Dream Dictionary Devil baby

Dream Dictionary Devil baby


There are some dreams which may seem like they must have a grandiose meaning and that you feel as if the interpretation will mean the difference between life and death. Most often this is not the case at all. In fact sometimes the meanings can be fairly ridiculous, or simple no matter how terrifying or seemingly crazy they turn out to be.

If you have a dream about a devil baby, this might arise because you are worried about pregnancy. You might be having this dream because you are going to be a mother or father soon and you are worried about what might become of your baby. As good a movie as it is, these kinds of dreams didn't actually come about as often as they did these days until Rosemary's Baby came out in theaters. A devil baby dream might also come about just because you already have been a mother or father for a while and feel like your kid isn't being like he or she should. You feel like your children need to behave a bit better and since they are so hard to deal with, it makes it harder for you to deal with things. You can fix this by making your kids obey you and being harsher on them with discipline.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Devil baby Dream Dictionary Devil baby

Comments: Dream Dictionary Devil baby

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Leyla 2024-07-07 14:05:30
I had a dream where something was haunting me in the middle of a storm. It felt like a demon trying to get close then I saw a baby on the ground in the middle of a storm facing down and as I tried to pick him up it turned around with bright red evil eyes and I knew it was the demon and some how I killed it I grabbed it and pulled it apart until his brains came out of him. It was so awful! What does this mean??
theDream 2024-07-08 15:01:40
Storms: Storms in dreams often represent emotional turmoil, inner conflict, or significant shifts in your life. The intensity of the storm might indicate that you are experiencing strong emotions or challenges that feel overwhelming.

Demon: Seeing a demon in your dream could symbolize negative aspects of your personality, such as fears, anxieties, or feelings of guilt. It might also indicate external pressures or obstacles that you perceive as threatening.

Baby: Babies in dreams often represent innocence, vulnerability, or new beginnings. However, since the baby in your dream turned into a demon, it might signify that something you initially perceived as innocent or harmless has revealed itself to be malevolent or dangerous.

Evil Eyes: Eyes in dreams can be deeply symbolic, often representing awareness or perception. Bright red evil eyes might symbolize intense, malevolent forces or feelings of being watched or judged.

Killing the Demon: The act of killing the demon could represent your subconscious effort to confront and eradicate the negative influences, fears, or anxieties in your life. It can also mean that you are taking control over a situation that has been troubling you.

Violent Imagery: The violent act of pulling the demon apart may indicate feelings of frustration, anger, or a desperate need to protect yourself from perceived threats. It might be your mind's way of processing these intense emotions.

Overall, this dream might be reflecting your inner struggles with something that initially seemed benign but has turned threatening. It could be related to a situation in your life that has taken an unexpected negative turn, or it could be representative of deep-seated fears and anxieties that you are trying to confront and overcome.
Brandon Brandson 2022-10-01 19:35:40
I had this dream but what im confused about is that im a man. I am also a homos*xual. What does that mean because i am certainly not worried about a pregnancy. Thank you please help me. Amen.
Janani 2022-09-09 08:53:15
I had a dream that some devil or Satan in baby form coming after me for my blood which is negative in dream and demon blood is negative ... so demon baby asked me to lend some blood for sacrifice. I was Terrified and started to run ,that baby running after for me . What's this dream meaning
HeliosEos 2023-11-01 09:13:00
In your dream, the appearance of a devil or Satan in the form of a baby could symbolize a negative influence or a sense of vulnerability. The request for your blood, specifically your negative blood type, may represent an aspect of yourself or your energy that others may be seeking to take advantage of or drain from you. The symbolism of negative blood in this context may suggest a sense of weakness or vulnerability.

The fact that you were terrified and running away from the demon baby indicates a fear or a desire to escape from a situation that you perceive as threatening or harmful. This could represent a fear of being taken advantage of or manipulated in your waking life.

Overall, this dream may indicate that you are feeling susceptible to negative influences or external pressures in your life. It could be a reflection of your fears or anxieties about being taken advantage of or being affected by negative energy. Consider the current events and circumstances in your life that may be causing such feelings.

