Dream Dictionary Durga

Dream Dictionary Durga


When you have a dream in which you see Durga then you can rest assured that it is going to have great significance even if you are not a practitioner of the Hindu religion and this is solely because of the power that she holds as a symbol rather than just anything else. Regardless of whether you are Hindu or not though, this does not downplay the significance of Durga in dream interpretation.

If you have a dream about Durga then this means that you feel supremely feminine and find power in that. This is a dream that usually women have, and you generally have to be familiar with the Durga before you can dream about it so clearly. But basically the durga is a representation of strong radiant feminine energy and power over all other things. If you feel like a strong woman right now then this is why you are dreaming of a durga.

Durga is a goddess that you may be inclined to forget about since most people only know of Shiva unless they are a Hindu and even then it can be hard to keep track of everyone in the spectrum of all of the Hindu gods and goddesses. Fortunately one of the most important things to remember about Durga is that she should not be forgotten. She is an extremely powerful force and her marriage to Shiva should not discount her own significance in any way. It can be hard to be under a powerful man like that but it does not mean she loses significance. Perhaps you are having this dream because you feel overshadowed by a man.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Durga

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Nandy 2023-02-25 22:17:03
Its an early morning dream i saw i was in an unknown i dont know where i am but some one told me to go near the sea shore/ocean their ill find something which no one can witness you will gonna witness it like i was told so i went and saw their was a statue the person told me this is the statue of lord shiva mother which os very very very rare no one ever seen you are witnessing it and beside that their was a rare flower as well told mw yo pluck it and kewp near the idol and also their was adeep hole near the idol through which we can see another sea/ocean then i wake up i tried to know about lord shiva mother but all says dont know can hou explain me what is this but in dream i also felt some thing miracle happened to me but i dont remember that
HeliosEos 2023-11-19 09:30:48
Your dream seems to contain several symbolic elements that may reflect your personal desires, beliefs, and experiences. Dreams can often be interpreted in different ways, so it's important to consider your own feelings and associations with the symbols presented in the dream.

The unknown location in the dream may represent a sense of exploration or adventure in your waking life. The person guiding you towards the sea or ocean could symbolize a wise figure or intuition leading you towards something significant and special.

The statue of Lord Shiva's mother represents a rare and sacred presence. Lord Shiva is a Hindu deity associated with transformation and destruction. The presence of the statue could indicate a connection to spirituality or a desire for deeper meaning in your life. Witnessing it suggests that you have a unique opportunity or perspective that others may not have.

The rare flower you were instructed to pluck and keep near the idol may symbolize beauty, growth, and spiritual development. Keeping it near the idol signifies your intention to nurture and honor this unique and special connection.

The deep hole through which you could see another sea or ocean could represent the hidden depths of your subconscious or the exploration of the unknown in your life. It may suggest that there are hidden opportunities or insights waiting to be discovered.

The feeling of a miracle happening to you in the dream indicates a sense of wonder and awe. It suggests that this experience or connection you have encountered is something extraordinary and beyond ordinary explanation.
Xyz 2019-10-12 10:19:42
My mind is disturb after this dream.

