Dream Dictionary Kittens

Dream Dictionary Kittens


Kittens are usually seen as a universal metaphor for cuteness, and the dream symbol of kittens is no different at all. If you are having dreams about kittens, then chances are you have done something exceptionally cute lately. Perhaps the meaning of dream about kittens is simply to remind you of how much fun you had getting your nails done the other day, or how entertaining it was to play with your young son or daughter one afternoon. The entry on kittens in a dream dictionary will usually be very short because of how simple they are as a metaphor.

Another possibility for dream interpretations regarding kittens is that they represent innocence. This also goes back to activities such as playing with your child, or revisiting old childhood memories in some cases. Kittens are widely known for being innocent creatures. Seen as adorable and angelic to most, even if a kitten has done something wrong, it is hard to find them guilty of a malicious act when they have no real knowledge that what they've done is wrong since they are animals, and baby animals at that. This is just one dream interpretation of kittens though.

Another dream meaning that kittens might have is more directly applicable to responsibility. Besides being cute, adorable, and innocent, kittens also take a lot of responsibility to care for. If you have a dream in which you are buying a kitten, or own a kitten, this may be because you are taking steps in waking life towards increasing your responsibilities.

Perhaps you are dreaming about cats simply because you want a cat, and think that it is time that you owned one. Other dream meaning assert however, that the kitten can simply be a universal dream symbol for responsibility. You may be seeing cats in your dreams if you are a babysitter, or perhaps even a soccer coach. Cats manage somehow to represent responsibility on all levels. Even if something as obscure as a promotion at work has recently occurred to you, you might be seeing kittens in your dreams.

If you are having dreams where you are being careful with kittens, or petting kittens lightly, this might be a sign that you should be more cautious with your decisions in your waking life. It is also a sign of how decisions you make and actions you take affect others. If you are having too many dreams about kittens, this might be because you feel too responsible for others, and are having trouble deciding what you need to do in order to keep everyone you know safe. This might be a sign that you should step back from whatever authoritative post that you've assumed and take some time to yourself. Simply allow yourself some time to make decisions that affect only you, and do not try to interfere too much in the affairs of others. If you make sure to stay within your own personal bubble for long enough, it is likely that you will stop having so many kitten related dreams.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Kittens

