Even if you'd never been abused, you have probably seen a lot of instances in which you have seen the news and heard of someone that was abused. Thus, because it is so prevalent you end up dreaming of these things and fantasizing about them. In your dreams though, they might not actually be so bad in terms of dream interpretation.
A dream about domestic violence, domestic abuse etc can be very traumatizing because it will usually naturally lead you towards having different feelings about the person that you are with. Even though there might not be any substance to the dreams at all, they usually result in you feeling differently about your lover when they are done even though you think that you shouldn't feel this way. If you have a dream about domestic abuse or where you are abused then this could mean a number of things which will be discussed here.
If you have a dream where you are being abused by your lover then this could mean you feel like you are not being respected in your relationship. Your lover is not treating you with the respect you deserve. This idea of yours could have arisen from any number of places, but if you have a dream like this then there must be a place in your life where you feel like your ideas are not being respected. Does your lover always listen to you and pay attention to your ideas? Does he or she always pay attention to you when you call out for him or try to have a conversation with him? Does he ever objectify you? Your answers to these questions will determine for you if this is where your dream came from. A dream in which you are being abused could also relate to the idea of you not only being disrespected but not being treated like you deserve to be.
If you have a dream in which you are the abusive one then this might have some bearing on your life and what your dream means too. To dream that you are the abusive one in the relationship means that you feel like you are not respecting your lover like you should. As distraught as this dream is probably making you, you should know that overall this is a good thing; it is a good thing that you are able to realize that what you are doing is not good. There are many relationships that end early because the person that is being abusive or disrespectful never realizes that this is happening until it is already too late and the other partner has decided it is time to leave on his or her own.
If you have a dream where you are being abusive, the best thing to do when you wake up is just to make sure to pay more attention to your partner. You need to ask for her opinion more often, when she has an idea about something that conflicts with what you wanted to do or the way you viewed things, forget about your views for now and make sure that she sees what you want to do. She needs to tell that you are making a change so you need to be as obvious as possible about it if you want to really win back her favor.
To begin, it's important to acknowledge that interpreting dreams is a subjective process. Different contexts, individuals, and circumstances often lead to distinct interpretations. So, while the following interpretations may provide some insights, they may not apply universally.
Experiencing dreams about domestic violence can be incredibly distressing. If you're a victim or survivor of domestic violence, these dreams could be an expression of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other forms of trauma. In such cases, the dream might not be symbolic but rather a literal replay of past traumatic events. It's highly recommended that individuals in this situation seek professional help, such as psychotherapy or counseling, to cope with the emotional impact and heal from their experiences.
If you haven't personally experienced domestic violence, but dream of it, this might suggest a significant level of stress, or a feeling of being threatened in your waking life. It could be symbolic of power imbalance, control issues, or conflict within personal relationships. This dream serves as a warning sign, urging you to address any harmful patterns or behaviors, and to seek support or intervention in serious cases.
Dreaming of domestic violence could signify being trapped or controlled, even beyond the realm of physical violence. An abusive relationship in a dream can represent an aspect of your life where you feel oppressed, manipulated, or powerlessness. This sense of restraint might not be linked to an actual person, but perhaps to an unhealthy work environment, societal expectations, or self-imposed limitations.
Contrarily, dreaming about domestic violence doesn't always imply literal aggression or conflict. It could symbolize internal negative feelings or emotions that you have towards yourself or aspects of your own character. It may suggest a harsh internal dialogue, self-critical tendencies, or destructive behaviors towards oneself. In this context, understanding these dreams can be a step towards self-awareness and eventually self-love and healing.
Though gruesome, these dreams can also be reflective of witnessing or being aware of instances of domestic violence. If you are constantly exposed to news or stories about domestic violence, these could seep into your dreams as a reflection of your fears, concerns, or sympathies.
2023-01-19 17:41:29
I dreamt getting chased, then pictures of faceless women getting abused by their husbands popping up. I'm assuming they are dead since they are chasing me ruthlessly.
2021-02-13 18:29:38
I'm married, but since the start of 2020, my wife and I haven't been intimate. I try to talk to her but she always says she doesn't want to talk and shuts me down and I try to romance her by suggesting date night (some time away from the kids), presents, flowers but it's all in vain. I work hard to provide a good life for my wife and kids. I try to be a good man and good husband/lover and the best dad I can be. Somewhere along the way fulfilling the needs for the people I care about, I started getting taken for granted. My wife dots on our daughter and is a wonderful mother, in return my daughter absolutely favors her mum, so I'm kind of left out of the picture.
In the dream my wife had a swollen eye, she looks like she was just punched and approaches me wanting to be comforted. I don't feel like I was the one that punched her. But that she had gotten the swollen eye from her father or that someone else abused her. There are also theses 4 huge black widow spiders. I know they are dangerous. I'm afraid they'll hurt my wife and children so I burn them.
I wake up from the dream happy. Like I just vanquished something evil.
