Dream holding hands

Dream meaning of holding hands


These dreams are the representative of hidden fears in your mind about the loss of the special one. You might be concerned to contact him/her urgently in order to keep them in your life. These dreams are quite simple and have a pure dictum that is to unite with known or strange (those who attract you) people.

Holding hands or other interactions with hands represents feelings for a particular person and the expectant reaction from the other side. It is a strong reflection of your inner feelings about a person with whom you want to develop friendship with. Many people ignore dreams like this but all the dream symbols should be noticed properly to get the accurate suggestions and meaning. Follow this dream dictionary interpretation to know in detail the meaning of holding hand dreams.

Analysis of different versions of holding hand dreams

In general holding hand dream suggests the desire to become a special friend of a known or unknown person. If you dream of holding hand with a stranger of opposite sex represents that you are feeling alone and yearn to be involved in two way relationship. To see holding hands with a known person signifies that you are searching for a trustworthy fellow to confide your fears and secrets. If you see a complete stranger may be from same sex signifies that you are feeling a connection with that person and want to build strong friendship. To see holding hands with your true friend of wake life represents that you are having fear of drifting away from the person and hence want to clutch this friendship forever. These dreams are mainly the reflections of your minds loneliness and hence he is seeking emotional intimacy with anyone present nearby.

Position of dreams of holding hands in real life

To dream about holding hands is of special kind and gives a reflection of your inner sense and situation. If you get these dreams too often then you should understand the need of sharing a strong bond with someone is cultivating inside the mind. If this aggravates can result into frustration and depressions hence it is necessary to take steps in time. Seek someone around you and start conversations from your side. You may or may not get a positive response but you have to keep trying. You will surely find someone to confide your thoughts and share that special relationship you were striving for.

A particular holding hand dream with its analysis

Consider a dream where you are attending a program in some sort of theater where you have come up with some known people. You sit beside a person and enjoying the show but then you understand that the person is holding your hand and you are also comfortable with it. Your known people are staring at you but you are not ready to leave the hand. This dream signifies that you are alone in the group of people and striving for romantic relationship in your life. Despite of observing a total stranger the total significance of this dream is you want to move out of the environment and want to enjoy the special feeling. These emotions are strong but give yourself some time to sort things out properly.

Artistic depiction of Dream meaning of holding hands Dream meaning of holding hands

