Dream interpretation Murder and Killing

Dream interpretation Murder and Killing


When you read about something distressing in the news, or someone makes you angry, it may well go through your mind that you would like to commit murder. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that dream murders and killing reflect deep and powerful emotions and issues. While these dreams may be disturbing, you may also find that they can be some of the most valuable keys for tapping into areas of your internal landscape that you may not have had much success accessing before.

General Dream Meaning: Murder and Killing

No matter whether you dream of murdering someone or being killed, the person dying may represent some aspect of yourself. If you know the person in question, you may also be symbolically killing a trait that you have in common. In some cases, a dream of killing or being murdered can also indicate some kind of closure or ending. Unfortunately, in most cases, you may be conflicted about that ending, or feel angry towards those who are causing it to happen.

How Dream Symbol Murder and Killing May Fit in Your Life

It can be said that the most graphic dreams are your mind's way of doing everything possible to get your attention. While you may believe that you are always open to your own thoughts and feelings, this dream is a clear indicator that you need to start listening to your internal signals. At the very least, if someone that you know is involved in the dream, paying attention to your stress elves, tone of voice, and other factors during interactions can help you decipher what is going on. From there, you may find it much easier to make changes in the relationship, as well as how you view it.

A Sample Dream, Murder Dream Interpretation

Consider a situation where you dream of a friend that is also associated with your romantic partner. In the dream, it may be a cloudy day, and you are not feeling very happy to begin with. As the dream progresses, you get into your car and begin driving across a parking lot. You see your friend, and suddenly become overwhelmed by rage. Even though you don't know why, the name of your romantic partner flashes across your mind. Once you are close enough to your friend, you suddenly slam on the gas and run them over. Once you get out of the car and find out they are dead, you seem to feel much better.

In this dream, the cloudy day is indicative that problems will occur in a relationship. Since the person being killed is someone that your significant other associates with, you may want to interpret this dream as one about your love life. Even though a parking lot is a place of rest, in this dream it suddenly becomes the location where a violent crime is committed. In that respect, you may want to interpret it as symbolizing your romantic relationship.

From here, you can interpret the dream in one of two ways. First, you can acknowledge that there may be feelings between your significant other and your friend. Killing that person in the dream may be your mind's way of establishing your territory, as well as cementing the idea that your relationship is sound. On the other hand, killing the other person may mean that you secretly suspect there is an illicit relationship going on, and you are feeling jealous and afraid. Either way, the calmness that you feel at the end of the dream indicates that you have combated the distress within yourself.

Artistic depiction of Dream interpretation Murder and Killing Dream interpretation Murder and Killing

