Dream Dictionary Dead Turtle

Dream Dictionary Dead Turtle


A turtle is thought to be a being of immense wisdom and this is because of their ability to age long after humans give up and die. Many turtles can grow to be twice the age of humans and some prehistoric turtles were thought to live even longer. To see a dead turtle is to experience a profound and deep loss because it is the conclusion of an even more immense story than a human's life is. This type of scene can also have strong significance in dream interpretation.

Turtles are known for aging far beyond the time that humans stop. Turtles can go on to live for hundreds of years, much longer than a human can, and to see a dead turtle should remind you of your own mortality. It reminds you that things do die and nobody last forever. The turtle is old, and because of that, very wise, but a dead turtle can pass on no stories. A dream like this is a wake-up call for you to be more social. Get out there and tell people your stories and make the most out of life before it is too late.

Turtles are also thought of as being slow creatures. Their strength, wisdom, and sage attitude is sometimes not taken into account. If you have a dream of a dead turtle it means you need to speed up. Life finally caught up with the turtle because he was so slow and now it's your turn to speed up and make sure that you do not share the same fate as the dead turtle on the ground.

The one other attribute that turtles are so strongly recognized for is for being good at hiding. If they sense danger, they will immediately duck their heads in their shells and hide away until it is gone. To see a dead turtle means that hiding will not work in your situation. You are facing something that has the power to cause great damage in your life and right now the best course of action is to face it head on. Do not be afraid no matter how powerful it is, show a stiff upper lip and be ready to take what's being dished out.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead Turtle

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Brandi 2022-08-03 09:13:01
I had a dream of my three dead turtles and when I poured water on them they came back to life what does that mean?
Ruchi 2022-01-11 01:13:08
I dreamt I found a turtle in a river in the morning and that turtle died in the evening, I was crying in my dream, some small tiny fishes killed that turtle. That tiny fishes hided under the mud. What is that mean?
HeliosEos 2023-11-24 04:38:23
Dreams about animals often have symbolic significance, with many cultures attributing specific meanings to different creatures. In the dream you've described, there are several elements to consider: the turtle, the river, the small fishes, and the transition from life to death.

1. The Turtle: Turtles often symbolize wisdom, longevity, and stability. They can also represent protection, since they carry their homes on their backs. Finding a turtle in a river suggests that you might have recently come across an opportunity for insight or a grounding experience in your waking life.

2. The River: In dreams, rivers can symbolize the flow of life and the passage of time. A river is constantly moving and changing, and encountering a turtle in such a place could suggest a juxtaposition between stability (turtle) and change (river).

3. The Tiny Fishes: Small fish that attack and kill the turtle could represent seemingly minor or hidden threats that have a collective impact on something perceived to be stronger or more resilient. These fishes hiding under the mud might point to underlying issues or problems that are obscured from plain sight.

4. Death of the Turtle: The death of the turtle in your dream, especially one that evokes your emotion to the point of crying, suggests a sense of loss or grief. This could symbolize the end of an era, situation, relationship, or the loss of stability in your life. It might also indicate worry over vulnerabilities being exposed or a sudden change in circumstances that you were not expecting.

5. Your Reaction: Crying over the turtle's death reflects a deep emotional connection to the situation. This level of emotion in the dream indicates that whatever the turtle represents to you is something you're deeply invested in or care about greatly.
pasindu rangajith 2021-09-22 00:57:30
I dreamt about a bunch of dead turtle cubs in my front yard and they were coming out of their eggs. All the small ones who came out already are dead. so I took newly born ones put them in a water basket.
anglynn23 2021-05-12 13:11:23
I dreamt about aggressive turtles last night with long necks. They were black and scary. In the morning, my husband told me that one of our kids pet turtles had died. I think a turtle spirit visited me. Crazy?
Smile 2019-03-05 15:54:18
I saw my some months old turtle being bit by something very strong and while protecting it I snatched that something and after sometime I saw his front leg(flapper) was in my plam and I was crying a alot and he wasn't stopping from bleeding. What does this says......
KsBs 2018-06-26 23:40:29
I dreamed of a tortoise.. it was not well.. I thought it would die. Then he started to come completely out of his shell.. when it got all the way out of the shell, it turned into a little human baby.. all covered in brown dirt.. so I picked up the baby and went off to care for it and clean it up and stuff... I keep trying to figure out what this dream could mean.
Daamini 2018-05-21 11:41:59
I dreamt of a baby tutle who slipped while coming downstairs of an inclined surface and came rolling to the floor..the whole night that baby turtle struggled hard to get on his feets back but could not turn because of his shell..and so died.. as the baby turtle died in a school.. one of the student happened to smash it... When in the morning I saw him.. I was feeling so bad for him... While the person was cleaning it up, he was telling the whole thing abt how he died.. and I was just thinking one thing that why did he die, even though he struggled so much to get back on his feet...
Maria 2018-05-13 14:27:34
I had a dream I was holding a dead black baby two headed turtle in my hand. I rubbed uts back and it came to life. It slipped from my hands and began to walk across the floor. It was suggested that they may better be off dead. I said maybe but I let it go on its own way.

