Dream Dictionary Dead Kittens

Dream Dictionary Dead Kittens


There are a ton of different things that a dream about dead kittens might mean, but it all depends on how you view cats personally or how you feel about them. For example, there are very many different ways that cultures will view kittens, but you can still have views separate from them that will affect the meaning in your dreams. You cannot have a dream that has a view that you do not hold because all dreams are intrinsically related to you.

If you have a dream in which you see dead kittens it means that you are going to have to worry about your innocence dying. Kittens are known for being the most innocent of all animals. They are nice and clean and they are thought to have no negative emotions (regardless of whether this assumption is true or not at all). This is why they are seen as a symbol of innocence. If you have a dream in which you are surrounded by dead kittens it means that you need to worry about the fact that your innocence is leaving you. This is not something you need to actively worry about but you should really pay attention to it. If you do not, then you will suddenly be thrust into the thoughts of adulthood or an even crueler adulthood if you are already an adult, before you are ready for it. This is not a good thing and you are not going to make a lot of good progress. You will in fact be going in the opposite direction. Don't let yourself backpedal. Sometimes as much education as you may be getting, it is a good idea to make sure that you retain some of that nice innocence so that you can keep in touch with your childhood.

A Dead Kitten can also mean that you are going to have to make some cutbacks soon. To not be able to provide for a pet, it means that you are hitting some serious financial issues. You may be able to pay for your own food, but if it gets to the point where you are dreaming of your own Kitten dying then this means that your own food provisions will soon begin to become scarce. Maybe not your own food provisions in a literal sense, but something that is very important to you will soon become scarce. Watch out for that.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Kittens

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Spiritually InTune 2025-01-08 05:42:14
I’m surprised at so many odd answers. The in-depth meaning of seeing dead kittens in a dream although sad means, you are about to evolve into a transition in life. Example…something you’ve worried about most that causes you to feel helpless, like a child who can’t do something because they are not strong enough. Well you have no reason to fear it anymore.

Another thing is to remember there are many interpretations of dreams from people. It is always best to search for yourself, the spiritual meanings. Most people will say things that will cause fear. And it’s because they themselves honestly have no clue and or not in tuned with, the reality of the spiritual world. Always have control of your own free will.
Blaine 2024-11-18 09:23:10
I had a very scary dream. I was watching a group of black kittens playing on a scratching post when I reach out and pet them. There’s a strange residue on my hands and I look back and the kitten is dead and limp in my hands, maggots eating its belly. All the other kittens were alive but getting eaten alive by maggots. I am horrified
Mar 2023-08-09 02:18:05
I've dreamt about dying kittens two days in a row now. Yesterday, I dreamt there was a group of kittens up on a tall, concrete wall. The mother was there, but the paid no attention to the kittens. I told my sister to help me gather them up as they were scattering around and nearing the edge of the wall. However, a tiny orange kitten slipped off and it's frail body went limp. My little cousin was there and she gathered some fallen leaves and dirt to cover up the kitty.
Today, I dreamt I was given about five or more tiny kitties. We were driving and I became worried that the kittens would die before we made it home. My sister placed them inside the storage box between the front seats. I panicked and got upset at her for I thought they'd suffocate. I took them out and out them in a box. When I looked down, I noticed it was a thin, pink pencil box and it had no holes in it for them to breathe. I quickly opened it, but none of them were breathing anymore. I tried to push on their little chests but they were so oddly stiff. About two or three survived, only to melt in my hands.
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 01:57:54
Having repeated dreams involving a distressing theme such as dying kittens may reflect an underlying anxiety, concern, or emotional challenge you're currently grappling with. Though interpretations can vary, here are some general themes these dreams might represent:

Caring for the Vulnerable: Kittens are often seen as symbols of vulnerability and innocence. In both dreams, there's a clear emphasis on trying to protect and care for these vulnerable creatures. It may reflect your inner desire to nurture and protect something in your life that feels fragile or precious to you.

Loss of Control: In both dreams, despite your efforts to save the kittens, some of them die or suffer harm. This might indicate feelings of powerlessness or fear of not being able to exert control over certain situations in your life. You may be feeling overwhelmed or anxious about your ability to manage responsibilities or care for others.

Fear of Neglect: The kittens' vulnerability and the mother's inattention in the first dream could symbolize a fear you have of someone or something being neglected or not receiving the care needed. This might be a reflection of your own concerns about personal responsibilities or relationships.

