Dream Dictionary Dog attack

Dream Dictionary Dog attack


In many cases a dog might not mean anything, especially if you own a dog, then the reason you'd be dreaming of it is because you see your dog so often, but if you have a dream where you see a dog attack, dog biting you etc. then you need to look into this deeper because these symbols are not meaningless.

If you have a dream of a dog attack then this means that you are worried about backlash for something that you have done recently. This makes more sense of the dog in question is a familiar dog to you. A dog will attack only if you have harmed it greatly or if you do not know it and it is a naturally aggressive dong. What type of dog this is in your dream matters greatly to interpretation. If the dog in your dream that is attacking you or giving you a dog bite is one that you do know in real life and one that you shouldn't be afraid of then this means that you have done something to anger someone else that you know and it will cause them to be very angry with you. A dog attack, dog bite, dog biting hand etc is nothing to laugh about, especially if it is a familiar dog.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Dog attack

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Lileanne 2019-04-15 22:13:55
I drempt my dog (bullarab, white) keeped attacking people, shed stop when I tell her to (I was very proud) ,I was getting mad at the people who were being attacked because they should know she was aggressive buy the fact that she was losing her mind when they were near, but they keeped trying to console her and got mad at me coz she mauled them.
HeliosEos 2023-11-06 08:24:58
Dreams involving aggressive behavior and attacks from a beloved pet can be unsettling and often leave us searching for answers and interpretations. While dream analysis is subjective and personal, we can explore some potential meanings behind your dream featuring your aggressive dog.

In dreams, dogs typically symbolize loyalty, protection, and companionship. However, when a dream dog exhibits aggressive behavior, there may be underlying feelings of frustration, anger, or a sense of being threatened in your waking life.

Your bullarab attacking people in the dream could symbolize the manifestation of these suppressed emotions or a reflection of inner conflict. It might suggest that you feel a need to assert yourself or protect those you care about. Your ability to control your dog's aggressive behavior in the dream indicates your own sense of power and influence in managing challenging situations or relationships.

The reaction of the people being attacked, trying to console your dog despite her aggressive behavior, could represent individuals in your waking life who may not fully understand or respect your boundaries. It could be a reflection of frustrations you feel due to their lack of sensitivity to your emotions or their disregard for the potential harm they might bring upon themselves.

Your feeling of anger towards these people in the dream might stem from a perceived lack of accountability on their part. You may believe they should be aware of the potential danger or negative consequences of their actions, yet they continue to push boundaries and disregard your warnings.

