could symbolize an end to innocence or purity in some area of your life. It may also represent the loss of something very dear or significant to you. In dreams, death doesn't always refer to a physical death but can indicate the end of one phase and the beginning of another.

2. The Burial Process: The act of burying something signifies your attempt to put to rest certain issues or emotions. You wanting the girl to be under a soft white blanket suggests a need to ensure that even in endings or closures, care and love are present. This part of the dream might indicate your desire to handle transitions or losses with compassion and tenderness.

3. The Girl's Resurrection and Suicidal Themes: Seeing the girl rise and later discover she took her own life under your supervision could suggest feelings of guilt, helplessness, or responsibility for things outside your control. This part might reflect an internal struggle with accepting things you cannot change or feeling burdened by what you perceive as failures.

4. The Family's Role: Your family and friend's support in the dream emphasizes the importance of leaning on loved ones or a support system during difficult times. It highlights the healing and comforting presence they can provide, even as you navigate your own fears and grief.

5. Fleeing and Being Followed: Your reaction to flee and the girl following you indicates an inability to escape from whatever she symbolizes. This can be interpreted as an ongoing struggle with unresolved emotions, fears, or guilt. Her transformation from pale to having a normal skin tone might suggest that these issues or the process of dealing with them is becoming less daunting, yet the fear remains.

6. The Gray Aura: Gray can be seen as the color of ambiguity or uncertainty. The girl's gray aura might reflect your feelings of confusion or ambivalence towards the situations or emotions the girl represents.

In summary, your dream might be inviting you to examine unresolved issues, emotions, or transitions in your life. It speaks to the importance of dealing with these challenges with care, seeking support when needed, and facing, rather than fleeing from, difficult emotions.
Dead Kid 2023-11-15 01:11:30
Dreams about a dead child or dead little girl can be emotionally intense and may evoke a range of feelings. The interpretations of these dreams can vary depending on personal experiences and individual circumstances. Here are some common interpretations associated with these symbols:

1. Loss and Grief: Dreaming of a dead child or little girl may represent unresolved grief or the lingering pain associated with the loss of someone dear to you. It could be a reflection of a past loss or a symbol of mourning and the need to process your emotions surrounding the loss.

2. Innocence and Vulnerability: Children and little girls are often associated with innocence, vulnerability, and purity. Dreaming of a dead child or little girl may suggest a sense of loss or damage to those qualities within yourself or the world around you. This dream might reflect your concerns about protecting and preserving innocence or your own vulnerability in certain situations.

3. Unfulfilled Potential: Dreams of a dead child or little girl can symbolize unfulfilled potentials, dreams, or desires. It may represent the loss of potential opportunities or the fear of not living up to your own or others' expectations. This dream could prompt self-reflection on the actions you may need to take to fulfill your aspirations.

4. Transformation and Change: The death of a child or little girl in a dream could signify a significant transformation or change occurring within your life. It may represent the end of a particular phase or the need to let go of certain beliefs, relationships, or patterns. This dream might suggest that embracing this change will lead to personal growth and a new beginning.