Guilt or Regret: The emotional reactions you describe—panic, upset, trying to revive the kittens—could indicate that you are experiencing feelings of guilt or regret about past actions or decisions, particularly those that might have had unintended consequences.

Transformation and Change: The surreal ending of your second dream, where kittens melt in your hands, suggests a transformation. While unsettling, it may also represent the unpredictable nature of change or the dissolution of something that once held form in your life.

Your dreams may not have a singular, definitive meaning, but they could be a reflection of your emotional state or your subconscious working through your daily experiences and feelings. Here are some questions to consider:

- Are there any current stressors in your life that may be causing you anxiety?
- Do you have recent concerns about caring for others or being able to protect someone or something important to you?
- Have you been experiencing feelings of helplessness or a lack of control in any aspect of your life?
C. 2022-08-29 15:01:46
I woke up in quite a funk after this dream. "I was in bed and thought I heard something under the bed, looked to see a few kittens running around. Upon getting up to investigate, I noticed a few dead kittens laying around on the carpet, as well as many piles of I guess cat feces. I was able to catch one live kitten, a black one, and save it in a box...I looked for more, and found an old case in the room with a pile of both live and dead kittens in it. It looked like one of them was about to give birth! And I was already in horror from all the dead kittens and poop...well, what started coming out of the rear of that kitty was not another kitty, but instead looked like the tail of a big SNAKE...and yes, it kept coming, until this poison pit viper head came out last...im in shock at this moment...and I'm thinking of course this thing is dead, so I can at least try to retrieve the live kitties left, well, then the snake moved, and WAS alive, and reared its head, so I covered the case back up and put a blanket over it, so the snake couldn't get out (all the while sobbing because there's still a few live kittens in there), but I Didn't want the snake to get out, and go after any remaining ones in the room, or me, or get lost in the room. I checked back a few seconds later, and the snake was eating a kitten, I covered the box again and was just sobbing uncontrollably, not knowing what to do. I heard my hubby come in and ask me what was wrong. I was explaining it to him".....this is when I woke up from the dream
Piper 2022-05-06 06:36:28
There was a pile of kittens that i somehow forgot about, they were huddled up and looked fine but i still had a bad feeling. I went to touch them and they all turned and looked at me and I could see they were dead, they started biting me and crawling up my arm to my face. I almost immediately woke up and felt awful that i could've let that happen to a bunch of innocent kittens who did nothing wrong.
Darsha 2021-05-28 15:45:52
Had a dread a Mama Kaat was on top of a flat roofed shed and I noticed her beautiful Calico kitten, she pushed the kitten off the roof and the poor kitten was killed instantly and I was aghast, I could not believe what she had just done and saddened I did not get to take care of the kitten, I wanted to raise that kitten as my own.
Zainab 2019-09-17 08:20:17
I saw , a plant pot and inside it there's a dead kitten without her head and front legs. It is of black colour.
pamela 2018-10-05 23:22:34
In this dream, I was casually cleaning and walking thru an empty house (felt like it belonged to me, as new owner) and spotted two kittens (kitchen floor). One kitten was inside the mouth of the other up to its neck area. So I immediately grabbed them to pull apart. As I'm pull the only kitten screaming was the eater. The one inside quietly waited as I pulled. The more I pulled the louder the scream. Then I noticed after getting kitten half way out, the remainder part of body ( waist down) was intertwined, with parts of other kitten's system (lower extremity was shaped like a root or cord). So I began moving faster about untangling/unraveling the two. And the moment I got them apart, I woke up.
Any idea of possible meaning?
Cassandra 2018-08-22 05:23:21
Not my dream but my moms (with text messages to prove it). 4 weeks ago my mom woke up crying. She dreamed she had a newborn ginger tabby kitten. She placed it down to sleep and was talking to my aunt. She went back to check on it and it was dead and she went back to my aunt wailing and all she could say was "our baby is dead" in the dream. That morning I was to have an ultrasound at 11 weeks. We found out it was an ectopic pregnancy and they would have to remove the baby and my right tube. And to make it even stranger my significant other is a redhead (ginger)...
Brett 2019-05-30 12:25:59
I don’t know if you believe in God. But that sounds like a spiritual dream.
Chisa Leicht 2018-05-22 06:59:34
I had a dream that i was walking behind a childhood home i had lived in as a kid (im almost 26 now) and behind it was a dead dog, a dead kitten and another kitten, but was barely still alive. I grabbed it, and wanted to mother it back to healthy life..... i had this raw meat and i have no idea why, i fed the kitty it as im on the go (I don't know where) and it was nibbling at it a tad....before i knew it i completely lost the kitty, I was heartbroke and worried and didnt understand how i suddenly lost the kitten.
aloumi 2018-02-10 03:54:28
Mother cat laying nursing her kitten,while another big male cat sniffs one of them trying to lure him away from his sibling and mama cat looking at me as if asking for my help .i chased him away,but then i found the kitten on his last breath .what is the meaning of my dream .
grimm 2017-12-16 17:04:09
i had a nightmare last night that A kitten jumped into a swimming pool and started sinking in the deep end...
i jumped in and tried to save it but, i couldn't make it...

