Dream meaning Pig

Dream meaning Pig


According to Chinese astrology, pig represents love, affection and care which can be experienced in your real life after having dreams about pigs. These are also considered for implications of negative traits in personality of its dreamer such as greediness and egotism. The environment of the dreams concerning pigs also play important role in its interpretation.

Interpretation of pig related dreams is greatly deviated by cultural beliefs of various sides of world. The interpretation also differs on the post or type of work the dreamer is pursuing as the meaning of pig dreams to an officer suggests the greed and cheating with the occupation and position. The physical properties of pig observed in the dream also change its ultimate meaning.

General connotations of pig dreams

A pig presence in dreams is not exactly a negative symbol but indeed consist certain negative factors associated with them. To see a fat or obese pig in your dream may symbolize possible gains of property or finances in near future. It also implies to a positive gain of some inherited wealth or similar profits to the dreamer. Dreams of fat pigs are considered lucky for farmers as they can expect huge profits from the sale of their good in few months. To see a dirty pig suggests that you will be forcefully laid to a situation or condition where you have to face allegations from close people. This meaning is also implied to pigs eating in the mud. If you see a happy pig rolling in the earth then it definitely means that something important is going to happen which will make you cheer. To see a trapped pig or a pig humiliation signifies selfish attitude to reach the destination. To see a pig in distress suggests that you are having negative vibes around from your known people as they might hurt you. According to a superstition to have pig's dreams also means great loss in the business which can be anything from loss of deals, tender, catch of customers and so on.

Practical impact of pig's dreams

Pig dreams can bring wisdom in some forms or a sense of guilt in others. Generally these dreams are enough to teach a person his treacherous attitude towards getting the goals. If the dreams are on negative side one should understand that his approach towards desires is wrong and should understand that everything should be achieved by following ideal path. This is in regard with the selfish attitude manifested in the dreamer which can harm himself and the surrounding people.

Ordinary pig related dream with interpretation

Consider dream where you are representing a young women sauntering in courtyard of big house where pet animals are kept. You see a strange person entering your house and directly claiming to enter the pig's yard. He seems to annoy your pig and other pets and they start wailing and with this sound you are awake. This dream includes pain to the pigs and their wailing is the representation of sorrows in following days. As this dream represents young women and if the dreamer is women herself suggests that she will experience bad patch in her married life. It also signifies marriage to a greedy and selfish companion who is not suitable for anyone. After getting this dream you should become careful while choosing partner for your life.

