Dream Dictionary Dog drowning

Dream Dictionary Dog drowning


As psychology tells us, the more time we spend around anything, the more likely it is to show up in our dreams. But, you can also have strange dreams in which dogs are in situations that you have never seen them in real life and dreams where you can't place how you would have ever had that thought, for dreams like this, there is dream interpretation.

If you have a dream in which you see a dog drowning then this means you might be worried that you are not going to be able to do something. Dogs are known for their signature paddling style called the dog paddle. They can paddle away to their heart's content to get through the water and they are really good at it too. All they need to do is work up a little momentum and then paddle away with the protection of the water around them to help them out. If you have a dream in which you see a dog drowning then it means that the dog symbolizes yourself. Dogs are really good swimmers and there should be no reason that they would drown. To suddenly conceive of a dog being unable to do it means you are suddenly finding fault in your own qualifications and your own abilities to accomplish difficult tasks that you previously felt confident about.

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Julian 2023-12-25 06:16:16
Just dreamed about being at my house and we are outside in our backyard. We have a hill going down to our backyard and there was a party going on in the pond that we had no idea of. Regardless we let it happen and walk around our backyard with our two dogs Odie and Ernie. A few times there would be waves of water that would come down to us from this super high mountain next to our house and push us away. My mother would be telling me "Don't let Ernie and Odie touch the water!" Me and my brothers tried our hardest to not let them touch the water. However the waves coming down were super shallow waves nothing to be afraid of. But we heard all the kids who were having a party screaming Help Us in a carefree and having fun type of manner while a huge, ginormous wave comes down and splashes them all and it makes the pond water levels rise higher. We all laughed until we looked at the mountain and saw the exact same wave coming down towards us. Me and my brother (7th grade) start bracing Odie and Ernie each of us holding our dogs by the leash for dear life. As the wave comes down we are hit the wave and my mom is screaming saying our names. I get up holding Ernie in my hands but I see my brother dead man floating in the water and our dog Odie being carried away by the wave that just hit us. I decide to throw Ernie to my mom and jump to save Odie. (At this moment the water levels are high enough to be able to swim in them and since this wave was massive it went down our hill to the pond and had connected.) So Odie goes down the hill of water because my brother who is only in 7th is not physically capable of holding onto a dog being carried away by waves on a leash. So I jump into the water to save Odie from going deeper into the water and for some odd reason there were little mini little pockets of water that spin that you see typhoons make. As I jump into the water to save Odie I wake up breathing heavily and go to my mom telling her my story. So now I am here interested to know what my dream means. If age play a role into meaning of dreams as well I'm 15 in sophmore year of highschool.
HeliosEos 2023-12-26 01:06:30
In your dream, your house and backyard may represent a sense of personal space, security, and the familiar aspects of your life. Houses are often seen as extensions of ourselves in dreams.

The unexpected party in the pond could symbolize events or emotions that are bubbling up in your subconscious that you were not aware of or have not acknowledged in your waking life.

Your dogs, Odie and Ernie, might represent aspects of your life that you feel responsible for or protective over. Dogs are often associated with loyalty, friendship, and the simpler, more instinctual aspects of our personalities.

The waves in your dream could be interpreted as challenges, changes, or overwhelming emotions. The fact that they are initially shallow suggests that you may perceive certain issues or feelings as not being particularly threatening at first.

Your mother's warning about not letting the dogs touch the water may speak to a protective instinct or a fear of something "contaminating" or harming those aspects of your life symbolized by the dogs.

The larger wave might represent a situation that initially seemed manageable but has become more serious or threatening, overwhelming you and others. This could be related to emotions, relationships, or any stressors that you're dealing with in your life.

The repeated focus on trying to save the dogs, especially the urgency and the swirling pockets of water, suggest a feeling of responsibility to protect or save something important to you. It represents a struggle or challenge that you feel strongly about.

Your dream ending with you waking up and looking for comfort from your mom signifies a need for support as you face your subconscious fears or concerns.