later the kitten started moving in the deep end and it crawled up a conveniently tall cat post that was in the pool for some reason..
it survived but just barely 😨

Carla 2017-10-27 04:38:10
I'd dreamt about kittens that already dead then when I was going to burn them in fire, just a glimpse they alive and not dead. what's that mean?
Ebony 2017-08-09 22:53:27
I woke up to the most awful dream/nightmare i had last night, I had a dream I was at the train station with my younger sister and i was waiting for the train and as i turned to look at the elevators I saw a rope dangling down and as i looked at the end I saw a kitten not dead but still alive hanging with the rope around its neck there was another kitten on the other elevator and on the other side of the train tracks was another elevator where a white kitten had died because somehow it hung its self so i went to go get the two kitten hanging in the elevators and then as i steped in the elevator started slowly going down (there were no doors on this elevator ) and the kitten started hanging so i quickly jumped off but then on the other side i saw my little sister jump on the elevator and the kitten had died
So there was this one kitten left i had to save it and as I went to jump and pull it through the rope i woke up in tears and that was it
mary rose 2017-07-31 19:47:38
seeing 4 dead kittens( 2 black color and 2 ash color
Kenn 2017-06-26 16:56:49
I had a dream i had a dream i gave a kitten some food and it started choking and I started panicking and I saw the life leave out of its eyes as I tried to do everything, but in the end the kitten died and I just felt so guilty I cried so much
Chris 2017-06-23 09:01:01
I dreamed of a black kitten that wasn't actually dead. It was living in our house in the countryside and as I grown up I started to remember it,but knowing that it's dead. And one day, I was sitting in the bathroom and it just came to me. I started crying and I took a photo of the kitten but the image on my phone was just black. After this I started doing normal things and the kitten was gone. It was looking very much like a friend's kitty wich I fed and gave a name.
This dream just made me feel so sad...
Anna 2017-05-23 23:53:58
I had a dream i was playing in a soft ball game. A kitten was walking around the pitcher's feet and when she was getting ready to pitch she raised her leg and stomped her foot down and it crushed the kitten. I looked at her and practically screamed that she just crushed a kitten and she kinda blew it off and was like shut up no i didnt . i picked the kitten up and screamed to everyone im not going to play a game in trade of a kittens life , im gonna leave to help it . the pitcher turned around and said let me see the kitten . i looked in my hands and i dropped it. it got lost in the dirt so she thought i was lying and said just go back to ur spot! and after crawling around the ground tring to find it eventually i went back to my spot. but when i tried to stand up i couldn't and a person from the opposite team brought me over the fence and did stretches with me . i eventually was able to stand and she said my joints had stuck and thats why i was not able to stand for a while a. i went back and we lost the game and the pitcher was mad at me.. i dont really feel like typing the rest
amy 2016-12-01 09:56:51
I jusy had a dream. Cant rember all tho.
Me and others maybe my bf and friends i dont remsmber then there were all these kottens like 7 or close. For some reason i kept trying to move them.somewhere safe cause there were other animals or ppl or ways for them to be hurt. Everytime i had to move them they escaped and id ro7nd them up again then suddenly i couldnt find them all and the whole dream was me looking for kittens or trying tonkeep the 3 then 4 then 5 infound safe. 2 were found early in the dream on a baking sheet like looked like golden brown biscuits with broke off tails and missing eyes and nose and ears but looked more like a biscuit even tho inknew it was kittens. Most dreamninwas calling for kittens and looking and they were in the walls hiding too. Some of the 7. Im really sad when i wake up
Dallas 2016-09-30 15:07:07
I had a dream I was on a farm, part of some sort of resistance, and a mother cat died giving birth to three identical kittens. No one else around me seemed to care about them as much as I did. Later in the dream some army came through and started firing heavy machine guns at the barn where I was feeding them. I fell and had a sort of shell-shocked moment, and hastily put the kittens in a cardboard box. I though I had escaped, but the soldiers caught up to me and the leader Sat on the box to interrogate me. He must have been happy with my answers because he left. When I checked the box two of the kittens were dead and one was barely clinging to life, mewling pathetically. I wanted badly to end its suffering, but instead laid down and projected my love into the kitten. Then I woke up
Suzy 2016-08-11 05:09:24
I had a dream that a fluffy grey kitten was decapitated, which I didn't see happen but I held the cat's body and couldn't find the head until I realised it was caught in my long mattered hair.
Asaliah 2016-07-29 09:07:49
I had a dream that it was raining and there was smitten trying to grab on to my window sill falling from the building. I opened the screen and when I tried to catch it it fell and some guy was down there and I asked if it was dead and he said it was.
Izabella 2016-05-31 02:55:40
It's currently 5:53 AM and I had a nightmare about these two kittens on my back patio being burned alive. At first, it was Freddy K and he was chasing after me and my friends, but I had defeated him. Permanently. And then it lead to my mom coming hom, she's currently in jail, and then next thing you know she's gone. And finally, my sister had the neighborhood kids on our back porch touching and grabbing the kittens. Now, we live on the second floor and in order to get on the porch you have to enter the house or climb onto it from the stairs. I had confronted my sister and the children and then the back porch caught fire. From what? I don't know. All I know is that I watched my sister and the kittens be burned alive. And they weren't screaming, they were just watching me.
Candice 2016-05-12 18:53:49
My cat just had kittens 3 days ago and in my dream, I was taking a nap and when I woke up and got out of bed I saw my momma cat running around like it was crazy. There was blood everywhere,she had killed her kitties. Their heads were bitten off and their bodies were in different place then their heads but one cat was still alive and it was whining like crazy and then all of a sudden threw up but she threw up all of her insides and then the body turned to bones. I woke up hysterical, I went and checked on the cats immediately and they were all cuddled up sound asleep.