I went with my colleague to Truind hill and stayed over night.
Had a very vivid dream.
I am a Buddhist by religion but I don’t know why I dreamt such. But the feeling is still heavy . It was a tiger, which kept following me not to harm but kept following me. Though I kind of knew that it wasn’t going to do any harm to me I was disturbed why was it following me. Then a point came where there was a shadow of me and the tiger though we were standing separately but in the shadow I was sitting on the tiger like a the goddess Durga. I don’t know in the dream and the shadow was kind of pointing me that myself as a Durga goddess but I wasn’t aware of something like that and I woke up. I first kind of doubted that the room where we stayed has some Durga idol it was semi finished room. In the morning I looked around the hill I see so many small shiva stupa! I don’t know whether you guys call stupa or not. Though I console myself as it was just a dream but subconsciously I keep thinking about it over again and again as it was so vivid and felt so heavy..
Suriya 2022-01-03 23:18:45
Your dream means..shadow as your ego and the real you is brahman .. the ultimate reality.
Sharmistha 2019-10-08 04:17:53
I dreamed of god durga holding trishul in her hand and a baby in other hand
Shalini Aps 2019-01-01 08:02:43
For the past 2 or 3 days.. i have been having dreams of Durga ma. One dream that i cant forget n seems to be haunting me is.. i saw myself in somewhat clay temple inner pooja room, single handedly constructing Durga maa'S clay statue and doing the decorum for her.. the saari i chose was in lavender color.. it was very weird.. that she usually wears red or white..
my favourite diety is lord Shiva.. and i equally love Durga ma too. I dont understand what this means.. can someone enlighten me?
Mainela 2018-12-07 03:37:31
I used go see Durga in the early 90s back on the days i didnt even know what a religion was i was just a 3 maybe 4 yr old young black male born 1990 in los Angeles who God gave the gift of waking up into different places after the lights went out and my eyes were shut, crazy thing is i couldnt move, couldnt open my eyes but my mind was still 100% conscious. I remember how i would litterally wake into a place that was ever darker than my eyes being closed, and would wait to see what was next its like i was trapped in a place of to visions and i would be so scared. I had visions of what i believe were experienses from particular people from all times from electric chairs to ancient times to stages if hell to even some pleasant views of a place probably only God can show you and i felt ever bit of pain and pleasure in each one. I can go on and on. Question is how does this come at the age of 3? Now my first time learning about durga was in the national geographic. Every time i see a pic or image of her it takes me back to when i used to visit her, i would feel it, i will never forger it was so surreal so i had to learn who she was... Now i saw her about 6x at the age of four i remember because that was the same apartment i lived in when the Northridge earthquake struck. I dont know if it was every night every other night or once a week cant remember but my first thoughts when i did see her was fuck! Not this bitch again! Let me tell you why. She sat on a throne with people all around. She had a pale white face "very pale" had tight eyes like a Japanese woman but much tighter she had on makeup red lipstick her face was expressionless it was like plastic it didnt even move didnt smile or nothing like a doll that was the most scary part, her emotionless face. She wore a long red dress and had looong sharp fingers or nails with blood dripping from them that were more effective than butcher knives, but all in all she was soooo beautiful that it was so frightening you can hardly look her in the face. I would be taken to her like i was captive and i would sit down on her lap, honestly she turned me on i think thats why im into feminine domination no lie, but while i was on her lap she would i dont want to say kill me but would get one hand drill it into my hip and another right into my rib cage and i would feel every but of it hurt like a bitcg but couldnt do shit about it, every vision would be the exact same until the last. My last time seeing her i remember there where people on two sides like a parade and there she stood at the the end waiting on me she was tall taller than everyone else there was snow everywhere i remember not being afraid this time. The people from both sides were throwing flowers at me like some kind of celebration, pink and red flowers... Something about the people on the right of me caught my attention more idk why i remember taking a quick glance that way irrelevant but thought id share it anyway, i think its because someone from that side threw flowers first and thought niggas throwing flowers and shit. So when i made it to her my final memory was her kneeling down and giving me a kiss and i never seen her again. Ill never forget how beautiful she was and ecen though she hurt me how much i waams in love with her, i believe in God but durga is indeed real and looking at pics of her takes me back. Idk what all that meant but one thing forsure is its very real and she lives
Sakshi chandel 2018-04-12 09:56:03
I saw a goddess in red Saree with red lipstick with black long straight hair she was staring something but not speaking anything
Pankaj kumar 2018-03-24 16:44:10
In the morning time I was talking to maa Tara in Temple during Navratri days.. What does this mean ?
anu 2017-09-26 19:14:17
dreaming durga devi and asking to do trushtuppu pushpanajali symoblize what
shasha 2017-09-25 09:50:03
i had a dream once and i was not happy of myself because i don't know why i push her and was scared. my second was scary but i follow her, she kept on repeating to me not to be afraid, i am your mother, come to me, and eventually i follow her in a garden fulls of flowers but in the middle there was a dark abandoned house with not so clean path leading to it. i wish i could see her again
Nikitha 2017-09-20 12:09:14
I had a dream where Goddess Kamakshi (form of Durga) posccesses me. WHat does it mean?
maha 2017-07-22 12:53:09
i had a dream where durga is taking me somewhere.what does it mean?
Abi 2017-07-16 03:57:14
Goddess durga comes in my dream and smiling on me and my lover in temple and also lord murugan what it signifies?
Mystery 2018-02-15 10:42:39
Message from Abi
Goddess durga comes in my dream and smiling on me and my lover in temple and also lord murugan what it signifies?

