Dream Dictionary Giving Birth to Twins

Dream Dictionary Giving Birth to Twins


If you give birth to twins in a dream it must be pretty startling. What would make it even more startling is if you weren't pregnant beforehand. There are a multitude of reasons why you might dream of giving birth to twins even if you are not pregnant, believe it or not. One of those reasons might be that you have been thinking about pregnancy recently. Someone has brought up the idea to you and you have been considering what it would be like to have children. You are not sure whether you want a boy or a girl and are not even sure of the differences that there would be in raising them. You feel so overwhelmed, like you are handling two ideas at once, and as a consequence, end up giving birth to twins.

If you are pregnant and you are dreaming of giving birth to twins, this is an indicator of some jitters that you might be feeling about having a baby. You are worried that a child is going to be too much for you to handle and you are going to be lost. Or perhaps you are instead worried about being a bad parent because of how unprepared you are. These dreams usually come to people before they have their first child. You are dreaming of giving birth to twins because you are thinking about how overwhelming a job motherhood will be and the havoc it will wreak on your normally pretty reserved and carefree life.

You can even have this dream if you are afraid of becoming pregnant at all. Perhaps even the thought of being pregnant scares you and you are worried that it will be a hassle and will bring too much stress to your life. If you are in danger of becoming pregnant or close to becoming pregnant and are not ready for it, then this is a fairly understandable dream to have.

Some of the instances of this dream might have absolutely nothing to do with the actual act of having the twins though. Sometimes the twins that you are having will be symbolic of two different ideas, or possibly two very similar ideas. Twins symbolize the idea of being different but similar at the same time. Perhaps you have been agonizing over a choice that you have to make or an idea that you are trying to understand and you have been doing it for quite some time. You still have no idea what direction you want to take in regards to your idea, but you need to think of something fast, so what do you do? A dream about giving birth to twins would suggest that you need to look at what makes these ideas similar. Even though they are separate paths or a separate thought, this dream prompts you to see the similarities between them and make an educated choice based on those.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Giving Birth to Twins

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Lawrencia 2022-12-20 16:06:06
I had a dream last night of giving birth to twins easily a boy and a girl
And am not pregnant or expecting a child
Am a 55 years old woman
Please what does this mean
Cassee 2019-05-09 23:41:59
Last night I dreamt I gave birth to 3 sets of twins in the same night 3 boys and 3 girls. But they born in their sacks (like when dogs give birth). But I kept losing them, but I kept finding them. I'm wanting to know what this means!!! Someone please help me.
ezzence 2019-04-23 15:31:37
i just had a dream last night and i was proposed to by my baby girl father back in october 2018 we are kinda having financial issues which is causing some distances due to the stress I just recently had a dream about twins last night. what could this dream mean?
precious 2018-09-14 06:27:12
I just had a dream, i gave birth to a twin boy n girl, although I'm not married but i have a fiance n would like to get pregnant b4 tieing the knot... I have been having unprotected sex for some months now but haven't been pregnant, infact i had 1 last9t. Could it be i will b pregnant soon?
Miangel 2018-10-29 05:50:22
It is sin to have sex before marriage, those dreams are not pure, believe me, having such dream in sin will not bring anything good to you, repent, stop formication and give your life to Jesus.
Godis 2019-09-05 14:48:17
It’s people like you who make a bad name for the rest of us. Why chastise someone when you aren’t even teaching right? Did you know that in the Bible, once you are BETROTHED (meaning promised/engaged) the most high already sees that as a union? Meaning he ALREADY honors it as a marriage. You think he honors that pagan ceremony everyone has been taught to admire? Smh. The word has been prostituted and twisted by people who have no idea what they are teaching.
luz 2018-07-06 12:22:58
my mother has been having the same dream over and over of me giving birth to twins for the last 3 weeks. I just recently found out i am pregnant with my 3rd child 2 days ago. What could her dream possibly mean???
Shannon 2018-05-14 18:38:52
These dreams can also mean that you are about to birth something brand new, twins could be a metaphor for double blessings, blessings can range from birth spiritual babies, to even becoming a new creation in Christ, financial prosperity blessings and the list could go on and on. But do know that new things are about to happen in your life.
Hannah 2018-01-01 01:40:11
I’m pregnant and the doctor said i have a sch (subchoronic hemorrhage) and my mom had a dream that when i went back to the doctor they told me it was a second baby not a sch what does this mean?
Renazel K. Claraval 2017-09-12 03:16:42
I am a married women for about 3 1/2 years from now. And for that year me and my husband are trying everything to have babies in our own but unfortunately, lucky is not with us. Until now I always prayed that hoping someday God would give this amazing gift to us in the right time. And last night I dreamth that I gave birth twin baby boy, and I was calling theier name as JAYJAY & YANYAN. For this dreamth I am still confused about it. Hope that you can interpret me in a simple way.
Kaiserin 2017-08-27 09:53:40
I dream also having a twins a girl and a boy, in my dream they make me happy and feel contented.. But Im not in relationship as of the moment,and I dont know how that i got them.. i show their face they got my physical features round face, chubby cheeks. The eyes and the lips..
Karla 2018-10-12 15:34:33
Did you ever find out what it meant? I had exactly the same dream like i can describe exactly how they both looked and had light colored eyes
Carr 2017-08-08 10:15:51
I had a dream that I had twins a boy and a girl. The girl was bigger than the boy. The girl broke the record in the book of genius. She was the biggest newborn baby born and while I had them they was still in the sack. The nurse broke the sack open and got them out. Then all of a suddenly something went wrong with the girl. She was exposed to radiation . It sacred me and then I woke up. Could u please tell me what my dream means.
Fateme 2017-07-27 10:02:14
I'm a single virgin girl but i saw in my dream that im giving birth to twin boys! tho i didnt see the moment i gave birth to them but when i hugged one of them i knew its my son and knew that its me giving birth to them! i didnt feel any pain too! and they used to say that 2nd kid is dead in my stomach but later when he came he was alive too! and i was feeding the first son ( i didnt see the 2nd at all but i knew he is there) it was like he grew up so fast just in few mins he looked like a one year old kid and sooo gorgeous! and in my dream i was thinking that is he really beautiful or just bcz of im his mym i see my kid beautiful?