5. Emotional Healing: Dreams of a dead child or little girl can be part of the healing process, helping you explore and address deep emotions or trauma. These dreams may indicate your subconscious mind's attempt to bring attention to unresolved emotional wounds and the need for healing and inner peace.
idkchris 2022-04-20 05:08:24
i dreamed i went to a hospital i was looking for someone in the middle i get caught up by this nurse she is telling me and everyone else to stop what we are doing and pretend we don't see the lil girl who just passed on in the room in the middle of the hallway i asked why she whispered "she don't know she is dead she will figure it out" when i saw the lil girl that was dead she was looking around calling out to people trying to get there attention i was scared as she got more and more close to me but she came right up to hugged me i knew i was supposed to ignore her but couldn't help up hug her right back i wanted to take her home with me be her mom i never seen this lil girl before ever in my life
She_Angel 2022-03-22 02:20:52
I dreamed of a very nice little girl that was dead but she didn't look as though she died, but in my dream I sensed that she was dead, and I asked her a question - (Are you dead) and she just smiled sweety as me. We went everywhere we could imagine, she kinda looked like the girl from "Missing Halloween". But I think she was my childhood friend once.
a. m. 2021-10-06 06:33:19
i saw a few dead children, age 4-7. they were scattered around and there was blood and it scared me. i just walked around, nearly having a panic attack. i heard something about a house fire?? i don’t think that’s how those children died. but, it scared me. this is a dream btw
Box 2021-08-13 09:25:21
I don't know but i dreamed that it was a middle school girl who looks like who committed suicide, there was paper written next to her but got frame because it was in a rich place and i saw a lady telling the maids to hurry up and clean the mess and laugh holding a drink
Jonell 2019-06-07 08:53:00
I had a dream of meeting a beautiful little girl. She was happy & bubbly. Her and I played games. Her name was Allison, but in the dream I discovered she wasn't alive and was actual a still born from a niece 4 years ago, but she wasn't in the form of a ghost. She was real and I showed her pictures if her Mommy & siblings. Then I woke up
Jayaa 2019-01-12 17:32:49
I had a dream that I could see dead people I was in the store with my grandma and she could tell that something was wrong with me because she seen me shaking and really scared. I don't remember exactly what she said but I do know she took me to a house across from a graveyard. I was so scared that when she told me that yes you are dead that's why you can see dead people that I turned towards my grandma and hugged her so I couldn't see anything. Then I seen a little girl with a white dress on behind the door of the house so I got so scared and cried and cried.
Mamiwata 2019-05-23 20:04:08
You have a rich background and maybe your grandma is dead or still living but I feel she is dead and she is leaving you in the care of a little guardian protectress. Elegua and Baron are always placed behind a door and you should place something your grandma gave you behind the door for good luck and be happy that your spirits are there for you . You may even get a new home, a baby , a car, a job,a love or something simple but great like a new zest for life
Vanessa d 2018-08-28 15:56:04
My mom just had a dream about someone throwing 2 little girls away in the trash but one was alive but with no teeth, what does that mean?
Tom mui 2018-02-18 06:16:01
I had. A dream about cooking but when I went up to the drum it had alot of dead kids in it. Does anyone know what it means?
Ronit, 2017-10-18 01:43:31
I have a dream in which a little girl playing with me but just I delivered to an another ankown place and I was shooked when she converted into a dead girl and then just there where 4 more dead boys and festrated and jump for a roof please help me someone. became the girl comes on my dream regularly I saw very more sci fi dreams also
Help me
CurvyStrawberry 2017-07-29 18:39:35
I had a dream of a little girl getting me to follow her. she showed me how she died which was jumping off a cliff. that's how the cops were able to find her body because I told them. II was scared and I saw something of hers on the floor. I picked it up and took it home. When I opened it, it was letters and tapes explaining how her friend convinced her to kill herself and how much she regrets doing it.