Comments: Dream meaning of holding hands

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Jk 2022-04-11 22:29:11
In my dream my ex took me for surprise which was jumping in the river. He held my hand and we jumped in this clear blue river. And walked out holding hands after 2 dips. And took longer route to reach the car. While Walking towards the car we saw poor nude kids playing, mother was cooking and yelling at kids. There was dog sleeping next to the fence. We reached the road and sat on pebbled side walk to rest a bit. I find stone which looks like bird and showed to the ex he said no it doesn’t look like bird then I showed him again properly,then he said it does look like bird. Then I noticed there are few more stone kept on side which look like some figures.
Kate 2021-12-08 15:17:43
I met this guy online but we've never met once. And so this happened to my dream. I dream about this guy holding each other's hand and we we're like smiling and giggling to each other while walking on the road. I literally felt that this dream has a meaning. That just all I remember when I wake up.
Sneha 2021-10-05 13:49:09
Holding hands with a stranger
Zaria chambers 2021-05-28 07:39:49
Me and my crush were in school and he held my hand and then after that he talked to me a lot more often in my dream.
Aman Kumar Bhagat 2020-06-26 08:10:55
I had a dream of a friend of mine holding my hand while I was asleep in my dream. That feeling was awesome both in the dream and real life.
Sadie 2020-03-29 01:27:07
in the dream I had last night, I was holding hands with the guy who was supposedly my boyfriend (he isn't actually my boyfriend in real life.) the rest of the dream isn't relevant, but when I woke up and I went to write down my dream, my hand had the sensation that it was being held or just got done holding someone's hand. It was warm and kinda tingly. was that just a product of a super vivid dream or does that actually mean something? If anyone has any idea please share it with me, it's been in my head all day.
Anti Social Bookworm 2020-03-18 12:22:59
Okay, so in my dream, I was in the classroom. My desk (in real life and in the dream) was beside my crush. He put his hand out inviting me to take it. I was feeling really shocked, and confused, but I took his hand anyway, then I woke up, wishing i could stay asleep, so I could be there forever, or just make it real. It's not as long as some people's, or complicated, but it felt important. Though I doubt that will actually ever happen. 😭
Ilovesloths 2019-10-24 10:47:17
I had a dream yesterday. In my dream, I was walking and holding hands with my crush. There were a few people behind us but i don’t know who they were. Besides us was a road and forest(🤔 and ocean(🤔 and it was very quiet like i felt i was enjoying my time. It never happened before, well even if it did, there was no face or sign of who wS the person (random person) :v and plus i haven’t got dreams for months. Is it just a “dream” or a sign?
Kerrylyn 2019-07-01 18:42:29
I had dreamt that I was with some friends and my crush. My crush was sitting on a chair next to me while I sat on the floor, but there was a gap between us. I got up and moved behind the gap and sat next to a bed. I put my hand on the bed, and he held my hand, moving them onto my lap. I was so happy and blushing in the dream, but then I woke up. What does this mean?
The mistary of love 2019-06-08 23:46:34
I dreamt that I was with my cousin and her boyfriend we where at a house I think it was his house . Me my cousin and her boyfriend where sitting on the couch. No one was talking or anything and before I knew it I was holding his hand not in a friendship way but in a relationship way. I remember that I was sitting on his lap holding his hand. But when I saw my cousin next to us I guess I remembered that they where dating so I got off his lap but never stopped holding his hand. After that I woke up and tried to text him but he left my text on read. And that when I started to wonder if my dream meant something. I kept asking my self why did he leave me on read. I still haven't found out yet. But it's briving me crazy I always told him that he was like a brother to me and nothing else. He was always there for me when I need him wether if it was drama at school of a lost of a pet or family member. But now that I think of it I'm wondering if I never thought of him as a brother and that I was just telling my self that. There was this one day when I saw him and my cousin cuddling on the couch and once I saw. That I started crying and I couldn't stop crying. Now that I have but it together I'm starting to think I have feelings for him but just telling my self that I don't . Now I don't know what to do idk if I should stay in contact with him I don't wanna ruin my cousins relationship. I feel like that would just be selfish of me to do that.
Edgar Rodriguez 2019-05-31 04:11:20
Last night I dreamed about holding hands with my crush. It was really short by the way. We were both slumped on a bed or a couch and she was reading a book and I don’t remember what it was about all I know was that it was a picture book. She read it to herself while I was just looking at the book when she asked me, “Can you hold the book for me?” I didn’t say anything while I reached out my hand to hold it. I went to grab the book the same spot she was holding it, me expecting her to let it go so I can get it, but she didn’t let go. I still went to hold the book and I just put my hand over hers. She then put her fingers over mine so I put my thumb over hers (we were still holding the book). We weren’t holding hands the classic way just like a different way. Right when we held hands, the song, “Meant to be” by Bebe Rexha played from either the background or in my mind, but only the chorus. The song went on and we held hands an she said something, though I can’t remember what, all I know was that it was positive. And after that, I cant remember anything else. I know there is another meaning than my affection towards her. I just feel like she has interest in me too. Someone please help me.
Kay 2019-04-21 00:28:14
I had a dream where me and my friend (i still dont know how to feel about him because its confusing me) were at school. He normally gets mad and just blows up or shuts the world out. I dont remember why, but me and him were talking to some people and then he got mad. Before this year, my only interactions with him would be asking if he was okay. Until we became friends in the last month. Anyways, after he got mad, i remember grabbing his sleeve (trying to comfort him) and then him giving me a weird look. I let go and started to walk away, however he then grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking away. We then looked at eachother and then i woke up. I'm trying to understand what this means because I've been having similar dreams to this and its been confusing me. Anyone got helpful suggesting answers?