Charmaine 2016-02-06 04:19:50
I had a dream that I finally got a kitten after wanting one so bad. The kitten was pink and brown almost like a tabby except it was pink. For some reason the kitten was kept in a cage like a hamster or gunie pig would be. And i had finally took it home and was feeding it then I must've fell asleep on my bed then I woke up and the kitten was dead. It looked like its flesh had been picked off by whoever ate it... It's skeleton looked similar to that of a fish. And I remember screaming and crying that someone killed my kitten and that's when I woke up.
Hannah 2015-11-28 10:06:15
I had a dream where this kitten walked off the balcony of a hotel, committing suicide. The kittens body was then devoured by two big black dogs.
Ang 2015-11-09 07:08:16
I was dreaming that I was outside at night and someone had their cat on a leash and it got away so he told me to catch him that he is very friendly so I grabbed the leash and the collar was 3 times bigger I grabbed the back of the cats neck and asked him if this was his cat it was gray with bright blue eyes he said no my cat is gray and white I said he is in the dumpster and continues to tell him a few f the neighbors told me that someone was giving rat poisoned treats to the cats and that my orange tabby kitten was killed and thrown in the dumpster too. When I saw the dead kittens in my dream I only saw the head and shoulders the rest of the body was covered with garbage. And I did not see them together.
Crease 2015-10-02 06:19:00
I had two dead white kittens tied to my feet
Ash 2015-09-27 20:10:54
I had a dream where I had a full grown cat and a baby kitten, they were both orange.
My window was open in the dream, and both the cat & kitten ran away out the window. My dad, step mother, and I went looking for them.. But instead I came upon this gray baby kitten. It was under a truck and had an injured paw, I pulled it out from under the truck and my dad told me to lay it down. I thought that he was going to help the kitten, but instead he pulled out a knife and began removing the kittens organs.
This dream disturbed me so very much. I'm still unsure of what to take from it.
N 2015-08-11 11:52:48
I had a dream that i adopted bunch of kittens with my sister, but they were slowly dying and it smelled awful. I was really sad.

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