Dream Dictionary Doppelganger

Dream Dictionary Doppelganger


A doppelganger can mean a few different things but they need not be completely exclusive to one another and the rest of this article will go on to describe the different usages of the term. For now it is necessary to contemplate just how different the interpretations for both of these types of doppelgangers would be and what it would means to dream of each of these symbols.

If you have a dream about a doppelganger or a dream where you see your own doppelganger then this means that you do not feel unique anymore. A doppelganger can mean one of two things, it can mean that there is a person who looks quite a lot like you but is not you, and you see them walking around near you. A doppelganger can also mean an exact copy of you though in practice this cannot actually happen, this would be associated with the supernatural. Of course if human cloning were legal you could have a real doppelganger but then this might be referred to as a clone. Regardless though, the meanings of the dreams are essentially the same as far as interpretation is concerned. A dream of a doppelganger means that you feel as if your personality has been encroached upon and you no longer feel like a unique human being. You feel copied.

While this thought is common and even something that just about everyone feels at some point in their lives, it is not anywhere near healthy and if you start to have these kinds of dreams it may be best to try and find something unique about yourself and latch onto it. You need to cling to the perception of your own uniqueness or you will end up hurting yourself mentally.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Doppelganger Dream Dictionary Doppelganger

Comments: Dream Dictionary Doppelganger

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Denise 2023-05-13 08:29:15
I dream about someone who is exactly like me. Same shirt (blue) hair color, facial feature, everything.

For starter, I was in these group who are my classmates. We were chatting, and laughing like a typical students you see when you go to school. We're standing, talking to one another. This is where things get weird. I told them about something and they start to laugh. I assume I make a joke to them so I laugh too. But, I've notice that their laugh is not genuine and fake. Of course, I felt embarrassed in that situation, who would have not right? so I stop laughing and proceed to the restroom to excuse myself. I opened the door, close it, and see myself in the mirror. That's where I saw my other self on my right side, looking at me. At first I was scared.I can sense that my heart rate went up and sweating. But for some reason, my mood change towards her. I felt sad to the point I hugged her. After a while, she also hugged me back, tightly as if she's waiting for me to do it. I don't know, I just feel her emotion?

The funny thing is, this hugging moment become frequent. I remember dreaming about someone I don't know, hugging them to my childhood house. There is also the other one that I don't know too, though I feel like I know them in my entire life, hugging them in like high place or something.
HeliosEos 2023-11-12 03:17:40
Dreams involving doppelgängers, or encountering someone who looks like an identical version of yourself, can have various interpretations. To analyze your dream, we can explore some common themes and symbols that may provide insights into its meaning.

The presence of classmates in your dream suggests a social context or a desire for acceptance and connection. The laughter that didn't feel genuine could represent a feeling of being misunderstood or not fully accepted by others. It might reflect a fear of judgment or embarrassment in social situations.

Seeing your doppelgänger in the mirror represents self-reflection and self-awareness. It could symbolize an aspect of your own personality or emotions that you are confronted with. In this case, your initial fear and later connection with your other self may represent the internal conflict between your desire for acceptance and your need for authenticity.

The repeated hugging moments with various individuals in different settings may indicate a longing for emotional connection, comfort, or support. It could reflect a desire for deeper connections with others and a need to feel understood and accepted.

Overall, this dream could be highlighting your struggle to find authentic connections with others and a deep longing for genuine relationships. It might be a reflection of your desire to be seen and understood for who you truly are. The hugging moments could signify a yearning for emotional closeness and a search for meaningful connections in your waking life.