I've never hit my wife. We've had arguments. Yelling at each other. So why would I feel elated at her being physically abused and needing my help?
2023-11-28 18:05:31
Your dream about your wife coming to you with a swollen eye and the subsequent vanquishing of the dangerous spiders might be an expression of your subconscious processing the feelings of helplessness and exclusion you're experiencing in your waking life.
1. Wife with a Swollen Eye: Her injury might symbolize perceived emotional hurt or vulnerability within the relationship. The swollen eye—often associated with seeing—might suggest that there's something affecting her perception, or that your relationship has been 'wounded' in some way.
2. The Source of Her Injury: You don't feel like you were the one that gave her the swollen eye and think maybe her father or someone else did. This could represent an external factor that you feel is impacting your relationship—something beyond your control.
3. The Black Widow Spiders: Spiders could symbolize feelings of being trapped or menaced. Black widow spiders, in particular, are associated with fear, danger, and female power. Your fear for your wife and children's safety in the dream could reflect your waking life anxieties about protecting your family or the security of your household.
4. Burning the Spiders: Taking action to eliminate these threats in the dream might represent your desire to tackle the problems you're facing in your relationship and being the protector of your family, a role that you seem to value highly.
5. Feeling of Elation: Waking up feeling happy as if you've "vanquished something evil" may not be about actual harm coming to your wife but rather about your need to overcome the helplessness that comes with being unable to resolve the emotional distance between you. The happiness in the dream could stem from a sense of empowerment or effectiveness, which might be missing for you in your current circumstances.
The key takeaway from the dream could be a desire for reconnection and a more active role in restoring the balance of your family life. Your subconscious might be suggesting that you want to be someone who can address and 'heal' the issues within your relationship and protect your family unit from whatever is 'poisoning' it, as symbolized by the danger of the spiders. This dream is likely a reflection of your deep-seated concerns and desires regarding your marital relationship and family dynamics. It's a manifestation of your wish to protect, heal, and be the hero for your family—not a desire for your wife to be hurt.
2021-02-04 10:19:24
I had a dream where I married my boyfriend. The wedding was beautiful and everyone was happy until quickly it turned abusive and I dreamed about him physically hitting me, pinning me against walls and yelling. When I wake up I feel guilty because he’s always been so kind, has never been abusive so I don’t know where this comes from.
2018-11-21 19:23:40
I had a dream where a guy and a girl got married and it was really serene at first but then he started yelling at her for trying to sell a vase that has no value to them. Then he refused to let her leave the house and buy any clothes. She tried hiding from him but by the end of my dream, he tied her up and threw her on the couch
2018-07-03 10:00:47
I have been having similar dreams about me abusing my partner for a while. I have been in mentally abusive relationships my whole life. In my dream I ask my partner questions and he refused to answer them, I am scared and upset. He finds it funny and he laughs at my fear. I throw things onto the floor and at him. He keeps laughing, I’m hysterically crying. I start hitting him and he answers my questions, still laughing. In the dreams I believe that he’s cheating on me. These dreams are so real that when I wake up I really struggle to let go of them. Our relationship is not healthy and we argue all the time, I feel insecure a lot.
Trey mojer
2018-05-28 06:26:47
I had a dream where my father beat my mother over child support in front of me and I had confronted him about it I could move it speak for a little while, or until I woke up
2018-04-06 13:28:44
I keep having a dream where me and my friends are all at my beach house, I go out back at around 6:00 and suddenly this man who I’ve never seen before slaps me and knocks me out after repetitively hitting me. I’ve never had any remote encounter with assault, harassment, or abuse.
2017-12-29 17:31:54
I also had this dream where I am in the car with my mum and sister Christmas day but the car is stationary on our drive when our neighbours come out of their house and start having a domestic around our car so badly that he smashes our back window a bit and I think he is going to kill her. It goes on for so long then afterwards they go back to their house as though nothing happened but it is so sad that the children can't speak about it. I think the car is significant in that we observe so much but feel too frightened or powerless to help.
2017-07-06 15:38:27
i had a dream about a man throwing babies in rough water and then going home and abusing his wife while i watched
2017-03-22 09:55:45
I had this nightmare which on top of having others themes, had this one reoccurring theme that this dream would take me back to. So (my mom and my) car is sitting behind a couple other collars waiting for the stoplight to turn green. Not too far behind us we can see a car with a red haired middle aged woman seated next to a man probably 10 years older than her and a young woman in the backseat behind the man. Somehow in my dream, despite not knowing their identities, I knew that the guy was the"husband" of the red haired lady and the young woman in the backseat was definitely related to them and probably their daughter. Then the guy, whose facing the daughter, turns around and takes his wife's face and slaps so hard it hits the window. Then he turns back around to the daughter and they both talk casually as if nothing ever happened and ignore her. This happens again later in my dream the exact same way, except this time, the guy takes his wife's face and smashes it straight through the front window (afterwards of course he and daughter ignore the situation and converse casually). my mom and I are really scared but unable to help or call 919(we're stuck in our car). What does it mean?
