Dream Dictionary Dead people alive

Dream Dictionary Dead people alive


To dream of dead people alive, the meaning of this dream is fairly obvious. The people that you dream of in your dreams are people that have died in the real world who you wish were still alive. You want them to be alive and want to see them again. Sometimes their inclusion in your dream world id related to the fact that you were unable to gain closure after their deaths. Maybe there was one last thing you wanted to say to them that you never got to say, sadly enough. Maybe they were just people you loved and you need guidance that only they can give you. Either way, these are the reasons you may dream of dead people alive.

To dream of dead people talking…well, this could mean that you believe that you want to hear what the dead would have said to you if they were still alive. If there were one last message they could relay to you before they left for the spirit realm for good, what it would be. This is what they want to tell you. You are curious about what their last words to you would be, so you are dreaming about them saying it. Sometimes it can be something funny, something poignant, something dramatic or something scary. Whatever the case, you are going to want to hear it so make sure to tune in.

Dreaming of dead alive could refer to more than one thing. It could mean that you are dreaming of dead people coming to life which was already discussed above or it could mean that you are dreaming of the dead walking the earth again as zombies, which is what the movie dead alive was about. As stated earlier the first meaning was covered above already. But if you have a dream in which you are a zombie this might mean that you are feeling too controlled by other people in life, as if your thoughts and emotions are being manipulated by a source outside yourself and you can do nothing to prevent all of this from happening. There are ways for you to get around it, but in general, you are just going to need to buck up and stick in for the long haul. To dream that you are being pursued by zombies, this means you feel as if you are the last free thinking person among your closest peers. You feel like the last sane one alive.

If you have a dream in which you see dead talking people it just means that you wish you could see those people that you see in your dream alive and well again. You want to be able to see them and make sure they are doing alright because you truly do care about them and the mean a lot to you. This is the sign of a good friendship or a good relative. You need their advice and want to hear their words of wisdom. You will have to search your soul to find out what they would want to say though.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead people alive

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Sue 2018-10-02 11:24:01
I had a dream last night that my husband who has been dead for 10 years was sitting on a coach his around his eyes looked blue and red and his face looked sholder i asked were hed been he didnt replyed he was just sitting there i was in a House it looked like i was having carpet fitted my older children were only young in my dream and id just woke from a nap with them when i walked into the living room and he was sitting there x
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 01:59:52
When you dream about a loved one who has passed away, it can be interpreted in many ways. Some common interpretations include:

1. Processing Grief: Even after 10 years, you might still be processing the loss of your husband on some level. Dreams can be a way for your subconscious to work through unresolved feelings or memories.

2. Memory and Longing: Seeing your husband in a dream might simply reflect your memories of him or a longing for his presence in your life, especially if you feel like there was more you wished to communicate with him or experiences you wish you could have shared.

3. Symbolic Representation: Your husband's presence might symbolize something else. For instance, the discolored area around his eyes could signal an aspect of wisdom or insight you associate with him, or perhaps some unfinished business between you and him or a part of your life that you feel you need to confront or understand better.

4. Stress or Anxiety: Significant changes such as having carpet fitted or the depiction of your children as younger might be representing a period of transition or stress in your life. The presence of your husband might signify a desire for support during times of change.

5. Wish Fulfillment: Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, suggested that dreams often represent a form of wish fulfillment. In this context, seeing your husband might be a reflection of a wish to have him back or a desire for the comfort and stability he represented.