Considering you're 15 and in sophomore year of high school, this dream could be reflecting common teenage concerns such as growing up, taking on more responsibilities, the safety of loved ones, and the unpredictable nature of life's changes as you start to look toward the future.
Samantha 2023-12-22 07:01:26
I had a dream that I saw my dog and another dog in a pool. They were looking at the bottom of the pool and not swimming around. I looked at the bottom of the pool to see what they were looking at and saw two dogs. One dog needed help. The other dog wouldn’t leave him and my dog and the other dog were looking down at them so someone would come help. My friend was there sweeping around the pool and I told her we have to jump in and pull these dogs out. She would not do it. She said I will call for someone to do it. I jumped in and pulled each dog out one by one. I remember feeling a little scared that the dogs might also be scared and not let me help them and possibly bite me. But all four of them let me pull them out one by one.

What does this mean?
HeliosEos 2023-12-25 05:16:46
1. Protective Instincts: Seeing your dog, and another dog, looking at something in concern may represent your own protective instincts and sense of responsibility—not just for your pet but for others as well.

2. Responsibility and Taking Action: Your reaction to the situation—jumping in to help when you see others in need, despite your friend's hesitance—may indicate that you are someone who feels a strong urge to take action and help, even when others around you are not willing to step in.

3. Overcoming Fear: The worry that the dogs you are trying to help might bite you, yet still going ahead with the rescue, could suggest that you are confronting fears or anxieties in your life, and that you are willing to face risks to help others or resolve issues.

4. Frustration with Others: Your friend's unwillingness to jump into the pool and help, preferring instead to call someone else, might reflect feelings of frustration you have with others in your waking life who may not be as proactive or helpful as you wish they would be.

5. Success in Adversity: Successfully rescuing the dogs despite the potential risks may symbolize your ability to succeed and handle challenging situations well in your waking life. The fact that the dogs let you help them indicates cooperation and a positive outcome of your efforts.

6. Compassion and Rescue: At a broader level, saving animals in dreams often signifies a compassionate nature and the desire to rescue or save something meaningful in your waking life, potentially something that feels vulnerable or neglected.
Meriam 2022-11-15 07:03:54
Dreamed about black puppy suspected drown in the river
theDream 2023-11-29 07:15:50
1. Puppies in Dreams: Puppies generally symbolize friendship, loyalty, and innocence. They can represent new beginnings or the start of a new relationship in your life. Dreaming of a puppy may also be tied to feelings of nurturing and care.

2. Color Black: The color black in dreams is often associated with the unknown, the unconscious, or possibly something negative or repressed within yourself. It might also indicate a period of confusion or uncertainty.

3. Drowning: Drowning or water in distress in dreams often symbolizes emotional struggles, feelings of overwhelm, or being swallowed by the circumstances you are facing. It could reflect a sense of losing control or fear of being overwhelmed by emotions or a situation in waking life.

4. Rivers: Rivers in dreams can represent the flow of life, your personal journey, and the passage of time. Depending on the context and feeling in the dream, they may suggest emotional transitions or periods of change.

Putting these symbols together, dreaming of a black puppy that is believed to have drowned in a river could suggest that you have fears or worries about a new beginning or a relationship in your life. The black color signifies that there might be aspects of this situation that are not fully apparent to you or might carry negative emotions. The aspect of drowning indicates that there may be an overwhelming challenge or emotional turmoil associated with this 'new beginning,' and the river emphasizes the journey or continuous evolution of this situation.
Samantha Mc 2022-03-05 09:09:00
I had a dream that a dog was tied to the end of a dock post in a pond. The dog was left to swim until it's death. It only had little rope from the dock post to around its neck, so the dog could not get back up on the dock, or swim to land. I awoke before I saw the outcome of the dogs life. However this dream really for some reason had me in tears when it woke me up. I wish I knew what it meant! I used to have a dream book, but I no longer have it.
HeliosEos 2023-11-06 08:11:15
In dreams, animals often symbolize the instinctual or primal aspects of ourselves. The dog in your dream may represent loyalty, friendship, or companionship, as dogs are known for their devotion to humans. The image of the dog being tied to the end of the dock post in the pond suggests a sense of entrapment, helplessness, or being unable to escape from a difficult situation.

The fact that the dog couldn't climb back up onto the dock or swim to land indicates a lack of freedom or restriction in your waking life. This could be connected to feelings of being trapped or overwhelmed by certain circumstances or responsibilities. The dream may reflect a situation where you feel unable to find a way out or make progress, leading to a sense of frustration, sadness, or emotional distress.