I’m not sure... 2019-03-19 21:15:18
Ok... so I have a current crush and he sits by me in my class. And I keep having different dreams about him... I had a dream where I was sitting in my classroom and we were working on some paper and then we bumped hands at the edge of the desks (for some reason he was left handed in the dream when irl he is right handed) so then we just froze and then stared at our hands then looked each other in the eyes.... then we took each other’s hands and then I woke up... -.- but just last night I had a dream where we were like in this theater-like place (it was some kind of school trip I think🤔 and I was walking to the isle I was sitting at, and he was sitting right next to me and his friend was sitting on the other side of him. So I had to get up and go get something and he asked if he could come with me and I said yes. So on the way back to our seats he took my hand and blushed but smiled at him feeling a feeling from within wanting to hold his hand forever. Then when we got back to our seats we let’s each other’s hands go for a second to sit down then we held each other’s hands again and it was the best thing ever. Then I woke up. Plz tell me what this means. (He took my hand first in both dreams but in the second dream after we sat down I took his hand)
I woke up sad :(... 2019-01-23 07:05:20
In this dream, a girl (someone that is not in my waking life) was walking to the right side of me, about a step or two behind me--i look towards her and reach out to her with my hand in a way of implying I wanted to hold her hand. She didn't do it. Her face and arms gestures were like upset, or closed to my care and warmth towards her. I turned to look ahead where I was walking, and quickly back to her, and she was gone! Like vanished gone! I went around (in this busy shopping mall) looking for her, and never found her--i was so sad; it was like walking alone in a sea of masses: a very lost, confused, and hurt feelings all at once like. Then I awoke from the dream, but the deep feelings lingered, so I started a Google search to find out what it all means. I'm very much alone; so it was all even more stark/poignant to add that to my being single with nobody to even discuss this with.
Chris 2019-03-02 20:06:47
I had a dream similar to this, today before i woke up, i had a dream that i was walking next to my crush making her laugh and, we both reach out and hold hands while still walking. At this point i wasnt even aware i was holding her hand, but after like 10-15 sec we both let go and say "sorry" And after that i woke up. I dont know if this means something.
True Love MaybeNot 2019-02-02 16:52:01
I know how you I had a dream that my class were going to the library and suddenly I held his hand he acted shy and he liked it so I The way back ( we were just holding like this) I decided to actually hold his hand and I did but then I woke up I felt happy because the day before he asked me to be his valentine and I don’t know if I should take it to the next level because we use on date but I got scared and broke up with him. He wants to start something should I go along?
rcos2theta 2019-01-04 10:20:47
I had a dream of my crush holding my hand and rubbing my hand with his thumb as if we were a couple. Felt so real. We were sitting down talking to some man im not sure who it was... I haven’t seen my crush in a while, seeing him in my dream felt so real, like it actually happened. Sigh.
Holly 2018-12-15 09:52:22
Well I had this dream that my friend and my crushes friend and I were in a shopping centre and they somehow knew I liked my crush so they told him and he kept looking over at me so I ran up to him and spoke to him a bit then we walked out of the centre and suddenly we were on a hill walking with a group of people including my spanish teacher? Then I ran down to him as he was walking further ahead than us and I put my arm around him while still walking. I remember thinking everyone must be watching us but I didn’t care, then he looked at me and took my arm off his shoulder and instead put his hand in mine. Then the dream ended. When I woke up I felt an overwhelm of emotions of love, sadness and anger. I know it will never happen because he rarely talks to me and can be nasty at times to people so we wouldn’t fit- but I could change him? I don’t know I just feel sad now. What does the hands mean?
2018-11-23 21:31:26
I dreamt that a friend of mine came back in town and I was walking with my sister and her boyfriend and another friend of mine was walking with us and the guy that came back in town (my friend) he walked past me and we we're holding hands for a couple of seconds and then he let go and walked away and it felt real. If anyone knows what this mean please let me know.
Halie 2018-11-11 21:59:37
I dreamt that my enemy woke me up during a zombie apocalypse. We ran from the zombies and stopped in Walmart. We were looking at something while looking he grabbed my hand, and I didn't jerk it away. After that, we went back to my house. When we got there zombies were everywhere, until a character in the book I'm writing, Julie, came running toward us. She gave us both machetes, and then I woke up.
Norah 2018-11-01 12:29:55
I dreamt about a strange guy ive never met before i cant see his face in the dream or maybe i forget it once i wake up,but this guy has a nice warm feeling like he loves me and wants to protect me really loves me this kind of feeling .i dreamt about him for three days including today the first day we were some how in old ages and there was a war some people soldires idont know were after me and this guy was holding my hand and running trying to protect me i think there was some blpod in my cloths my hand but i cant remember clearly we reached kind of a cottage and he wanted to leave me there and hide me from who ever after me and told me to stay therand i woke up,the next day the same thing but we were in present time he was also holding my hand trynig to save me too icant remember yesterday dream clearly,but todays dream was also in the present time i think there was other people my family maybe his family too i cant remember their faces but i think it was in our house i was doing something after i finshed he came held my hand and we were walking it was lovely romantic maybe we passed by a store and there were bags like school bags for kids and one of them was small pink bag i saw it then whispered in his ears to imagine if we had little girl and we bought this for her and he send her to school then we were suddnly walking in kind of a field with houses and trees green everywhere and i dont know who said it but we started running for fun in the feild and he was holding my hand running infront of me suddenly i saw like a big i dont know what to call it a hole in the ground and he was about to fall in it so i hurridly pulled him toward me to catch him and i did stop him when i looked it was full of mud dirty pools of water and small brown bushes but people were linning trying to get in but i noticed there is no way up once you are down he wanted to get down but i didnt allow him ,thats was it what does it mean does it even have any meaning to it can someone tell me does it have any meanning to it
GB 2018-09-29 20:42:32
In my dream, i was in my classroom since i got a schedule change so did my first love, also my ex. We’re not close anymore, he has a girlfriend now. I need to understand why in the dream we were at the same table sitting next to each other and holding hands intertwined, i loved the feeling in the dream, we never held hands in real life. When i woke up i kept thinking about it even though awake i miss the feeling of his hand in mine. Just yesterday is when we got our schedule change. I don’t get how my brain got it into my dream so quickly. I was completely over him. Now i think since i saw him im still in Love with him. I already know there is no chance with being with him. Does someone know what this means? Please i need to know.
Paoro 2018-09-11 13:29:40
I had this dream where i was sleeping on my bed, but there was a girl on my right side holding my hand, and at the same time she is embracing a male boy (most probably her son)... and then i woke up.. what could that mean?
A guy who dreamt of a thing 2018-07-12 22:12:21
I was sitting next to a wall with a group of friends including a girl who I am quite close to both in the dream and in our friendship. I put my hand to the side of me because I felt tired and she entangled her fingers in mine and we both just smiled at each other... I don’t know what it meant so now I’m confused about what my feelings are of her
RR 2018-07-07 03:12:44
I dreamt of something strange. Actually, I haven't seen the face of that person. I'm walking with my friends and he was also doing the same. I am actually next to his friend (a girl) then the girl walked ahead which made us (me and the stranger) held hands accidentally. I haven't seen his face though. I just remember his hand.
jamlessjimin 2018-06-28 19:36:08
I keep having this dream about me and my closest guy friend holding hands at an amusement park both of us have been to on a field trip. We were on a ride that I remember was supposed to have to more friends with me but, it was only him and me. Then, for some reason, he just took my hand and stared into my eyes. After that, I woke up and thought, ‘Huh, what a weird dream.’ I told my guy friend about the dream and he had also been having the same dream but, at a different place and time. I find this really creepy but, I don’t really know why this happens. If anyone knows, please reply.