i never thought about being pregnant or baby at all! and when i woke up it was dawn time!
can someone help me what does it mean? bcz i never see dreams and when i see they are too real!
Cry_shaw_07 2017-05-24 12:39:56
So i am a mom of two a boy 10 amd a daughter of seven after i haf my daughter i was fixed so i cant have any more kids but last night i had the best dream i was pregnant with twins one boy one girl bit they are identical then if fastforwarded to went the were about month old i was happy they are perfect husbands happy and so are my older to kids. What does this mean

Melanie 2017-05-23 09:47:18
I have 4 girls. 2 singletons and a set of twins. I also lost a set before my identical girls. Recently I have a reoccurring dream. I am fixed...and in my dreams I am having a 3rd set of two s, and see the knives they open me with and I am unafraid. I am excited to see my babies. I do not know the genders, but my inlaws have my older two girls. (My in laws HATE me), but they were there with my bags. I remember after waking up to nurse my twin daughters and falling back to sleep I called my new set the "lottery" twins. A nurse looks at me funny and I explain to her; "When you have more than one set of multiples, multiple families say 'you won a lottery!'"
Steff 2017-03-04 10:30:51
I have twin boys and I have had a recurring dream 3 times now that the same twin has died? I get sick at my stomach when I think of the dreams. Why is this happening? Why the same twin boy in the dream? Dreams do not usually bother me, but these ones are paralyzing me, I feel sick about it, but you can't believe the relief when I wake up and realize it was only a dream
Brittany 2017-08-23 17:28:59
Message from Steff
I have twin boys and I have had a recurring dream 3 times now that the same twin has died? I get sick at my stomach when I think of the dreams. Why is this happening? Why the same twin boy in the dream? Dreams do not usually bother me, but these ones are paralyzing me, I feel sick about it, but you can't believe the relief when I wake up and realize it was only a dream

I'm not pregnant but had a twin dream last night gender of twins wasn't prevalent in the dream but one was failure to thrive and I believe it passed or was going to pass because just before I woke it it finally latched but I don't believe it had the energy to suckle or had already passed. Very odd dream as I just had a baby in June who is healthy and thriving but did loose a child to SIDS at 5 weeks old 12 years ago. Hummm dreams are weird