The aggression displayed by your dog and your subsequent reaction in the dream might indicate a need for assertiveness and setting clearer boundaries in your waking life.
Kads 2018-09-03 08:18:56
I had a dream couple weeks ago where me and my one year old daughter went down to her father's house and we were trying to open the padlocks to get into his hours. By the way we are enemies and he doesn't take care of my child. He has a fat big woman too who hates me who I found out about during our bitter breakup. In the dream while we were trying to get into the house a law woman or Probation officer came from the side of the house and started saying she is going to take me to Court for trying to get into his house.(he did take me to court to try to get my daughter before). Suddenly while the probation officer was talking to me a big brown fat pitbull appeared from the back of yard and started to chase us. I ran with my daughter and somehow put my daughter down trying to find an escape for us and the dog ran to my daughter before I could run to catch her and bit off my daughter's head right there in the dream. I've been so worried and can't sleep. Worrying for my daughter
S.S. 2019-01-16 09:32:45
Not too long ago I had a weird dream about my cousin walking out of my friend’s home because she was mad at something that my friend said. I went to chase after my cousin and a pit bull came out of nowhere and mauled my cousin to death. I don’t think too much into dreams like that I have also not had dreams about my family passing before this. My cousin just passed away a few days ago 1/8. I am so heartbroken because she was really like my big sister. We were really close. I didn’t think much to tell her about the dream but I wish I could have.
kyra 2018-07-08 04:18:00
okay someone tell me what this might mean please- last night i had a crazy dream and the only part i remember was pretty intense. in the dream me and my boyfriend were in my room and something bad was happening (which i can’t remember). we have a close friend that we hangout with almost every day so we were going to find him and ask what he thought about the bad stuff happening and as we were walking out of my front door he was coming in, to tell us that my boyfriend was going to be killed by a huge black dog. i tried to get him to go back inside and hide but our friend said that there was no point because the black dog would find him and kill him regardless. by the time our friend explained that to us the dog was in my yard fighting my dog. the black dog fought my dog until he passed out, but the black dog wouldn’t kill mine no matter how many times he got up and kept fighting. even when the black dog started going after my boyfriend my dog would continue attacking it and to me it seemed like he was trying to distract it. i couldn’t watch the attack on my boyfriend but he and the black dog fought for what seemed like hours. then what was really confusing was my dog started attacking my leg and wouldn’t let go. that’s all i remember
Hiflier 2018-06-09 01:57:31
Me and my son walking on the road , my son was little ahead then me suddenly black dog come grab my son near to his neck like lion and run away I try to chase my son was crying buy after certain distance I lost the dog and can't gear voice of my son then wake up in fear what it means
Tee 2018-05-09 12:42:42
I had a dream that a guy I use to hang around had a Pitbull that was trying to attack my child. I would try to hold the dog but he was really strong and sometimes would get away until I pinned him down so the owner could kill him with a knife. He tried to but he couldn’t because he felt bad. I don’t remember in the end if he ended up killing his dog or not.
Kymbella 2018-02-17 10:09:35
I was just waken up by this dream about my son who is in the military and is away for school and my mom who lives in another state. We were trying to get in some where and there was a fence next to the door. A vicious Doberman came running up so we moved away from the gate. Well my son went back to the fence and the dog came charging then he jumped the fence and went after him. My mom jumped in to help and then the dog started attacking her. I was running to help them while screaming for help. It was horrific. He was trying to kill. He locked his jaw and was shaking his head back and forth really aggressive. I woke up before o could get to them.
loyal88 2018-02-09 15:26:23
Last night I had a dream about running on a series of connected rooftop with three dogs. One was a dog I own which is a female shephard/husky mix, the second was a small terrier and the third was another small to medium brown and white dog but I was blocked from seeing it clear enough to see the breed. I was running with them in the front with no leash as if I was the pack leader and they were following me.
Kaylee 2018-01-14 05:12:18
This dog that I had a dream about was familiar, that lives next to me to be exact, he has attacked other dogs but not people. I always as a kid when walking in a door tend to think something is chasing me from behind. This happened to me in a dream and something was stuck in the door or something and I couldn’t close it. The dog runs up to my house, squeezes it’s head in the door and drags me out. I end up at the bottom of my steps and it starts biting my legs. Now this is a bull massive dog, it’s HUGE I can’t fight it off. I start screaming for my mom and no one comes to my rescue, but, I actually felt it scratch a sore on my leg that I have in real life. What does this mean?
Rodin 2017-12-26 10:45:53
I had a dream I was telling the two dogs to get out of my house.I open the door to the the garage to let them out.but when I open the garage to let the dogs out another one ran in and attacked me on my chest.the two dogs lured me into a trap.and I kept on saying what the f I'm going to do over and over then.I woke up. 😭
Van 2017-10-18 19:26:18
I had a dream similar to this. But except in my dream, someone released 4 dogs to attack me, while my mother was watching (my mom and I don't have the best relationship). These four dogs come after me, but out of nowhere one of the four dogs decides to protect me against the others.

What could this mean? I've had dreams where a dream guy would come and protect me from any harm, and I know for sure that he was the one dog.
Ig 2017-11-20 07:48:53
It could be someone at work or your family is angry with you? But you have friends it could be them too, they won’t let you know but be careful?
Ig 2017-11-20 07:44:02
Message from Van
I had a dream similar to this. But except in my dream, someone released 4 dogs to attack me, while my mother was watching (my mom and I don't have the best relationship). These four dogs come after me, but out of nowhere one of the four dogs decides to protect me against the others.

What could this mean? I've had dreams where a dream guy would come and protect me from any harm, and I know for sure that he was the one dog.