Comments: Dream interpretation Murder and Killing

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Jai 2022-12-28 19:12:48
I had a dream and it was just me, someone I didn't like, some friends and celebrities I like and we were all talking, but then there was this guy and he chased us all with a shovel. I ran away with 11 other people. 3 people were hit with a shovel and died. We made it to a shed with stairs, but when the guy walked in, he had a crossbow. He announced in a muffled, distorted voice, that the first 5 people to escape would live. 2 people ran out the door before getting shot. There was a window and I smashed it and let my crush out before she got shot. I tried to get out but I was close to getting hit. I then realised somebody else had escaped. 1 more person could escape. The door was open and he started walking towards us. I ran out the door and slammed it behind me before I was hit by the arrow. Ass all 5 of us ran away, I heard screams and gunshots. They were all dead inside of the shed. We all went to hide from him, but it was a fairly obvious place to hide, so I ran. But I turned around to make up my mind. Just as I walk towards rhe other 4, I saw the man and ran somewhere else. The sky went a dark, navy blue, as I was running. Once I found a hiding place, the same distorted voice said we yould have 1 minute to hide, and another 30 seconds to run and hide somewhere else before we were killed. It would go on for 5 minutes until the last minute, where a bright door would lead us to where we started. But we couldn't get caught or else we would be killed by the shotgun in his hand, the one he used to kill the others. He had a big torch he used to search for us. He found somebody and was walking closer quickly, but before he shot him, the torch turned off. He had 30 seconds to hide somewhere else. The torch turned on 30 seconds later and pointed the murderer it at the dead bush the other guy was at. He wasn't there. He had lived. A few minutes later, the weird, bright portal thing open up, telling us we had 1 minute left to make it. The firat person to run through was my crush. Then it was her bestfriend.The guy who almost died made it 3rd. Then one of my classmates I didn't like very much made it, but was shot into the portal. I was last. Then there was a 10 second countdown. I ran there quickly and jumped in at 2 seconds left, before the bullet hit me. We were back at the start and it was normal. Though the people that died weren't there,and it was just us 5 survivors, unharmed. Then one of my bestfriend's came up to us and said 'Hey! I've been looking for you all! Where were you?' She started to smile ear to ear, while saying, 'What were you doing?' And it went black and ended there. It felt so real and s are and I can not be in a dark room alone without being scared I'm going to die. And I can't go to sleep without being petrified of the dream reoccurring.
Quarterita 2021-11-21 06:28:22
I dreamt of my siblings being angry and jealous putting the blame on me. And the only way to stop it was a bad potion called happily ever after. I wouldn't take it, when me and my oldest sister went outside we spilt up cause I was worried about my cell phone having another copy. When I turned around and looked at my sister she was dressed in black with a cloak over her. I ran over to her she was consumed by the evil spell then is was trying to take my life force but i was giving it to her and the next thing I saw in my dream. I was murdered with a knife in my heart. And the dream ended.
Charc 2021-09-12 17:23:42
I just woke up in a very bad dreams, saw my mon killing my younger siblings and im the one who even found it. In my dream i was helping my young brother cous his homeless and he cant go home cous mother will surely kill him, and when i went on him and where he hide i saw a feet i dont know whos feet is it but when i pulled it it was my second young brother, dead. And i know it was my mom and our other neighbour's saw it and called a police. At first mom protest and said, we could just buried that thing without calling the police but then the police came and interview me and mom wont let the police check the dead body of my second young bro so i pushed her and said, bitch ur the one who killed him and there she laugh and pulled a knife from her back and tried to stab me and my father and the police were stopping her and that wherr my dreams ended. I hate this feeling... i always dream abt my family being killed or me being killed by the other member's of fam. Its It's frustrating
Anna K 2021-07-28 01:49:18
I saw dream of killing my sister for money and property but in real life I am a single child to my parents
Diyana 2021-07-18 01:53:40
I saw my brother was killing my dad and then I killed my brother
ariel rae 2021-06-26 11:36:26
all week i’ve been having bad dreams about my family, last night i went to see my older brother and we had some drinks and played games w/ his and my significant other. when i went to sleep last night i had a dream that my older brother and i were in a garage beating my little brother who is only 3 to death. my little brother has always meant the most to me so i don’t understand this. i don’t see any of my family except my older brother because we live so far apart. i hated this.
Pamela 2021-04-14 13:42:55
I had a dream where my sister killed her child and then killed my husband and tried to kill me and my children. Wtf does this shit mean tf
Vanesa 2021-04-03 03:54:52
Me and my ex BFF (was a boy) were in a dream where there were ppl looking to kill us, I ended our friendship yesterday but it still hurts my soul so much. What does it mean?
Julia 2021-03-31 08:17:14
I had a dream that one of my neighbors broke in to my house and killed my whole family. I somehow escaped out of a bedroom window and managed to make my way to another neighbors house which then let me in and kept me hidden.
Anonymous 2021-03-19 03:51:23
I had a dream where i killed my stepsister (she is 15). I was very angry about my program that I created (not working, spending all day on the project). I study IT. My stepsister jokingly sat in my chair and said that she will close the windows, because she wanted to play games.I got really angry, like (I felt angry and hopeless that everything is just falling apart at that moment). Then I went to the kitchen started rambling to my grandparents how my stepsister would destroy my work. Then I said that's it and conveniently an axe was near by. I grabbed it then sat down next to my stepsister and said: "Don't You Dare Turn It Off". She looked at me seriously and then after 3-5sec. She just pressed the x button and closed the project without saving (without the possibility to ever getting it back). Then I pushed her to the wall and swung my axe and missed. The second time, the axe went in like 1.5-2 inches inside her skull (there was no blood) and her expression did not change, but what changed where here eyes. Her eyes went from almost glossy to pale and looking in to the distance. She was dead right there on the spot. While all that was happening my mother was in the same room witnessing all of it. Then I said see that is what happens, when you try to get on my nerves I can't take it anymore. My mother said, did you really just kill her just like that. Than I put my stepsister on the floor still eyes looking in the distance, a big gush in her skull and went to the kitchen to put the axe down. Then I woke up I guess with fear. Like it was extremely vivid. One of my most vivid dreams that I could remember. I could also like explain and tell what kind of texture the axe was. It was weird and scary to say the least.
maddi 2021-03-18 07:11:14
i woke up drenched in sweat this morning bc i have this reoccurring dream that im at a water park with my friend eva and my step dad and in the dream my step dad is trying to find us and murder us but today it changed. this time, it was after eva got out of the hospital from something my step dad did and she's trying not to almost get killed again. but she did... by my crush, otto. in the end of the dream, otto kills eva and my step dad then then someone dumps their blood and Legos all over him and he sits in the bottom of a bathtub and rubs the blood in and it scared me so so bad
anonymous 2021-03-17 13:56:55
I just had a dream that was first involved with zombies, ( a normal Walking Dead based dream) so I was running because I was getting chased by one of this zombies so I grab a screwdriver and start trying to stab him. But all of a sudden that zombie turns into my two day 8 year old brother. So I started crying because I had to kill him. Why? I have no idea. So my Mom and I are saying our goodbyes without scarying him and saying we love him so very much. So I take the screwdriver and start pushing it on his head he yells in pain. So I stop and say I'm sorry and that I love him. So does my Mom. So next I put the tool into the dent I just made and stab as hard as I can to get it over with. But it goes all the way through, but it does kill him. It goes right through his head not touching his brain. He is in shock not screaming just talking like normal. Next we open his head up some how and we start moving pieces of his brain to just get the right nerve to well kill him. So finally I say my last love you and stab him in the head and he screams for dear life, my Mom crying at his side. But what was worse of all was that right before he really dies he screams I hate you (name) why would you hurt me I hate you. And that was the last thing I heard in my dream before I woke up screaming with tears running down my face.

