Dream Dictionary Dismembered, Dismemberment

Dream Dictionary Dismembered, Dismemberment


A dream about dismembered people or dismemberment in general is one of disturbing dreams, but it should not prevent you from being able to see things with fresh eyes and think about what could be.

There are a lot of reasons why a person might have horrific or scary dreams. The most common one is that they just witnessed something horrific, and the most common thing to randomly witness is a TV show or a movie. If you saw a horror movie then it might not be hard to describe why you ended up having a dream about dismemberment or about being dismembered. Another possibility is that you heard a scary story or read one in a book. People do not generally come into contact with dead bodies on a daily basis, so you certainly did not draw the idea of death or dismemberment from something that you saw in everyday life unless you are a police officer working on a particularly brutal murder or a hospital or morgue worker dealing with victims of some bizarre crime. Hopefully for you a dream like this can be explained away that easily, otherwise the next few modes of interpretation might seem more brutal or even more terrifying.

If you have a dream in which you see yourself and you have been dismembered in some way then you need to pay attention to the part of you that was dismembered. You need to think about what it means to you to have your arm or leg taken away. If you have a dream in which your arm has been removed it means that you feel like you cannot act in a certain situation. Your life has thrust you into a position in which you want to cut but you can't because you don't know how. Either that or everything you try just seems to bounce back at you not working. You want to be able to help but you just can't.

To dream that your leg has been taken from your body means that there is somewhere that you want to go or some goal that you want to achieve, but the path to getting to this goal has somehow been cut off for you. This does not mean that you failed to get there; it means that the path has changed all of the sudden and now you are the one that has been tasked with a way of trying to find out how to get back on that path the way it once was before. You need to find your way back to that position if you want to succeed at your goal. The key here is to not get so disheartened that you just quit entirely. No, you want to make sure that you try as best you can to get there even when the odds are stacked against you and you have no idea how you are supposed to make it. This is the way the dream world works, and it is what you are going to have to learn to work with if you know what's good for you. This is what the dream is all about and to put it into perspective, you need to relax, first and foremost.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Dismembered, Dismemberment

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Marchosias 2024-04-05 21:42:02
I have had several dreams where I was being pursued by someone and eventually I stopped running and murdered and dismembered them. One dream I had I stabbed this person and when they were dragging themselves across the floor leaving a trail of blood, I grabbed their hair and beheaded them with a huge machete. Everytime I massacre this assailant; I wake up.
Savannah 2022-08-25 12:51:28
So I just had this dream and the thing is, is that I don’t have dreams. Or at least I don’t remember them when I wake up. But I started to have a dream where me and my mom bought all this stuff and then there was some sort of event going on with family but it was family I never met. And then my grandfather, who is like my father because mine was never around, showed up. Some words that I’m now forgetting were exchanged and we had packed a crap on of stuff onto the back of a bicycle and started to pull it to our area in the apartment complex. Then all of a sudden, my grandfather starts to ride beside me on a bicycle and gets too close and collides with mine then falls. I get worried and I check and make sure he’s okay, and as he gets up and starts checking himself and I get over to him, the back of his leg is ripped open, right where the knee bends. And it’s horizontal, straight across. You can see his bone and some muscle and stuff. It started to bleed but slowly. Not a lot like it should have. There was a mark on his other leg. Like a real bad road burn. And I started to freak out and call my mom over. She was walking carelessly behind with a family member that I didn’t know and everyone else disappeared. She continued to walk slow instead of get over there faster. Her eyes were wide but she didn’t say anything about him. I was the only one freaking out. The guy didn’t do anything. Like he was just blank but was put in that spot. My grandfather then started to stutter out that he was okay and started to stumble backwards. At this point I’m starting to run towards my mom to push her towards him cause I didn’t know what to do, and I turn to look back at him and he is now standing there with nothing on his left leg. From the knee down. It’s just gone. I had only looked away for a split second.. and that’s when I forced myself awake and I could barely get myself up. Every time I closed my eyes I just see that… I’m now fully awake and having a slight panic attack and it’s right before work but I’ll live. But yeah. I’m just worried now. Freaked me out real good.
HeliosEos 2023-11-16 16:31:26
Your dream contains several vivid and symbolic elements, and here's a general exploration of some potential meanings:

1. Shopping with your mom:
- Shopping in dreams can symbolize the pursuit of desires or seeking fulfillment. Doing this with your mom might indicate a connection to family or shared values.