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Joan 2023-04-09 07:02:11
In ny dream, i was carrying a black, brown, white dog. While walking i heard kittens. When i looked, there were 3 to 4 newly born kittens whose eyes were not even opened . The one that stood out was a light colored kitten. They were crying while trying to suckle milk from their stiff dead mother. Can anyone intetpret? Am i going to die soon?
walt 2019-01-17 04:51:34
most of my dreams are in unfamiliar places around one family person and its aways at night trying to find my way home..i rarely have dreams when its daylight.and at times im lost but not panicing..and sometimes with people who I love that have died
Cateater 2019-01-14 20:44:12
I ate a cat in my dream, is that catfood
Kaitlyn 2017-10-29 10:49:18
In my dream I was walking towards the desert near my house and I found this abandoned kitten that I rescued and took home. I introduced the kittens to my 3 dogs and they all had a calm reaction. The kitten was white with light brown on some parts of it's body and was really cute and fluffy with grey eyes. I convinced my mom to let me keep it and she bought me a little box and scooper and when I saw the kitten use it I was so happy and have him a treat. While the kitten and I played I was thinking of what to name him through the rest of the dream. He sprayed in my room and it made me sad but I still liked him so I didn't get mad at him.
Lisa 2017-09-06 07:56:36
I had a dream about many kittens, last night... lots of litters of kittens all hiding around a house in night places I picked one kitten that I liked and decided to keep it, I have been thinking about getting a cat lately I don't know why I had this dream but that could have something to do with it. it was a Happy Feeling though, a feeling of awe, amazement and wonder about seeing so many kittens all at once and having my choice of which one to pick.
Pazil 2016-11-18 17:32:36
I resently had a dream i was in this mall and my mom and brother had gone off to get some food after a while i goned them i wonder off and see them again im another store, the store wasnt a pet store but it had a play pin filled with kittens in it. I was exsited to see them and immediately went to pet them, they were all calm exsept one that was jumping around every were, on walls and all it was out of controll i catch it but stab it with my finger by mistake but it was ok, nothing was wrong with it and it just stared bouncing around ever where again.
Treya 2016-10-13 02:49:24
I had a dream that i was doing whatever it took to get this little grey kitten away from me. I locked it behind 3 fences and it still chased me. I block the doggy door with my feet and itstill got through. Any ideas?
Scott 2016-04-18 23:20:01
I had a long very Vivid dream of a tiny yellow kitten sleeping on my chest the whole night it was very sweet and calm and since I very seldom remember my dreams I wanted to Analyze This
Ashley 2016-04-14 12:54:38
I had a dream that i couldnt fine my cat Moonshine, so when i open my door i thought this kitten was him so i let him in. Next thing i know it i saw another kitten expect this one had long hair. Resemble my original cat so i let him in.Then Some how i found a cute black kitten and let him in as well. My Bf was in the living room in my dream and said we also have an orange kitten. what are we going to do with all these kittens? Then out of no where my Cat appears with a multi color kitten next to him. All i remember was doing was getting my dry and wet cat food out and i started to feed everyone. then woke up
trish 2016-01-13 18:57:11
I dreamed of 3 identical ginger kittens playing and one black and white kitten just watching them???
Casandra 2015-11-07 02:57:23
I Keep having this dream over and over just in different ways. I keep dreaming that I'm home alone and there's this little black kitten trying to come in my house and play with me or stay in my house for comfort in general never harm. The first time I dreamt about this, the black kitten was already in my house and I shooed and scared it away out my door. But my dreams of the black kitten would continue Exept this time I would be in my house alone hearing scratches at my door and it would be the same black kitten trying to come in but, I keep yelling at it and I even grabbed it's paw under the door tightly and it started to squeal but, still wanted to come in regardless and then I woke up because i was too scared to continue even though the black kitten didn't want to hurt me. What does this mean?
Deva 2016-12-13 23:29:45
It's your wild side, intuition. I hope you allowed the black kitten.
satari 2016-03-30 06:44:35
Hi Casandra, I have had a repeating dream similar to this many years ago. I now understand i was always making decisions relying on logic and reason and always shunned any instinct or feeling i had that wanted to lead me in another direction. In other words my intuition, i when through a devastating experience were my whole life fell apart every choice id made with logic and reason fell apart and nothing happened as i had envisioned it to. I then realised that if id listened to my intuition and balanced my decisions on both intuition and informed reasoning then i would have lived a different life. when i allowed my intuition to become apart of my life the dreams stopped and my life changed and i am experiencing everything id dreamed of many years ago. I am not sure if you listen to your intuition but for me this is what my dream was telling me. the kitten represented my intuition and me shutting out of the house and sending it away represented me shutting out my own inner guide. Hope this helps in someway towards your own interpretation of your dream. Best wishes on your journey of discovery
Amelia 2015-09-04 00:51:05
I was just wondering if you had some insight into a dream I had last night about a kitten. I came across one kitten in a backroom and it was dead. There was an adult cat in the room, but not attending it, so I removed the part of my top over my heart and held it up to my chest for one on one contact. It slowly came back to life, so much so that I ended up being able to return it to the adult cat.
Amelia 🙂

Joshua 2015-08-17 23:26:29
I had a dream a little different then others, i can upon 4 kittens and there was one that followed me so i ended up keeping it then days later"in the dream" i ended up pushing it away then i realized i loved the kitten so i ran around looking for it but i never found it. It certainly killed my mood the whole day.
Casey 2015-07-28 09:13:35
I had a dream about walking into a caravan type laundry type bathroom and i was saw a ginger kitten either playing, trying to get away or stalking out this snake that looked like a sand viper - when the snake saw me it went into the laundry basket... i wasnt afraid of the snake more startled by it i rememeber thinking thats strange for a snake like that to have a rattle on the end as if it was warning me ... which i didnt take notice of as it didnt intimidate me in the least.... I was calling the kitten trying to warn it not to go any where near the pile of clothes this snake went into.... thats when i moved onto another part of a dream...