It's also important to consider how you felt during the dream. Were you comforted, confused, anxious? Your emotional response in the dream can also provide clues to its meaning.
Peggy 2018-03-27 13:06:01
I often dream that my father who has been dead for 8 years comes to life before my eyes. He is usually laying naked somewhere, then suddenly gets up & gets dressed. I’m akways thrilled saying “You’re not really dead!” Sometimes we just sit & hold hands & sometimes he goes about his business, going to work or whatever. I’m always worried that he might be getting ready to die again. He never speaks in these dreams.
sky 2017-12-10 11:29:37
i lost my best friend when she was 16 and i was 15 to an overdose at a party and i lost another super best friend when i was 17 and he was 19. his house was shoot up killing him and his mom. we all knew each other and both of the friends were party going, funny, loving people. in my dream it was just us and we were all around those ages again hanging out laughing they were flirting and causing me to just fall over with laughter.....i woke up in a rush right in the middle of all this at exactly 6 am...im extremely depressed...i havent thought of them in 2yrs because of the pain... im 8 mnts pregnant idk why i would randomly dream this now
Mothin 2017-11-23 19:22:33
I saw last night my uncle who already 2 years ago he took me somewhere for see a bridge for his son. I went with him by a boat and we arrieved someone home where i saw my friend. It was my friend house but i didn't know before. What means this dream pls let me know
Rebecca 2017-06-16 19:11:45
I had a dream of my grandma last night who just passed away two months ago, in the dream we were at a funeral for someone else and while we were there she kept her attention all on me and bragging to everyone about me and how I'm a good granddaughter and kept kissing me. Hope there's a good meaning behind this. Woke up in tears because we were very close
KAthy 2017-03-20 06:12:44
I had a dream that a an aunt who passes away 3 years ago wished me happy birthday even though it is now till October.
Dreamer 2017-04-16 14:11:27
Message from KAthy
I had a dream that a an aunt who passes away 3 years ago wished me happy birthday even though it is now till October.

I dream one of my aunts too frequently. She was a great advisor to me.

Tim 2017-02-10 11:51:03
I had a dream that i found a secret room
The wall opened up and i entered. There were a bunch of followers a rainbow of followers all around me. Then i saw a dead corpse it was in a nuns outfit and fairly decomposed. Then all of the sudden the eyes opened. Then she changed into a regular undecomposed human.
She was freaking out. Apparently half of jer ower body was still decomposed. Then i woke up.
Amanda 2017-02-09 07:19:47
I dreamt my mother was still alive because when i found her dead it scared me so bad and in my dreams i talk to her all the time
Tiarni Cohen 2017-02-01 13:48:31
I dreamt about my pop being alive, he died Boxing Day 2016
My dream was about zombies and that my grandfather wasn't a zombie, but he was guiding my family and me to safety. (After my Grandfather passing, I am now afraid that I'm going to lose my mother) in my dream my mother did turn into a zombie.
Every sense my dream I can't stop feeling sad!
rebecca 2017-01-31 04:35:04
I had a dream last night about a freind who passed away3 years ago i can not rember what he said but i knew he passed away in my dream he was stood there i ran over and we hugged for a while i had one the night befor aswell but i never got to see his face wish i knew if it ment anything dose he need my help has he got anything to say dose he need me pass a message on thank you
Sarah 2016-12-28 19:22:43
My best friend passed away two weeks ago. Somehow, we are deaf. He came into my dream like Sunday night. That night is Christmas night. It seems like he faked his death, and that he is still alive. I couldn't remember much tho. I had went to his funeral and it was hard seeing him because I am trying to stay strong after all. I do miss him very dearly. He died three days after his birthday, and six days after my birthday. We almost have a same birthday, and somehow it made our bond stronger. Somehow we were only fifteen when he died. I was so heartbroken tho.
Chey 2016-12-28 12:33:02
I had a dream that I had died. But after i initially died I was still able to interact and talk to everyone in my dream. Everyone also knew I had died it was if it was normal. Everyone in my fakily was in my dream and lots of friends past and present too. Towards the end of my dream my partner(alive) and father(passed on) where driving a car (id blink it would be my partner id look away for a second and it would be my father) I was in the back left seat I was showing them wgen I held my breath I turned invisible suddenly I heard a loud pop sound that scared me then a cloud of Forrest green smoke appeared. a loud humming noise is all I could hear I remember yelling I love you over and over until I no longer had a voice as they both kept switching back and forth while driving. A force that I couldnt controll made me lean back to lie flat and I was sinkimg into total nothing at this point my eyes were shut and I had this surreal feeling that everything would be okay. I think at this point I had moved over to the otherside but had let go and wasnt scared anymore and just before id fully gone over I woke up.

