Dream Dictionary Door handle, Door knob

Dream Dictionary Door handle, Door knob


Doors are important dream symbols because they can mean so many different things. It also helps that you see them all the time, it's hard to go a day without ever passing through the door or using a door. This is unless you never leave the house.

The door is one of the most important symbols that a person can see in a dream because of the many different things it can possibly symbolize. If you have a dream about a door or any aspect of a door it will usually have something to do with your immediate future, so whenever you see a door with any sort of special significance in the dream world you would do well to pay attention to it exactly as it is represented and every single small detail you can remember.

If you have a dream about a door handle and this is what you remember from the dream you need to remember what you did with that door handle or any other extraneous reason why it might factor into your dream at all. If you have a dream in which you see a doorknob but you do not turn it then this essentially means that there is a new path that will lead you to great places in life. You are aware of this path but even though you could easily take it and it would put you on a new road that might lead somewhere great, you are too afraid or apprehensive so you ignore it instead which will not get you anywhere. If you dream that you do indeed turn the doorknob then this means that you are on your path to discovering something new and exciting. You want to see what you can do to change your life as it is now and the first step is by taking this new path. Be more zealous about this new experience because many people don't have this same chance as you do.

If you have a dream about a door knob or doorknobs then this can mean anything but again it all depends on what you do in the dream with the doorknob or knobs. Much like the handle of a door as mentioned above, the door knob is a thing that you turn that gets you through the door. It functions in exactly the same way as the handle but it is something that is to be turned. It also functions the same way in terms of dream interpretation and if you have a dream in which you need to turn a doorknob then this means that you need to be ready for what comes next because you are about to embark on a new path in life.

Don't be too scared to venture down this new path, it might be new and frightening, but you can handle anything that comes your way as long as you have a strong sense of fearlessness and a willingness to get to the next stage in life. You need to have a zest for all that you are doing or else it will not work and you will not appreciate all of the strength you are attaining and all of the progress you are making.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Door handle, Door knob Dream Dictionary Door handle, Door knob

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Door handle 2023-11-12 03:09:53
The Symbolic Interpretation of Door Handles in Dreams
Symbolically, a door represents a passage or a transition, usually signifying change or the beginning of a journey. Therefore, a door handle, an instrument used to open or close this gateway, amplifies its symbolic significance. In essence, a door handle in a dream can represent control, choice, and transition. The state of the door handle - whether it's old, new, broken, shiny - can also add depth to its interpretation.

Control and Decision Making
A door handle presents the choice to enter or exit, to engage or retreat, which translates to personal decisions and life's direction. Dreaming about a door handle might represent your current decision-making process. It invites contemplation about the control you have over your life and the choices you make. Hence, a door handle as a dream symbol could reflect your ability or inability, depending on the dream's context, to take action and regain control over life matters.

Transition and Change
A door is an entry point to new opportunities and experiences and a departure from old situations. Therefore, a door handle might symbolize a shift in life. Dreaming about a door handle may signify that you are at the threshold of a significant change—a career move, relocating to a new city, or entering a new phase in a relationship. It could be signaling your subconscious readiness to manage these transitions.

Access or Barriers
A door handle can also represent access or denial, depending on its state in your dream. If it's shiny and functional, it might symbolize opportunities and open pathways, hinting that it's time to push open doors. However, a broken or hard-to-turn handle could represent a barrier, failure, or an obstacle you need to overcome.

Individual Differences in Interpretation
While deciphering dream symbols, remember the interpretations are not cut-and-dried, and a door handle could convey different meanings for different individuals. The interpretation depends on your emotions during the dream and your real-life situation.
For instance, if you felt frustrated trying to turn a door handle in your dream, it could symbolize your struggle to make an essential decision. Conversely, if turning the door handle brought comfort, it could mean you're at peace with the transitions you're making in life.
Lexisleah 2023-03-06 03:09:48
I dreamed the garage door from my kitchen was unlocked (on the knob). I pushed in the lock to lock it but I had to pull it shut but it wouldn't close shut; the door stayed open about an inch or two. Then as I began to turn the doorknob to the right something on the other side forced the doorknob to turn the opposite direction (turning to the left). Every time I turned the knob a little harder something on the other side put more force and over powered my strength. It was like a game of tug of war. The door would closed back n forth but wouldnt latch. Finally, I gave up and moved away from the door and woke up.
Lori 2019-12-04 19:00:23
I dreamt that a snake latched on to the doorknob so I couldn't open it the snake was looking at me. I grabbed the snake to open the door. I was trying to get out of a dark place with snakes and creatures in it ,the door didn't seem to be connected to anything when I reached for the door knob a snake grabbed onto it . I was trying to scream but nothing was coming out .. my husband woke me up because I was screaming .I fell back asleep and I was on the other side which was all white but the floor was filled with clear water all thru the rooms at least 3 foot deep my mother was there as she had recently passed away it was a since of peace
Maria Theresa 2019-09-07 06:56:49
I dream a door knob with a key in the inner side afraid to open it because I am with a man inside. And we look another safety place and when I open another door I saw my youngest brother wearing a red shirt.
Kirsty 2019-04-26 14:44:04
What if you dream of a door but the handle isn't there?
Lese 2018-04-08 20:52:54
I dreamed I was asleep and heard someone in a bathroom to my left. This bathroom door appeared witj a shiny brass-like knob centered in the middle of this door. I called out to my Mother (who is deceased) and she answered. Then a favorite dog who is also deceased, jumped onto the bed and fell asleep.
Nicol 2017-11-01 02:25:07
What does it mean if you see the door knob turning on its own and I get a bit scared and walk out of the house through an open door.
Wonderful Wonders 2017-10-30 08:15:11
i had a dream when i was really young, in this point of my life i was already worrying about death (now that i look back at it i wonder how my mom would have felt about this). and in my house (the very same house that i currently reside in) has a very cheap but shiny doorknob on every door, in my dream i remember just staring at my doorknob and be extremely scared of it.. now i don't know if this means i'm scared of what will happen in the future but it was really weird and it felt good to share.
Rita 2017-01-02 15:30:16
I dreamt someone tried to close the door on me but there was no doorknob and as he closed it, it didn't close properly and stayed ajar. What does this mean?
Anonymous 2016-10-20 18:01:30
What does it mean to see the door knob or handle danaged or broken
ssk 2016-09-18 00:30:57
What does it mean when i am coming and going out of the room with clothes or some things in my hand the door knob had some prob while opening but it did open easily every time then suddenly the door knob came into my hand i was affraid now what will mother inlaw will say..but then i adjust the knob again in place and its opening...
Sara 2016-06-10 09:27:45
What if the door is slightly closed with your hand on the handle and a close friend is crying in the room but in the end you close it on them

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