Nunya 2020-11-15 16:52:02
I had a dream my brother in law (30) started strangling my 19 year old brother for no reason
Pete 2020-10-13 21:35:18
I just dreamt of my sister killing one of my classmates. We are in a caravan. My classmate calls a doctor saying she has minor pains somewhere. At the same time I scream on the phone whilst calling her that the doctors shouldnt leave her alone. When I show up, she is not there and I realise she is dead. I get this Moment of clarity where I realise who killed her and how Im certainly going to die, then she kills me and I wake up. Besides the moment of clarity, my sister really enjoying the act of murder and me not knowing how and why really got to me. IRL my sister is lovely and we dont have problems.
Still scared shitless though atm
Who Knows 2020-07-14 10:09:28
I’m on a two week hiking trip with my sister and her daughter, and twice now I’ve dreamt that my sister killed someone and that I got framed for it. In the first dream I was in a blm protest and this big man was pointing his gun at my head for protecting these two black girls, and then my sister choked the man to death with a piece of string. In the second dream I had last night, we lived in this tiny town and my sister killed a man, out of nowhere. The man fell on top of me so my white T-shirt was full of blood and there were police everywhere in the town. Both dreams my sister got away and I got in trouble. Any ideas on what this means??
Pseudonymous 2020-05-11 08:34:15
In my dream, my little brother wouldn't be quiet--he was constantly yelling and screaming, as he does in real life--(he's 3 btw) so my younger sister (13) grabbed a gun and looked at my mom. She nodded her head and my sister shot him in his ear. I simply just watched it all happen. He lived though, simply crying because of ear pain. My mom had grabbed a pair of scissors, which I thought she was tryna use to stab him, but she cut his shirt up and a piece of his hair. She had then raised it high above his chest and that's when I woke up in terror. My ear hurts and a small section of my head, right where my ear is. They were the only ones in my dream and I have 4 other siblings. It was so vivid like this was actually happening in real life that it honestly scared me. I don't know what this dream means exactly.

