Dream Dictionary Duck, Ducklings

Dream Dictionary Duck, Ducklings


Ducks are seen many different ways by many different people and it is important to consider your own cultural lens and the way that you perceive ducks when you have a dream about them and you are trying to find out what it means to you.

If you have a dream about duck, ducklings, duck eggs, etc then this means that you basically just need to think about how fortunate you are. Ducks are known for being creatures that represent great fortune. They are great and lucky beasts. This is what they are known most for and why you care about them. Ducks are gorgeous, beautiful, and majestic. Having a dream of ducks means you have been lucky lately or that you will be lucky in the future. This will do you well to know. Just be real and be happy for your fortune.

Ducks are also seen as hunted beings or living in fear. This usually has more to do with the American way of seeing them but duck hunting does not only occur in America and can be seen in cultures all around the world. The reason they are seen this way is difficult to place, but the fact is, the duck is seen as one of the most classically hunted creatures in the world because it just is. There are many people that go after lions, after bears, after elk, moose and all kinds of other came, but iconically speaking and speaking in terms of how they are perceived, ducks still lead the game in how they are seen as hunted beings.

This means that if you have a dream in which you are a duck then you are worried that someone is out to get you. Most of the time this does not mean you are worried that someone is threatening your life. What this usually means is that you are worried that there is someone out there that is trying to make things worse for you or make your life more complicated. They can be out to get you in the sense that they are trying to make things more complicated for you or out to get you in the sense that they are trying to ruin your social life, your job or working environment, etc. You just feel like you are being hunted.

To dream that you are hunting ducks means that you are the predator here. You feel like you are the one that is in control here and it is frightening others. While it might be a good thing to be in control sometimes especially if you are the one that is usually being picked on, it is best to handle this situation like you are playing with fire. You don't want to hurt anyone else and it will make things terrible for you if you do not do all you can to make sure that you do not come off as the predator here then you will find it hard to keep your friends in a situation like this. It is important to keep note of where you stand on this issue and how you hope to repair any relationships that you might damage when you are wielding this absolute power. If there's anything you should have learned in government class it is that power corrupts.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Duck, Ducklings Dream Dictionary Duck, Ducklings

Comments: Dream Dictionary Duck, Ducklings

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Anne Wilson 2024-12-05 00:29:17
I had a dream of being outside and around 5 or ducklings came out of a bush towards me. What did it mean?
Mehwish 2024-03-09 03:11:49
Saw five or six ducklings one was little big thought it was mother but it was not that bigger than other they were swiming in a narrow stream of clear water they were all black I was holding my son and showing him how beautiful they are
And den pictures changed n I fall back into dirt water n other side of stream which was muddy my hairs got wet not all body but half of my hairs n I was laughing at myself n saying oh it’s pop water n I hairs are dirty with water and wet
Mehwish 2024-03-09 02:57:10
Dream about ducklings couldn’t count five or six they were all black I was holding my son showing him how beautiful they are
Duck Dream 2024-01-26 07:13:23
Dreaming of wild ducks suggests lucky travel, white ducks predict prosperity, hunting ducks implies job changes, seeing ducks shot hints at interference, and flying ducks signal a hopeful future.

Dreams featuring ducks can be rich with symbolism, reflecting the fluidity of life's journey and touching upon aspects of luck, prosperity, and personal relationships. For many, ducks evoke images of freedom, grace as they glide across the water, and communal living in their flocks.

To dream of wild ducks floating effortlessly on a placid, transparent stream suggests a seamless transition between stages of life, hinting at journeys that will bear fruit and bring about a sense of fulfillment. These travels could be literal—possibly indicating overseas adventures or even relocations that invite prosperity—or metaphorical, symbolizing a personal voyage towards self-discovery or spiritual enlightenment.

The vision of white ducks milling contentedly about a farmyard, pecking at feed, and waddling in unison is a harbinger of thrift. These creatures, known for their efficiency in finding sustenance, are emblematic of harvesting the rewards from hard work and wise investments. This dreamscape indicates that your efforts are coming to fruition, promising a period of abundance and an accumulation of resources.

When the dream shifts its focus to the activity of duck hunting, it resonates with themes of pursuit and the need to adapt. This could reflect a change in employment or a necessary adjustment in your approach to realizing ambitions. Although the hunt speaks to the assertive side of your nature, it also cautions you to be prepared for the unexpected, signifying the potential displacement of present circumstances in favor of pursuing new goals.

To see ducks shot in your dream weaves in a warning—be wary of hidden adversaries who might undermine your privacy or intertwine in your concerns unsolicited. This vision could be telling you to safeguard your personal space against those who wish to disrupt your tranquility.