Artistic depiction of Dream meaning Pig Dream meaning Pig

Comments: Dream meaning Pig

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Karl 2024-08-29 12:42:17
My dreams are very complex, I usually only remember the last few minutes. I will just cut to the end of the dream. There was an obese pig stuck in the trunk of a tree, next to the pig was a talking goat. It was implied that the goat was wise and all knowing. The goat spoke to me and told me I must get the pig unstuck from the trunk of the tree… the goat did tell me why, something positive would happen, but I can’t recall what it was. Then I woke up without getting the pig unstuck first. And I’m kinda upset about it. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean.
Seungmin 2020-11-14 04:41:14
An injured piglet(with a deep cut in its neck but not quite dead) was found in the trash bag and it came out and ran around inside my house. What does this mean?
Chelle 2019-12-19 01:34:33
I had a dream I was hiding inside a pig with other pigs being slaughtered and put into a truck.
Bean 2019-04-26 01:35:21
My dream was under the sea. I was looking at this sort of "boat" or maybe it was a submarine. There was a round opening, like a window, tgere i saw a pig killed like it was forked or stabbed from behind to the head, with this big metal thing, i saw the pig die. It was so disurbing. It was a young pig. Like in its teens. After that, in the same manner, big fishes were next in the other "round windows. Whales, sharks... it was so sad. It broke my heart!
Dora 2019-01-14 18:04:44
I dreamed the I found a lose baby pink pig with clothe on walking around my house. it was so CUTE!, I picked her up so I can return it to my neighbor. BUT an unknown man told me I have to stick my finger in the pig butt to make sure he isn't sick. I said OH No! they makes a thermometer for that. I think he said it dont work 🤔 He was very old school. BUT anyways All this was super weird because the PIG was a healthy baby...…. I dont get my dream 😄
Ke-kee 2018-12-23 13:44:36
I was a dream where I was in side a pig farm, but when I try to come out I followed the first exit but the pig's wanted to touch me with there mouth so I want back, I try the second exit the same thing happened so I went back again.. now I was standing at the middle of the pig farm and one of the big came trying to jump on me so I used my hands to hold it back but the pig wanted to like bit my hands so I suddenly wake up.. please explain this dream to me..
Hannah 2018-08-13 09:48:12
I was in a shed with 2 other guys, and they found a piglet so they started stepping on it. More people came to watch, and I tried to stop them but then they just tried to kill me. I called for someone to come and then I woke up
Mandy 2018-05-25 06:44:02
I saw a dream of dead pig and worms eating it’s flesh
kamakshi.m 2018-05-04 02:08:30
this is morning(5a.m) dream for me i saw varity of fruits in tree andi went to toilet with my friends when i went a white and skin colour of pig came and kick me 1 time v r run but pig followed me only i was shouted for help one house is there that man kill that pig
mercy 2018-03-24 02:07:04
i saw a wet pig hug by someone is not known to me
Excellency 2018-01-31 07:41:03
In my dream a man brunt a pig hair and was washing the pig body and the pig is still alive the pig later run from the guy I use one stick to weep the small pig and the pig run away
Natalie 2018-01-18 21:42:30
I had a dream about a happy baby piglet named pancakes...and everytime I would call his name, he would run to me from wherever he was and jump into my arms. He was so sweet and made me so happy and feel loved and comforted....there was no negative feeling to this dream