It is important to remember that dream interpretations are subjective, and only you can truly decipher the most accurate meaning for your dream. Reflecting on your personal experiences and emotions associated with the dream may provide you with further insight into its significance.
Alaina 2022-07-18 09:31:11
I had a dream that everything was mysteriously abandoned or at least seemed to be. I was traveling with my family; and durring these travels i found out i was pregnant..... We stopped in this old tavern where we decided to make our temporary residence when i started feeling these horrible pains. They werent cramps but i thought i was going to lose the baby so i was panicking as there were no doctors to help in any way.... After a bit the pains stopped and i saw a tiny hand push against my stomach; i began to calm down the baby was still moving and the cpains gone though before i could fully calm down i had been penetrated by a gooey black tentacle thing from the inside out: the baby was ripping its way out of me.... And as it pulled itself from my body it threw my dad across the room and the baby just didnt look right aside from the tentacles coming from its backside. The baby seemed broken and was making strange noises....and then i woke up.... Not the worst dream ive had but...its pretty much up there XD
Chris 2021-09-17 15:24:36
I had a dream this morning that the girl I’m not dating anymore but love so much was pregnant with my child everything seemed normal but she started to look like she was in pain I offered to lift her stomach up gently as I stood behind her her ribs felt like it was pushed outward so as I was lifting to try an ease her pain the baby started to move around aggressively then she started screaming for me to let go before I could the baby pushed its face into her stomach where I could clearly see it. It had 4 teeth shaped like small fangs an had a slightly muzzled scream an it’s mouth opened up wide for an it’s eyes was black then I woke up . This is the very first time I’ve had a dream like this
Tessa 2021-07-31 10:44:52
I had a dream I was watching my niece upstairs and went down stairs with her to give her back to my sister and when I returned back to my room there she was again my “niece” and at the same time my sister knocked on my door and I ran to open it but couldn’t it felt like a force was being used so I couldn’t then I picked up this baby who I’m assuming was a demon and I was able to open the door and I ran downstairs to my boyfriend and was trying to explain but I couldn’t speak it felt like I was swallowing my tongue and I couldn’t force any words out so I ran to my sister and my mom to show her this kid and nothing they acted as if this was completely normal
Sagan 2021-02-01 08:11:54
how to interpret what your dream meant to you specifically at the end-skip to the line if you wanna just get to that!

dreamt I was "with" my husband and I suddenly started bleeding and a big blob of bloody flesh fell out of me. It was dark so I grabbed it and ran into the bathroom. On the way there I could feel a tiny spine and was freaking out. I laid it on the counter and saw it was a tiny skeleton-like baby miscarriage. I felt so bad for it but it suddenly started moving and I noticed it had horns and bony wings and I started screaming "why does it have horns? What is happening?" And my husband ran in and freaked out and tried to kill it.


Now to the people who are asking what their dream meant-I went to a therapist who could help decode dreams. No symbol means any one thing to all people. In fact, the symbols themselves are pointless, random, and unimportant. What IS important is HOW IT MADE YOU FEEL. Pay attention to the feeling it gave you. If you are quiet and lay there with your eyes closed and think really hard, you can match the emotion to a situation in your life-one a currently happening, or one you're worried is happening, often unrelated to the subject in the dream.

For me, it was my worry I'm not like normal people. I have severe ptsd and I feel so different from other people it worries me a great deal. It's like in my dream my worries manifested physically and came out of my body.