Priya 2017-10-15 08:22:48
I have had a dream where the dog seems friendly, he came and started sniffing my legs and then my hands..my palm.. And when I sat.. He bit me on my chest.. And was in the same position For long. When I shooed him he dint move but then I grabbed his jaw and pushed him aside and it flew, literally and turned out to be a snake.
And when I checked for injury from the bite, I dint have the marks too
ig 2017-11-20 08:10:52
its not a friend but someone is using black magic?
Kennedi 2017-09-29 12:10:14
This is like my 3rd or 4th time having a dream about a dog attacking me and I def agree with what the top part says.

Leon 2017-09-02 23:39:02
Hi, I had a very strange dream last night and I feel bad about it still. In the dream, I was at my friend's house, and I was just having fun with him for most of it. But, after a while, for some reason a bunch of smaller dogs came to attack me, and I defended myself by throwing pillows at them. However, one dog came at me really aggressively and I don't know why but I just kicked it hard and it was dead. I had never seen the dog before, but it looked like a small jack Russell terrier that was black and brown and it was ferociously painful when it bit me. I still feel awful about it, and I need answers.
Ko 2017-08-24 09:44:02
(Sorry if this comment is too long) It was more of a nightmare that i had about this dog last night. It was huge, about as big as a female lion. Its body was pitch black but its eyes were wide and red, and i could see its mouth,teeth showing as if the skin in the face was ripped off. Almost similar to the image of the creepypasta "smile dog". The whole body looked grotesque in black goop or whatever was coming off the dog. I somehow disturbed it as i found it behind some entrance to go outside (of this building i found unfamiliar). The dog was coming after me and i tried avoiding it behind a counter in the kitchen. For some reason it didnt want to go away and kept staring at me, as if it really wanted to hurt me. With every turn i tried to juke it, but it was too smart. Suddenly it started walking faster towards me around the counter and i started to panick. Thats when my dream ended but i still cant get the image of its face out of my mind. I havent seen anything that horrifying in so long.
Blessing 2017-07-24 05:30:04
Please someone should interpret this dream for me
I dreamt that i was bitten by a dog on my leg and I ran after the dog and I kill the dog. Please can someone tell me the meaning of my dream cause I'm really scared
Kloe 2017-06-19 17:07:59
I just dreamt this last night. I dreamt that I was at my old school and there was a big black dog. And some people were afraid to enter the school because of that dog, and also because it looked like it was going to kill someone. I just dreamt this last night. I dreamt that I was at my old school and there was a big black dog. And some people were afraid to enter the school because of that dog, and also because it looked like it was going to kill someone. For some reason I just slowly walked pass the dog because if you don't run the dog won't hurt you, well not in my dream, Well not in my dream. And when I walked past it, it just started to bite me, and I was running ;it was chasing me, and it bit me from my head. In my dream I felt no pain, but I was scared.
lola 2017-06-09 18:54:27
I dreamed I visited the man I'm seeing at his house for the first time and his two small dogs (he does not have dogs in reality) were barking and trying to bite me.
We closed them out but then turns out there was a hole in the door and they got in and were biting at my arms.
Terry 2017-05-11 17:17:13
I dreamed a big grayish black dog jumped in my car that I don't have and attacked me , but then I woke up.
Guadalupe 2017-03-18 17:04:59
I dreamed a big black dog was barking in my face and i pushed him away and woke up after that i just dont know what type of dog it is .
Deeh 2017-01-18 07:24:52
And also in my dream my friends dog that iknow very well bite my hand and no matter where I go it follows me and attacKS me he kept biting my hand at one point my whole arm went into his mouth it was a black Labrador staffie I think..I was so scared of it and every time it chases me I end up in a room were I find my partner and my friend talking on the bed but the vibe I got was very unease I felt something was going on between them.
Alysse 2017-01-17 16:56:50
I dreamt last night that I went into someone's house and their dog seems friendly at first suddenly attacked me, no matter how I ran away, it kept chasing me.
payal 2017-01-15 19:40:06
I had a dream last night..i saw a black lab and I am so scared of it, its trying to attack on me, but my husband silence it and freeze it, during that time i passes it and then climbs up stairs..after that when i come out of that house witha pack of some of my frnds i could see a white lab , bigger in size outside the gate which is closed. I tried to help my frnds cross the gate, but during that time that dog is very much angry on me and lashes out at me and about to catch my neck, by the time i wakes up from my dream..i am sure dream is trying to convey something to me..help me guys!
Thanks In advance
Abdullah 2016-12-31 05:04:15
I had a dream that this out bull was trying to kill me. It all started because he was with about 6 pups and his mate. I stepped on his paw and he had it in for me from there. He chased me up a pole and through a huge apartment building. I would lose him but he would find me later. He was out for blood. He didn't care about anyone else but me. It's like he smelled where I was. Still thinking about it and I'm awake.
sketch 2016-12-18 18:43:15
I had a dream that this rottweiler that i never new but heard about because it died when i was born attacked me, i was in the hallway at my house and i started to hear growling, it started to get louder and louder, until i turned around to see a shadow i didnt get to act quick enough and then bam, it jumped at me and knocked me over, it started nipping at me but it did not bite me, for i was holding it back, i was crying and i tried to scream bt i didnt make a sound, so yeah, thats how my dream went. please, let me know if this is a bad thing or a good thing, thank you for your time.