Lastly, witnessing ducks soaring high in the dream's sky is a positive omen, suggesting the lifting of spirits and a soaring optimism towards the future. This flying symbolizes lofty aspirations becoming reachable. It also implies significant life events—marriage, the establishment of a new home, and the joy of children. Essentially, the dream illustrates elevation above past limitations and a transition into a phase of happiness and domestic bliss.

You dream of walking along a riverbank, watching a family of ducks navigate the currents. The scene shifts, and they take flight, soaring over an ocean toward the horizon. Awaking, you reflect on this and consider it an affirmation of a recent decision to move abroad for a new job opportunity. The dream is interpreted as your subconscious expressing confidence in this life-changing decision, anticipating the joy and growth it will bring, echoing the ducks' successful journey and ascent.
Lala 2021-05-27 11:55:01
I dreamt that a cat threw up a live duckling and then also threw up a whole adult live duck. What does it mean?
Biswajit 2018-12-08 00:10:18
I had a dream tonight that it is unusual and couldn't find out the actual meaning of it. That I and my friends were walking on a road of a village. Suddenly two ducks were running behind of us. They were trying to bite my leg. I knew duck always bites leg bcz it's their nature. They do for scaring people from them. I was so afraid to had a bite from ducks. But somehow I overcome from there and successfully I hitted them from me.
Nikki 2018-05-23 15:47:23
I saw a duckling on my window sill and was trying to get out.
Mike 2018-04-12 22:37:53
I had a dream i was given two ducklings and with cage.please can someone tell me the meaning of this?
Melanie 2018-03-29 20:22:09
😝 Last night I dreamed that I found at least 20 or more duck eggs. I put them in a safe place & wrapped them in a blanket with a heat light on them. I felt the need to protect them. Eventually 7 or 8 ducklings hatched. I watched them in admiration.
Sonya 2017-10-29 07:12:19
I dreamt a duckiling imprinted on me.
Samantha 2017-03-25 00:58:55
I dreamt that I watched a white pregnant duck try to find a place to give birth in my front yard. She was huge... Must've had many little ducklings in her tummy.
Felicity 2017-02-04 12:03:34
I dreamt Donald Trump give me 4 duckling and my husband and I went by the roadside to get them. But then the mother duck kept on giving me more and more continuously. What does that mean?

Glow 2017-01-30 09:28:29
It was so weird. In my dream, I was walking to my backyard & found ducks, ducklings, and nests of egg ducks spread throughout my yard!! A part of me was amazed bc my family used to raise ducks at our farm & i miss them so much, but another part of me was scared bc I didn't want to get chased by the mama ducks (which, I think I did & woke up!)!!! My heart was def all over the place~~~
Kevin Ramirez 2017-01-14 05:50:11
I had a dream of whenever I went to sleep at night in my dream I was going to sleep next to ducklings in my bed next to their mom or the dad. Very weird. In the dream the Odom went after someone in the room by flying at them what could this mean. I never felt threaten. And also I held one of the ducks and got peed on?
Greg 2017-01-09 06:34:57
I had a dream. I was somewhere that was selling or giving away ducks. They had 7, but I only took 4. Then I saw a pregnant Mexican woman. Then I saw 3 more. I played with the ducks by a pond. Then decided to show them to an old friend that I used to work with. I drove them in a van to see my friend. When I brought the friend out to see them, they were no longer ducks, they were children. The youngest was a boy. I got the impression when I woke up that they were all male children, though I cannot say for certain. What does this mean?
jaslyn morris 2016-11-17 15:38:17
I dreamt of two ducklings with yellow downing...i was taking care if them as my pets...i went to a family members house with them and my husband and children. .in the time being at families home was informed their cat given birth boys before to 13 kittens abd i asked to look at them. .i was taking to another room and saw two black newborn kittens and two white ones and a cherry red kitten that was actually red not ginger or orange but deep red...i said i would like to have the red kitten when its ready to come off its mother...then i woke up and couldnt understand wht i dreamt that.
Shine14 2016-10-16 21:09:24
was brushing my teeth in the faucet outside the house. Then several ducks appeared, then they look so tired and it seems they?€™re lifeless soaking in tha poodle of water after awhile. I continued brushing my teeth. But suddenly there?€™s this one duck hugged me and is very sweet. It doesn?€™t want to part wih me that it really seemed to be so attached to me
Darylle 2016-09-03 23:00:44
i had this dream in which there was 10 cute ducklings with their mother and their father. Then later on, there was this cat whom was thrown at the little ducks and almost ate them, but good thing i threw the cat away and it looks like he's/she's mad at me. then i started running away from that cat and suddenly, the cat's leg grew longer in which he/she catched up on me and started clawing and punching me from the back,
pizza 2016-10-04 00:07:16
Message from Darylle
i had this dream in which there was 10 cute ducklings with their mother and their father. Then later on, there was this cat whom was thrown at the little ducks and almost ate them, but good thing i threw the cat away and it looks like he's/she's mad at me. then i started running away from that cat and suddenly, the cat's leg grew longer in which he/she catched up on me and started clawing and punching me from the back,