2017-03-15 02:28:50
I had a dream where i was just cuddling in my current lovers arms, kissing his neck and shouler when suddenly he gripped my side, enough to draw slight blood, and whispered in my ear 'If you continue to do that, I'll slam your pretty little f*cking face into the cememt' Then my alarm woke me up. Any ideas what it means?
2017-01-28 03:17:59
I keep dreaming my Abusive Ex comes banging on my Door, trying to smash it in. There are always chunks of holes in the door. I am on the inside behind the door trying to stop him entering. What does this mean please?
2016-04-15 04:52:53
i had a dream about my bf getting drunk and being really rude and hitting me an then he cheated on me but like he treats me perfectly.....???
2015-09-17 02:33:23
I'm only 13 yrs old and I had a dream about being abused by my husband but I don't have a boyfriend I don't even like anyone at my school why did this happen email me at Ladybug0232@gmail.com
Comments: Dream Dictionary Domestic violence, Domestic abuse
Experiencing dreams about domestic violence can be incredibly distressing. If you're a victim or survivor of domestic violence, these dreams could be an expression of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other forms of trauma. In such cases, the dream might not be symbolic but rather a literal replay of past traumatic events. It's highly recommended that individuals in this situation seek professional help, such as psychotherapy or counseling, to cope with the emotional impact and heal from their experiences.
If you haven't personally experienced domestic violence, but dream of it, this might suggest a significant level of stress, or a feeling of being threatened in your waking life. It could be symbolic of power imbalance, control issues, or conflict within personal relationships. This dream serves as a warning sign, urging you to address any harmful patterns or behaviors, and to seek support or intervention in serious cases.
Dreaming of domestic violence could signify being trapped or controlled, even beyond the realm of physical violence. An abusive relationship in a dream can represent an aspect of your life where you feel oppressed, manipulated, or powerlessness. This sense of restraint might not be linked to an actual person, but perhaps to an unhealthy work environment, societal expectations, or self-imposed limitations.
Contrarily, dreaming about domestic violence doesn't always imply literal aggression or conflict. It could symbolize internal negative feelings or emotions that you have towards yourself or aspects of your own character. It may suggest a harsh internal dialogue, self-critical tendencies, or destructive behaviors towards oneself. In this context, understanding these dreams can be a step towards self-awareness and eventually self-love and healing.
Though gruesome, these dreams can also be reflective of witnessing or being aware of instances of domestic violence. If you are constantly exposed to news or stories about domestic violence, these could seep into your dreams as a reflection of your fears, concerns, or sympathies.
In the dream my wife had a swollen eye, she looks like she was just punched and approaches me wanting to be comforted. I don't feel like I was the one that punched her. But that she had gotten the swollen eye from her father or that someone else abused her. There are also theses 4 huge black widow spiders. I know they are dangerous. I'm afraid they'll hurt my wife and children so I burn them.
I wake up from the dream happy. Like I just vanquished something evil.
I've never hit my wife. We've had arguments. Yelling at each other. So why would I feel elated at her being physically abused and needing my help?
1. Wife with a Swollen Eye: Her injury might symbolize perceived emotional hurt or vulnerability within the relationship. The swollen eye—often associated with seeing—might suggest that there's something affecting her perception, or that your relationship has been 'wounded' in some way.
2. The Source of Her Injury: You don't feel like you were the one that gave her the swollen eye and think maybe her father or someone else did. This could represent an external factor that you feel is impacting your relationship—something beyond your control.
3. The Black Widow Spiders: Spiders could symbolize feelings of being trapped or menaced. Black widow spiders, in particular, are associated with fear, danger, and female power. Your fear for your wife and children's safety in the dream could reflect your waking life anxieties about protecting your family or the security of your household.
4. Burning the Spiders: Taking action to eliminate these threats in the dream might represent your desire to tackle the problems you're facing in your relationship and being the protector of your family, a role that you seem to value highly.
5. Feeling of Elation: Waking up feeling happy as if you've "vanquished something evil" may not be about actual harm coming to your wife but rather about your need to overcome the helplessness that comes with being unable to resolve the emotional distance between you. The happiness in the dream could stem from a sense of empowerment or effectiveness, which might be missing for you in your current circumstances.
The key takeaway from the dream could be a desire for reconnection and a more active role in restoring the balance of your family life. Your subconscious might be suggesting that you want to be someone who can address and 'heal' the issues within your relationship and protect your family unit from whatever is 'poisoning' it, as symbolized by the danger of the spiders.
This dream is likely a reflection of your deep-seated concerns and desires regarding your marital relationship and family dynamics. It's a manifestation of your wish to protect, heal, and be the hero for your family—not a desire for your wife to be hurt.
Then my alarm woke me up. Any ideas what it means?
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