This week in astrology: December 17-23, the end of the world 21.12.2012

This week in astrology: December 17-23, the end of the world 21.12.2012

The week of December 17-23, 2012 will be a very confusing week. Although the ancient Mayans calendar ends on the 21st this only means a turning of a page. It can be a change within your heart or within your situation. It never means total destruction. Even though the sun shifts into Capricorn at approximately 3:12 a.m. this is only the changing of the season and a movement into the Winter Solstice. It is a magical and important time, but do remember the end is only speculation.

Monday December 19th is a change in communication tactics. You may have an opportunity to communicate in a different way or expand what you already have. Reach a balance between the old ways and those new ways that have to be a part of your life. You may find that you are highly irritated if you don't get a desire for the truth from someone. You are asking questions that will bring about big changes. If you know the truth can you really be the same person or think of things in the same way?

Jupiter is in Gemini today and there is more and more information crowding your thoughts. You will need to know the exact instruction and the truth to help process all the information that is coming your way. You may want to think of love and joy plus creativity and peace. Choose where you want your thoughts to go. You need to make the use of your thinking time since you have a week of doing.

Wednesday is traditionally the day when you feel a loss of enthusiasm and just try and get over the slow day of the week. But this Wednesday you will feel a high burst of energy that will find you are working harder on work projects and looking for a deeper meaning to a relationship. Be very open to all thoughts that may seem a bit different and look for the original. Be spontaneous and happy. After all, Wednesday is just a day.

The Mayans stated that today Friday, the 21st of December is the last day of one cycle and the beginning of another. Many have indicated that the world is so confused and wicked that it must now end. This is not so; the Mayans were a spiritual people and believed in change and sacrifice. Their sacrifice was human, but today we can sacrifice ourselves in service. Changing may indicate that things are moving toward a new reality. We need to begin stabilizing our thinking, spirituality and our physical well-being.

Renew family relationships as well as friendships. Perhaps our changing is to look toward education and experience for those we love. Our children are very wise; they know that the simpler the better. This week is a time to be grateful for what we have. Thank the Universe and God for everything; especially for the Birth of the Savior to help save the world. If we want change look toward love, honesty and integrity and if we are looking for change to be violent, just read the paper and listen to the news to find your violent end. Know that there are so many lost souls that need to be found and helped. That is change; self-sacrifice, attitude and looking inside to a more spiritual core.

Comments: This week in astrology: December 17-23, the end of the world 21.12.2012

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Alise 2012-12-18 08:52:53
Though I could not sort who the author of this amazing description of this special time to be alive I had to share it anyway as so many of you will resonate:

Ascension 2012

?€?We are on the verge of a grand Awakening. For some of us it's been going on for a long time. For others, this massive influx of light will make it more palpable. We're tuning our frequency higher. Becoming more aware of the unseen and the true workings of 'reality'. Ascension is the process by which we are elevated in vibration a little at a time, until we're vibrating to the resonance of unconditional love. It's a gradual process, not a quantum leap. Perhaps not much will immediately change. It is more a matter of how we all feel as individuals and the changes within. As we elevate our vibration, fear-based patterns and beliefs fall away making room for more joy, peace, truth and self-expression.

The Ascension portals of 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 open us up to who we really are, our true selves. Our ascension is the key to return us to wholeness ~It's our Homecoming. A reunion with the Self.

We're going through a DNA upgrade. Basically this vibrational upgrade is for us to step into our soul's truth, fulfill our mission and understand our Divine Blueprint. This is not something to be feared, but to celebrate and get excited about. We chose to be here at this most auspicious time on planet Earth! We are here to learn to master the present moment, to rise above duality and see the interconnectedness of everything. Liberation and Freedom await! Look ahead with uncurbed enthusiasm. Your enthusiasm directly affects the strength of your intent, raising your frequency towards the spiritual dimensions.

You will be in the right place at the right time. You will always know what to do regardless of what is happening around you. This state of uncertainty is a part of rising consciousness and the massive changes that are happening on our planet. It forces us to have faith in Source and to acknowledge that we will be looked after and cared for no matter what. We are being prepared. We are graduating from the University of Duality, and embarking on the adventure we were destined to fulfill.

The illusion is approaching its moment of disintegration, and when it is gone it will not be missed. It has served a purpose for humanity, but that purpose was unreal - to experience separation from Source and from each other. Ascension is the opportunity to return to Oneness. To fall in love.... permanently.

Love is the key to everything and you will be God's expression of it as incarnate Beings. Become like a baby, both humble and open. It is in the state of childlike openness that we can be filled with the living light of Truth.

We are entering a world of pure potential with the opportunity to create a new paradigm. Since this movement has no history and no tradition, we are creating them now. We are, in essence, building a new consensus reality, a new mainstream consciousness that ultimately all people will adopt. As we do this, we are seeking ways of aligning the movement to the frequencies of the planet. This is a transformation we're going through with the Earth. Ground and connect with her core. Visualize health and healing for her and all living things.

The images you hold in your mind at this time are extremely important for progress. The vortex, the Source, is calling you home. Soften your resistance. Move yourself into allowing the magic to unfold, and Eternal Divine Love to envelope you in its blissful communion.

This is a pathway of transcendence ~ Transcending that which no longer serves us, connecting with our star families and getting anchored in the grid of Divine Love, while making Forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love our way of life.

It's a time of choice, a crossroads. Will we continue to live for and exalt the self, thus binding ourselves to the illusion of separation and duality? Or do we choose to move on to the new world and it's lessons by surrendering ourselves in service to divine will and awakening to our Oneness and equality with all?

A world is ending. A world of destructive greed and blinding materialism is dying so that the truth can be born. This is a new beginning ~ a new structure must be born in order to replace the broken systems of almost every infrastructure on the planet. 2013 will be fresh, allowing us to see who we are becoming rather than who we used to be, with our limited patterns and possibilities.

Whether or not this day holds inherent power......We are making it so with our collective consciousness. The universe is made of consciousness! It is a projection of our Mind. So lets make it glorious. Lets re-grow the garden and dance in it! Lets be in Love again ~ with all of us. There is only One of us.

Picture yourselves as beautiful flowers and allow the flood of light and love to open you and bless your every cell. You are loved beyond your wildest imagination.

It is said that clarity in the illusion is like swimming underwater in a muddy pool. Clarity of great intensity is about to envelope you.

We're reintegrating with the Divine

Welcome Home ?€?

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