Sabrina 2016-12-15 16:17:46
I had a dream and my grandma and dog haf passed. I was sitting at the end of my mom's bed watching a movie and I heard a creek on the stares. It was my grandma on all fours and she turned into my dog misty. I then appeared in the corner of the ceiling watching myself be killed by the dog. I have always been afraid of dogs since I was little. I woke up not being able to scream or talk.
Djsk 2016-10-30 05:38:16
I had a dream I was walking down the street out of no where this brown dog came at me but I wasnt scared I lift my right leg and rest it on the dog neck and it calm him down. What dose that mean
Moso 2016-12-13 00:08:25
It means that you shoe game is on point ,, keep on buying those quick jordans
Jesse 2016-09-08 02:24:41
I just had a dream that in was sleeping in the my brother's room (which I am right now) and my brother and cousin were playing on the computer. Then, out of nowhere we hear a loud, vicious barking from a distance, but it gets louder and closer. Then I look down at the side of a bed to see a black dog trying to drag me from the bed, but then it jumps on me and attacks me. I couldn't scream or anything even though i tried, it was like my throat wouldn't push out a sound. All I could do was stare at the dog in fear. It was scary to me because I've been scared of dogs since I was a little girl, and when the dog jumped on me i could feel the pressure of a huge dog on my chest.
ig 2017-11-20 08:19:46
Has someone asked you a question, it's about this person wanted something with you and you didn't understand and this man is very angry with you?
Johnson 2016-11-19 23:09:24
Please this one you have to consult your Pastor ok.
Meenu 2016-07-23 00:33:52
Hello... I saw this dream early morning two black dogs or black Labradors, i'm not sure. In my dream one is clam and quiet but another was keeping his two front hands on my shoulders & kind of scaring me or attacking but I try to calm him down and rubbing my hand on his head and later a lady came and took dog away from me and patting him on his back and then i saw this aggressive dog lying down and keeping head in lady's lap , this dog was speaking something no one loves me , everyone hates me kind of and three white Pomeranian dog standing there and I was standing there and looking all these dogs there. And suddenly awake and dreams end
Kresha 2016-07-07 18:28:06
I had a dream that a pit bull that I have never seen before was attacking my sister. But the dog was being nice to my son. And my son was laughing and playing and excited to see the dog. I woke up worried about my sister and son. I really need to know what it means.
Rosa 2016-11-13 03:22:19
I had a dream about a pit bull too, I have never seen it but it was a caramel brown and was really muscular. In the dream, I owned the dog but in reality I don't own one and I've never seen this dog before. So when I take my 2 year old nephew outside to see the dog my nephew got scared and the dog says to him "don't be scared if you're with her, I already love you.." and out of no where the dog makes a really loud weird bark and scares my nephew and he starts crying again and I did too
Laugher 2016-06-20 07:41:22
I don't think I've dreamt about any aggressive dongs lately hahaha.

Please proof read your posts.

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