Consider how these themes resonate with your current experiences, relationships, or emotions. Reflecting on your feelings during these dreams and how they relate to your waking life can provide deeper insights. It might be helpful to explore ways to nurture authentic connections and express your true self to others, fostering relationships that offer genuine understanding and support.
CocoV 2022-01-12 13:16:40
I had a dream last night where I saw myself in bed. I suddenly sit up grabbing my head in pain. I suddenly switch views and see a vein bulging with black lines running through it. It was pulsating to my heart beat. I then switched back again to myself in bed holding my head in pain when suddenly I look up and see a copy of myself standing in front of the bed yelling for me to wake up! I wake up in the dream and then suddenly wake up in real life. I was totally freaked especially because my head was pounding when I woke up. I have looked everywhere to find an interpretation of this. I’m almost tempted to get a head scan at the dr this has frightened me so much! Any ideas?
G. Nando's 2021-02-12 05:39:41
I am a boy and once had a dream where I was younger and a teenage girl was standing next to me, and she looked exactly like me. She looked like an older sister figure and when standing next to me and she was very caring towards me, and then suddenly my dream started to warp time, where she grew up and got married and never saw me again after her marriage. I saw a younger version of me running through an endless desert looking for the girl who looked like me. I was almost crying in my bed, looking for her until I ended up in a white coloured house in the middle of the desert. I went inside and there was just an open window. I screamed out for her at the window and then I suddenly woke up. Ever since after that dream, I started to still think whether I have a long lost older sister or twin sister.
Kifyha 2019-03-15 13:29:39
I dreamt that as I was running with a friend away from parents who were trying to kill their children and other's as well, we passed through a long bathroom and I saw myself naked covered in blood sitting on the toilet. She was smiling maniacally at me and licking the blood from her fingers. I stopped and stared for a minute or so and she just kept kept grinning with this dark smile on her face with her bloody fingers in her mouth still licking the blood off. My friend grabbed my hand and we ran into chaos out in the hallway.
V 2018-11-22 04:10:03
I had a dream where I was in a car with my younger brother and when I looked out the window I saw a huge portal with debris falling out. I turn the other way to see a look-alike of him running at the same speed as the car. Next thing I remember I was in an area with tall bushes accompanied by two people I never saw before but felt as if they were my friends. Arms came out of the bushes and my "friends" were pulled in. Later they come out but feel different as if someone replaced them. I then remember pulling out a pen that looked like a syringe and pointing it at them. Then I am in a building pacing back and forth before entering a room with my brother, holding out the pen and some other object in front of me as to protect myself. A series of hallways and closet doors leading straight to a wall form a maze as I walk through. Nearing the end of the maze, I enter a room containing (this part is a little hard to remember) a computer room? Then the dream ends.
Kiki sucks 2018-10-20 17:51:14
So basically I had a Doppelgnger dream and what had happened was my friend Edgar came over to my house and we hung out . Then I had started to look out my window and I saw a girl with curly smiling at me very evil and I questioned my friend like bro you see this and he was like OH HELL NO and it like scratches my arm then after I kept on looking Up how to lift curse of doppelgnger and it said I have to give something that is valuable to me and I did and the doppelgnger stopped !
Prashanth 2017-08-20 03:24:04
Exactly morning 5.35 today I woke up by seeing the dream .it is lyk when in entered by bedroom I have seen myself in front of me .I was shocked that he exactly dressed lyk me and it's another mee in my dream and it is the first time this type of dream
that happened to me .I did not understood why it happened can anyone clear my doubt
D 2017-02-05 06:21:30
I had a dream of somebody i dont know that looks exactly like my little brother what does that mean?
Lois Danielle Reyes 2016-11-02 19:22:07
My dream is about my dad and his doppelganger. What does it mean? Its creepy.
Steve P 2016-09-23 22:45:03
When I close my eyes for a minute or two when iv had a few, a buzz or whatever n I see my self in the room wearing difrent cloths and I have an evil look idk what's it all about but im not Sleeping though I never remember any dreams only one or two a year, I guess it could be technically a day dream
John 2016-08-07 01:59:27
Had a dream wherei was in my kitchen. Heard movement and something coming through the door. When it did it was me. Came towards me and grabbed my arms, and although it was me it overpowered me. Iknew it was trying to kill me and at the point i gave in to being overpowered, i woke up.
Beth 2018-10-16 04:30:55
Hi, John. I know it’s been years since this dream but I’m curious to know how have you changed since then? I interpret your dream as a part of you tired with the ways you’ve been handling things. Maybe tired of being too nice and taken advantage of. Did someone hurt your feelings prior to this dream? Since you could hear him coming his foot steps were heavy. When someone walks heavy they’re upset. Then killing you pretty much solidified that anger. A more aggressive or less of a push over should’ve emerged, has he? How have you been?
Bryan Ortega 2015-10-26 11:44:32
I don't know if this counts as a doppelganger but I had a dream where I was sitting in the back seat of a car and I had a friend sitting next to me and I got a call on my cell phone and I looked to see who it was and it was my friend who was sitting next to me I answered the phone and it was her voice telling me I should come over for the weekend and spend the night with her and her boyfriend who is a really good friend of mine more then she was and I look to her sitting next to me and she wasn't on the phone and while I was looking at her I can still[just=right][/just] her voice on the phone and I handed her the phone and I said want to say hi to herself and that's all I remember