Piyu 2016-12-18 14:19:45
I dreamed that I meet my teacher who has been dead for 2 years he came in my dream and he wished me happy birthday even though my birthday is in August
Sonam Ralhan 2016-12-02 02:05:30
4 years back my younger brother whoz a mentally challenged child has been paased away. Day before yesterday my mum talkin about my brother and yesterday i just remembering him and crying badly so what g
Happen today is i just got sleep for few minuts and i saw that my mother entered the house and said see whoz coming with me. I am watching my brother entering the house so with the very shocking eyes i am staring him and than my grandmother giving tight hug to him. I called my brothers name and when tunrnes to me he was smiling and called loudly "DiDi" and huged me i was badly crying while giving him a tigh hug.
Can anybody help me out to tell that what actually means of this dream please everybody i am folding my hand i among all of you to guide me please.
Belle Cyrene Alocillo 2016-11-23 11:31:44
I just woke up from a dream. I dreamt of my grandmother who passed away last July 13, 2016, I don't know if she was asking or reminding me of the last word she said before she was gone. I kinda confused of what she meant, does she mean the last word she said before she forgets everybody or literaly. The last thing she said to me when she's still OK is, "study hard, finish your studies so you can help your family and have a better future." If she means the last thing she said the last time we saw each other, she asked me, "who are you and who is that tall man outside (referring to my boyfriend)?" Then it jumped out to my parents house, where we were so happy and still single and complete as a family. And then I woke up crying.
kanondhee 2016-11-18 16:50:47
i have one wierdest dream. i dream that the sky turn gray and have a hole above the sky and all the souls where abput to go to that hole, thousands of them. and i saw many people who passed away. walking and lining up . there going to ride a long like bus with no roof . theres a adult, babies, children, senoir, there are thousand of them . some of them dont like to ride to that bus, but the other children dont want to go. their crying.
then i saw my grandma wearing a gray sweater and my auntie wearing a white blouse, their smiling. i feel their exitement, before going to somewhere. my grandma waving at me and smiling. then i wake up.
Sarmila Basu 2016-10-31 20:06:03
I dreamt of my husband who passed away two years ago. I dreamt he has come back and smiling at me. He seemed very happy to be back.
Yvonda 2016-10-17 12:09:15
I had a dream of my brother. We were picking up clothes that was scattered over a lawn and we were talking. He was happy. He came to me once before to and when I saw him I realized he was standing there but I knew he was dead. I hugged him and woke up crying. He said the number 54 in that dream. My daughter just dreamed of him and he looked healthy and happy. Told her what a good mother she is. Why now its been 5 years since he passed on the 29th of October.
Sukanya 2016-09-26 00:48:06
I often dream of my ex who is dead a month back.. I feel like he is talking to me and am advising him .. what do i do ??
Crystal D. 2016-08-24 11:38:50
My mom passed away 5 months ago and last night for the first time I had a dream about her, she was in a hospital bed but she was doing well. My mom said my name in this special way that she always had but as I walked up to her I ran out of the room and I woke up crying
Ammar 2016-08-08 12:23:11
I dreamt about my elder brother who died 7 years ago due to cancer. All the view was plane white until he suddenly came inside an invisible vehicle or cart. Once it stopped, he opened the door and lunged at me without letting me see his face. I was fascinated by the scene and my eyes couldn't hold the tears in and i started crying like a baby saying what took you so long. I kept crying till i woke up. Note: he left me a mesaage before his death saying soon enough we'll be united again and we'll play together just like we used to. Any explanation?
me 2016-08-02 02:41:58
In my dearm my stepfather was alive still married to my mom but they were arguing and he was really doing all the yelling me and two other friends decided it wasn't safe and ran not letting them notice. ... what does it mean to dream of an angry dead person come back to life ?
Dakota 2016-06-17 04:47:31
Ive had two dreams one in which i just hugged my friend that had died and one in which i mentioned to him that he should love his family and tell him that they mean alot to him
In the second one he was playing basketball and i was suprised i replied"j****" and hugged him but every time i hug him it feels real, the first dream i woke up out of my sleep crying. It was strange;however, in both dreams i was aware that he was dead and suprised to see him alive and normal.