Margaret 2016-07-10 08:12:21
I saw myself taking care of ducklings and their babies, I built a nice house for them and also i was guiding them for them not to be endangered and in that dream those ducklings and their babies belongs to me, please can you interpret the dream to me?
ashley 2016-06-27 23:24:45
I dreamt of lots of beautiful white ducks and there ducklings and feathers everywhere in the woods where I was looking for my phone and they led me to a duck society where there I saw f friendly duck people
Andrew Kurt 2016-06-24 00:04:27
I had a dream that I was back at my country house and a freind and me were playing outside at the back yards, we found two ducklings, decided that we'd take care of them, when my black shepard dog went crazy and tried to eat the ducklings. I had to sacrifice one to save the other, but the dog wanted both. I gave my freind the remaning duckling to run back to the house, it was quite a distance to run. The dog than bit my left forearm and wouldn't let go, I had to bash it on the head a couple of times with a brick I picked up to free myself. I ended up killing my dog.
Emma 2016-05-26 16:26:55
My dream was a hill side covered in snow. I saw movement in the deep snow and it was a duck trying to keep warm so I picked it up and took it to my car. Then me and my husband came back for 5 more ducks so we could look after them until the snow stopped.
Angelica 2016-03-30 10:36:22
I had a dream that I was in the middle of a street where some people left me and I got attacked by two ducks.. What does it mean when you're being randomly ambushed ny ducks in your dream???
Myra 2015-11-20 10:45:20
I had a dream that a black dog was chasing me and my sister was in the dream she was running when a big cow bull and the Duck was running behind both of us. She left me so the duck still chasing me around I'm still trying to figure out what does chase mean.

Jane Doe 2015-09-25 16:25:38
I had a dream that me and my boyfriend were playing around a pond and I caught a baby duck and was cuddling it. (In real life I'm obsessed with baby ducks and I want one so bad and my boyfriend knows bc I remind him all the time, maybe that's why I had this dream..)
Leola 2015-08-28 11:04:07
I dreamed my sister was pregnant with ducklings. She would soon give birth and at 1st 1 egg came out. Then "several" of eggs came out and she was soaking in warm water. The eggs were clear so we could see the ducklings in each egg. It seemed normal in the dream, but awake it's a very strange dream to me. A human giving birth to ducklings. I know it must mean something.
Jewel 2016-02-28 11:16:41
Thats weird, I had a dream that I was pregnant and a month early my water broke and I said "it's too small I can't have it yet." I felt it coming out and hurried to get pants off and it was all out and it was a duck. Surprised of course and imbarrassed to explain to my family I just gave birth to a duck. Not even an egg. Lol I wish I knew what giving birth to ducks really meant. Odd!!!
Mumari 2015-06-11 07:32:32
I dream that I was catching a some ducks in water taking them home
jann sen 2015-02-19 14:58:41
i woke up with such a burning image from my dream. i remember un-packaging a tray of meat, when i looked at the meat i saw that it was a tray of little dead whole ducklings (featherless). when i turned around one of the dead ducklings sprung to life as though it had been pretending to be dead the entire time just so it could escape when the packaging came off. the other ducklings remained dead, and this one duckling frantically ran around my house until i caught it. I remember feeling as though i had to keep this duckling safe - and i remember cherishing it for its intelligence and thinking about what a clever little survivor it was. My dream went on to show me that i kept the duck as a pet and it grew into a beautiful male mallard duck and i loved it very much. Then i woke up... does anyone know what this dream could mean?
Terri 2015-02-17 19:29:25
my dream last night was about my dead brother "looking good", & my boyfriend & me holding a duck... The duck was beautiful with a green shiny band around its neck. I can't remember anything else about it. I worry because my boyfriend had a heart attack about 6 yrs ago and is over weight. Seeing my deceased brother is my boyfriend going to die? what does the duck mean?
duckling dream 2015-02-15 08:25:44
I dreamt that I petted a duckling and it rolled over so I could tickle it's belly, when I looked up there were a line of ducklings and it's mother watching, it then turned into a calico kitten with blue eyes and spoke to me. It said I should take him home but not yet as he wasn't old enough to leave his mother, anyone interpret thus please.

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