October 10 -17, 2011 weekly horoscope

October 10 -17, 2011 weekly horoscope

The full Moon in Aries, October 11th is a fiery energy, you now have the ability to harvest what you have sowed, this is happening literally in nature, but it's likely you have been growing situations in your field of dreams that are ready to manifest in reality. With Saturn, planet of what you've worked for, opposition this full moon you can bet you are working hard somehow, and if not, things will feel burdensome. When we cooperate with Saturn energy we learn and strengthen our souls, but when we attempt to shirk our responsibilities life gets heavy, fearful and sad. Step up to the plate and accept you have to work for what you want. This Aries full Moon should give you the courage and passion to make necessary changes. Saturn will supply the discipline. Discipline proceeds dominion.

Thank goodness for the Taurus energy as the Moon moves out of Aries. This stable energy will help you to ground all the edgy electric energy of the past few days. You should use this day to feed your senses. Take a hot bath with essential oil of geranium or lavender to truly relax. Roast some root veggies to bolster the body as we settle into Autumn. Listen to music, cuddle. Anything that feeds the five senses will help strengthen you for less relaxing times to come. Be sure to use this time well, don't push yourself to do anything but laze around and feel good.
On October thirteenth you may feel a definite shift in your thinking as Mercury moves into Scorpio. Mercury is the communicator and Scorpio enjoys the deeper levels of existence. It is likely that your thoughts may be darker than usual. Perhaps you start to ponder your own demise. Or suddenly you feel you have been betrayed. The less evolved Scorpio energy can be jealous and vengeful. But there are two sides to every energy and the evolved side of Scorpio is deeply transformative. This opportunity to get to the bottom of things is here until the beginning November use it well and dive into the stuff you often try to avoid- this is healing.

The pace will pick up for the weekend as the Moon moves into Gemini. Gemini energy loves information and being out and about. With Uranus in a harmonious relationship to this moon you might find yourself breaking convention, a shift in the way you feel makes you wonder what you're missing. Follow urges to make things new within reason. This feeling will pass and you will be stuck with the consequences. Mercury is also connecting with Pluto this weekend and you may find yourself discussing taboo subjects, or discovering secrets that need release; all this is leading to a liberation, though it may be uncomfortable, or invigorating, depending on your own personality. Face your fear and move forward. There is much mental activity that could lead to new creations- stay clear and follow through.

Comments: October 10 -17, 2011 weekly horoscope

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