Nikki 2017-05-22 12:53:42
I hade a dream that there was this little boy, probably about 9 years old. The little boy had no pupils, his eyes were all white. But, he followed me everywhere just watching me through windows. At one point my friends and I were in the living room and I didn't see him in any of the windows so I went to the other side of the house for whatever reason and when I came back to the living room I noticed one of my friends had left. After I realized she was gone I noticed that the door was unlocked and as I was moving towards the door to lock it the boy shoved the door open and darted to the couch sitting right next to two of my friends who were making out and not paying attention. I was sitting on the floor directly in front of the little boy and he was just staring at me. I couldn't move and I couldn't speak but as soon as I regained the ability to speak I started to call out to my friends for help but the little boy flew on top of me and then I woke up.
Shilpa 2017-01-28 23:55:35
Just an half an hour ago .I felt sleep because of tired .My family is moving to new place it's huge house with lots of rooms and self,but the house is filled with previous owner house hold things,clothes ,paper all are scattered .From outside house looks new but inside all are disaster . I found a picture with monther and child standing new Christmas tree,we looked all around a d took photoes .In pics I found dead mother spirit sitting next to my brother's children's and there were two little girls hinding in cupboard watching us and staring us once we found out .We all got out but I took a object thanks belongs to one of the girl in that house,I am the only person seen them in eyes .The mother saying I will come to you if u keep dreaming and thinking.but mother's child not letting let mom outside the home they were so kind to each other.after stepped out of the house a 11 year old girl with Earl face short black hair with brown eyes starring me from. Mango tree .She start following me to my house and ready to grab me but I wasn't enter into my home .I asked help to unknown sister asked to stay for an night ,she agreed and bring me to her home unfortunately I arrived to opposite house of that same hauntedvhouse ,I haven't enter into the house sudently a pass by person who is 50 yrs said Satan drinks my Urine and eats my waste and keep as his prince and trust to eat me ,so don't b afraid of this girl he disappeard after saying this words.i felt fearless but the didn't stop watching me from trees .I don't know y she followed me & I don't know why she looked like that .By waking I can't move my hands and legs felt cold....
D.V 2016-11-15 03:46:59
I had a scary dream. It was all based on a new house I moved into, that I actually haven't ever seen before and it had a large old basement with lower floors. There seemed to have weird things going on and what scared me most, was when my friend came over to my new house in that dream, came along to the basement when I was telling her about what I have seen, the little dead ghost like girl sticked her hand out of the air conditioner and tried to grab me. I started kicking her really hard. Apparently only I was able to see the girl and no one else. My friend didn't react at all. Then in the dream I find out that the house that I moved into was known as the house for torturing Natives back in the day.. I'm honestly scared. I haven't ever seen this girl, this house before, and never thought of such thing
Nat 2017-07-26 17:35:12
I just had a dream similar to this one...instead I found a basement where a little girl was tortured..
Jacob 2016-12-19 04:39:51
Get out that house now dear friend... you are in terrible danger...
Kandi 2016-11-08 14:06:21
This makes no sense I do not have children or am I scared of my childhood dying. But lately I've been having dreams of two little girls in the school that are apparently goes that are crossing the school they have no resemblance or anything to do with me or my family. And each of these dreams and seems like they're trying to tell me something but it gets to the points where I'm afraid and I'm telling myself in my dream is a dream and I need to wake up but then I get taken to a place where it seems like reality but is actually another dream.
DMTills 2016-07-19 08:49:46
I just had a drram I was walking to my kitchen and there she was a little girl in a dingy white dress and tangly black long hair, as soon as we made eye contact she opened her mouth and screamed at me. I ran to my bedroom and asked my girlfriend why the little girl keeps bothering me and then I woke up. Isnt wierd how almost every time this girl shows up in our dreams she's wearing a white dress with long black hair?
Samantha 2016-05-21 09:12:51
I literally just woke up from a dream about a little girl who I apparently killed... I was forced to live at the place where I killed her, and she would mess with me in paranormal form. I think I may have killed her dog, too, because a ghost Pitbull kept following me around. The dog was friendly. The girl? Not so much. I saw this white circle rug with a red Phoenix on it, and the Phoenix turned into what I think was a bloodstain. I heard a female voice say, "Cleanse your house! Cleanse your house! We want to know what you're thinking!" At some point during the dream, I remember seeing the ghost girl beg another (human) woman for pepper. Like table shaker pepper... Not sure what that was all about, either.
Cyd 2016-04-13 19:21:42
I had a dream where there was a mother who didn't know her child was dead because she could still see her but when she found out that her daughter passed away she didn't believe it but after everyone told her that they couldn't see her she started yelling saying she's right there but that's when the dream ended
Unknown 2016-03-20 02:21:33
I had a dream i was hangin out withbthese 2 girls in a barn-house as we were descendin down the spiral stairs. I looked down in front of me and see this kid pale white, dark eyes and it looks up at me opens its mouth like its screamin and i suddenly feel myself falling. Whenever i was about to hit the ground, i woke up. Any ideas on what this could mean?
emily 2016-02-04 18:26:10
I had a dream that I was running though the ally at night and there was a dead girl leaning on my dads house and I past her and my ex stopped picked her up. that's all I remember
Alejandra 2016-02-03 12:42:28
I had a dream about this carnival that was gonna open for that weekend and I wanted to go it was daytime. And there was this ride where you would sit on your stomach and it would go high in the air in circles like a tornado. So this 4 year old boy was on the ride and he fell off and he was bleeding from his head and I was waiting on the line to go next. Everyone was screaming , I was in shock . they checked on him and he survived . they took him to the hospital died 2 days later it was a Tuesday and there was a news segment on his death and the mom cried and talked about how he almost survived . When I woke up a tear rolled down my cheek and I noticed that I was crying while I was dreaming
michael 2016-01-26 05:38:49
I keep having this dream of this creepy woman. shes either running or skipping on grass or she in my bedroom she has long black hair, black eyes, white dress and shes like slow but moves fast if that makes any sense at all. please someone explain why I keep seeing this dream over and over. I never had this problem before.
Silvia 2016-01-25 16:54:07
I dreamed that I was taking care of two girls, and because I did not follow instructions, one girl fell off high floor without containing walls. I felt horrible, remorse, guilt, but her parents understood that it was an accident and forgave me.