The dream ending before you could see the outcome might indicate uncertainty or unresolved feelings about the situation you are currently facing. It suggests that you may be grappling with the fear of not knowing what the future holds or how things will turn out.

The strong emotional response of waking up in tears suggests that this dream has touched upon deep-seated emotions and sensitivities within you. It could be a reflection of your empathy and compassion, not just for the dog in the dream but also for yourself or others who may be experiencing a similar sense of helplessness or confinement.

It's important to remember that the interpretation of dreams is subjective, and the most accurate understanding of your dream will come from reflecting on your own emotions, experiences, and personal circumstances.
Isabel 2022-01-08 16:19:33
In my dream, I took my (very still and lifeless) dog out of the peaceful water and she came back to life. There was also a similar dog under the water, too, and she was moving a little - we took her out and she was fine, too.
Trazequeline 2021-09-25 09:11:39
3 nights ago I had a strange dream involving our beloved family dog Nypat and our previous family dog, Libbie, who passed away in 2007. Libbie was 18yrs old, had been our family pet since 12weeks old and had to be put to sleep after having a stroke in September 2007. Three nights ago I dreamed that I found Ny, lying on her side on the bottom of bucket or bowl of some kind, under around 10 inches of water. Terrified I reached in and pulled her out and lying her on her side I began to rub and press her tummy to try to remove the water from her lungs and bring her back to life. The water started to push up and out of her lungs and I knew she was going to make it. As I turned to go to get help I saw an identical bowl and looking inside I saw the same but this time it was Libbie. She looked just like Libbie did as a puppy, but in my dream, even though I was seeing Libbie, my mind was believing this was Ny. Only after I woke did I realise it was Libbie body, but, within the dream state, I knew it was Ny…. Two days later, (yesterday), our beloved Ny turned 15years old and, aged 105 in dog years, she fell critically ill with major internal bleeding after a battle with a cancer growth in her abdomen. We had to give Ny her Angel wings yesterday on her 15th birthday. I am troubled by this dream and I cannot shake the memory of it. Was it prophetic? Could it mean that Libbie was forewarning me? Or did I subconsciously know we would lose our little girl and again feel the heartbreak as we did losing Libbie? I do hope Libbie had come to say she would lead Ny to a better place and they would both play happily together chasing and barking at the birds overhead. They had that trait in common. Both would run around and bark relentlessly at anything in the sky, and at different times of my life, 14years apart, both of them behaving this way always made me smile and laugh at their wonder and excitement at this object in the air which was impossibly out of reach.
Does anyone have any thoughts? Interpretations? I am posting this in the hope that writing it down and sharing my dream will help me to hide it away in my emotional distressing thought locker, so that I can find some peace….. I haven’t shared this with my little family….. Their own feelings of loss are still so raw and I cannot burden them whilst they are still so emotionally wounded…..
Cynthia 2020-09-11 11:45:28
I had a dream one of my dogs drowned i went down to save her and couldnt when i pulled her back up some1 a dr or something was there and said she was dead. I wanna cry i know my dog is fine shes in her room but this dream was so hurtful. I keep checking on her to thenpoint i was even going to call out of work. I know its a dream but some dreams feel all to real. What does this dream mean? Also it was a huge river or lake or something ive never even been to one.
Jackson 2018-04-01 14:06:16
I had a dream where i was with my family in my backyard and for some reason i start to hyle up the neighbors dog over the fence and my mom yells at me to stop or it will jump over the fence and come on our side and it ended up doing just that and started running around widly like it hadnt been out in ages so my sister tells me to grab the dog so i chase it around and it falls in the pool and instead of paddling it starts barking for help and it sibks to the bottom so i jump in after it and i barely was able to pull it up then some weird force came and forced ut back down and tgat happened 3 times until finally i was able to pull it up but to figure out its dead... And its weird and i dint know if it has connection to anything but i remember that the dogs name was slader
Victoria 2018-02-19 20:34:10
My dreams were a big white dog and their little puppies White and that they were letting them drown because they were at the beginning they were rats and as ever drowning and getting taken out from a whole they became puppies they were all white what does that mean
Eva 2017-11-27 09:35:59
I dreamt of an angry hippo last night. Destroying everything in its path to find her baby. After avoiding it charging through a river I saw its baby on the bank of the river. Clearly this mother was so angry that she was too blind to see her baby. I stroked the baby hippo but then heard a dog crying. Earlier in the dream I had a pack of all sorts of dogs with me, I've of them kept trying to attack the others. When I heard the dog crying I thought it might be one of them. I searched for it and saw a dog lodged under the water that I had not seen before. He was all cut up from what I presumed to be the angry hippo. His head and neck we're sorry of locked in by the rock and he was upside down. I picked him up I thought of how I will save him and Apr him to bring him back to health and he would be my friend forever. I carried him for a long walk back to my house. He licked my face as he was in my arms and on our wall we saw a dissension of treehouses and aviaries full of beautiful birds. I felt a deep love for this dog.
Irma 2017-04-21 17:47:30
Had a dream I was with another person.and they told me to come and see the dog dead in the water
Makayla 2016-11-21 13:14:45
I had a dream where a little girl came running into the house I was at, screaming puppies needed help. I ran out and saw a pool, littered with leaves. I could just see four puppies floating on the water. I scooped one out and started patting it until it came to. One was saved by the mother of the girl.The other two i also grabbed. The first one was a border collie and to make it breath i had to do CPR on it. It finally came to and the last one was a black lab. I had to do the same thing and it eventually came to, sneezing. I was holding it in my hand able to feel how soft and warm it was. I wrapped it up in the towel and was stroking its head and told my mother and grandmother the dog was okay. That was when I woke up.....