eunicorn 2018-06-25 09:56:02
I have a weird dream and that dream was a long dream but I just remembered this part: I was sitting down with my group of best friends. It looks like we're eating and there's a guy sitting beside me with his gang. And that guy was my little sister's friend. It's a twin and they look alike so I don't know which one is the guy. While we were eating he suddenly hold my hands for no reason and the that's the end of my drea
I can't tell my name 2018-06-05 15:37:17
I had a dream my bf was leaning in front of me so I could touch his hand so I did and he just held it. Gen when I woke up I was mad because he wasn't really there.
Emily 2018-05-31 02:04:11
Well im not sure what this means but i had a dream i was in my current school with my currect crush during english class when we were talking and it got kind of serious and i just reached out and grabbed his hand and he held mine for minutes until we were separated
Percy 2018-05-23 07:19:38
Dreamed of a man I have not seen for more than three years. We were down the hill walking , he was trying to hold my hand but resisted it because there was one man walking towards us. I seemed to know this one man. As we walked uphill , he grabbed my hand and never let go of it. I told him, "this is not right because you are a married man". He said," we are not doing anything wrong". I realized he was right, since we were going uphill I needed a grip. As we walked slowly downhill again, we were alone and sipping some beer , I kept his hand holding mine and leaned my head on his shoulder. It felt so comfortable and we were smiling at each other. It felt so nice and romantic. When we reached the bottom of the hill, there was an almost dried up river bank. We ran and raced until the end of it. As we kept running he was ahead of me, he was laughing at the way I ran and he even imitate it. Slowly, his appearance changed and became my close friend who is a priest in my waking life whom I am not in contact with for more than three years because we both changed our numbers and I do not engage in social media anymore. In my dream , the atmosphere changed. It did not feel romantic. It felt friendly just like what I feel for a friend in normal life.
Lily 2018-05-15 16:55:24
I dreamt of a scenario where I was walking down the street to school when out of the blue my crush held my hand and we started to walk to school together - holding hands!! He did not let go despite his friends giving us a confused look. What does this mean??
Dreamer 2018-05-11 17:48:34
I had a fream where this guy (that I say hi to sometimes but there is no more since i have a crush on his friend not him..) eld my hand and had to go somewhere and I just followed him although we were late for work. I liked the feeling of him holding my hand so much that i just followed him arround where ever he took me. And then we were lost somewhere so i had to ask people for directions so that we got on the right way. Then I woke up. This is a weird dream cuse i've never actually looked up on him or anything.

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