Just curious what it could mean.
Victor 2018-01-23 21:36:32
In my dream ,I picked up 4 turtles but one was dead
Kari 2017-12-05 22:49:14
I had a dream where i drove into this parking lot & by the dumpsters there were dead turtles big & small. Some had their shells intact spme smashed. And all in different levels of rot. In my dread i was horrified. But i got out of my vehicle to take pictures. Then i noticed a bunch pf creepy people lerking around. So i jumped back into the vehicle where my cat was waiting for me & we drove off. I wemt home & showed my mom what i found & was afraid someone would bw after me as i took the pictures.
Desiree 2017-09-10 05:10:50
I recently had this devistating dream about turtles. Me and another person saw a huge turtle from the belcony. Like about dinner plate sized shell. It was moving slow and I ran down to get it cause I liked it's she'll and wanted to move it so it wouldn't get hurt. As I got closer to it I noticed that not far in front of it was I tiny baby me turtle. Still a baby though. My friend picked up the baby and I said maybe she's it's momma so I took the baby and brought it to the big turtle and in my dream the mom kissed the baby like they didn't see each other for days. And they were waiting to get to each other. I was happy thinking awe cute so I gave the baby to my friend to hold. And tried picking up the big turtle it was easy at first.i was hold it in front of me about to walk down cement stairs out doors... And the turtle moved and I got scared and dropped it. It fell hard on it's back and it's shell cracked into 3 or 4 different pieces.. I was horrified and I threw my self down to try and save it but it was like a fish out of water and it died. The other person came with the baby and I took the baby and let it kiss the mom. And I could feel is heartache. I cried and my dream ended
I know it's hard to identify the meaning but it just stuck with me. Please help. Thank you
LadyA 2017-08-23 20:09:05

Adeusi 2017-05-18 08:02:03
I had a dream about a tortoise , I saw my self washing it, it looks like am about to cook it , but I didn't eat it, is it a bad or good dream? Please reply tolusweetheart2@yahoo.com
Apriella 2017-03-01 06:26:03
i dreamnt that he bit his hand. Well i have a pet turtle. and he bleed and blew up and left 2 different baby turtles in its place.
sam 2017-02-11 21:21:28
I dreamed of a dead friend carrying a dead turtle on his head. what could this mean?
ojay 2016-11-06 22:07:26
I dreamt I saw 3 turtles, burnt with their heads out, and there were 3 foodflask beside the burnt turtles
Yoj 2016-09-14 15:28:05
In my dreams, I saw a chicken killed a turtle. What does it means?
Reybel 2016-06-14 07:39:47
I dreamt that I had gotten many turtle eggs and a few were cracked. Three eggs of the many that cracked had baby turtles. Each were different sizes: big-ish, medium, and tiny. However, despite being hatched in my dream I was aware that they were going to die because they were hatched prematurely. Does anyone have an idea on what this could mean?
Karthik Nagadevara a.k.a Jeja 2016-01-20 09:01:05

I happened to Kill a turtle/tortoise in my dream. To describe my how it happened let me tell you the world i was in. It was some kind of Hilly forest filled with humongous old trees and waterfalls. Was wandering around or cant tell what i was really doing. Then took a furlong and saw a being which was following me .It was a turtle, but it seemed not like one, it was defying the characteristics of turtle, it had big sharp red teeth and it was freaking fast, was chasing me and trying to kill me. I never understood what was happening, i even forgot about this dream then it sparked out of nowhere while watching TV.