eklavya 2016-05-26 04:26:00
my mother is alive. but still this is the second time i have dreamt that she is dead. and i am crying a lot in my dreams and asking her to be alive once again.what does this mean.?? plzz help
Bel 2016-11-26 23:47:18
Message from eklavya
my mother is alive. but still this is the second time i have dreamt that she is dead. and i am crying a lot in my dreams and asking her to be alive once again.what does this mean.?? plzz help

When you dream of someone dead who is alive then theyre lives tend to get longer, this is a good thing!
zehc 2016-06-09 19:36:59
happened to me just this morning...
Perry 2016-09-21 03:47:42
.. yeah, same here.
Literally like 5 minutes ago. Had a break down. I was in this room, believed to be 'limbo' and I seen all my old friends / frienemys. And through the door up front was a way to get to heaven, I walked up the stairs to see more people I knew. And I noticed my grandmother which whom I haven't spoken to in a while, and I said, "please tell me you're not here." (As in a polite way of saying you're not dead.) She replied with Yes. Very faintly. I hugged her and started screaming no, as this could not be happening. I don't want to believe it's happening. I don't exactly know how to feel, but to stop cryin would be aweesome. Could anyone tell me what it means??
Amanda 2016-10-24 05:52:00
Probably just the fact that you miss her because you haven't spoken to her in a longer time. However some dreams can be taken seriously so go see her hug her and see in what state is she in.

nisha 2016-04-20 09:48:19
my grandmaa dies about 9 yr ago.she was ill at that time,now i regularly dream that see is with me and talk to me but i know in my dreams that see is died. i love her so much,,but i don't know what di my dreams mean????
CharlesS 2016-02-05 21:08:21
I've been having a lot of dreams lately about my step dad. I loved him dearly, he raised me for almost 20 years of my life. Last May he killed himself. It has destroyed me. I've been having a lot of dreams and he is alive. But I always know that he is dead, I even say to him " Wait you died" or "How are you back?" He always says "I came back to see you." or " I'm not dead anymore." It always messes with me and I cant even enjoy being with him because I'm trying to figure out what is going on. I usually wake up and cry my eyes out. I wish I knew what it means. He's always happy and healthy and we're just doing random things like we used to do. I just need some answers.
Allen 2016-03-24 10:42:30
My dad killed himself too, and I have the same dream pretty regularly.
Talisha 2016-03-04 09:27:36
Don't be afraid. He is just checking on you and letting you know he is okay.
Pawan Giri 2016-02-01 10:20:02
I wish dream to come true.
rebecca 2016-01-16 05:11:16
i have been married for 21 years but for the last 5 1/2 i have cheated on my husband with the man i love dearly and passed away i had talked to him the day before he passed i have been thinking about him a lot i didn't get to go to his funnel or the wake he called me just about everyday and we talked i just keep saying to show me a sign that he is ok but i dreamed last night that the older people in the days must had put there will on the wall cause it was crazy there where names on the wall people he wanted to give money to and people tat owned him my was there i seen it my first name but not my last it that i would get a 100,000.00 dollars he told me that i would get it in may then i wake up but i love this man to death i loved him with all my heart now he is gone he bleed to death is what was said he had surgery on Friday and passed away on Tuesday.i just need some answers about his death and was there something he wonted to say to me. thanks
phyllis 2016-01-10 10:50:59
What does it mean when your lived one visits you in your dream and says they are alive and your tell no you passed away,and they talk to you and say no I am alive not passed away?
Steph 2015-11-06 18:37:01
My mom was murdered by her boyfriend on Christmas of 2012. I've had several dreams, where we are at my grandmothers (moms mom) who is also dead. Everyone there knew my mom was dead except for her. She was insisting she needed to leave but my sisters and I knew if she left we wouldn't see her again. I haven't been able to find anything regarding a dream where the dead are unaware that they are dead. Can anyone give me some insight on this?

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