Dreaming you're having a demon baby does not mean you'll have a baby. Try this: in your minds eye, try to separate the feeling you got from all images you saw in your dream. I close my eyes and take the feeling alone and really scrutinize it. It'll suddenly pop up, and I'll have a match.
We tend to think of feelings as only maybe 20 emotions but the interesting thing is every single situation has a fully unique emotional sensation and it's quite easy to pinpoint once you practice. Good luck. and sweet dreams!
Britany 2020-02-01 12:57:42
I had a dream my mother gave birth to a black goat and everyone was saying it was the devil but I didn’t want to throw it away or burn it so I kept it but later on the whole world was bad and somehow it became an apocalypse but I turned back in time and burned it
Sara 2019-10-08 11:15:31
I’m not sure of what I believe in yet. I believe in Miracles but maybe not God himself it’s confusing. I used to have a very strong belief in God until I had to have an abortion. I was against it of course thihhht God would hate me if I had it done but I needed to because I didn’t have the money for it nor was I at the right age. It was really hard to forgive myself for it and I don’t even know if I do now but I’m trying. Ether way this dream disturbed me. So I’ll get to the point just some background info. I had a dream that I just got pregnant. I hadn’t done anthing with anyone since that point in my life so it felt real. I was with the guy I’m with in real time now and so was I within the dream. So I decided to have the baby I stopped questioning how within my dream and when I had it everyone was so joyful and it was the most beautiful thing. But I just had it and it spoke perfectly. Like it could form sentences somehow since it’s a dream I blew it off until something was off. My grandma was super religious it hated her. It started to be violent grow at an abnormal rate again. I went to the church but they laughed and ask I was lying and that I needed proof well I went back for it my dad sent me photos in the dream of it in it’s actual form. I have never woke up so scared I’m my life but besides what happened next caught me off guard the church didn’t turn me away again but instead they laughed and looked up at me and said well what do we do. She looked as scared as me since I went to a nun. My dad luckily in the dream was not hurt but I knew what I had to do, it needed to be killed but despite it being the devil I couldn’t do it. And I woke up due to my alarm clock. I know there has to be more to the dream but that’s what I remember....and I can rightfully say I am scared to death
Kevin 2019-06-30 18:40:10
I had a dream that i was by my childhood and theres this one busy street i was walking down with 3 of my siblings we were passing a house were there was a baby on the front porch it was laying there as if it was dead. So i went and picked up the baby to see if it was alive it wasnt breathing. Then i looked up and there was a lady standing there as if she lived in that building. I then asked if it was here baby and told her it was dead the lady looked like she was possessed. She said it was not hers and walked into the building when she opened the door before walking in it was peach black inside so i started walking a couples houses away trying to wake the baby there was no response. Then as i started walking back to the house were i found the baby i saw that lady again! I was asking the lady i seen there repeatedly is this your baby did you kill it? So when i put the baby down it started to move as if it was twiching i kept telling my sister that its alive! The baby began moving its leg ,i seen that one eye opened so after we seen it was alive it began to make scary noises that werent normal. So me and my siblings ended up around the corner from that busy street but whats wierd is that the baby that we were just with was walking with us! but what's weird is that the little baby was a girl and she was like 6 years old now we did not know the girl at all but she was walking with us as if we knew her. She kept saying wierd things i couldnt remember what she was saying but i know it was bad. Then out of nowhere my sister shouted "i think she is right everything she is saying is right" i was so confused and scared so my sister and the little girl were walking a little further ahead of us talking about something i dont know what so we ended up in a building i never seen before as if we lived there we knew exactly what apartment we lived in so me and my other two siblings walked in the apartment while my sister and the little girl walked down the hallway some were else it was so weird. So when we got into the apartment i was telling my other siblings i was going to call the cops for some reason. when i was on the phone with the cops i was telling them that there was a evil little girl that she was a demon the cops wanted me to describe the girl but i didnt know how to response it was so scary and really wierd after i was talking to the cops i had woke up thinking aboutbmy dream i lt was the wierdest dream ive had.!
Liesl 2019-05-27 12:27:28
I dreamt i was working in our warehouse, i was checking damaged stock, and another lady brought a box of defrosted peas, when out of the blue a baby girl appeared and was hovering in the air, she started talking to me in a grown-up voice, i knew something was not right with her, out of her chest came the head of another baby boy who was also talking. i can remember talking to them as well. i them find myself in a house of some sort. i dream that im not scared at all. but im opening this babys chest and looking at the head of the boy coming out of the girls chest, and its both talking to me, and then i check what the s** is of this thing, and its a male, im wondering who the organ belongs to because the body is girl and the head is the boy. i then realize that this thing has four different personalities.
Brian 2019-05-19 18:35:44
I am not a father of any child nor do I have a established relationship with any woman nor man. I had s dream just a few hours ago trying to catch up with some friends I saw this baby crying I picked it up wondering why was it alone here?! I turned it around to check its diaper. It began pooping all over me. It had even pooped out of its eyes. It turned its head around with an evil grin until it popped off. I held the head in my hand to show proof to my friend "see see look at this" it was deeply disturbing and hauntlingly so. Yikes.