anonymous 2015-10-21 03:12:42
i have had several dreams for some years that there is a doppelganger of my fiance and I am seeing both of them but am getting married to the wrong one. But am not willing to leave any of the two. I am supposed to get married in a month and i saw this dream again. what could it possibly mean.
AD 2015-05-24 09:52:46
Iv had now two dreams of my crush where I hsve seen he has had multiple doppelgangers but each of them looks slightly different and their ages were different too ranging from 10-16, but the weird thing was after I had the dream later on in the day I saw 2 people who looked identical to him and then in the evening I actually saw him!! I haven't seen him in months up until this point, it was a bit freaky so could this mean anything?
T 2015-05-02 05:34:41
I had a dream recently that I was hiding in an old house from these scary people and they were almost like zombies and I was looking for a weapon to defend myself and when they finally did break in I was confronted by one that looked exactly like me except it was all dark and dead looking. I ended up striking at her in fear and gouging her eyes out because I absolutely hated it when she looked at me......I had a dream recently that I was hiding in an old house from these scary people and they were almost like zombies and I was looking for a weapon to defend myself and when they finally did break in I was confronted by one that looked exactly like me except it was all dark and dead looking. I ended up striking at her in fear and gouging her eyes out because I absolutely hated it when she looked at me.......
Stacey 2015-03-16 20:35:58
Last night I had a dream about my own doppleganger, I was in a nice house going through the rooms, when I noticed some movement in the main bedroom bed so I went in. At first it was just the sheets moving around, then all of a sudden legs appeared and then it sat up and with a very evil kind of laugh and it was me!... very bizzar dream....
Ok...... 2015-02-28 00:14:50
My dream happened when I was about 8, but one of my friends recently had the almost exact same dream; this is how mine went. I was in my own home sitting at my dining room table, and I looked through a large window to see someone outside. Somehow I knew they were unsafe and I started screaming uncontrollably. I wanted to stop so that they didn't see me but I couldn't stop... As I screamed the second time it looked up from what it was doing and it's head whipped around violently to look at me. It stood staring at me for a couple seconds with milky-white eyes and absolutely no color. It then charged at me and smashed through the window. When it came to me it let out a screeching roar, opening it's mouth showing layers and layers of razor sharp teeth like a shark or sea lamprey kind of. (It obviously killed me, but I do not remember all the details)
Anonymous 2014-08-22 08:15:15
I have had a recurring entity in my dreams it looks like me but is evil and usually it's trying to get me to join with it and I've seen it for as long as I can remember and it's aged along with me the only thing that stays the same about it is the terrible look in it's eyes and the horrendous things it does to my loved ones I have no idea what this means
Beth 2018-10-16 05:04:14
It asks you to join it so it can “protect” you but not in a good way. This usually comes along when someone you love very deeply has hurt you. It wants life and it comes to you at your most vulnerable moments to convince you to let it in because at that time you’re more likely to want whoever did you wrong to suffer. You’re a good person who constantly wonders why people treat you the way they do. You know you deserve better but whatever you do, don’t give in to it.
cherry 2014-04-07 02:35:25
I have dreamt awhile ago, the doppleganger of my ill grandfather. The doppleganger, says he's ready to die. What could this possibly mean?
Mia 2013-10-21 09:12:20
I've recently had a dream where I've seen a double of my boyfriend, one is nicer and one is meaner. Can you tell me what this means?
B 2014-04-10 09:38:17
So did I! I Dreamt that my actual boyfriend was in green and was normal, but kind compared to his double which was in red, paler and wore an unkind expression and did not speak at all.
Ever found out what it meant?

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