kirsty lousise 2016-10-05 23:57:29
had a dream i was sat on a bridge with someone that i aint been in contact with for years, the bridge was really high and there was flowing fast water below, my dog fell off and i watched him falling until he hit the water, he was floating there on his back dead, i was about to jump off even though i cannot swim then i woke up in fear calling his name . what does this mean ?
Johanna Rivera MA 2015-10-11 14:25:59
I dreamed that I was trying to cook viandas and my boyfriend put the dogs on the counter in which two of them felt in the sink they got wet and one was too small to swim so I called him to get the dogs out because I was cooking and my hand where wet! But now I get the meaning thank you!
Terrified 2015-09-24 06:57:56
I had a dream where i watched a lady who had cancer find out that it had come back. She then took her dog out into a river and lead the dog into black rubbish bag and just left it there in the water, and the dog trusted her so it just did as she said. And from every moment on she was responding to talk but very absent
Lady with dogs 2015-05-20 20:42:51
I dreamt of 3 tan boxer puppies circling like goldfish in a fish tank. This was in a house we've recently moved in to but seemed different in the dream. I own animals of my own and this disturbed me. As I started to relay to my cousin in my dream that we would be questioned regarding this on the day of judgment. So I preceded to take one of the pups out and she turned into a beautiful young Caribbean girl around 14-16yrs old who I started to dry off and she said could she ask me a question and I said yes then she asked whether I still smoke and I told her that I had stopped.. Later the same pups were now. Black and one of my own pups was in the dream and then a few people including a young girl wearing a high visibility jacket leading a horse walked past the house while I held onto my dogs so not to startle them. Could not work out what this meant.
Elizabeth 2015-05-09 21:01:14
Idk but i had a dream thay my two puppys were drowning and die then we toook them out and there were back to life
whitney 2015-05-03 22:53:32
Whats it mean when i have a dream about baby animals being swept up by a wave but the adults and people just get left there on the beach.
Lucia 2015-04-09 03:15:05
I had a dream of seeing two fish tank sitting next to each other with a small dog in each one. In my dream they were able to breathe in water, but the dogs were looking at each other barking..what does this mean?
Kelly 2015-02-22 00:45:15
I had a dream when my dog came with us to Fance on our usual holiday(my dog never comes with us though)to a place with a huge pool and I put her in our little holiday home thing and I went to the pool then after about 5 minutes of me in the pool 2 teenagers were holding my dog over the pool (my dog cant swim) I then screamed and as I went to save her they dropped her in the pool I finally reached her but I was too weak to lift her back up and then out of nowhere my dad jumpes into the pool and we both manage to pull her up. I then woke up realising that I was crying and sweating ALOT. Please help me I have searched website to website but nothing helps.