My husband had a women befriend him a year ago and they had a brief friendship before I found out about it - more of a flitatious friendship.... I have red hair... anyway my husband dosnt contact this women - but i think and feel she is trying her level best to get his attention - but through social media she always has some sort of suggestive coment to make... not sure if my dream is telling me anything
nadz 2015-05-08 13:37:32
i had a dream last night that i rescued a kitten that had been bitten by a male cat(male cat had been in a fight and was badly injured), it was still small its eyes hadnt open i nursed it, i then went on to find 3 other kittens that looked very sickly ,they were bigger than the 1st one. i put all of them in a basket and nursed them to health. i let them out to play and a fat black male cat tried to kill them i went lookn for them and realized one had died ... sum how i could sense what they where thinking and could communicate with them ??? what does this mean
Kevin 2015-02-17 02:03:01
I had a dream that I found a bunch of kittens, like 6 or 7 and I was worried something would happen to them so I took them home and when I posted out on the internet that I found them this person (I don't know if it was a man or woman) told me that they were theirs and asked me to take care of the others for a few days so now I have 20 kittens, so my mom and I went to take them back to the person and for some reason she put them in this like duffle bag but when we went to give them back all of them suffocated but there was one and I had pulled the last one out and it looked at me with such hope and, like "thank you so much for saving me and giving me breathing again, I love you so so so much!" with its big kitten eyes and I felt like I had a soul attachment to this kitten, then the dream went to him and I sitting on the floor in my room and i was feeding it a bottle of warm milk, then i put it down and it started playing with my shoelaces. I really hope that this means something good
Jo 2015-05-03 13:54:19
had a dream that I had few kittens as a gift by a someone i don't know but i couldn't find them, and i was searching them in my dream. what does that mean?
kay 2015-04-09 16:35:56
The kittnes could represent avenues, opportunites or expressions of independence and maybe even the responsibilty that comes with that independence. Have you recently been taking on the responsibilties of others around you? in the way you took on the extra kittens of the stranger? Maybe because you feel those responsibilties are being neglected, like the kittens had been neglected? Your mom coming and taking the kittens back to the owner in a duffle bag because you had 20 at your house sounds like taking on too many response-abilities (opportunities for independence), and so an authority figure tried to lighten the burden, but perhaps dealt with the responsibilities/opportunities in a way you found harmful/unsatisfactory. But you were able to save one kitten, which you had the time and means to focus on/care for properly. This last kitten sounds like your own independence, which you are nuturing.
Just some thoughtsbthat occured when I read your dream, hope it helps 🙂
nutty-dee 2015-02-07 15:54:14
I dreamed of a bunch of kittens huddled together and the old woman who owned them was moving house and said I could pick from a certain few as some of them carried her surname the others were going to die except the one I picked then I woke up....no idea how to make sense of that. Anyone?
Helen 2015-01-09 17:03:26
I have a recurrent dream of adult cats & kittens; either lost in an abandoned building and I try to catch them to provide safety and or either I find that I have too many in my home and I let them all out of my house and watch them travel into the woods. There is sometimes a bobcat that comes out of my house and travels alone into the woods with the domestic cats & kittens. I fear the "my" cats will leave with the other cats & kittens and then I will go searching in the woods and find a cat & kittens and bring them home. They are always fluffy beautiful and caricature-like when I hold them.
lily 2015-01-05 04:39:59
I keep having these bad dreams bout kittens surrounding me.
sylviester 2014-12-18 13:00:41
I dreamed that our black male cat was dead & around him were 6-7 black dead kittens, what does it mean please
zack 2014-11-16 23:42:12
In a dream, I woke up to a sound of a cuet kitten. But when i tried to chase it away it stuck its little sharp teeth onto the fingers of my hand and started to drain/suck the blood out of me until I clenched my fist so hard to squeeze I its mouth in my hand was when it let go and I woke up right after. I can still feel the pain wwhile I'm writing this
Heather 2014-10-12 04:32:18
I dreamt that I had a tiny kitten that I kept in my nose. I pulled it out to show it to someone and it wasnt breathing, so I gave it CPR and brought it back to life.
Cynthia 2014-09-20 22:37:18
I had a dream last night that i went outside ob my patio by the pool and i saw a black kitten sitting by the open patio door, then i looked at the pool and saw my two cats looking frantically into the pool. I saw a kitten like in the pool under the water, i jumped in and found it incredibly hard to move, which was so scary and frustrating since i had to hurry and save the kitten. I grabbed the kitten and put it outside the in-ground pool, and it spit out water and was immediately okay. I then did the same for about 4 more kittens !!
Just random kittens !! I've had a dream about kittens by my patio door before so if's odd. Also it's my biggest fear to find anything dead in my pool, especially one of my cats.
Mellisa 2014-08-17 20:50:29
I have dreams all the time of kittens...last night was a dream of choosing a kitten...there were two black, orange and calico...I chose the two black ones.. They were asleep all curled up cover with a lid and the other ones were awake...once I started petting them there was a person looking at me through a window and I got scared and woke up...any ideas?

Sue 2014-08-02 21:35:23
I keep have bad dreams about kitten. There are around my feet, sticking there claws into me, then they are under my skin and start to work their way out of me. I even have dreams so bad, that they are going or coming from my v*g*na. This has been going on for about 3 months with a totL of 7/8.
Heather 2014-07-24 11:30:05
I had a dream that I had 3 dead kittens under my bed and their mum or dad cat was trying to save them? I've had a bit of stress in my life recently and wondered if this could symbolise something? Thank you
JoAnna 2013-06-19 14:46:55
Thank you for the extended interpretation, it helped me a lot. 🙂 I have too many kittens that aren't mine!

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