Dream Dictionary Dead Pregnant Woman

Dream Dictionary Dead Pregnant Woman


The meaning of life is something which humans have debated for all time, but it has only been recently that what constitutes a life at all has been a problem in current politics. This is brought on by topics such as abortion, discussion of which definitely has its place in society.

A fetus is the stage of life when a child is inside the womb but it has not fully developed yet to be able to function like a full child. If you have a dream in which you see a dead fetus this usually means that you think that you have stopped something before it was really able to start. Since a child is not technically alive until it has been born as defined by law so far, if you have a dead fetus it means that it was never able to experience a taste of life. This does not mean that you have to deal with an actual dead life in real life, it means that you need to think about the fact that there is something in your life which has just happened which has quit or stopped before you were able to start it. This could be a project or it could be something else, but unfortunately the plans were canceled before they even began.

Dreaming of a dead pregnant woman means that you are concerned about the Future, a fetus represents a future. The life of a person can take many twists and turns and a fetus in the womb opens up for millions of possibilities for how the child can grow, what it can learn, and where it will go in life. What does it mean when the child's mother dies while the child is still unborn? Well, it means that there is no possibility of a future anymore. There is nothing left for you to do and nowhere left for you to go. What can you do when you have no future? No matter what happens, unless you are a second away from dying, you will always have a future. You may think that it looks like you don't because you are in a tough position but there is always a way out of it.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Pregnant Woman

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Marie 2023-07-02 08:39:34
I had a dream that one of my friends that is pregnant died the day before her bday. Her family gathered for the funeral and everything. I was devastated and crying because this is her first child with her husband. She is 35 on her bday she will be 36.
HeliosEos 2023-11-25 03:32:57
Dreams involving the death of a friend can be deeply distressing, but it's important to remember that dreams are not literal predictions of the future. Rather, they often act as symbolic representations of our emotions, fears, and concerns.

1. Fear and Concern: Dreams about the death of a pregnant friend may reflect fears and concerns related to her well-being and the health of her unborn child. It could be a reflection of your caring and protective nature towards your friend and the anxiety you may be experiencing with regards to her pregnancy.

2. Symbolic Transformation: Dreams about death often symbolize transformation and change. In this context, the dream might be representative of the significant life changes that accompany becoming a parent. It could reflect concerns about the challenges and adjustments that your friend will face as she approaches this new phase of life.

3. Birthdays and Aging: The mention of your friend's upcoming birthday, and the fact that she will be turning 36, may symbolize a sense of the passage of time and the reality of aging. It could be a reminder of the preciousness and fragility of life, and the need to appreciate and cherish the moments we have.

4. Processing Emotions: Dreams serve as a way for our subconscious to process and express emotions. The devastation and crying in the dream indicate the depth of the emotional bond and concern you have for your friend's well-being. It may reflect your desire to protect her and ensure her happiness and safety.
Tina 2022-10-07 08:53:57
I had a dream my deceased daughter had a child and was pregnant with another? She passed at the age of 17 with no children, what does this mean?
Vijay 2020-07-13 02:49:58
I had a bad morning dream my pregnant wife died due to illness. In the time for burry she got up and spent few mins with me and again died. I can't even imagine.
Ryan 2018-09-12 06:35:49
I just had a dream that I killed a pregnant woman with black eyes with a knife in a horrible way and when I stood up away from her body, I was the one with black eyes.. WTF Is that all about?
Daman 2018-05-14 03:30:51
Today in the morning i dream one men shoot the pregnant women and the blood was in our old hoise on the top floor
jaay 2018-02-15 11:23:34
I had a dream that I was in battle with a woman who was pregnant. there are were three knifes on the table and she had already grabbed one of the sharpest ones she kept trying to come at me and I couldn't get the other sharper one so I had to get the rounded off knife we fought for a long time.. I was killing this woman she said to me that she was going to cut me in the place nobody usually gets cut in (my face) so I reacted and started stabbing her in her face but not enough to kill her. but finally I was able to grab the sharper knife and I stabbed her chest up against a wall, she was dead.. I killed this pregnant woman. someone (male) ran up to me and I started to pour tears, u was crying and crying for this woman even though she came at me with the intent to kill. there was someone faint (male also) in the distance sitting in a chair and kept turning around as hearing me cry. then I woke up. i wish I could understand the meaning of my dream more
Lesego 2017-11-02 09:36:30
I had a dream about my deceased mother pregnant, what could that mean?
Himanish 2017-10-25 08:02:38
Today i have seen a horrible dream of a dead pregnant woman whose stomach was busted and baby was outand people are wrapping her dead body with rope.Blood was everywhere.
What is the meaning of this dream.
Vignesh 2017-09-20 02:20:10
In my dream everyone was happy and enjoying the day and suddenly its like 2 people coming they are ghost couple and they start fighting and the girl ghost goes near got shrine and gets herself killed with a large scream.one of the person near us also try to stop this happening but fails and they send the mans spirit out ...
Simphiwe 2017-07-18 17:44:21
I dreamt of my aunt who jst passed away a month ago pregnant, she was pregnant and was staring at me from a distance not saying anything what does my dream mean?
Minu 2017-03-19 02:18:06
I got a dream in early morning..that pregnant women's are dieing or a pregnant women goes through an accident and lost his child...a pregnant woman met with a road accident...I don't why such dreams are coming.
girl 2017-09-30 22:43:19
ive just awoken from a horrific dream about my friend who i believe is pregnant, ok so in my dream. im coming around the corner in my car i see her but sh doesnt see me sh gts n2 hr car aftr warmly huging a blue baby doll. sh speeds off around th corner n starts drifting diliberatly sideways nd i drive up behind at a distance. while hr car is n th drift we lock eyes nd shs so calm nd smiles as sh has recognised me. frm this point everything is n slow motion, sh hits a parked car n sh rolls up it .this is th start of hr car flipping ,her roof is removed on th upside dwn impact nd flips once more n th air i see her body belted n2 hr seat strangle her belly like a rag doll being jolted around. shs very bloody. hr car finaly lands right side up, we both see sparks comming from th munted bonnet nd sumhw sh gts out of hr seat belt n jumps out of hr munted car jus as sh does hr car lets out a small puff of an explotion sending her to loose balance an wack th back of her head n2 th kerb. as i cme closer to her sh has blood dripping over her head broken body but hr eyes stil open and lifeless as i looked n2 them. then to top it all off a second car came speeding past nd ran over her hand. then i woke up jumped on google wrote it all dwn b4 i forgt it.
Usman 2017-06-23 10:20:36
I had the exact same dream last night. I was staying at a hotel/motel with my family while we were on a road trip. It was a gloomy morning and I saw the woman die next to a taxi that seemed to be taking her to the hospital. The women's body was pale and there was a crowd in distress, all the people in the crowd were weeping. seems like a pedestrian tried to perform an emergency c-section but the baby died as well... the crowd became hysterically sad after seeing this. Worst dream of my entire life.

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