Vanessa 2017-01-26 07:07:04
I am 16 weeks pregnant, and I dreamed last night that I was in the hospital giving birth to twins! When the nurses in my dreams handed the baby's to me, it was a boy and a girl. I don't know what this may mean but definitely feel wierd. I had my ultrasound at 13 weeks and said I was just having one baby. I don't know, i need to know what this means ASAP!!!
Mikki 2017-01-18 19:47:50
My husband had a dream that I had had twin boys but not identical. He was playing with them. Three days later I had severe abdominal pain and went to the hospital. I was informed that I had an ectopic pregnancy and my fallopian tube had ruptured. We didn't know I was pregnant it was a complete surprise. This happened two days ago.
Gene 2017-07-31 06:21:16
I dont think it means something mabe you are overwelmed of the idea of being pregnant. Xx,
Shavonda Mitchell 2016-12-30 23:44:14
Hey, so last night I dreamed I had twins but I didn't even know I was pregnant until I gave birth but only three things were wrong with this dream my babies came to early and we're still born and we're half developed and even though there faces were fully formed there hands weren't it was a boy and girl. And it's crazy cause I'm not pregnant but I plan on being in the future and I have been looking at people I went to school with be pregnant and idk what this means. So I called my grandma and told her so she told me its somebody else pregnant and got more sad then I was and I started feeling weird which makes me feel like I am and idk what to do
Jackie 2016-11-13 07:30:37
I had a dream I was giving birth to twins a boy and a girl but turns out it was a still birth. What could that's mean ?
Ashla 2016-11-05 23:52:40
I dreamt I was at home with my grandparents and my aunt and her son. They came over because my cousin bought me a kitten. After a while my water broke and we couldn't call or get to a hospital. So I paced around in pain and they gave me tea to drink to kill the pain and stop me from dilating. After about 6 hours I gave birth to a son whom I named Jeremiah and then to a daughter, Avril. I then called my boyfriend and told him and he rushed from work..... I then dreamt that all of I was a dream and I was sitting by a river telling my friends the dream
ize 2016-11-05 04:37:07
I dreamt all of a sudden i started having pain and soon after gave birth to twins and didnt even know i was pregnant. one died from birth one was alive and for some reason my mom and i didnt want any thing to do with any of them. and i tried to bury both of them. the one that was alive kept crying from she very shallow place i buried her. Then i realized people will find out a baby is crying and pick her up so i decided to retrieve the baby and let her live and care for her/it. This dream is so intense for me. That same night i had just met a lady on the street that mentioned she was 4 and 1/2 months pregnant before i went to bed. Im guessing if it had any contribution to tis dream
chioma 2016-07-26 23:45:49
i was pregnant in a dream and i gave birth to a baby girl and the baby girl was delivered a baby boy which i assisted in the delivery (am not pregnant but am planning on it)
yari 2016-07-22 08:30:45
hello I dream that I had twins girls and I named them Isabella swan and the other one bella swan and I am not pregnant what it means they both where very healthy and cute girls twins.
Cha 2016-07-18 06:44:41
I dreamt i was pregnant and went to do the ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby, the doctor said i was having twins, both girls! All of the dream wasn't clear except for the last bit where I was extremely happy they were girls, I kept shouting "2 girls! 2 girls" over and over till I woke up
T 2016-06-16 10:08:35
I had a dream that I was having twins boys. But don't know if it will come true. My family members ask me how months was I and I said 3. They said it look like you 5 you having twins. I said don't jinx me it might come true. My blood test results haven't came yet
Susie 2017-07-23 05:52:36
So was the dream correct?? What are you having??

jess 2016-05-25 07:55:14
Hi I had a dream about having twins a boy and a girl in the dream some how one of the baby girl goes in my mom's dream and tells her that only one babies will survive and that it would be her and once in the hospital the doctor said because they were born premature and only had one incubator to put the baby the other had to pass away in the dream the babies boy can communicate answer tell me and my husband he just needsaid to be kept warm so we takeep him home can some one tell me what this means I am confused
Wykila 2016-05-10 06:04:11
Im pregnant I haven't had my ultrasound yet. I been growing fast I'm now 20 weeks . I been having dreams about twins lately and all my dreams I had a boy and girl they were twins .. This last dream was crazy they were big babies they looked like they were 3 lol but idk I'll find out on the 23rd ..
kim 2016-06-20 07:00:00
Message from Wykila
Im pregnant I haven't had my ultrasound yet. I been growing fast I'm now 20 weeks . I been having dreams about twins lately and all my dreams I had a boy and girl they were twins .. This last dream was crazy they were big babies they looked like they were 3 lol but idk I'll find out on the 23rd ..

Sooo, are you having twins or? Lol keep us updated
England 2016-06-19 15:52:38
Im 19 yrs old and last night I had a dream that I had twins I didn't just conceive them it looked they were about two but I knew they were my babies in the dream me and my boyfriend each had one of them one was a girl and one a boy and im not even pregnant I want kids no doubt about it but what does this mean
Lauratroche 2016-03-14 17:55:18
I am a mother of 5kids and I am pregnant with a boy and I hade this strange dream that I gave birth to twins can any body tell me what this means
Shasha 2016-01-18 01:31:44
3rd night in a row I've dreamed about me having twins... I've always said that I don't want kids but now I keep having the thought of wanting a baby. ugh.. I don't like these dreams. and also there's 8 sets of twins within my family. is this a sign? omg
Chiann 2016-01-10 16:01:40
I had a dream last night about giving birth to twin girls. i recently had sex but i am doubtful that i'm pregnant. Plus my family has 4 sets of twins in it! so i'm very worried about what is going on with me!
Tyler 2015-10-24 08:28:27
I had a dream last night that I was going into labor with twin girls and I was only a couple centimeters dilated. I'm not pregnant at all, I have my period monthly and haven't had sex in a couple months. This scared me, I don't want to be a parent no time soon! What's going on with me??

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