(There was one that said I was afraid of my dog being left with my grandparents in Ireland while I was in France because I would not be able to see/be with her)thoughts?

Thank you xx
Lisy 2014-11-17 04:45:59
I dreamt I was showing off a fence to my parents that I made to keep my great pyrs from escaping...but suddenly the fence shrunk and both dogs ran out into the grass which suddenly turned into piles of snow in an icy winter.... suddenly a lake appeared only about 100 feet long and 20 feet across and both dogs jumped onto the ice pond and sank into the slush under water... I jumped in but my feetfrozen into two feet of water as the dogs were being held under by the weight of the slush... my step dad jumped in and was deeply over his head trying to hold 140 pound pup over his head for me to reach and the other was deeply drowning and I woke up. Last night, the very next night, I dreamt we traded one of my cherished dogs to neigbots for one of theirs though that woule never happen in real life... and I realized I wanted my dog back but I was wading through mounds of dog poop from their dog in my yard to get to my dog who had turned into a puppy again and was running loose towards the road. My neighbors don't own dogs... I have vivid dog dreams of my dogs drowning or being lost or hit or even swept into a tornado *crying*
Jb 2017-06-12 16:28:19
I hit unlike to see. U cant remove it or change it. Probably was an accident.
Lisy 2014-11-18 04:48:43
I tried to see who "unliked" my dream because I liked other dreams on here, trying to find any common dreamers... but it unliked my own dream instead of telling me who unliked it. Geez, was just sharing... wish I could remove it now. Thanks for the positive feedback smh.
Doreen 2014-10-28 21:43:00
I had a dream that a dog I had in the past who was a little over weight and fat drowned because my family and I were at the lake and we had this huge floaty with a net and a huge wave came and flipped it over and I rushed to save my little cousins cause I was the only adult and when everyone was fine and the huge waves stopped I looked over at my dog (who has actually passed away a couple years back) and he was going under so I swam over and grabbed him, unable to pull him up i tried and tried and he was pulling me down but out of nowhere I saw a floaty and i pulled it under and put his bottom legs through and it pulled him up and i swam him to shore trying to blow in his mouth and he was dead. I woke up crying hysterically. What does this mean/ 🙁
syneval 2014-08-27 02:09:05
I had I was washing drool off a puppy in a sink and turned away for a moment, the puppy drowned. I pulled the puppy out of the water and pumped its stomach. The puppy survived. Odd I also noted in my bathroom I had no reflection.
Gretchen 2014-08-19 11:52:51
I had a dream where I was on a boat with my family and as we were on it, I saw a dog in the water, a Labrador, and I saw him only because I saw that his safety swim gear was floating above him. But the strange thing is that he wasn't attempting to swim to shore. He was just on the bottom of the water. Just letting himself drown.

Raven 2014-02-27 03:24:03
Twice now I have seen my puppy in a fish tank and in the dreams each reaction was different as was the outcome.
The first time when I saw her in there I found out I couldn't open it from the front so I ran and ran coming into a important persons office and I demanded he opened it once he did I reached in and pulled her out and got her out.
The second time I saw her but calmly smile as if it was normal and continue on my work when I look at her and realize this isn't right and I scold my self all the way into the office as before and this time I remember how to open the wall and I do it myself but I can't reach her through the hole provided.
I tried till my shoulder hurt from pushing so hard but, I wasn't successful. Now in my awaken state I ponder why I didn't just break the tank. . .
Christine 2014-10-06 23:55:14
Just had a dream about my dog while she was a puppy and she was drowning in a fishtank.. I pulled her out crying and attempted CPR and finally she spit up and was fine. Woke up seconds later bawling my eyes out
Jazmin 2014-01-31 19:43:05
I had a similar dream to Chris however I saved my husky (who is an amazing swimmer- even loves being in water) from drowning in a public pool. It was freaky.
teni 2013-10-28 12:10:39
I had the same dream just a while back. But it was a deep pool. I could knit gather though...🙁 this dog that i dreamt about has already passed away a few years back too.
Chris 2013-10-18 11:47:08
Similar dream I had about my own dog drowning after jumping in a lake,however I jumped in to save him, when at the bottom of the water I reached out to grab my dog my arm would not stretch out at first but I forced it and I got him and got him to shore. Weird dream I thought. Any interpretations of that.

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