L 2019-02-25 18:50:23
I dreamed that I was staying in the house where I grew up. My mother and I had a disagreement. My mother suggested I wasn't doing something I should be doing as a mother. I walked away into my old childhood bedroom. My daughter was there in the bed. She's a toddler. I was putting her to bed. I noticed that on the back of the closet door, there was a fuzzy, full-body, fleece, zip-up, winter suit for a toddler aged 24-39 months hanging up on a clothes hanger. It had a hood with little teddy bear ears. I had a little suit like that when I was a baby. There was nothing in the suit - it was hanging there empty. Then, when I looked back up again, there was a toddler girl hanging inside of it. She cooing and smiling and being cute, moving her little legs and arms in the suit. She was pretty. She had pretty brown eyes, pretty black eye lashes, coffee skin and smooth black hair (and so clearly not related to us). I was wondering how she got in there, and how long she had been there, and whether her diaper was wet. Then I felt that something was wrong. I asked her if she was a demon baby. The child's canine teeth turned into little fangs and she started making scary noises. I froze. I told the demon baby to get away. I wanted run away with my daughter and call to my mother to get help, but I couldn't. Then I woke up.
Christina 2018-12-17 13:27:26
I'm happily non religious, though I do have spirituality. I have no children and don't expect any. This is why my dream disturbs me so deeply. I was at a desk on an old computer (I was not me) there was an old tv playing at the end of the narrow room and an open door behind me to a sunny bedroom with a window above a single bed. A baby was in the bed. My perspective was from above the computer. The baby started saying 'mama' repeatedly. The lady turned to look. The baby started trying to sit up still ssaying 'mama' then the bedroom fuzzed out and the focus was on the lady, but you could still see the inhuman way the baby's mouth moved as it said 'Mother'. At that same moment the tv shut off and I felt terrified. The baby came back into focus, now sitting upright saying 'Screw you!' repeatedly with a huge smile, eventually the room fuzzed out again but you could still see the inhuman expression as the baby said 'Devil.' in a monstrous voice. The baby's face started to warp and melt ghoulishly and its eyes and mouth blackened out. It started repeating 'Mother' again and I tried shoving the image away, aware I was in a dream. No matter what pleasant images I made up however, I would keep seeing creeping black hands and ghoulish faces, so I forced myself to wake up.
Beatty 2018-12-04 14:53:49
Its just a demon baby den after it hangs on to me it turns normal its very scary
Just a girl 2018-09-25 21:02:32
I don’t know if it was possessed . I went into a room in my house and there was a girl. (16 I think idk) I think it was me but idk I couldn’t tell?? There was a baby in a crib in front of her and I could tell the girl loved her but was confused and sad.. as if she didn’t know what to do. The baby stood up and turned it head towards me. I noticed it had glowing like a melted bright red eyes. And then the girl ran out after a few seconds.
Red 2018-07-31 03:33:24
I keep having dreams that the devil is after me. But its not like hes chasing me it's like hes playing with me and he keeps telling me im choosen and their is a woman whos is preganat and she sees the demom and starts bleeding and then she turns to me and says ur next...but ever since ive had this dream every night i dream im pregnant but i know the child is bad. I can feel it. And i dont dream normal i can make choices in my dreams i remeber they are dreams and can think about my actaul life while sleeping i think it makes it more real. Latley i wake up terrified and every night i dream im going to have the antichrist and it scares me.
Jessica 2018-07-07 01:49:23
I have a baby right now she is a month old and I had a dream that her father is the devil and he's trying to take her
IzaSamy 2018-06-03 16:02:37
I dreamed that I was the mother of a baby demon, and the baby was suffering a lot. I felt sorry for him, but I woke up terrified that he was a demon. It was a newborn and purple baby, I was with Otite and I know he was my son. But I'm not even in danger of getting pregnant and I've never had children. What can this be?
Jake 2018-04-23 14:38:36
I'm 18 and I had a few of these dreams and none of my ex's r pregnant and my gf ain't pregnant....so I'm confused
Matthew 2017-08-22 09:56:06
I had a dream of a dark evil demon baby coming after me up the stairs!! I don't watch scary movies so is there a meaning??
sierra 2017-08-05 14:40:40
I keep dreaming of getting a half demon baby, and i am only 14 years old,so i definetly didnt get a baby and i am not going to get one.
Lilith 2017-07-31 06:13:23
I dreamed that my brother in laws kid told me in a weird voice"that who comes at night will take the kid"..i woke up weirded out ....
Melissa 2017-05-24 08:28:52
I dreamed i was forced to have sex with a demon...then got pregnant i was trying to find the meaning for something like that
Anelissa 2019-07-14 19:59:02
I also dreamed the same like you...forces to have s*x with a demon...then got pregnant with demon son... 🙁

Joros 2017-05-22 16:42:39
I have a dream that my older sister gave birth to a demon baby and I need to kill it. What does it mean?, its creepy because the demon baby just write something I cant understand in a paper.
Annie 2018-07-15 15:02:14
Metoo, i dream of my sisters baby, being a demon
Dora Borjas 2017-02-13 23:51:54
I had a bad dream that I had a baby girl and she become a devil baby omg it's scary the devil was talking to me he had ask me what do I want from the baby girl I told him that this baby is mine and I had rebuke it and the baby threw me the crucifix it landed in my hand and I have put it in the baby face and she started screaming and crying so I rebuke the devil to get away from her it was so crazy my dream oh lord...[quote][/quote
Vane 2016-10-20 03:53:27
I dream the i was pregnant but it was a demonic baby i was in the hospital i saw 2 priest and told them one of them told to do a abortion the other said no bacause it was against God it was so weird
Tracey 2016-09-21 10:24:35
I can't get pregnant anymore! Plus my five sons are grown!
Dreamer NL 2016-06-06 00:45:09
I dreamed about a demon baby, but I'm still 17 years old and I didn't get a baby or going to have one
lola 2017-06-20 12:26:16
i had the exact same dream
Pamela 2015-08-31 15:12:39
I asked for the meaning of my dream. Not parenting advise.

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