2. Event with unfamiliar family members:
- Unfamiliar family members in dreams could represent aspects of yourself or unresolved feelings. Events with unknown family members might symbolize situations or emotions that feel unfamiliar or unresolved.

3. Grandfather's appearance:
- Your grandfather, who serves as a father figure, may represent authority, wisdom, or guidance. His sudden appearance and the subsequent events may reflect a need for guidance or the influence of fatherly figures in your life.

4. Bicycle accident and injury:
- Bicycles in dreams can represent balance and the journey of life. The accident and injury might symbolize a disruption in the balance of your life or a fear of losing stability. Injuries in dreams can sometimes be linked to emotional wounds or fears.

5. Mom's reaction and disappearance of family members:
- Your mom's delayed reaction and the disappearance of other family members could indicate feelings of isolation or a sense of being on your own in dealing with certain issues. It might also suggest a need for support or acknowledgment.

6. Grandfather losing a leg:
- Losing a limb in dreams can symbolize a sense of loss or a fear of losing something important. In this context, it could be related to a fear of losing guidance, support, or stability represented by your grandfather.
Matias 2021-05-26 01:54:48
I had a dream almost exactly like yours last night, I'd say like 95% accurate, but for was I hid the body in a envoy xl, I had like pieces everywhere hidden and the smell started coming out so I had to replace the parts and throw away the other with rotting body parts in it.
Any interpretation you might have received for yours?(Priscylla)
Priscylla 2019-11-02 16:57:42
So I just woke up from my dream.. and this isn't my first dream about murder.. but today I dreamt that I was friend with a group of "friends" (although I don't really know them) & we ended up murdering some stranger (at school). We dismembered their hands but left the rest of the body attached. It was bloody & we hid the body in a gym workout bag. I guess we were worried about being caught cause they were cameras and we didn't know if they worked. I ended up taking it home.. and then rumors were going around that we were murderers so two people showed up in my door to see if it was true. I let them search the house and in the process hid the body so they wouldn't find it (so they could go back to everyone and say the rumors weren't true). Then they left, finding nothing.. and I burried the rest of the body in my big back yard. Any interpretations?? I'm not depressed or going through any changes in my life so idk what it could mean..?
Kayla 2018-09-17 08:45:50
So my dream concocted some random, kinda generic looking family. At first everything seemed okay, and I wasn't sure where the dream was going, then the mother sawed off the daughter's arm as a punishment for something. Then that cliche thing happened where it felt so good that she started "punishing" both her son and daughter by sawing all of their limbs off, and she got the dad into it as well. After both kids were clearly dead, they started realizing what they were doing and panicked. And occasionally they were also shown with no arms or legs, just kinda hopping around on those stubs, even though they hadn't done anything to themselves. It was when they started panicking that I woke up with a strange feeling in the arch of my back.
kiki 2019-11-03 14:53:19
i had a similar dream too but i was just sawing everyone into tiny peices.
Nichole 2017-08-23 14:47:30
I had a dream that I walked into a house where muslim men ( my bf is Muslim) where chopping people up and used children to help throw the body parts onto the back of a small truck , the body parts were dripping with blood and the truck was also filled with the blood, the men saw me and said I must get into the car parked infront of the truck with the children , I turned around and said no. I then woke up.? Can anyone tell me what they think of this dream ?
Haley 2017-02-28 07:43:46
I had the same dream for the past two nights. It's about me somewhere in the woods, and im trying to get to a path, but I was blocked off by a pack of wolves. Who which then ripped my left arm & right leg off my body. I woke up with my arm feeling numb & limp. And my leg hurting. I've had terrifying dreams before, but none like this. What does this mean??
Alex 2019-02-19 09:38:05
Ten minutes ago I found a couple articles about Shamanic awakenings. The first level of Shamanic dreaming starts with dismemberment and the next stage is rememberment.