You can add me on snap @ theyluvantoniya.
Goat car 2019-12-07 13:10:52
Two nights ago I had a dream that I took off the capsules for my wireless earbuds because you have to change them, and a lot of blood and watery puss spilled out? Last night I had a dream that was with a group of ladies and we started killing people for no reason! We were also at our local waterpark and it had a bridge separating it from California, even though we live across the country! I NEED help answering these questions. I also had a dream about my moms current boyfriend, and that he was abusive, even though he is plenty hospitable.
sandra 2019-10-28 23:44:52
i had a dream that i was in a building arguing with my older sister because she wasn't letting me fight her boyfriend as i was going to walk out to get my younger brother who was outside arguing with our youngest sister he was walking in and at the same time i was shot from behind from my older sister my brother was shot by our younger sister causing my brother and i to fall dead cross like my head to his feet and his feet to my head what could mean
Sozin 2019-03-04 05:58:49
What dose it mean if you see you brother in dream i saw i killd my brother in my dream
chiaracontefl 2019-01-20 08:40:37
just woke up from the most vivid dream ..i just dreamt that i was arguing with my best friend .. i punched her twice then i reached for a hammer and started hitting her in the head with it.. when i stopped and she was on the ground she just looked at me and smiled a little .. it doesn't stop there.. i then start making my way out of her apartment and i saw that i was leaving prints everywhere and was wondering if i should clean them or anything .. everything was so vivid and clear i thought it was real... the dream eneded when i saw police lights outside where i live .. i woke up short of breath and terrified.. felt so real .. the worst part was how she looked at me and smilled and also the feeling of warm blood all over my hands
I’d rather not say 2018-09-12 08:04:59
I had a nightmare or night terror or whatever you call it. I have had several but 3 of them in general stand out more than any others. One of of them I have been having since I was a kid I’m 16 now but it’s been reoccurring randomly. It always starts off with me and my mom going outside to do something late at night and then she walks off (still in seeing distance) and starts doing something and then WOLVES show up and sometimes they corner my mom too but most of the time they corner me and start attacking me and then I guess I died or something because then I just wake up from my sleep. Another one is also about me and my mom. I keep having a reoccurring nightmare or night terror about watching my mom get in car accidents and dying later on in a hospital. And lastly this one scars me the most because it’s very graphic and gruesome it’s about me and my best friend who go to college together. It starts off with us getting dressed to go somewhere. It then escalated to me pulling into a driveway in a neighborhood with a for sale sign on the property. So then me and my best friend go aaround back to look at the garage when all of a sudden I get dizzy and my vision goes crazy and I barely see my best friend and I being dragged down the driveway to the back of a vehicle and being thrown in hitting my head where I then black out and I regain consciousness and we are inside a dark room and I see my best friend tied up a cross the room crying and Then this guy comes into the room with a mask on. And he pulls out a bunch of knifes and sharp objects and makes eye contact with me and starts slowly cutting chunks of my friends skin off. He keeps doing this until she stops moving (weakness from blood loss) and my best friend looks at me and says I love you and he starts cutting her again and then he starts sawing limbs off limb by limb each time making eye contact and then starts walking towards me and it goes black and I wake up. I don’t know what any of these dreams mean I love my mother. My best friend and I have been best friends since 4th grade and we are juniors in highschool now and we have NEVER gotten into a fight. We have silly little goofy arguments but nothing more. The wolves dream makes me really paranoid for the rest of the day once I have woken from it to the point my friends literally think I’m on something. But lately I have been having these dreams reoccurring pretty often and it’s starting to get more and more realistic feeling and looking and more graphic. Please help me.
CJ Field Beeman 2019-05-01 19:51:48
That's scary, if you're still having those dreams we can message and talk about it, message me on Facebook. My name on there is the one for this post
Neli 2018-07-23 09:00:30
My boyfriend had had two dreams in the last two weeks of me being hurt or killed. The first one i actually heard him in his sleep calling out my name and then when he woke up he kept asking if i was okay cus someone in the dream was trying to hurt me. Then a few minutes ago he woke up from another nightmare and told me that there was blood everywhere, that i was bleeding everywhere. It’s terrifying me and it’s 4am and i just keep googling meanings for this. I think I’ve found some answers that i don’t want to accept.
Heavensmom 2018-07-01 21:49:20
I had a dream just now. I was walking going home and so afraid to walk becauseof the people sorrounds me. Then when i got home, i saw my brother is being killed by someone that I know(not close to me) and myhusband is killing the person thats killing my brother. What does this mean?
Help 2018-05-04 05:15:52
My best friend always dreams of killing it’s something constant should I be worried ? His a guy & I am a girl, if it makes any diferance

