Dream Dictionary Hands

Dream Dictionary Hands


Hands represent the ultimate form of human communication, and they also do so as a dream symbol. Imagine how often we use our hands in the middle of speeches just to add emphasis. For people that do not possess the powers of hearing or speech, the hands are often the medium through which they choose to communicate first and foremost. It is not hard to see, using this information, why a dream dictionary would be the first place you go when you have a dream about hands. The meaning of dream can vary widely because of how versatile hands are as a symbol, so it is up to you to decide exactly which of these dream meanings applies to you most.

According to popular theory, the left hand symbolizes feminine attributes while the right symbolizes the masculine, so if you find yourself using mostly your right hand in the dream, it could be an assertion of masculinity. The opposite is true if you mostly use your left hand in dreams. In accordance with this, the left hand symbolizes the passive qualities and receptiveness, while the right hand is a symbol of the more active qualities you have as a person.

If you dream that the hands in front of you are disembodies, or that your own hands are disembodied, then this may be a sign that you feel you are not getting yourself across well enough. This could be from fear to express your true opinions, or it could be from an inability that you see in yourself to be able to express your feelings on an issue correctly.

To dream about holding or touching hands with someone is usually indicative of romantic feelings toward that person, or love in general, however, dream interpretations suggest that it depends on how you are holding hands. For example, holding hands loosely and affectionately symbolizes love, but the dream interpretation of holding hands tightly might mean that you are scared of losing the person, or that you feel like they might drift away from you if you do not hold on tight to them.

If you dream that your hands are much larger than usual, this implies success, however if you dream that your hands are hairier than normal, this could mean that you are a coarse person. Hairy hands in dreams denote that you have handled social conflicts poorly recently and may need to take some time to re-evaluate the way that you've handled arguments.

If you are dreaming about washing your hands vigorously, it could mean that you feel that there is an issue that you are trying to work through, that you are trying to attain purity and relief from this issue. However, if you are washing away blood on your hands, this symbolizes guilt. If your hands are itchy in your dreams, this is indicative of money issues. There are many things that hands symbolize in dreams, but only you know your problems, and what the specific issues that you are really dealing with are.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Hands

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Elizabeth 2021-11-07 14:22:23
I’ve had a dream last night that I was playing against my crush in tennis except with a volly ball net and then after I lost I went to return 3 small balls to him as an excuse to touch his hands and I got to quickly and I just remember them to be dry
winta 2017-11-27 05:17:05
I have a little bit of feelings for my Ex's brother and i dreamt about me and him holding hands very tightly. What is this supposed to mean.-add me on ig, pmkn_jwx and sc, cuve_jwx
Lori 2016-12-03 21:27:32
I dreamed my best friend had her right hand amputated. I felt upset. After I woke up the next morning her grandmother had fallen in the night and had a compound break so badly that they thought her foot had been severed off. So these items correlate? What does my dream mean?
Phyllis 2016-08-26 13:38:07
I dreamed I had a baby, I'm in my 50's, the baby has two right hand and was otherwise beautiful and perfect. I was being told that the baby has some genetic abnormality. They have it a name but I don't remember the name. I'm my dream, I was thinking if never heard of the disorder, and I was doubting the doctors education. What does that mean?
Tine 2016-07-13 23:43:35
I dreamed about my ex boyfriend for two night already. He was reaching his hands for me that he wanted me to hold it. Can you help me with this?
CSMBER 2016-07-10 06:37:17
Last night I had this dream where hands were somewhat involved. Many people were applauding strangely in time, but I kept noticing this one man at the edge of the group who kept clapping out of time. There was more stuff involved, but this one event keeps sticking in my memory.
Gifts for all ages 2016-05-10 16:54:31
I saw a young man sitting beside me on my bed stroking my hand softly while watching me sleep . what does it mean
Julie 2016-05-04 20:33:06
I had a dream a small dark skinned pretty lady touched my left forearm. When I turned to see who touched me. Which I could feel long fingernails. She smiled and her left had that had touched me had 6 or 7 fingers. It shocked me.. I looked at her face smiled and turned back to who I was talking to.. ? I've never seen someone with that many fingers!! Weird dream
LYN09 2016-03-20 16:58:14
I dream of looking both of my dorsum (back of the hands) having disease, it looks like chicken pox, and I feel uneasy and troubled.. what does it means?
ra S. 2015-08-07 16:02:05
I had a dream as a very young child in which a woman's severed, bloody hands were hitting me. Then a serpentine female voice (whom I have decided now was benevolent) said something I can't remember, and the hands combusted. After that, I remember the voice soothing me, then I woke up.
Van2 2015-06-19 13:01:23
I dreamed that I was beside my crush, then I touched his pinkie finger, then, he just hild my hand, and I never refused.. what does it mean? Does my crush has also a crush on me?
End. 2015-05-22 08:40:26
I had a dream touching some girls montly blood. And i touched it with my right hand. I immediately wake up and washed my hand

vanessa 2014-03-06 07:01:00
I had a dream that my right hand had a tattoo of a hand with long fingernails while my right hand was tattooed an eye atthe bottom (sort of at my wrist) then this beautiful tree and then a forrest.. I was going around showing people.. I also had my nails painted to match and some were really heavy
Anonymous 2013-12-31 06:35:47
Wha if you touched hands loosely. Because you gave you crush a high five and your hands were still touching afterwards? I understand that holding or touching hands means romantic feelings. I'm not sure if we both kept our hands touching longer or not. But I do know my crush looked at me afterwards with an amused expression on his face and he seemed really happy...
Charlie 2013-12-16 21:22:59
I dreamt I was getting a heart tattooed on the palm of my right hand.. The woman giving it said I had to make the first few lines myself.. I felt actual physical pain (the most pAinful tattoo I have ever gotten)and couldn't believe it when I woke up and it wasn't there.. It felt soo real.
kyle 2013-11-14 04:04:40
What about a beckoning hand made out of writhing maggots?
Tina 2013-11-05 00:22:18
I dreamt of giving out a my left hand to my ex-boyfriend, and he touched my hand with his right hand, and we let go.
Meh 2013-04-12 11:28:39
What if you just want to hold hands really badly but are afraid?
emzi 2013-04-09 12:01:15
I had a very vivid dream that i had these disembodied hand in a bag think it was the left hand with a ring on the finger i was trying to hide it in bins in a fridge but no where was good enough and I really had this panic feeling that nobody can see this hand and i had to get the other one a friend came then and was helping me find sonewhere to hide it! Can anyone help me with reading what this dream might mean?
Charlette 2012-11-17 16:40:31
I was holding hands with my crush, (He and I are stuck 'in the friend-zone' if you know what I mean.) He and I were sitting next to each other next to a campfire with my sister and a couple of my friends and his. (Don't really even know why we were all there together either) Somebody suggested that we all lay back and look at the stars. So we all laid down where we were and was looking at the stars. We were really close because it was so crowded so my shoulder was touching his. He laid his hand down next to me as if he wanted to hold my hand. At first I didn't know what he wanted so I just laid there next to him but then he moved his hand up to mine and I took it. We were holding hands loosely like couples sometimes do when they are taking walks or in movies where they swing their hands together while holding hands. And then it was just us... I do not really know where everybody went other than Matt (my crush). So we were still holding hands and we appeared at a house. I don't remember the rest but could you please tell me what this means??? I am so confused by this.

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