Denver Guy 2016-12-23 07:19:10
I just woke up dreaming about a bloody newborn baby or fetus hand in the dirt, outside of a house. I kept walking and not so far from it in the corner of the house a glass jar was filled with more baby or fetus parts. The dream kept going but I kept seeing that dismembered tiny hand throughout the dream.
Teague M 2018-12-24 14:02:02
I **JUST** HAD A DREAM SIMILAR TO THAT LAST NIGHT! And I freaked because I thought it said 2018, but it’s still a strange coincidence that it was December 23-24th! I was walking in my backyard and it was sort of mixed up. (In my neighborhood mostly it’s open backyards merged with others, only some people have fences) There was a shed I recognized when it should’ve been somewhere else in the neighborhood. I walked up to it and looked down... In a white grocery bag (it was flat not tied) I could see two faint dismembered baby or toddler hands in it with blood. The grocery bag sort of makes it hard to see but I know for sure that’s what I’m seeing. There was also random pieces of flesh outside of it?
Almost like an animal came by and dragged the pieces out and around.. Possibly a baby foot or a piece of a leg? But my attention was on the hands. Nothing freaks me out more in a dream. Like right now I still feel naueseous because it felt so realistic. No creepy setting- No scary monsters- Nothing paranormal.. it was literally that close to my house... and very realistic...
Rachel 2016-11-14 22:23:52
I just had a dream last night where I had been kidnapped, strapped to a table, and a big butcher clevor knife was brought down into my face.
Michelle 2016-10-27 21:58:05
hey My dream started as my daughter taking off on me running towards a train that was coming towards us. i managed to grab her and throw her to my friend and kept her safe but in the process of throwing her to my friend i fell backwards and both my legs were ripped off by the speeding train. In my dream i awoke in the hospital almost completely healed but was worried about my baby girl. they told me that I would have to relearn so much before seeing my kids. I was determined. i got up out of the hospital bed which i had been in for supposedly 3 days. I got out of the bed and proceeded to walk on my knees. I didnt care i was going to get to my babies. as i left the hospital on my knees and went to my van i managed to get up in the seat and drive home. when i got home my legs were back and my kids were there to greet me with my Mother waiting along side them.......
Kalyssa 2016-08-14 23:36:31
I dreamed me and a hundred others were held captive, phones taken in an airport setting, TVs and games, some oblivious to whay was happening, some not, our phones were taken, and we all had a tooth ripped out, like me it was my front teeth, my mum is was her canines, etc, then it was getting cut open, all of us got cut open organs rearranged, then, it was a limb cut off and put on another person. And it continued like this until I woke up. I wasn't afraid, just confused about who this group of kidnappers were, why these 100 people were there, why everyone was so calm, why TV and games, but no phone, why were we becoming a human operation game?
Suhdude 2016-07-31 11:51:13
I had a dream where I was at a random place I've never been to, I was with one of my friends. Then these images of dismembered people started to show. Most of the body parts were bloody and it was in a work factory. There was a classic song playing which made it even more creepy. Then I woke up.

Mr Jason 2016-06-16 21:53:38
Why the hell mention his name here? Lol bro

I dreamed I was being dismembered first time I've witnessed a beating in any form lol
John 2015-04-10 19:31:11
I had a dream where I was in a post-apocalyptic zombie setting and I was scavenging with a friend when suddenly he was bitten and I had to remove his arm manually(his are was rotting so it was easier to rip off) and then another friend of mine who was also bitten on both his legs asked me to do the same and I did ,albeit this time he asked me to use anything other than my bare hands,then after doing so(with my bare hands) I woke up.
Relaxation 2014-04-10 22:09:45
I had a dream I got into a knife fight with a serial rapist at my house ended up getting big cuts on my arms but I eventually dismembered his whole body. All that was left was his torso. His name was patrick otta I believe can someone explain this.

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