confused 2018-02-25 18:22:23
I had a dream last night in which I was hanging out with friends and we knew that two guys would come and try to kill us. When they arrived, I threw one of them out of the window, looked down and saw that he was lying dead in a bloody pool. When I noticed how easy it was, i did the same to the other intruder. I remember all of the people in the room being really shocked by the happening, including myself. Eventually they came back to life and I was away, running for the consequences. I am very confused by this dream, as it was cold-blooded and scary. Could anyone please help me interpret it? I did not know any of the guys, but there was some sense that they knew something they were not supposed to know.
Shea 2017-12-12 04:54:17
I went to bed with my bf and had a dream that was very vivid and scary. I dreamed I was trying to smother him with a pillow, I have no idea why. And it was like I was watching the dream almost like there were two of me, and one was watching from outside of my body or something. And I wasn't upset or angry at him. And in my dream it didn't phase me at all. I had no feeling towards it.
Holly 2017-11-18 15:01:58
I dreamt my husband and I took our two daughters to a Christmas party at a friend's house. They were wearing these little red dresses that we actually have. After being there for a little while I started looking for my youngest who was about 3 years old at the time just to check on her. I saw her being dragged downstairs and into a room by someone dressed as Santa Claus. The door was locked when I tried to open it and I could hear her screaming and crying as he was murdering her. It was horrible. I could hear her dying and couldn't get to her. I was pounding on the soor, screaming and trying to break it down. I woke up in tears. Ive not taken them to see Santa since. This dream was about 9 years ago. I still cry when I think about it. This is one of many dreams I've had where one of my kids either gets hurt or dies, but this was the worst by far. Usually it's getting into an accident or something. Also of my 6 kids she is the one I see hurt or killed most often. I put her in karate when she was 6 and now
9 years after this dream she's 12 and a black belt in 3 forms of karate.
Dakota 2017-10-26 04:25:47
I keep having dreams about killing my self and other people and i wake up happy. In my dreams i’m just overjoyed to kill someone i guess? and whenever i die, i’m ok with it and i just come back somehow to kill myself again. idk what this means. also, not sure if it’s related, but i keep waking up in the bathroom, having drawn a pentagram on the mirror in my own blood. just tryna understand.
i'm not okay... 2017-10-14 14:00:18
ok so in my dream, there was a group of saad looking kids in like a small gated area and one was given a cross bow and he had to shoot one of the other kids and he shot this little black girl in the group, and she was crying and 2 arrows in he shoulder already, she was crying more as the 3rd on came, and then she was out of the cage, her ribs were a;; visible, and out of nowhere knifes were thrown at her, like kitchen knives, then butcher knives, all hitting her, until her body was not even recognizable, she didn't fall until she was no longer recognizable, and then there was a cgi air conditioner looking creature floating around to people and he said something about how we'll be seeing his face on a clock every time, and then his face got close to a screen which turned out to be a tv screen I think? and I was freaking out, saying "why?! why would you do that to a child??" (I was also wondering why was this was happening to one of the only 2 black kids in the group) and a girl next to me paused the tv and I flipped off the tv with the cgi looking creature's face, and she wasn't bothered at all by what we saw, while I was still totally freaking out, and we decided to go to bed, I was still trying, and failing miserably, to calm down. then I woke up, and cried for like 10 minutes before coming on here. I feel like I need mental help, why would I dream such a thing? I'm not okay with this... the image of the little girl's dead body is still in my head, why, just WHY? is there an actual meaning to any this shit? am I mentally disturbed? is this awful ass dream saying I need a damn therapist? I feel so dumb asking that...
Alyssa 2017-08-04 13:50:36
I had a dream that I was murdered once by my 'bf' (I dont have a bf in real life) and this girl told me to go with him and then kill him. I just decided to escape and I fell in love with my parallel self (weird). My parallel self was dating a purple haired girl but broke up with her on good terms. Me, parallel self, and the girl decided to steal some magical transfprming bowl thing but in the middle of it we were stopped by 'heros' and there were also dogs that were helping us. I ended up getting arrested but I didnt go to jail and I just kept asking prisoners questions.

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