Anna 2018-01-16 21:26:24
I dream about a giant pig. A pig two times bigger than a truck. In my dreams, it keeps following me and I keep running away from it because Im scared to the pig, it is just because it is so so big. So I manage to run away until I suddenly heared the voice of my sister saying the pig died. I turned around and I saw the pig lying near my behin with my sister. I saw a car and a truck just a meter away.The trucked hit the pig but I seen that it just injuted its right leg but the pig is llike going to die. I saw its eyes and like its going to cry. Its likes he want to tell me something. Then I shouted to my sister that she should find the owner of the pig because it died while cyring.Then I suddenly wake up. IM not sure if the pig really died but I feel it really died.Pleas answer. THank you.
Ola 2017-10-28 08:58:24
I dreamt that a small pig was brought alive and tied in the restaurant where I work. Then a person who works with me broke the pig's legs. I didn't know he had done that but when I approached the pig I saw him crying with the tears running on his face. I felt the pig was suffering so much and I cried a lot too. Even when I realised it was a dream I continued crying. I begged to kill the poor pig to end up his suffering. So I woke up.
Rachel Leeba 2017-06-25 05:57:33
I dreamed of my mother putting small piglets in a green backet full of clean water ,they were covered by water but not drowning,what does thi mean
SM 2018-01-25 19:49:25
Did anyone answer your dream? I dreamed of seeing baby pigs underwater in my backyard pool.
Deependra Singh Chandel 2017-04-25 11:11:30
I saw lots of pigs jumping from a building and then again going into the same building.. And then again they were jumping.. Please give me the interpretation of my dream..
Blaze 2017-04-21 09:51:01
I dreamt i was passing thru an open air carpark of a posh place in msia. There was a pig giving birth to piglets in the middle of the road. 13 pigs made it. The 14th piglet died. The piglets were running around and some towards me. They were v v v v cute and i squat down to play w them while diverting traffic away from the mummy pig and babies. I remember the piglets hair felt soft n silky and they smelled like milk. It made me happy to see them and safe. All those i felt in my dream.
Ted Nobles 2017-04-13 15:53:54
I used to have a recurring dream about a pig with no eyes running around the house. It was very frightening, but I don't know why.
Elbert 2017-03-15 15:47:08
I also dreamed Pig eating and following the leaves while in the flowing water.. how weird also.. i want to know the real interpretation of it.. who knows or idea about it??
Allysa 2016-12-01 13:48:42
I dreamt about little bunnies who turned into pig and there was a man insisting that he owns the baby bunnies but I declined saying we will take care of pigs as we have a pig farm. A bunny growing to be a pig? Weird
I saw in a dream a wild monkeys visited home nd g 2016-10-25 21:40:58
I [s]saw in a dream a wild monkeys visited home nd grabbing all the things Wic they saw nd they took all with them. By the time they left there baby and gone, and later a group of pig entered home they saw baby pig . Among them one pig is protecting the baby pig, wats this dream means please suggest
Tami 2016-09-29 10:13:54
I dreamt that farmer showed me how to plant grape vine and told me to let pig walk or fix the mud. Then I saw few big fat pigs coming toward the vine. They were taller than me.then next I saw monsterous fat pig I ever seen in my life. Twice taller than elephant. Pig was big as 4 elephants together. They seem to protect grape vines.
Gabriel 2016-09-20 05:32:17
I was dreaming of me and others breaking out of a prison and we finally got out by fighting back (women , children and some men ) . Running thru fields of grass and trees I picked a new route and ran barefooted thru dense forest then came across a farm with pigs and the smell of fieces I can vividly smell . My feet were filthy and I was running very fast thru the farm to avoid being caught , jumping fences and seeing pigs everywhere . The guards we on horse and some on foot but I was determined not to get caught so I ended up in a town looking like mexico.. Had conversations with certain people while I walked the town in search of a safe house . Finally reached a mountain top and ran some more until I found a more civilized town with cars and shopping plazas , I rem street signs with lettering and building shapes from a place in Texas .. Kept running until I saw a bus stop and I met my current boss and we hopped in the bus ( somewhere in Jamaica) . They were stil chasing me and the bus stopped and the people inside took out cameras and microphones to record me and asked my questions and can't rem . Later on I was in a car with about 8 people including my ex . We reached a city in Cuba ( I'm Cuban) and went inside a house my dad had keys to . Then I woke up for work lol . What an amazing adventure . everything was so vivid .
Daniela 2016-09-18 15:09:45
The pigs in my dream were all by themselves... happy running around a swimming pool all left alone.... people around knew they would come play and go.... and so did I in my dreams..... no one would hurt them... they were just wild black pigs... what does it actually means

Sid 2016-09-16 11:47:01
I dreamed of drowing a lil piglet in a tub that was full of water and i was pushing it down till it drowned 🙁 what does that mean
Gloria 2016-09-11 05:18:29
I had a dream that 2 friends of mine had. Pigs one of my friends an older gentleman his pigs had babies and I went and got one for my boys a black and white one then my other friend was very upset because she had too many pigs and the state wanted her to get rid of them so I told her I would take one and I took a cute little pink and white one a baby as well then I went home to check on the status of my pigs and I had one very large pig and then then the 2 piglets and I also had dogs and I was very pleased with how they all looked very happy in their new homes. Does anyone know what this could possibly mean.
Manggai 2016-08-06 21:11:10
Hi sir...this is reality... while my husband driving a car, pig crossing the road suddenly... may I know what is the interpretation.. thnks
sameer 2016-08-06 01:08:31
i dreamt a lot of pigs and i am hitting them with a stone
James 2016-08-04 21:46:44
Hi I.. I really need help interpreting my dream I had, I had a dream where.. where I was fucked by a pig in a car voluntarily that I rented for a 1000 dollars the shafted by said person in prices all after the cops showed up & helped get the cling fucker off me help?
Faith 2016-08-04 07:20:44
You think your dreams were weird and unexplainable, try explaining this to me; I was in a relationship with a guy and he gives me this squishy pig (like the toy ones from the dollar store) and when I played with it tossed it around and stuff it changed its form. The toy pig could also fly and had some mild control over the elements. I should probably also mention that this turned in to lucid dream before I woke up (after the pig started flying.) So far I have found definitions for each individual thing but not all combined elements. Someone please try to explain this.

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