Unknown 2015-11-19 11:00:00
I had a dream with a girl with a long white knee length dress with dark silky black hair and she was pushed in a puddle by her dad and she drowned es she was about 6 or 7 years old and had dark no eyes no emotion and never smiled
emilee ashcraft 2016-01-06 07:33:57
I dreamed of a girl and she was sitting near a stream with a lot of rainbow fishes and some man came behind her and drowned her she was around 7or 8 and she wore shorts and shirt was white she had long hair down to her back.
Ana 2015-07-01 20:41:18
I had a dream about dead girls for a while... They all ways come over my house.. One had a white drees and really long black hair.. I couldn't see her face. But she came through the back door... The strange part is that she came when it was day time. She tried to attack me and I held her by her arms and told her,"Leave us alone and you don't really have to this! Go into the light and be happy.." I said to her while she was calming down. Then she just stopped and stared at me... Then she walked out to the back door. The other girl... She still scares me... I was at home and for some reason I was showing this women around my home. She had her son beside her. But when I was about to open the front door I noticed that it was raining and night time... I opened the front door and I looked at the women... She was shocked... She said,"It's her... We need to leave! That's my daughter!" She ran with her son into my house to find a place to hide.. I finally looked where she had looked and saw... A little girl with black eyes. She looked angry and afraid.. I couldn't really tell the color of her dress because she was covered in chunky blood and she looked very abused. I tried to walk up to her... But I was so scared! I fell.... And I couldn't get up. I was shacking and felt like crying.. I couldn't even talk. Then the girl walked up to me... She touched my leg and her hands were cold... She smiled for bit.. Then she got up and started to walk away saying,"I'll be back.. Ana.."
Ana Klarissa 2015-10-15 06:16:53
It's sad that you dreamed that.
ericka 2015-06-16 10:34:05
I had a dream about a wedding reception that I had attended and next to it was a place with a lot children that had died they had tried to cross the borders into the USA but didn't make it. At the wedding I was upset because I felt that the children need to be respected and they needed a proper barrier . Very confused about this dream .
Taylor 2014-11-25 02:33:30
I dreamed of a little girl I know named Ella, she's 3. She was with her dad and slipped throughout the railing of a bridge and fell to her death. What does this mean? 😨

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