Mother could possibly be blessing you guys with a child soon....since murugan is Shiva son

Balaji 2017-06-12 14:06:47
I had a dream where Durga asks me to sit on her lap and instructs me to do something.
Maya 2018-09-15 20:17:26
Do what Goddess Durga said.
Follow the instruction.
If you don't mind what did Maa Durga said to you?
When you don't won't to say it also no problem.
Nidhi 2017-06-04 02:49:56
There is temple Near my home... I dreamt that pandit g and some aunties are teaching me how to do Pooja.... Pandit g said that do it in a Ryt way
Rishi 2017-05-25 04:45:00
I had a dream where Durga maathaa's trishul was in my hand, what does that mean?
Saumya 2017-04-02 12:37:58
I dream myself praying infront of alopi mata Mandir and asking her to save me and fulfill my wish. What does this mean??
Usha 2018-01-07 06:44:29
I dream myself in a Mandir. A big durga ma in front of me. And am doing her arti .

sp 2017-04-19 21:59:57
Message from Saumya
I dream myself praying infront of alopi mata Mandir and asking her to save me and fulfill my wish. What does this mean??

hi. i read about your dream.you don't know what to do right.? so i would suggest you that , whevever you get time, once ...go to allahabad and to alopi temple and get darshan .
i knew you will feel amazing and your obstacles in your life may remove and of course you will get blessing og goddess....
just do it girl ...take your family in mandir...and leave rest for future...
Harinder 2017-02-06 12:07:17
Davi Durga come in my dreams and told thst youdpnt worry about about your problem. All will be fine. Jai maths di
Saurabh 2016-12-10 21:58:32
I dream about a girl who is roop of durga but in the form of human being. Is there any sign of good future or fortune.
Mahi 2016-12-25 19:43:24
Same kind dream. Even I got a dream in which Durga maa appeared to me like a 10-12 year old girl with a big round bindi and neatly combed long hair and wearing a blue silk traditional outfit. I spoke to her about my problems and she was listening to me... what does this kind of dream mean ?
ryan 2016-11-20 17:06:38
I am a male. I had a area of a durga murti- statue, and the goddess gave me two of her golden weapons. 1. Sword and 2. Boulder weapon.

What does this mean. ???
AVIN BHATT9601274834 2016-10-30 21:03:41
See Mataajee/Amma/in any form indicates that take that path she is with you/But keep motherly feelings for all.This will increase your aura and you be with HER always...9601274834
sandeep 2016-10-14 06:09:37
I woke up with a dream of maa durga/ sherowali ka shighaar aur tilak unki murti ko karteh huye..iska kya matlab
kamal 2016-07-17 03:11:13
i had a dream in which matarani gave me her tikka(jewellary) n then she took me in her lap
Keerthi 2016-04-08 18:23:15
I dreamt that an astrologer says m the incarnation of goddess Durga. And my ayul is over for this birth and m still alive. What does that mean ??
Samantha Harriram 2016-01-04 12:24:57
i dreamt kaali maa crying and i told her maa dont cry and something happened in between the dream i cant remember and then we were both dancing the badra kaali maa dance
what does it mean?

Renuka 2015-11-30 05:50:13
I saw a mata rani indream she is trying to something to me but dat was just lips moment but m not understand to maa what dat means ?
Mini 2015-10-12 11:57:36
I dreamt amma who is standing in front of the temple in very big statue...?
Vaishnavi 2015-09-06 02:46:12
I saw durgamaa in my dream she was talking to me I asked her whether I will get married to the person whom I love most she replied through her eyes and gave me a flower plzzz tell me what it pretends.
Amma Devotee 2015-08-10 03:07:44
I had a vivid dream that AMMA came for an impromptu visit yesterday morning, just before I woke up. I saw that I sat beside AMMA on her left, holding her hand with my right hand. This is usually the side I approach her from when I go to take Darshan. I woke up soon after. Please interpret my dream and tell me the significance. Was it a visit from Amma? Will it bring good luck and fortune?
vijayalakshmi 2014-11-22 09:35:11
I dreamed durga amma.in he dream when i and my lover saw her.she opened the eyes and told me to marry him
shivi 2015-10-28 00:07:09
U should marry that person
LAXMI 2014-07-28 20:35:01
I dreamed Ma Durga saved me in a river .... Any explanations to this.

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