Kindly Help Me Out.
Your Friend
Nicole 2016-01-13 09:57:54

I dreamt I was at a zoo with my family and my grandmother, with her three foster kids. We were looking at giant tortoises in an exhibit that was outside. I then picked up a rock( about the size of a small pebble) and threw it at the one gray tortoise. That caused one of my grandmother's kids to throw a very large stone at the turtle, killing it. I feel like I was responsible for killing the tortoise even though It wasn't me who threw the stone. I'm not sure what this dream is suppose to mean, but I hear turtles are sacred and it's starting to freak me out slightly.
Dante L. 2015-12-30 07:08:46
I had a dream this half-dollar sized turtle was dead and little organisms were cleaning it around. I specifically remember seeing a leech go into the turtles back shell and taking in all the blood that was coming out underneath the turtle shell... Also I keep believing this turtle was being cleaned up to be brought back to life.
Nidhi 2015-10-09 10:08:39
In my dream,last night I saw so many new born turtles on a road,they were squished by cars , I saw their blood, I was trying to save them but I was helpless.
Tabitha 2015-08-22 23:32:51
I dreamt that I gave birth to a turtle but it was dead.
Sambo 2015-07-27 16:20:26
I dreamed that turtle was cooked as soup and after my hand touched the it resurrected.

Please help to interpret?

trish 2015-07-09 19:15:29
Had a dream I was trying to set a turtle free but he landed in the water on his back and his shell filled with water and he died....everyone told me in my dream that kills them and I said I didn't know.....what's this mean
Amy 2017-04-19 10:50:00
I had a similar dream. dream that my hallways was filled with dead piine needles and a few large moth like bugs and two turtles with sort of iridescent glow in the dark shells. I was distressed to see all this in my apartment at first but then decided I could deal with it. First I picked up a turtle, holding the edge of its shell and walked it out of my back door to set it free. It was wriggling around so a few times I had to change my hand position and felt it's arms and legs which seemed surprisingly strong. I put it out back on the steps and it started going down to the ground level. Then I went back to get the other turtle and did the same thing and had the same experience with feeling it's strength. Neither turtle tried to harm me but I was worried about that. When I brought the second one to the back a large pond appeared near the bottom of the steps and as the titles neared it, dozens of falcons gathered around them as if poised to attack. I watched nervously but luckily both turtles made it to the pond safely and the birds were just poised to attack but never actually did. Then I woke up.
Alice 2015-07-09 02:52:44
i dreamt that i was sitting at the edge of a pond and there was a little girl with me. me and her were both kidnapped by a teacher. i was staring at the turtle but i thought it was a rock and the little girl assured me it was a turtle. i didn't believe her but then the turtle came out of his shell and i stole his shell... he got scared and ran into the water. the water was clear so i could see the turtle he was running fast and i was trying to give him the shell back but he was to fast. i then chased him to the edge of the pond and he fell off into the grass. i couldn't see him clearly. i got mad because he wouldn't let me help him so i killed him with his own shell. i walked away and i strangely didn't even care that i just killed a baby turtle after i stole his shell.
Maria 2015-07-19 14:59:51
Message from Alice
i dreamt that i was sitting at the edge of a pond and there was a little girl with me. me and her were both kidnapped by a teacher. i was staring at the turtle but i thought it was a rock and the little girl assured me it was a turtle. i didn't believe her but then the turtle came out of his shell and i stole his shell... he got scared and ran into the water. the water was clear so i could see the turtle he was running fast and i was trying to give him the shell back but he was to fast. i then chased him to the edge of the pond and he fell off into the grass. i couldn't see him clearly. i got mad because he wouldn't let me help him so i killed him with his own shell. i walked away and i strangely didn't even care that i just killed a baby turtle after i stole his shell.

How uncanny. I dreamt of a woman named Alice who caused many baby turtles to be eaten alive by seagulls. I ran away from her because of what she did, only to have two gay men egged on by a witch to devour both of my arms, but I was able to run away from them too. I wondered why my own mother allowed them to victimize me.

It occured to me that your dream was a pun on the name Alice - as in, Alice in Wonderland. And being kidnapped by a teacher means dealing with an overdue issue that demands resolution. Killing the turtle with its own shell actually sounds like a good resolution - you caught up with what was dragging along subconsciously and destroyed it with a shell which would represent over-protectiveness. The shell looked like a rock - something imovable and not just slow, but you managed to break the turtle with it.

I believe that my dream on the other hand represents running away from the over-protectiveness of my own mother which actually allowed abuse to perpetuate in our household. I realized that even if my mother didn't have the power to stop the abuse, I could at least flee the scene.
Val Gallie Mcrae 2015-07-05 16:15:36
I dream a turtle cut in half with no blood
dan 2015-06-26 05:17:40
I dreamt of my girl friend killing a tortoise with a knife..wat does that mean?
>Luca 2015-04-23 01:08:08
I believe youre giving someone a chance , no ?
But make sure youre not giving yourself away, too easy, so you lose yourself.
What do you think ?
Spence 2013-10-07 04:39:26
So what does it mean if someone is holding a dead turtle and I give them a new, live one?

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